#avr | Logs for 2012-01-03

[00:10:09] <doublebeta> inflex: Oh really? I didn't hear about that. I'm also from Australia. I'm lucky, I was dicking around with explosives on New Years', too...
[00:39:09] <inflex> another guy lost an eye
[00:40:32] <doublebeta> I'd be surprised if there weren't a few three finger petes, too
[00:40:43] <inflex> http://www.news.com.au/national/familys-plea-after-man-dies-of-fatal-fireworks-injuries/story-e6frfkvr-1226235227366
[00:41:14] <Casper> inflex: wouln't acetone also work?
[00:41:22] <inflex> what I don't get though is that... it's a firework... it's illegal to obtain (unless in the NT afaik), so why are they blaming the shop-seller....?
[00:41:38] <inflex> Casper: possibly... hate handling either of them :(
[00:42:35] <doublebeta> TBH, most cracker accidents happen because people arent' careful
[00:43:05] <vectory> or because the damn crackker is 10 years old and explodes in 2 seconds
[00:43:12] <doublebeta> inflex: They're illegal to do trade in, too. So anyone who plays a part in distribution is responsible
[00:43:21] <doublebeta> vectory: Nah, ancient crackers ftw!
[00:43:32] <vectory> never had one
[00:43:42] <vectory> just supposing here
[00:44:22] <doublebeta> ""The first one misfired and before they could even decide not to light any more up my nephew lit one up and just blew in his face."
[00:44:31] <doublebeta> Well then.
[00:44:43] <doublebeta> 'oh one misfired, let's go again real quick'
[00:45:29] <doublebeta> "Also Tess, Smoking can kill, drinking can kill, driving can kill, etc. etc, just because it CAN kill if used inappropriately doesn't mean it should be banned. "
[00:45:32] <doublebeta> damn right
[00:46:58] <vectory> because you would slowly have to ban everything, since an idiot can kill himself literally with anything. darwin ftw
[00:47:33] <vectory> well, except with rainbows
[00:47:43] <vectory> but you cant really ban rainbows
[00:48:19] <Casper> sure you can ban rainbows
[00:48:27] <Casper> sadly, try to enforce that ban
[00:48:42] <Casper> specially when you get a triple rainbow ! :D
[00:51:11] <inflex> Still, the US holds on to allowing guns... so at least that's always a good open option for death
[00:51:59] <inflex> Waiting for bows/arrows to be banned in AU soon, because a girl was killed over the holidays with a shot to the head
[00:52:40] <Valen> when they ban being fat it'll be an issue
[00:52:47] <doublebeta> Crossbows are banned
[00:52:50] <Valen> though us fatties are probably too lazy to do much about it
[00:52:50] <doublebeta> inflex: :O
[00:53:42] <doublebeta> inflex: Got a link for that? I looked briefly
[00:53:43] <inflex> you can thankfully still obtain reflex bow and use them without restriction
[00:54:00] <inflex> http://www.abc.net.au/news/2011-12-31/young-girl-dies-after-being-hit-by-arrow/3753474
[00:54:04] * doublebeta used to be an avid archer
[00:54:26] <doublebeta> That's sad :<.
[00:54:44] <doublebeta> Yeah, does not justify banning bows at all. Just don't be fucking stupid with them
[00:54:45] * inflex was thinking of obtaining a reflex bow before they close down that avenue - I want to be able to still hunt food if time ever comes to taht
[00:55:21] <doublebeta> Hunting with bows is nigh-on impossible
[00:55:29] <Valen> inflex: i didn't know that, even though i know people who have them lol
[00:55:40] <Valen> the aborigionals managed with spears i presume thats harder ;-P
[00:55:45] * inflex used to have a nice Russian .22 rifle... but had to give that up after the Port Arthur massacre
[00:56:05] <doublebeta> I mean for us unfit whites ;) (I'm actually indigenous)
[00:56:29] <inflex> doublebeta: I suppose it'd be easiest to just live on the coast and fish for food
[00:56:35] <doublebeta> Pretty much
[00:56:38] <inflex> but it wouldn't last for long with everyone fishing
[00:56:47] <doublebeta> EEEYUP!
[00:56:50] <Valen> 's ok most of em will die pretty fast
[00:56:54] <Valen> get some survival rations
[00:57:13] <doublebeta> I suppose hunting roos would be easier than hunting rabbit, which is what I tried
[00:57:15] <Valen> if you really want to survive become veggo
[00:57:15] <inflex> yeah, that's what I'm thinking
[00:57:17] <vectory> you aussies could eat all the bugs there, one bug feeding a family of four ^.^
[00:57:19] <doublebeta> Fucking rabbits are fast
[00:57:23] <inflex> yes, roo's would be easier, a few of them around here
[00:57:38] <inflex> to be fair, a lot of cattle out here too
[00:57:41] <doublebeta> When I was young I was dared to eat a huntsman spider...
[00:57:42] <vectory> and milk the kangaroos
[00:57:50] <doublebeta> I ate a leg
[00:57:58] <doublebeta> It wasn't exactly tasty
[00:57:59] <vectory> how big?
[00:58:02] <inflex> but cows are quite difficult to kill without a hefty weapon
[00:58:21] <doublebeta> The entire spider was probably as big as my palm, but i'm not sure if that was my young palm or my right-now palm :P
[00:58:49] <doublebeta> Not the biggest one I've ever seen, but big, I guess
[00:58:59] <Valen> my missus grew up on a cattle farm ;->
[00:59:13] <Valen> inflex: depends on how you do it
[00:59:21] <Valen> you only really need a rope and a knife
[00:59:30] <vectory> oh cmon
[00:59:58] <Valen> probably more humane to the cow than chasing it down with a spear lol
[01:00:09] <Valen> thats the advantage to having domesticated animals
[01:00:15] <Valen> walk into the field with a bucket
[01:00:27] <Valen> you will have cows lining up to follow you anywhere
[01:00:49] <Valen> put it into a headstall if you have one, then cut its throat
[01:01:02] <Valen> even halal approved if the knife is sharp
[01:01:03] <vectory> easy peasy, but messy tho
[01:01:03] <inflex> I think I'll stick to chickens
[01:01:08] <vectory> but i gues thats what it takes
[01:01:26] <Valen> its basically how its done now, except for the bolt gun to stun them first
[01:01:44] <Valen> well except in indonisa
[01:02:02] <Valen> where they trip the thing down a ramp onto a metal grid and attack it
[01:02:04] <Valen> not nice
[01:02:11] <inflex> You still see plenty of events in 'proper' abbotoirs with cows still being excessively alive as their hooves are cut off and strung up
[01:02:55] <Valen> the "theory" is they are sposed to be bolt gunned to stun them but leave their heart beating, then they get the throat cut
[01:03:16] <Valen> the heart then pumps the blood out making the whole draining process faster and also getting the halal tick
[01:03:19] <inflex> hence preferring chickens.... even a half-blunt axe or such will result in a quick death
[01:04:06] <inflex> (though a good Chinese cleaver or a small machete iswhat I'd prefer to an axe)
[01:04:12] <Valen> my missus once cut a (dead) cow up with a chainsaw
[01:04:21] <inflex> O-o that had to be a bit messy
[01:04:34] <Valen> the electric knife wouldn't reach the tree it was hanging from
[01:04:45] <Valen> it was funny watching her tell her workmates
[01:04:57] * inflex is still trying to 'perfect' the art of blade sharpening
[01:04:59] <Valen> they went a very pale colour
[01:05:13] <doublebeta> Chicken nerves... ick, that's the stuff of nightmares
[01:05:23] <Valen> its pretty simple when you realise all your trying to do is make a small angle
[01:05:36] <doublebeta> Valen: What the fuck? ...chainsaw...
[01:05:37] <Valen> most important thing is to keep a constant angle between blade and stone
[01:05:54] <inflex> Valen: yes, but there's still technique in it... and practice
[01:06:00] <Valen> doublebeta: when you have a cow draining from a tree and you need to get it into the freezer what are you going to use?
[01:06:26] <inflex> http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-01-03/man-trapped-in-potato-harvester/3757120 <=- wonder if they're going to call this guy "Chip" from now on
[01:06:37] <Valen> inflex: i spose I've always liked doing it so i've been doing it since i was like 10 or something
[01:07:31] <doublebeta> Valen: A fork? Steak tartare!
[01:07:50] <Valen> doublebeta: you can use a fork on 600kg of cow hanging from a tree
[01:07:53] <doublebeta> inflex: BWHAHAHAH
[01:08:00] <doublebeta> Valen: I was joking :)
[01:08:03] <Valen> i think the chainsaw is suitable
[01:08:12] <Valen> next time she will rember the face shield
[01:08:41] <Landon> Valen: right tool for the right job, pitchfork!
[01:08:52] <Valen> still wont actually cut
[01:09:38] <Valen> quicker than a knife ;-P
[01:09:59] <ziph> Did this conversation start with someone talking about eating their cat?
[01:09:59] <doublebeta> 'suspected broken legs'
[01:10:02] <doublebeta> You bet?
[01:10:21] <doublebeta> ziph: Actually, fireworks. Funny that.
[01:10:40] <Valen> probably the "hamburger" motife
[01:10:49] <ziph> Well, eating those would solve any iron deficiency you had.
[01:11:04] <Valen> she degreased it first
[01:11:16] <Valen> cow fat is a suprisingly good lubricant ;->
[01:11:35] <doublebeta> I'll keep that in mind
[01:11:53] <doublebeta> t(^_^t)
[01:16:02] <vectory> now it deoends on the context, luckily this is a tech related channel so ill assume you talk gear grease
[01:16:08] <vectory> :P
[01:16:18] <Valen> chainsaw grease
[01:16:36] <Valen> or you could call it "bar lube" if you wanted to be accurate but sound dirty
[01:17:32] <vectory> "Advanced formula penetrates ..." then i stopped reading, googled for bar lube >_>
[01:18:07] <vectory> "... chain links and bar to offer protection." everything went better than expected :)
[01:18:28] <Valen> vectory: if you came in late my missus used a chainsaw to butcher a cow when it was too far from power for the electric knife
[01:18:52] <vectory> i was busy writing this up
[01:18:53] <vectory> Advanced formula penetrates
[01:18:55] <vectory> sorry
[01:19:00] <vectory> can someone look at this asm code snippet please? http://paste.debian.net/150809/
[01:20:03] <vectory> didnt test, just asking if you can spot any problems with it
[01:24:55] <doublebeta> Ooh, I didn't know about paste.debian.. Cool!
[01:25:37] <doublebeta> So um, when does the narwhal bacon?
[01:26:09] <vectory> ugh?
[01:26:19] <vectory> how do you get to that question?
[01:28:24] <vectory> anyway writing asm is tedious, cause i need to comment everything or else i wont understand what i did in a matter of days
[01:32:00] <vectory> and inventing names for the labels, im horrible at that
[01:34:00] <vectory> i have a flash data section, that i want aligned to 256 *16 bits, does studio have a macro for that?
[01:37:30] <crazy_pete> i need to go to the store vectory but i will look in an hour :)
[01:38:13] <crazy_pete> i will say "GOOD COMMENTS VECTORY!" (you are 90% of a great programmer already just for that reason)
[02:04:22] <impulse32> i like how no one fights in this channel
[02:04:43] <inflex> oh, we do
[02:05:05] <impulse32> you should see ##illosophy
[02:05:11] <ziph> vectory: An ld script will do that.
[02:32:11] <crazy_pete> actually only you do, inflex :)
[02:32:19] <crazy_pete> i am back vectory :)
[03:08:14] <vectory> i was taking a bath !!1
[03:08:54] <vectory> for 1 hour :O
[03:10:33] <vectory> oh, ld as in the dynamic linker
[03:10:48] <vectory> tell me more about it, but not now
[03:10:55] <vectory> gotta run
[08:00:35] <CapnKernel> inflex: hi
[08:17:52] <vectory> g'evening all
[08:19:03] <OndraSter> eya
[08:35:24] <crazy_pete> hey vectory , did you ever get your asm stuff sorted?
[08:47:18] <tomatto_> hi
[08:47:42] <tomatto_> please, how can i make color music with atmega8?
[08:48:07] <vectory> crazy_pete: well, if you dont tell me now i made a mistake, i would assume its all in order ;)
[08:48:56] <crazy_pete> hi vectory
[08:49:04] <vectory> ye, hi there
[08:49:04] <crazy_pete> i have been sort of scattered this evening :)
[08:51:02] <crazy_pete> i dont see anything horrible in it
[08:51:50] <vectory> cool, thx
[08:51:54] <vectory> thx for looking
[08:52:59] <vectory> now i need to figure out if the routine can finish in max 256 cycles, or i need a prescaler and cant light leds with more than 50 Hz
[08:55:48] <vectory> then i wonder, if Icc values given in the ds are for lowest load possible, but to get total current consumption, can i add just i/o currents to the equation?
[08:57:16] <crazy_pete> what are u doing vectory ?
[08:57:58] <vectory> hooking leds and a battery to an m8
[08:58:34] <vectory> switching the leds like a 7 segment display and go to sleep
[09:00:41] <crazy_pete> sorry for my ignorance but what is an m8?
[09:00:48] <vectory> atmega8
[09:02:55] <crazy_pete> ty
[09:03:49] <crazy_pete> ah an 8K avr no wonder yer using asm :)
[09:05:06] <vectory> its rather easier to learn, since i learned a bit asm for 8051, but no ebedded c anyhow. volatile, wtf!?
[09:07:04] <crazy_pete> never seen volatile before? :)
[09:07:27] <vectory> well i did, but i didnt need to understand it
[09:07:29] <crazy_pete> btw lest i give the wrong impression i am far from an AVR expert or even journeyman
[09:08:02] <vectory> :X
[09:08:05] <crazy_pete> i am an ASM/C++ programmer from way back when who started out writing hardware drivers for DOS
[09:08:55] <crazy_pete> point being i know enough about other assemblers to give the false impression that i am an AVR expert (i LOVE avrs but i am far from competent with them)
[09:09:35] <vectory> fortunately most problems are well explained and documented on the web
[09:09:55] <vectory> its just a hussle to gather all the info, so its easier to ask for pointers
[09:11:41] <crazy_pete> yep :)
[09:11:47] <crazy_pete> and it takes a while to read the data sheets
[09:12:23] <vectory> much more to read em again for falsification
[09:13:47] <rue_mohr> !seen abcminiuser
[09:13:47] <tobbor> abcminiuser was last seen in #avr on Jan 03 06:55 2012
[09:16:38] <karlp> rue_mohr: he's travelling today isn't he?
[09:16:47] <rue_mohr> prolly
[09:16:59] <rue_mohr> its "go back" day today
[09:17:04] <rue_mohr> I go back to work
[09:23:10] <rue_mohr> the virtualserial either got unmodified or overwritten with the joystick code it seems
[09:31:14] <vectory> one of these moments where i dont feel like skimmung though the ds
[09:31:17] <vectory> disabling reset works only over jtag, right?
[09:35:52] <vectory> seems i'm wrong, fuses are latched until programming is finished
[09:39:53] <vectory> most of em anyway
[09:48:42] <CapnKernel> vectory: I believe you can disable reset via SPI. But you can't re-enable it. You need JTAG (or poss HVP) for that.
[09:49:14] <vectory> no jtag on mega8, that'll be fun
[09:49:17] <CapnKernel> Hmm, I think I'm wrong. I might be confusing it with dW. Someone here will know, and correct me!
[09:50:02] <vectory> i think might be right, i confused it with jtag, wich cant be disabled via jtag iirc
[10:06:03] <CapnKernel> rue_mohr: There?
[10:09:27] <CapnKernel> rue_mohr: have you seen "useless" around lately? I wonder how she's going...
[11:50:16] <OndraSter> Tdr Batiatus -- anyone from herE?
[11:50:25] <OndraSter> added me on facebook...
[11:51:02] <Steffann> Who knows OndraSter
[11:51:08] <Steffann> Facebook => Trash
[11:51:11] <OndraSter> that's why I am asking :D
[11:57:38] <Tom_itx> stalker
[11:57:55] <Steffann> No you are
[11:59:17] <OndraSter> why I want mini cooper:
[11:59:18] <OndraSter> http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-d0Oqw8HCjpY/TZu4wMt4Y1I/AAAAAAAAAvQ/nYJCwllQ2cw/s1600/mini+cooper.jpg
[11:59:28] <Tom_itx> bleh
[11:59:52] <Tom_itx> plastic
[11:59:58] <Steffann> :P
[12:00:26] <OndraSter> I just took a look at prices of mini coopers
[12:00:27] <OndraSter> used ones
[12:00:32] <OndraSter> I think I will go for something... cheaper lol
[12:00:42] <Steffann> Old mini's are nice
[12:00:47] <Steffann> ~1970
[12:00:50] <Tom_itx> yeah the old ones are classic
[12:00:55] <Tom_itx> i rebuilt one once
[12:00:56] <Steffann> Mr. Bean car LD
[12:00:57] <Steffann> :D
[12:01:10] <Tom_itx> i forget what year
[12:01:26] <Steffann> You are old so it probably was 1970-80 :P
[12:04:50] <Essobi> ouch
[12:05:07] <Steffann> What happened Essobi ?
[12:10:02] <Tom_itx> i nearly forgot i need to get another stencil made now
[13:49:33] <OndraSter> guys, do you connect Vcc pin on ISP header to the target board, when it is supplied on its own?
[13:49:37] <OndraSter> it sounds like a bad idea
[13:50:52] <Tom_itx> just gnd
[13:50:58] <OndraSter> yap
[13:51:03] <Tom_itx> unless the programmer needs power from the target
[13:51:09] <OndraSter> nope
[13:51:16] <OndraSter> because if the vcc on the ISP device and the board's power supply would be different
[13:51:25] <OndraSter> it would make a lot of heat :P
[13:51:29] <OndraSter> (could)
[13:51:34] <Tom_itx> my programmer has a switch on it for that
[13:51:41] <Tom_itx> for programmer / target power
[13:51:51] <OndraSter> yeah, mine does too
[14:23:56] <Essobi> I should breakdown and buy a programmer, and one of those ISP backpack headers.
[14:24:36] <Tom_itx> mine?
[14:25:37] <Tom_itx> i could combine shipping on those i just didn't have a place for it on the page
[15:07:27] <vectory> do you leave the pins free for programming in that case?
[15:07:43] <vectory> case of isp to target board
[15:58:20] <Steffann> How are the nerves abcminiuser ? :D
[15:59:30] <abcminiuser> Steffann, not bad so far
[15:59:37] <abcminiuser> I'll freak out in an hour or two
[16:00:33] <Steffann> Hehe
[16:01:34] <Steffann> Have a good flight
[16:02:53] <grummund> abcminiuser is back off to Norway?
[16:03:14] <Steffann> http://www.fourwalledcubicle.com/AtmelApps.php not yet
[16:03:17] <abcminiuser> grummund, yes, in about 3 hours
[16:03:23] <Steffann> No 7 :P
[16:03:24] <abcminiuser> Moving there to work for Atmel full time
[16:03:47] <abcminiuser> Steffann, got to get to the airport :P
[16:04:07] <Steffann> You'll have stop in The Netherlands again?
[16:05:20] <grummund> oh great...
[16:05:44] <grummund> um, does the countdown clock account for timezone difference?
[16:07:02] <grummund> it say 7 hours here
[16:07:58] <Valen> so you going to live in the frozen north forever now abcminiuser?
[16:07:58] <Steffann> I guess it does grummund
[16:08:02] <Steffann> it's 7 here too grummund
[16:08:14] <abcminiuser> Steffann, yeah for a few hours
[16:08:23] <abcminiuser> grummund, my site's set it in UTC
[16:08:25] <abcminiuser> I leave at 3
[16:08:32] <abcminiuser> But I need to be at the airport soonish
[16:08:45] <grummund> then it lies :p
[16:08:51] <Valen> international flight in 3 hours i'd already be at the airport ;->
[16:09:05] <Steffann> At least it's 7 Valen :D
[16:09:32] <abcminiuser> I'm leaving at middayish
[16:09:44] <abcminiuser> So I leave in three hours, to depart in threeish hours after that
[16:09:50] <Valen> ahh k
[16:11:53] <grummund> So all we need is the flight no. - http://www.flightradar24.com/
[16:12:14] <Steffann> That website is gureat
[16:12:16] <Steffann> great
[16:12:36] <Steffann> Zoom out and see all airplanes .. that's sick
[16:58:34] <OndraLappy> huh, I just ran into chinese copy of JTAGICE MKII from mcuzone... but they have also some "lite" version
[16:58:44] <OndraLappy> the difference is probably just in packaging (plastic vs metal)
[16:58:51] <OndraLappy> and price
[16:58:58] <OndraLappy> (89 metal, 49 plastic)
[17:01:03] <OndraLappy> oh well, they are all cut in features
[17:01:13] <OndraLappy> wiggler for AVR anyone? :P
[18:18:02] <jadew> any AVR's with builtin bluetooth support?
[18:21:05] <abcminiuser> jadew, no
[18:21:14] <abcminiuser> See you all on the other side, I'm off to the airport
[18:21:24] <jadew> have a nice flight
[18:21:38] <ftc> there is one that has a built in zigbee, depending on what you are using it for
[18:21:50] <ftc> just wish my cell phone had built in zigbee too...
[18:22:46] <abcminiuser> Cheers all
[18:23:01] <jadew> what's zigbee?
[18:23:41] <ftc> they are low powered radios that are good for low data rate long distance connections
[18:23:50] <ftc> they also mesh pretty well
[18:24:00] <jadew> ok, that sounds perfect
[18:24:02] <ftc> and most have 128 bit AES built in
[18:24:10] <ftc> way cheaper than bluetooth too
[18:24:22] <jadew> sounds really nice
[18:24:35] <ftc> http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/product_card.asp?part_id=4692&category_id=163&family_id=676&subfamily_id=2124
[18:24:44] <ftc> i think sparkfun sells a breakout board for it too
[18:24:53] <ftc> in case you don't want to do the smt yourself
[18:24:59] <ftc> but its kinda $$$
[18:25:37] <jadew> I want to build a bracelet, wonder how big the controller is
[18:25:42] <ftc> the chip itself is like 6$
[18:25:50] <jadew> is it the one on that board?
[18:25:50] <ftc> you could fit the thing in a bracelet pretty easily
[18:25:53] <jadew> the square one?
[18:25:57] <jadew> nice
[18:26:05] <ftc> not sure how big the power supply would need to be
[18:26:09] <ftc> check out the data sheet
[18:26:20] <jadew> looking for it, thanks a lot
[18:26:26] <ftc> its on the page i linked
[18:26:34] <ftc> grab the 500+ page thing, not the overview though
[18:26:54] <ftc> be warned that i don't think it has arduino support
[18:27:37] <jadew> don't really know what arduino is, I thought they're some other kind of microcontrollers
[18:27:51] <jadew> like different brand
[18:28:09] <ftc> arduino is a layer that goes on top of other micro controllers
[18:28:11] <ftc> mostly avr
[18:28:15] <ftc> i don't know what else though
[18:28:26] <ftc> makes development quicker but hides a lot of the lower level functions
[18:28:33] <jadew> ah, I see
[18:28:38] <jadew> not interrested in that
[18:29:01] <ftc> makerbot and reprap both use it extensively
[18:29:50] <jadew> reprap looks like an awesome project
[18:30:04] <ftc> its fun
[18:30:14] <ftc> i have built 2 prusa mendels a huxley and a makerbot
[18:32:48] <jadew> seems like something really useful to have around
[18:33:09] <jadew> now I want one
[18:33:19] <jadew> I could build cases for my stuff
[18:34:09] <ftc> i mostly use it for cases and fixing things
[18:34:16] <ftc> but i have made a number of toys with it too
[18:34:28] <ftc> i love my makerbot
[18:34:48] <ftc> the repraps i built were contract work for a friend
[18:34:54] <ftc> so i don't have them anymore
[18:35:30] <jadew> I might have landed on the wrong makerbot page
[18:35:37] <jadew> is it a similar project?
[18:36:08] <ftc> yes
[18:36:12] <jadew> ah
[18:36:24] <ftc> http://www.makerbot.com/
[18:36:49] <jadew> ah, I thought makerbot is that toy
[18:36:54] <jadew> in the video
[18:37:40] <ftc> no, i didn't look at the video because i don't have flash on this machine
[18:37:52] <ftc> but i suspect that the toy was made with the makerbot
[18:38:09] <ftc> (hate flash with a passion)
[18:39:17] <ftc> in my experience the makerbot is an appliance that you hit print and you get a part
[18:39:21] <ftc> reprap is a hacking project
[18:39:32] <jadew> I see
[18:39:35] <ftc> where you tinker with it and get parts out eventually
[18:39:44] <jadew> heh, good to know
[18:40:45] <ftc> i enjoyed both but the makerbot is the clear choice if you want reliability and not to spend all your time making it work
[18:40:59] <ftc> took 40 hours for me to get the first print out of my mendel
[18:41:03] <ftc> took 9 for the makerbot
[18:41:13] <ftc> then 120 for the huxley
[18:41:33] <Tom_itx> mendlemax
[18:41:57] <ftc> i still intend to make a mendel at some point for myself
[18:42:01] <ftc> they can make bigger parts
[18:42:21] <ftc> then i could have a pla machine and an abs machine
[18:42:23] <jadew> I would probably be happy with the smallest one
[18:42:55] <ftc> makerbot is 100mm by 100mm by 180mm
[18:43:02] <ftc> mendel is 200mm x 200mm x 200 mm
[18:43:16] <ftc> but the footprint of both machines is similar
[18:43:32] <Valen> anybody know a single cell lipo charger in the several amps range?
[18:44:19] <ftc> Valen: i have a thing that i bought from a rc shop that charges pretty much anything, not sure if that is what you are looking for or not though
[18:44:29] <ftc> does up to 5 amps
[18:47:07] <Valen> looking for something in a module to go inside a product at the moment
[18:48:05] <ftc> ah then this certainly won't work
[18:51:04] <vectory> so abcminiuser left his gf behind?
[18:51:16] <vectory> or is she coming with him?
[18:51:16] <Valen> going with him i believe
[18:51:22] <Tom_itx> not sure how that worked out
[18:51:32] <vectory> oy
[18:51:57] <vectory> so its serious
[18:52:27] <vectory> both, job and madamme
[18:52:50] <Tom_itx> maybe she just wants to keep an eye on him
[18:53:01] <vectory> hm, it isnt ma dame, should be sadame ^^
[18:53:44] <vectory> more than an eye i suppose
[18:54:35] <vectory> are there more people from atmel at avrfreaks= vertainly suspect some to be around
[18:54:47] <vectory> certainly*
[20:18:00] <BrentBXR^> How many of you guys have http://www.fischl.de/usbasp/ laying around?
[20:19:13] <Tom_itx> nope
[20:43:48] <DanFrederiksen> not me. I use one of tom's
[21:41:57] <rue_mohr> yup toms, sorry
[21:43:30] <pepsi> sup yoyos
[21:43:40] <pepsi> i want an avr dev board
[21:43:43] <pepsi> xmega, with usb
[21:43:51] <pepsi> what do i do?
[21:44:21] <Tom_itx> get an xplain
[21:44:35] <pepsi> sounds to small
[21:44:46] <pepsi> who makes it
[21:44:46] <Tom_itx> make one
[21:44:51] <Tom_itx> atmel makes it
[21:45:47] <Tom_itx> http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?lang=en&site=us&KeyWords=xplain
[21:45:54] <pepsi> oh so i pick if i want A1, B1, or whatnot
[21:45:58] <pepsi> ok
[21:45:58] <pepsi> perfect
[21:46:07] <pepsi> thanks buddy pal
[21:47:18] <pepsi> which one do i want?
[21:47:36] <Tom_itx> i got one of those or an earlier ver
[21:48:55] <pepsi> ya, but A1, B1 or A3BU
[21:49:14] <Tom_itx> no idea
[21:49:59] <pepsi> i'd like to get away from pic18 at work
[21:50:09] <pepsi> but maybe an arm is too much for now
[21:50:18] <Tom_itx> they're 3.3v only
[21:50:31] <pepsi> an arm really isnt necessary, an 8 bit micro would stuff be fine
[21:50:38] <Tom_itx> did you get the free st arm board?
[21:50:42] <pepsi> yeah
[21:51:11] <pepsi> price at qty 1000 is important
[21:51:19] <Tom_itx> not to me
[21:51:38] <pepsi> for this it is
[21:51:44] <pepsi> so is the xmega cheap?
[21:51:52] <Tom_itx> i think so
[21:51:53] <pepsi> -er than an arm cortex m3?
[21:54:09] <pepsi> digikey is showing $3 a pop, qty 1000 for the pic im using
[21:55:13] <pepsi> oh.. and 2.80 for an atxmega64D3
[21:55:14] <pepsi> interesting
[21:55:25] <pepsi> mhm
[21:55:39] <pepsi> oh and thats qty 100 even..
[21:56:20] <pepsi> im buyin a dev kit
[21:56:27] <Tom_itx> http://search.digikey.com/us/en/products/ATXMEGA128A1-AU/ATXMEGA128A1-AU-ND/1886254
[21:56:46] <pepsi> thats 5.50!
[21:56:50] <pepsi> yuck
[21:57:45] <Tom_L> mouser's probably cheaper
[21:58:23] <pepsi> yeah, but i just wanted to see.. it IS possible to beat the price on the chip im using now
[21:58:56] <Tom_itx> there's a robotics job up in Chicago
[21:59:16] <pepsi> if i could save $1per board, that'd make my job worth it
[22:00:03] <Valen> what do you think of using a headphone jack for charging
[22:00:24] <Valen> I want one of those ones that disconnects the rest of the circuit so i can just plug in an external charger
[22:01:50] <Tom_itx> http://blog.trossenrobotics.com/2011/12/20/we-are-hiring-job-title-roboticist-apprentice-extraordinaire/
[22:01:53] <Tom_itx> you need a new job pepsi?
[22:03:18] <Tom_itx> friggin irc
[22:03:46] <Valen> dude its yer connection
[22:03:49] <Valen> get more awesome ;-P
[22:04:23] <Tom_itx> it seldom does that
[22:04:32] <pepsi> no
[22:04:37] <pepsi> do you need a job?
[22:04:37] <Valen> your always restarting something
[22:04:50] <Tom_itx> i need a new router
[22:06:48] <Valen> arent they like $2 where you are?
[22:07:17] <Tom_itx> that's china
[22:07:18] <pepsi> those guys are asking for a lot, with not much pay
[22:07:19] <Tom_itx> not US
[22:07:23] <Tom_itx> i know
[22:07:27] <pepsi> i guess thats why its an apprentice
[22:07:34] <Tom_itx> so is everybody else
[22:07:57] <pepsi> untrue
[22:08:21] <pepsi> there's not many people hiring.. it keeps the wages up
[22:08:24] <pepsi> or down?
[22:08:27] <pepsi> down, huh
[22:08:39] <pepsi> i guess i got lucky?
[22:09:11] <Tom_itx> are you back there now?
[22:09:42] <pepsi> ya
[22:10:45] <pepsi> aright how do i decide on a chip?
[22:10:54] <Tom_itx> which is the solder layer on a board file? tstop or tcream?
[22:10:56] <pepsi> i want a comparison table
[22:11:00] <Tom_itx> i think it's tcream
[22:11:15] <pepsi> atmels website is broken
[22:11:58] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/pdf/atmel/PARAMETRIC_TABLE.pdf
[22:11:58] <Tom_itx> see if it's in there
[22:12:22] <pepsi> wait what am i seeing.. self program memory.. 0/1
[22:12:26] <rue_mohr> that usbasp page
[22:12:26] <pepsi> some xmegas cant self program?
[22:12:36] <rue_mohr> I thought that schematic didn't work and they had to add a buffer?
[22:12:43] <rue_mohr> whats pepsi doing here?
[22:12:44] <Tom_itx> router's acting up again
[22:13:18] <Valen> get a new one
[22:13:18] <Valen> pull it apart and stick some heatsinks and a fan on it
[22:13:51] <pepsi> Tom_itx, i cant get it
[22:14:17] <rue_mohr> ruemohr.org
[22:14:17] <pepsi> Tom_itx, i cant get it
[22:14:25] <rue_mohr> http://ruemohr.org/docs/avrparm.html
[22:14:27] <rue_mohr> ^pepsi
[22:14:50] <pepsi> i wanted to look at the xmega
[22:15:05] <rue_mohr> oh right I took all of them out of that page
[22:15:19] <rue_mohr> why dont yuou just use an ARM?
[22:17:47] <Tom_itx> ever hear of tp-link routers?
[22:23:14] <Tom_itx> pepsi, P.25 of the pdf
[22:23:24] <pepsi> what pdf
[22:23:34] <pepsi> i have a comparison now
[22:23:39] <Tom_itx> the one that got dumped in the bit bucket
[22:23:42] <pepsi> but i still dont see a difference between A and B
[22:23:48] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/pdf/atmel/PARAMETRIC_TABLE.pdf
[22:23:52] <pepsi> they're obviously different families though
[22:24:25] <Tom_itx> that sheet may be too old for that
[22:24:27] <pepsi> and there's a D now?
[22:24:44] <pepsi> D lacks ADC
[22:24:45] <pepsi> ok
[22:25:09] <Tom_itx> no dma
[22:25:19] <pepsi> for A/B?
[22:25:25] <Tom_itx> d
[22:25:25] * pepsi prints the first sheet of the A and B manuals
[22:27:10] <Tom_itx> i don't think there's much goin on with xmega really
[22:27:16] <pepsi> it doesnt matter
[22:27:21] <pepsi> as long as its cheap
[22:27:29] <pepsi> look, it even has a crypto engine
[22:27:40] <Tom_itx> check the errata
[22:27:49] <pepsi> ugly?
[22:27:56] <Tom_itx> adc had problems early on
[22:28:13] <pepsi> i dont need that anyhow
[22:28:15] <pepsi> i need usb
[22:28:18] <pepsi> solid usb
[22:28:27] <Tom_itx> well it's not a usb chip
[22:28:54] <Tom_itx> at90usb1287
[22:29:01] <Tom_itx> is a host
[22:29:06] <Tom_itx> otg
[22:29:45] <pepsi> the B manual front page says USB
[22:29:52] <pepsi> itll be a device at least
[22:29:53] <Tom_itx> maybe so
[22:29:58] <Tom_itx> i haven't looked
[22:30:23] <Tom_itx> i've got U2 and U4
[22:30:38] <Tom_itx> atmega32u2 u4
[22:30:55] <Tom_itx> u4 has adc
[22:30:59] <pepsi> are those USB too?
[22:31:03] <pepsi> those might be cheaper
[22:31:32] <Tom_itx> i got a couple trays of em
[22:31:59] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/atmega32u4/atmega32u4_1.jpg
[22:32:20] <Tom_itx> that's a u4
[22:32:20] <pepsi> ah.. the AxU has USB
[22:32:45] <pepsi> got it now.. A lacks USB without the U, B always has USB
[22:33:05] <pepsi> this is hard
[22:33:37] <Tom_itx> there's a usb stack for em
[22:33:39] <Tom_itx> dean wrote
[22:34:01] <pepsi> can i use it though?
[22:34:04] <pepsi> what license?
[22:34:16] <Tom_itx> if you use it commercially you gotta buy it
[22:34:20] <Tom_itx> if you play it's free
[22:34:22] <pepsi> skip
[22:34:53] <Tom_itx> http://www.fourwalledcubicle.com/LUFA.php
[22:35:01] <pepsi> so it comes down to price now
[22:35:31] <Tom_itx> the usb have bootloaders builtin
[22:36:36] <pepsi> i dont want to give that kid money though
[22:36:38] <pepsi> so no
[22:36:49] <Tom_itx> what's this for?
[22:36:54] <pepsi> commercial stuff
[22:36:59] <Tom_itx> he just shipped of to atmel
[22:37:05] <Tom_itx> to work there
[22:37:09] <pepsi> ok
[22:39:28] <Tom_itx> what's it for?
[22:40:27] <pepsi> commercial stuff
[22:40:54] <pepsi> usb stuff
[22:41:05] <Tom_itx> k
[22:41:11] <Tom_itx> later
[22:53:53] <pepsi> ah.. so the atmega32u2 is 2.50
[22:53:58] <pepsi> at qty 100 even
[22:54:26] <pepsi> i bet it has no crypto engine though
[22:54:32] <pepsi> ya
[22:54:43] <pepsi> this is good stuff though, i like it
[22:59:39] <pepsi> AxU seems to be easier to get.. B seems to be vapor
[23:01:59] <pepsi> oh theres a B, and its cheap.. i wonder if A->B was a die shrink
[23:03:13] <Tom_itx> U2 http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/boards/USB_Breakout/USB_Breakout_index.php
[23:05:27] <pepsi> doesnt atmel provide working usb examples?
[23:06:21] <pepsi> how much do you want for those?
[23:07:02] <pepsi> that can be my stepdown transition plan.. to the mega32u
[23:07:35] <pepsi> i think i want the AxU xplain to start with
[23:07:49] <pepsi> but i want some of what you got
[23:08:51] <pepsi> im assuming the mega32u didnt somehow lose the ADC.. it was always there in the mega32
[23:10:20] <pepsi> hey there's a picture of my board!
[23:10:21] <pepsi> omg
[23:11:09] <pepsi> i used to do cool shit
[23:11:56] <pepsi> you have any of those 32u breakout boards?
[23:43:43] <rue_mohr> !seen abcminiuser
[23:43:43] <tobbor> abcminiuser was last seen in #avr on Jan 03 16:17 2012