#avr | Logs for 2012-01-01

[01:26:45] <rue_house> Tom_itx,
[01:26:47] <rue_house> you awake?
[01:30:15] <rue_house> abc
[01:30:17] <rue_house> !>!?!
[01:30:58] <rue_house> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/
[01:32:56] <BrentBXR_> what
[01:33:15] <rue_house> hehe anyone here used the dfu programmer?
[01:34:04] <BrentBXR_> lol no why would anyone :D
[01:34:12] <BrentBXR_> why not just get a ISP programmer
[01:34:24] <rue_house> cause this is plugged into a usb port
[01:34:24] <BrentBXR_> then u can program the whole tiny mega family
[01:34:37] <BrentBXR_> so are alot of the ISP ones
[01:34:43] <BrentBXR_> 5 bucks
[01:34:44] <rue_house> its toms board, as a breaking I just wanna change the led flash code
[01:34:57] <rue_house> I have isp programmers, thats not the goal here
[01:35:17] <BrentBXR_> lol led game
[01:35:38] <rue_house> its not about the led, its about the usb bootloader and dfu programming
[01:36:02] <rue_house> and being > < that much closer to accepting that usb isn't a fad that going away anytime soon
[01:36:15] <BrentBXR_> :D
[01:36:25] <rue_house> as everything and the motorized humping dog runs on it
[01:36:57] <BrentBXR_> so why do you need the 'dfu' programmer to accept that
[01:37:11] <rue_house> cause this is plugged into the usb port right now
[01:37:21] <rue_house> I'm not int he shop, I'm under my bed
[01:37:30] <rue_house> and I dont have the resources under my bed that I do in the shop
[01:37:37] <BrentBXR_> USB is just a protocol as anything else
[01:37:55] <rue_house> yes, so how do I work this dfu thing...
[01:38:33] <rue_house> I'm not sure what flashin led code tom put on this...
[01:39:06] <BrentBXR_> from what I see; dfu is nothing more then a source to program a bootloader
[01:39:27] <BrentBXR_> the easiest way would be to reprogram the chip itself :P
[01:39:36] <BrentBXR_> skip the middle man
[01:39:43] <rue_house> no I think its what you use instead of avrdude when you have a bootloader on the devicve
[01:39:51] <rue_house> nono, thats not the point here, I know I can do that
[01:40:04] <BrentBXR_> avrdude handles bootloaders
[01:40:15] <BrentBXR_> might even handle this bootloader
[01:40:30] <BrentBXR_> im not familure with it but avrdude is quite universal
[01:40:52] <rue_house> tom mumbled about the dfu software
[01:40:56] <rue_house> so I think I need it
[01:41:58] <BrentBXR_> :3
[01:42:33] <BrentBXR_> so DFU is a usb compatible avr bootloader only
[01:43:06] <BrentBXR_> CMiYC, where did u go
[01:43:08] <BrentBXR_> :D
[01:43:39] <CMiYC> my alcohol level was in danger of becoming saturated with blood
[01:44:14] <Casper> CMiYC: so had to refill?
[01:44:22] <CMiYC> Yeah
[01:46:19] <BrentBXR_> a
[01:46:20] <BrentBXR_> :D
[02:03:26] <rue_house> ok, my dfu software is talking to it
[02:53:50] <rue_house> I think I know how to do this but I need someone to help
[02:53:59] <rue_house> ME ME!! PICK ME!
[02:54:02] <rue_house> mmmm
[02:54:03] <rue_house> ok
[02:54:05] <rue_house> YES!
[02:54:12] <rue_house> where do we start
[02:54:24] <rue_house> ok first, plug in the board, make sure the led flashes
[02:54:33] <rue_house> got it, all good
[02:56:27] <`g> hi
[02:58:27] <rue_house> next Install the dfu-programmer
[02:58:34] <rue_house> got it, all good
[02:58:38] <rue_house> ok, next
[02:59:05] <rue_house> push the little button on the board, the led should stop flashing, this means its in booloader mode
[02:59:09] <rue_house> ok, got it
[03:00:57] <rue_house> next sanity check, run dfu-programmer atmega32u4 get
[03:01:08] <rue_house> ok it says bootloader version 0x00
[03:01:28] <rue_house> ok, thats good, that means it found the device and is talking to it
[03:02:04] <rue_house> next, write some led flash code, something unique you can tell from the furrent flashing code
[03:02:19] <rue_house> well tom prolly stole this code from me, so I better mix up what I have pretty good
[03:07:41] <rue_house> hmm flashy led code dosn't want to program for atmega32u4
[03:08:49] <rue_house> what gcc version?
[03:09:04] <rue_house> 4.3.5
[03:09:18] <rue_house> it wasys it supports 32u4
[03:09:28] <rue_house> ah but there is no io header for it
[03:11:03] <rue_house> there it is, iom32u4
[03:11:05] <rue_house> hmm
[03:13:30] <rue_house> pls opent eh datasheet and see if the u4 has a portA
[03:13:30] <rue_house> pff ofcourse it has a port A.,... dosn't it?
[03:14:05] <rue_house> ok, apparently it dosn't
[03:14:18] <rue_house> may I suggest what the source of the error is?
[03:14:20] <rue_house> me?
[03:14:24] <rue_house> bingo!
[03:14:49] <rue_house> its got ports...
[03:15:01] <rue_house> C...
[03:15:03] <rue_house> D...
[03:15:06] <rue_house> B...
[03:15:16] <rue_house> and F
[03:15:19] <rue_house> ?
[03:15:25] <rue_house> DONT LOOK AT ME!
[03:15:30] <rue_house> whatever
[03:15:57] <`g> are you high as fck dude ?
[03:16:12] <rue_house> me?
[03:16:18] <rue_house> no I think he meant me
[03:16:27] <rue_house> you think so?
[03:16:33] <rue_house> I do, dont' mean I'm right
[03:16:38] <`g> just asking
[03:16:42] <rue_house> I think he meant me
[03:16:50] <rue_house> did you mean me?
[03:16:52] <rue_house> or me?
[03:17:03] <rue_house> ok, flashing led code is compiled
[03:17:12] <rue_house> sweet, to flash it use...
[03:17:31] <rue_house> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 flash main.hex
[03:17:35] <rue_house> I think
[03:17:42] <rue_house> is that a safe command?
[03:17:51] <rue_house> who said anything about being safe?
[03:17:56] <rue_house> meh, ok
[03:18:27] <rue_house> it says device is write protexted
[03:18:52] <rue_house> ok, then do... dfu-programmer atmega32u4 erase
[03:18:52] <rue_house> first
[03:19:13] <rue_house> ok its done, it says .96% used
[03:19:13] <rue_house> ok
[03:19:37] <rue_house> now, to get the program to run, either power cycle it, or run
[03:19:51] <rue_house> dfu-programmer atmega32u4 reset
[03:20:02] <rue_house> didn't work
[03:20:12] <rue_house> oh did I say reset? I meant...
[03:20:21] <rue_house> start
[03:20:39] <rue_house> no flashy flashy
[03:20:45] <rue_house> hmmm
[03:21:02] <rue_house> it should have worked
[03:21:19] <rue_house> oh there, I power cycled it and its working
[03:21:28] <rue_house> yay! I made an led flash!
[03:21:31] <rue_house> good work
[03:21:43] <rue_house> !bookmark linux dfu tutorial
[03:22:59] <rue_house> so now we make the lufa audio output device so I can get rid of my pci sound card?
[03:23:07] <rue_house> not tonight
[03:23:11] <rue_house> :/
[03:23:14] <rue_house> !time
[03:23:15] <tobbor> My watch says its 01:17 Sun Jan 01 2012
[03:23:20] <rue_house> ooooh I see, ok
[03:23:33] <rue_house> thanks for the help
[03:23:34] <rue_house> np
[03:23:39] <rue_house> gnight
[03:23:45] <rue_house> gn
[06:30:32] <tomatto_> all i/o pins are set to input by default, right?
[06:33:44] <amee2k> after a clean power-up i think so, but relying on that is a bad idea
[06:34:31] <amee2k> after a brownout or reset they may (in theory) be in any state, so you're best off always configuring them explicitly at start-up
[06:35:05] <amee2k> err, wait. after power-up they should be outputs and driven low
[06:36:40] <amee2k> hmm nevermind, DDR register bits default to 0. just checked the tiny24 datasheet
[06:37:53] <amee2k> either way, i make a point of always configuring ports after power-up and not relying on their previous state
[06:48:39] <OndraSter> MOARNING
[06:48:51] <OndraSter> who's head is about to explode?
[06:49:20] <CapnKernel> Not mine. 20 mins from now and it's Jan 2 :-)
[06:49:28] <abcminiuser> Darn tootin
[06:49:37] <abcminiuser> Us Aussies are always leading the charge
[06:51:29] <OndraSter> hehe
[07:17:55] <keenerd> amee2k: A couple people really liked the clock. I had to add some stuff to get it to run on Intel hardware and it was considered 'awesomesauce'.
[07:20:45] <keenerd> amee2k: This was the final version http://kmkeen.com/tmp/amee-clock.py.txt
[09:58:26] <amee2k> keenerd: cool :)
[10:12:28] <amee2k> keenerd: i had to change python2 to python in the shebang line to make it run (system is current lubuntu so should be the same for virtually all debian based systems)
[10:12:50] <amee2k> because i only had "python" and "python2.7"
[10:12:58] <Tom_L> morning
[10:13:05] <amee2k> evening :)
[10:13:20] <amee2k> you had a slightly different interpretation of the "center dot" though...
[10:14:04] <amee2k> mine starts as a black circle, then illuminates like the other rings CCW, but smoothly instead of with individual segments
[10:14:42] <amee2k> then the same but inverted for the next second, i.e. starts as full circle and extinguishes CCW until it is all black again. then it repeats
[10:15:54] <amee2k> i also have a vague idea to turn it into a hardware design... with the controller and everything on the bottom layer, and a large ground plane on the top layer with the segment shapes copper-free
[10:16:30] <amee2k> then the kind of SMT LEDs on the back that radiate towards the board instead of away from it, using the board substrate as diffuser to light the segments
[10:37:37] <keenerd> amee2k: The center dot was a compromise to make it look less bad on low framerates :-)
[11:00:55] <amee2k> i see
[11:02:21] <OndraSter> so
[11:02:21] <OndraSter> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3936936/vse.sch
[11:02:24] <OndraSter> probably final version
[11:36:41] <rue_bed> tom, I had fun getting the usb avr going
[11:36:48] <rue_bed> hmm cat attack
[11:36:58] <Tom_itx> i saw
[11:37:09] <Tom_itx> but you did it
[11:37:24] <rue_bed> softwrae restart didn't work?
[11:37:45] <Tom_itx> if you don't like the way reset works, take that 10k pullup off HWB but then you'll need a switch on that pin to activate bootloader
[11:37:57] <Tom_itx> that's why
[11:38:09] <rue_bed> no I mean via dfu
[11:38:13] <Tom_itx> then reset will work normally
[11:38:15] <rue_bed> the program didn't start
[11:38:19] <Tom_itx> it should
[11:38:23] <rue_bed> mm
[11:38:25] <Tom_itx> it does in FLIP
[11:38:30] <rue_bed> huh
[11:38:41] <Tom_itx> like i said, i don't use dfu
[11:38:48] <Tom_itx> but i know it works
[11:38:53] <rue_bed> oh I thought you didn't use flip
[11:39:03] <Tom_itx> you can use either one
[11:39:08] <Tom_itx> i use FLIP
[11:39:09] <rue_bed> that explains the complete inability I had to find dfu info on your site
[11:39:23] <Tom_itx> i can't speak of what i don't know :)
[11:39:30] <rue_bed> mhm
[11:39:48] <Tom_itx> i just figured you'd rather use dfu since you use linux mainly
[11:40:41] <Tom_itx> by now they've probably added the chip entries to their config but earlier it was necessary to add them
[11:40:47] <Tom_itx> the U2 and U4
[11:41:05] <rue_bed> the one I got does both supposadly
[11:41:07] <Tom_itx> the at90usb162 was already there
[11:41:17] <Tom_itx> yeah they probably updated it
[11:41:36] <Tom_itx> it was like a 1 line change
[11:42:26] <Tom_itx> using FLIP is easy if you wanna try it
[11:43:57] <OndraSter> at90usb are the same as normal AVRs but with integrated USB host/OTG/client controller?
[11:44:23] <Tom_itx> only a couple are host
[11:44:31] <OndraSter> okay
[11:44:33] <Tom_itx> the rest are client
[11:44:35] <OndraSter> but the core is the same AVR?
[11:44:38] <Tom_itx> 1287
[11:44:51] <Tom_itx> i suppose
[11:45:15] <OndraSter> considering it is built into the AVR Studio, then it should
[12:01:25] <rue_bed> I'll have to try out one of hte lufa demos next
[12:07:05] <Tom_itx> rue_bed, all you should have to edit would probably be the chip in the makefile
[12:18:26] <OndraSter_> guys, if I connect directly 74hc154's output pin to MOSFET
[12:18:35] <OndraSter_> should I put there pulldown resistor to the gate of the mosfet?
[12:18:41] <OndraSter_> or will it discharge quickly enough through that 154
[12:18:59] <OndraSter_> I am not targetting ns, I am targetting like 10s of us
[12:27:38] <OndraSter_> wait
[12:27:39] <OndraSter_> pullups
[12:27:42] <OndraSter_> not pulldowns
[12:27:46] <OndraSter_> they are P-MOSFETs
[12:28:03] <OndraSter_> I need them to quickly shut down and close
[12:28:37] <Casper> OndraSter_: you better scope it, I kinda doubt that the 74hc is even remotelly good enought to do it
[12:28:43] <Casper> specially with standard fet
[12:28:53] <OndraSter_> if I should scope it, the product would have to be prototyped already
[12:28:56] <OndraSter_> which is not possible
[12:28:57] <Casper> that need >6V on the gate to be fully on
[12:29:15] <Casper> ... learn to breadboard and use a signal generator?
[12:29:30] <OndraSter_> breadboard won't fit the exact chips :(
[12:29:42] <OndraSter_> SP8J3 dual MOSFET doesn't have DIP
[12:29:54] <OndraSter_> they are special 4V
[12:30:07] <Casper> or do the math on the gate charge
[12:31:18] <OndraSter_> well since they will be pulsing, they would need quick pullup/pulldown... and in case of fire, they should be all pulled up, so pullup wins
[12:31:26] <OndraSter_> every time one has to turn off and turn on another one
[12:32:17] <Casper> a proper gate driver can give a few amps you know
[12:32:21] <rue_bed> they do make logic level fets that operate at ~5V
[12:32:37] <OndraSter_> rue_bed, this is 4V one
[12:32:39] <Casper> rue_bed: yes, they do, but still have that enormous gate capacitance
[12:32:41] <rue_bed> bit finding them in dip will be a hunt
[12:32:51] <OndraSter_> I am fine with them being SMD
[12:33:04] <rue_bed> I have a part number somewhere
[12:33:47] <OndraSter_> 5.5nC is gate charge
[12:34:05] <OndraSter_> according to datasheet
[12:34:51] <rue_bed> so at 1A it would take 5.5ns to charge
[12:35:16] <OndraSter_> like I said, I am fine with 1us or so
[12:35:23] <rue_bed> if my morning math is correct
[12:35:37] <OndraSter_> I have barely slept so it is even worse on my side
[12:35:40] <rue_bed> 1/200 A
[12:35:55] <OndraSter_> 5mA
[12:35:55] <rue_bed> 20mA?
[12:36:00] <rue_bed> ok
[12:36:19] <rue_bed> so, 470 ohms shoudl do it
[12:36:21] <OndraSter_> output current of the 154s is about 20 - 25mA
[12:36:33] <rue_bed> 154?
[12:36:41] <OndraSter_> well there are 74hc154 decoding the address
[12:36:44] <rue_bed> hmm I dont think thats a driver
[12:36:47] <OndraSter_> no
[12:36:48] <OndraSter_> it is not
[12:37:03] <rue_bed> battery powered?
[12:37:08] <OndraSter_> no
[12:37:13] <OndraSter_> space is tight though
[12:37:15] <OndraSter_> and budget too
[12:37:20] <rue_bed> use a 470 and a pulldown transistor
[12:37:29] <rue_bed> you have an array of them?
[12:37:32] <OndraSter_> ye
[12:37:40] <OndraSter_> 32
[12:37:45] <OndraSter_> well, they need to be quickly both switched down and up
[12:37:47] <rue_bed> did you know you can get shift registers with drivers?
[12:37:56] <OndraSter_> directly?
[12:37:59] <OndraSter_> that could handle 2A?
[12:38:06] <rue_bed> na, 1A tho
[12:38:11] <OndraSter_> not enough
[12:38:12] <rue_bed> open collector
[12:38:19] <rue_bed> but its enough to drive the gate
[12:38:23] <OndraSter_> oh
[12:38:26] <rue_bed> with pullup resistors
[12:38:28] <OndraSter_> do you have any PN?
[12:38:47] <rue_bed> not off hte top of my head
[12:39:00] <OndraSter_> kk
[12:39:02] <OndraSter_> will search
[12:39:02] <OndraSter_> thanks
[12:39:09] <rue_bed> I think one of them is made by microchip
[12:39:21] <rue_bed> them or...
[12:39:38] <rue_bed> no I cant remember right now
[12:39:57] <rue_bed> microchip makes ok stuff, just not programmable micros...
[12:40:47] <rue_bed> I'm doomed to wake up, the cats are swinging up and down the curtin rail on the cutin
[12:41:27] * rue_bed tries to ignore by burring his head under his pillow
[12:41:42] <Tom_itx> you should teach them better habbits
[12:41:58] <rue_bed> have them make robots to do it?
[12:43:44] <rue_bed> well, it IS 10:30, maybe I should get up
[12:44:02] <Tom_itx> half the day is gone
[12:44:17] <rue_bed> only by daylight
[12:44:29] <rue_bed> but its miserable out anyhow
[12:44:38] <Tom_itx> nice n sunny here
[12:44:48] <Tom_itx> unseasonablly warm
[12:45:04] <OndraSter_> rue_bed, I can actually get around that
[12:45:09] <OndraSter_> upload one byte with new address
[12:45:11] <OndraSter_> latch it
[12:45:20] <OndraSter_> upload whole data + the address again
[12:45:23] <OndraSter_> latch it again
[12:45:26] <OndraSter_> the address won't change
[12:45:33] <rue_bed> whats that to get around?
[12:45:36] <OndraSter_> but the MOSFETs will meanwhile switch
[12:45:44] <OndraSter_> that they will have way more time to switch
[12:45:51] <OndraSter_> while the display is waiting for new data to be latched
[12:45:54] <OndraSter_> so it can turn on again
[12:46:26] <rue_bed> with the shift register ones, you can load in your new data and wait, then latch it when its uspposed to go up
[12:46:39] <rue_bed> BA1....
[12:46:41] <rue_bed> 0
[12:46:44] <rue_bed> 23?
[12:46:53] <OndraSter_> have you seen my schematics or not? I think they would explain what I am trying to do :)
[12:47:08] * rue_bed squints at his mental recollection of the chip
[12:47:16] <rue_bed> I havn't seen
[12:47:24] <rue_bed> is this just to drive leds?
[12:47:32] <rue_bed> no you said 2A
[12:47:33] <OndraSter_> again
[12:47:33] <OndraSter_> <OndraSter_> latch it again
[12:47:35] <OndraSter_> oops
[12:47:40] <OndraSter_> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3936936/vse.sch
[12:47:41] <OndraSter_> this
[12:47:49] <rue_bed> sch file eh
[12:47:50] <OndraSter_> ye, 2A
[12:47:55] <OndraSter_> eagle
[12:47:56] <rue_bed> have to wait till I'm out of bed
[12:48:01] <OndraSter_> 2A... there is a LOT of LEDs to be ridden
[12:48:03] <OndraSter_> oh ok
[12:48:05] <OndraSter_> sure
[12:48:05] <OndraSter_> thanks :)
[12:48:16] <rue_bed> why not use high voltage?
[12:48:21] <rue_bed> put them in series
[12:48:33] <OndraSter_> 8x8 matrices
[12:48:36] <OndraSter_> 96x32 display
[12:48:46] <rue_bed> aaah
[12:49:12] <Tom_itx> make a png from your schematic and post it
[12:49:36] <OndraSter_> let me see, is there builtin png export in eagle? It is rather bigger schematics
[12:49:37] <rue_bed> np, I have to get out of bed eventually
[12:49:43] <rue_bed> yup
[12:49:46] <Tom_itx> yep
[12:49:48] <rue_bed> export image, png
[12:49:48] <Tom_itx> yap
[12:50:11] <rue_bed> tho windows prefers to export bmp iirc
[12:50:18] <OndraSter_> ok
[12:50:23] <OndraSter_> huh bmp
[12:50:58] <Tom_itx> png is fine
[12:51:01] <OndraSter_> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/3936936/all.png
[12:51:04] <OndraSter_> bmp would be large
[12:51:19] <OndraSter_> those resistors at those gates of the MOSFETs are there waiting to be connected as pulldown/pullup
[12:51:22] <Kev> I export png and I'm runing windows
[12:51:24] <OndraSter_> waiting for advices :D
[12:51:29] <rue_bed> like all other formats, bmp is just a wrapper for any format
[12:51:31] <OndraSter_> yeah, exported to PNG in win too
[12:59:22] <rue_bed> tooo large for this laptop
[13:09:07] <OndraSter_> rue_bed, yeah
[13:09:09] <OndraSter_> :P
[13:09:12] <OndraSter_> I said it is a bit bigger
[13:09:18] <OndraSter_> that's why BMP would be dumb idea
[13:13:56] <rue_bed> iirc 150 dpi is usually overkill
[13:15:26] <OndraSter_> isn't it more because the pic itself is 5900xsomething?
[13:15:43] <rue_bed> what dpi did it say it was gonna make the image?
[13:15:54] <OndraSter_> prolly 150, don't remember
[13:16:10] <rue_bed> np, I'll get up late
[13:16:11] <rue_bed> r
[13:16:12] <OndraSter_> 5290x2499 is the image size
[13:16:15] <OndraSter_> thanks man :)
[13:16:20] <OndraSter_> I had the same problem
[13:16:28] <OndraSter_> except that I went to sleep at 0700 and got up 1330 lol
[13:16:46] <rue_bed> just trying to work out a plan for the immediate next 364 days
[13:16:57] <OndraSter_> :D
[13:18:24] <Tom_itx> how did you fair on the last 365?
[13:21:40] <OndraSter_> sex, drugs and rock'n'roll!
[13:26:33] <Tom_itx> a balance of each?
[13:26:34] <rue_bed> the 5kw ups isn't hooked up
[13:26:49] <rue_bed> I had the setback with the etching tank
[13:27:02] <rue_bed> I didn't get the gyro cage started for the mecha
[13:27:05] <Tom_itx> what setback?
[13:27:11] <rue_bed> falling apart
[13:27:18] <Tom_itx> oh
[13:27:26] <Tom_itx> that was falling apart from the beginning though
[13:27:46] <rue_bed> yes, but it was falling apart in a workable manner
[13:28:16] <rue_bed> 2 relatives and a cat died
[13:28:47] <rue_bed> the boiler wasn't able to be fit into the fireshed
[13:29:02] <rue_bed> (its NOT safe enough to do that right now)
[13:29:29] <rue_bed> did I tell you when the fan shuts down on a hot fire, flames come out the intake holes at the bottom?
[13:29:40] <Tom_itx> no
[13:29:50] <rue_bed> when the fan shuts down on a hot fire, flames come out the intake holes at the bottom?
[13:29:55] <rue_bed> when the fan shuts down on a hot fire, flames come out the intake holes at the bottom.
[13:30:01] <Tom_itx> oh
[13:30:15] <Tom_itx> that could be a problem
[13:30:33] <rue_bed> bit of a fire hazard for going into the shed
[13:31:01] <Tom_itx> doing paperwork
[13:31:20] <rue_bed> wonder what kinda generic usb thing I can use to make relay banks
[13:31:41] <rue_bed> I suppose I could go serial and use modbus
[13:31:57] <Tom_itx> he may have an example of that
[13:31:58] <rue_bed> dosnt' sounds interesting at this moment
[13:31:58] <Tom_itx> iirc
[13:32:06] <rue_bed> serial, yes
[13:32:09] <Tom_itx> usb
[13:32:13] <rue_bed> yea
[13:32:29] <Tom_itx> there are quite a few examples in his file
[13:32:33] <rue_bed> my initial goal is to make a proper usb sound card
[13:32:38] <rue_bed> I got it
[13:32:42] <Tom_itx> i know
[13:32:52] <rue_bed> keyboards, and joysticks, mice, audio io, midi
[13:32:57] <dofidum> rue_bed, usb sucks
[13:33:11] <rue_bed> dofidum, ofcourse, but its NOT going away
[13:33:43] <dofidum> rue_bed, alright then, but promise not to go high-speed ;)
[13:34:02] <rue_bed> dofidum, serial didn't suck till the day the modern world forgot how to do baud detection
[13:34:24] <rue_bed> dofidum, apparently usb-1 is being dropped on a lot of stuff
[13:34:56] <dofidum> rue_bed, to develop for usb properly you need an analyser and they are only available upwards of £700 for a very basic one
[13:34:58] <rue_bed> well, between the standardization of connectors and the point where they forgot how to do autobaud
[13:35:32] <rue_bed> dofidum, I'm really good with a blindfold and a shotgun
[13:35:42] <dofidum> rue_bed, hehe
[13:38:02] * rue_bed stretches
[13:38:06] <rue_bed> shower!
[13:38:12] <Steffanx> Have fun
[13:58:09] <rue_house> dofidum, what about ring counters instead of the 154?
[13:58:36] <rue_house> actaully you can do it with a shift register, just clock 1 bit at a time
[13:58:46] <rue_house> BA1023
[13:58:48] <rue_house> 1 sec
[14:00:30] <rue_house> by ROHM
[14:01:13] <OndraSter_> what ba1023?
[14:01:28] <rue_house> I dont think thats the right number 1 min
[14:02:02] <OndraSter_> yeah
[14:02:06] <OndraSter_> no datasheet for that number
[14:02:34] <rue_shop> points to being close
[14:02:36] <rue_shop> BA829
[14:03:12] <OndraSter_> thanks
[14:03:51] <rue_house> I was sure it has 4 digits
[14:04:49] <rue_house> http://search.digikey.com/scripts/DkSearch/dksus.dll?x=0&y=0&lang=en&site=ca&KeyWords=BA829
[14:06:28] <rue_house> you can just tick the clock over one at a time and use the latch
[14:06:33] <rue_house> act likea ring counter
[14:06:42] <rue_house> with pullups, it could drive the fets just fine
[14:06:54] <rue_house> gonna lose a lot of power on the pulups tho
[14:07:21] <OndraSter_> afk
[14:07:26] <rue_house> oh, the outputs are totempole
[14:08:45] <OndraSter_> back*
[14:08:56] <rue_house> they drive 300mA
[14:09:02] <Steffanx> Hmm, thanks for the info OndraSter_ :D
[14:09:05] <OndraSter_> rue_house, yeah, I actually looked on something similar that was ment for ink or whatever printers this evening :D
[14:09:06] <rue_house> that totally works for driving logic level fets!
[14:09:27] <rue_house> ooo I have a part number for one of those somewhere too
[14:09:44] <rue_house> so, what you gonna do, 4 of these?
[14:10:03] <rue_house> ah their not that cheap
[14:10:09] <OndraSter_> yeah :(
[14:10:21] <OndraSter_> 6.3 bucks per piece? hell no
[14:10:24] <rue_house> I dont know what the inkjet head driver part number was
[14:10:27] <rue_house> not a clue
[14:10:38] <OndraSter_> neither do I, I ran across it by some weird luck
[14:10:40] <OndraSter_> plus it was not serial
[14:10:54] <rue_house> there are serial ones
[14:10:58] <OndraSter_> yes
[14:11:01] <rue_house> theyhave kinda row and column drivers
[14:11:36] <rue_house> L6451 or the like I bet
[14:11:51] <rue_house> ooh thats right
[14:12:00] <rue_house> they are divided into two halfs
[14:12:08] <rue_house> but you only need one output at a time anyhow
[14:12:35] <rue_house> http://search.digikey.com/ca/en/products/L6451013TR/497-4016-1-ND/715960
[14:12:48] <rue_house> they dont carry them, but I could prolyl supply you with 1 or 2 if you really want
[14:13:24] <rue_house> 800mA out
[14:13:31] <OndraSter_> hmm
[14:13:32] <OndraSter_> chmpf
[14:14:04] <OndraSter_> why it can't be driven directly by the 154? If it can charge the MOSFET fast enough - actually charging can take some time, as the LEDs will be on for few usecs anyway, so if they slowly rise doesn't make a change
[14:14:09] <OndraSter_> and pulldown to discharge them
[14:14:21] <rue_house> because the 154 cant really drive the current needed to switch it verry fast
[14:14:33] <OndraSter_> 25mA output current says datasheet
[14:14:48] <rue_house> going up or down :)
[14:15:00] <OndraSter_> +-25mA is output current
[14:15:02] <rue_house> bets its like 5ma up and 25 down
[14:15:04] <rue_house> really?
[14:15:05] <rue_house> hmm
[14:15:09] <OndraSter_> it is NXP
[14:15:17] <rue_house> ok
[14:15:35] <rue_house> if thats what they say
[14:15:41] <rue_house> wait
[14:15:47] <rue_house> you have it hooked up to a 595
[14:15:57] <OndraSter_> 595 is before the 154s
[14:15:57] <rue_house> whats the output current of the 595?
[14:15:59] <OndraSter_> huh
[14:16:05] <OndraSter_> that would be four 595s
[14:16:08] <rue_house> I think they have drivers
[14:16:13] <rue_house> but
[14:16:18] <rue_house> if you use a different clock line
[14:16:29] <rue_house> you just put in a 1 and hit the clock every time for the nect row
[14:16:41] <rue_house> know what I mean?
[14:16:50] <rue_house> no need to shift in another 32 bits
[14:17:15] <OndraSter_> uh?
[14:17:17] <OndraSter_> how come?
[14:17:45] <rue_house> because when you pulse the clock line, the 1 moves over 1 bit
[14:17:46] <OndraSter_> NXP 74HC595 has output of +-35mA for the main Q ports
[14:17:49] <OndraSter_> yes
[14:18:02] <OndraSter_> so it becomes 1, 2, 7, 16
[14:18:05] <OndraSter_> the output
[14:18:08] <OndraSter_> oops
[14:18:09] <OndraSter_> 1 2 7 15
[14:18:35] <rue_house> also, if you can do smt, maybe use a usb avr?
[14:18:57] <OndraSter_> I already got the 128a.. I am not familiar with USB AVRs, plus I don't have any JTAG or ISP tool for them
[14:18:58] <rue_house> er, oh I see your using a external memory chip
[14:19:02] <OndraSter_> yep
[14:19:08] <OndraSter_> 64kB RAM is must-have
[14:19:14] <rue_house> you dont need to, they come with a usb bootloader
[14:19:19] <OndraSter_> oh
[14:19:21] <OndraSter_> can it do OCD?
[14:19:21] <rue_house> you cant use a serial ram?
[14:19:36] <rue_house> you use "flip" or "dfu"
[14:19:39] <OndraSter_> serial ram = slow, I need to do a lot of reading
[14:19:40] <rue_house> ocd?
[14:19:43] <rue_house> ok
[14:19:43] <OndraSter_> on chip debug
[14:20:00] <rue_house> eeek, you want to do on chip debug!!?
[14:20:03] <rue_house> ickg
[14:20:06] <OndraSter_> through JTAG
[14:20:22] <OndraSter_> what's wrong with that? :D
[14:21:39] <rue_house> I do all my debugging with 1 led (sometimes the led is as big as my oscilloscope, but... and if you write your code up gradually, and test everything, you really dont need to get into on chip debugging
[14:21:42] <OndraSter_> I don't want to use something I've never done anything with, since if I fail, I won't pass school
[14:21:46] <rue_house> but I'll leave you to it
[14:22:02] <rue_house> ah, looming deadline
[14:22:08] <OndraSter_> FT232RL is something I am used to and know it
[14:22:17] <OndraSter_> and I know that it works out of box
[14:22:30] <OndraSter_> yap, need some results in 2 months...
[14:22:33] <OndraSter_> as close to final as possible
[14:22:38] <rue_house> yea, under the conditions, go with what your familiar with
[14:22:44] <Tom_itx> OndraSter_, where are you?
[14:22:51] <OndraSter_> at home...?
[14:23:07] <OndraSter_> Prague if you mean that
[14:23:09] <Tom_itx> and where might that be
[14:23:14] <Tom_itx> k
[14:23:27] <Steffanx> Tom_itx knows which country that is?
[14:23:28] <Steffanx> 3
[14:23:29] <Steffanx> 2
[14:23:29] <Steffanx> 1
[14:23:30] <Steffanx> -
[14:23:32] <Steffanx> No
[14:23:34] <OndraSter_> heh
[14:24:00] <Tom_itx> it's way over here
[14:24:28] <Steffanx> .cz :)
[14:24:37] <OndraSter_> and by Prague I mean cz, not some little town in the USA :D
[14:24:49] <Tom_itx> i've sent stuff there
[14:25:01] <OndraSter_> ebay?
[14:25:38] <Tom_itx> my site
[14:26:07] <Tom_itx> pretty sure anyway
[14:26:27] <OndraSter_> :)
[14:34:49] <rue_house> "m in canada, I live in an igloo, were angry about global warming because its causing a housing shortage
[14:35:00] <Steffanx> :D
[14:35:08] <rue_house> :)
[14:35:21] <amee2k> do redundant supply and ground pins on a bus connector make sense? o.O
[14:35:35] <rue_house> ground yes
[14:35:38] <Tom_itx> dig a cave
[14:35:44] <rue_house> losing ground is a %&%$#%$@
[14:36:31] <amee2k> i'm using an i2c bus in kind of a half-external fashion to connect a bunch of module boards together. the bus transcievers are completely floating and only powered by the bus' power pins
[14:36:38] <Steffanx> My country will be gone thanks to global warming.. so by happy :P
[14:37:02] * amee2k passes Steffanx a life vest
[14:37:03] <Tom_itx> you can immigrate to us
[14:37:04] <amee2k> there ya go :)
[14:37:10] <Steffanx> No way Tom_itx
[14:37:22] <rue_house> the usa will only lose 30% of its area
[14:37:58] <rue_house> so, hmm I need to compile a lufa demo here
[14:38:22] <amee2k> my bus connection is an 8 or 10 pin header so i can use IDC connectors and ribbon cables for the bus. but i only really need 3 pins of these so i have three supply pins and four ground pins right now
[14:38:28] <Tom_itx> you can build the whole batch at once rue
[14:38:35] <Tom_itx> from the main, make all
[14:38:41] <rue_house> use telco connectors, 6 pin
[14:38:42] <Tom_itx> and make all doxygen
[14:39:11] <amee2k> i'm wondering if that still makes sense, or if i don't lose anything by changing it to one supply pin and one or two ground pins so i can use the extra pins for more stuff
[14:39:29] <rue_house> I got two 300mw stereo amp chips for my usb audio project
[14:39:43] <rue_house> but I couldn't find any dac's I liked
[14:40:04] <amee2k> any ideas?
[14:40:12] <rue_house> you can modify the pin heights so that ground connects first
[14:40:29] <rue_house> i2c?
[14:40:31] <Tom_itx> usb does that
[14:40:37] <rue_house> you putting buffers on i2c?
[14:41:03] <rue_house> I run my i2c bus over 70 feet down the house, in a star config from the controller
[14:41:04] <amee2k> rue_house: yeah i2c. when i came up with it i didn't do it for redundancy alone, i'm alterating signal pins and ground/supply pins to reduce crosstalk on the bus
[14:41:07] <rue_house> and it works fine
[14:41:21] <rue_house> on station Z wire
[14:41:27] <rue_house> 4c untwisted
[14:41:44] <rue_house> 22 gua I think
[14:42:06] <rue_house> but my baud rate is kinda low
[14:42:08] <amee2k> i'm not really sure i2c on twisted pair makes sense since it doesn't do differential signalling
[14:42:32] <amee2k> unless you use awkward transcievers that have individual current return pins for each signal line
[14:42:45] <rue_house> my point is, I have the *worst* possable arrangement and mine works
[14:43:19] <amee2k> i'm hoping to get at least 10kHz through, 100 would be just fine. i want to spec the transcievers to handle up to 1MHz with no minimum frequency imposed
[14:43:37] <rue_house> hmm
[14:43:57] <rue_house> hopefully my success gives you some context
[14:44:01] <amee2k> i don't have high volume but latency should be controllable
[14:44:50] <amee2k> rue_house: hmm i think it does. but i don't think my specs are too high to be practical either. the question is more a matter of what would be good practice
[14:45:17] <rue_house> are you going more than 70 feet?
[14:45:38] <amee2k> i have a bunch of feature ideas, like adding interrupt and general enable lines to the bus. but that would sacrifice the neat ground-signal-ground-signal-ground... arrangement on the ribbon cable
[14:45:43] <OndraSter_> I wanted to do similar thing
[14:45:44] <amee2k> because i need more pins
[14:45:54] <OndraSter_> I ended up in my thoughts using those cheap wireless chips from ebay
[14:45:58] <OndraSter_> attiny
[14:46:00] <OndraSter_> and battery :)
[14:46:16] <amee2k> rue_house: possible, but rather unlikely at the moment i'd say
[14:46:35] <rue_house> microchip has some application notes for rf stuff that would work just fine on avrs };)
[14:47:07] <amee2k> for long range stuff i want to define a mapping to transport my i2c protocol across a packet switched network
[14:47:09] <rue_house> iirc
[14:47:17] <amee2k> so i can use RS485 or ethernet+UDP
[14:47:52] <rue_house> hehe modbus
[14:48:22] <rue_house> modbus stack dosn't look TOOOO evil to code from scratch
[14:48:44] <rue_house> lunch, biab
[14:49:17] <amee2k> yeah, something like that. either way, i'd say at 70ft i'd consider whether i2c is still practical or i should break it up into more segments
[14:50:08] <amee2k> also, i'm not entirely sure how EMI friendly the environment would be since the boards will have medium current medium frequency switched circuits on them
[14:50:35] <amee2k> say, 150-500kHz and up to 3 amps p-p
[14:53:19] <OndraSter_> wow
[14:55:46] <amee2k> mmh?
[14:57:14] <OndraSter_> ohh, I thought you wanted those 70 feet with 3A p-p :P
[14:57:20] <OndraSter_> didn't read one line
[14:57:23] <OndraSter_> sorry :D
[14:57:53] <amee2k> ah, okay
[14:58:36] <amee2k> no, the boards have power line filters to prevent them from leaking RF everywhere
[14:59:18] <amee2k> and the actual switched circuit will be as small as i can possibly make it. but the bus cable will still run straight past it
[17:36:58] <Kingsy> anyone in here use cdt?
[17:38:20] <tech2077> cdt?
[17:38:44] <Kingsy> sorry, eclipse.. the IDE i mean
[17:39:28] <tech2077> i use eclipse, but not for avr dev
[17:40:41] <Kingsy> hmm everything works and everthing, I am just trying to figure out a decent way of debugging code.. without having to build -> upload and test each time.. it would be cool to be able to debug and run things through first
[17:41:18] <tech2077> avr is harder to debug though gdb
[17:41:25] <tech2077> do you have a avr jtag
[17:41:55] <Kingsy> hehe I have no idea what that is, so no I don't think so
[17:42:14] <OndraSter> how are yo uflashing your device?
[17:43:01] <Kingsy> OndraSter: ummm not sure specifically, I am just using the avr plugin for eclipse
[17:43:19] <tech2077> what OS
[17:43:30] <Kingsy> OndraSter: avrdude? or am I confused abot what you are askin>
[17:43:34] <tech2077> your using avrdude right with avrgcc
[17:43:37] <Kingsy> tech2077: ubuntu
[17:44:33] <Kingsy> tech2077: exactly :)
[17:45:16] <tech2077> well, without jtag, you can't debug avr through GDB
[17:45:37] <tech2077> you have to manually debug after you flash
[17:45:41] <Kingsy> I don't know what jtag is.. is it software?
[17:46:19] <tech2077> it's a protocal/device class to flash and debug avr's through software
[17:47:52] <Kingsy> something that can simply just be installed?
[17:48:27] <tech2077> no
[17:48:35] <tech2077> you usually don't need it
[17:48:43] <tech2077> you have to buy a device
[17:48:50] <tech2077> what project you working on
[17:49:20] <Kingsy> ah, naaa not looking to buy anything..
[17:49:58] <Kingsy> umm nothing specific, just messing around seeing what I can do and cant
[17:50:00] <CapnKernel> JTAG is an electrical standard, a serial protocol for clocking data in and out of chips.
[17:50:21] <tech2077> what he said, i personally haven't used jtag with avrs
[17:50:53] <Kingsy> its not a problem I guess
[17:51:08] <CapnKernel> A chip manufacturer can add a debug section to their chip's silicon, then let you control the debug unit via JTAG
[17:51:24] <tech2077> when your starting with avr's, definitely not needed
[17:51:59] <CapnKernel> JTAG can also be used for other things, such as programming flash chips, for doing electrical testing, and for loading firmware into FPGAs at boot time
[17:52:23] <tech2077> avr's jtag devices are limited though
[17:52:27] <tech2077> and not standard
[17:52:48] <tech2077> so they aren't useful for anything other than debugging avr's :/
[17:53:02] <tech2077> afaik
[18:05:59] <OndraSter> yep
[18:06:12] <OndraSter> that's why I got the chinese copy of mkI... it cost $15 but can debug only few devices
[18:06:22] <OndraSter> HOW HARD CAN IT BE to add support for other devices.... :/
[18:06:39] <tech2077> easy, but they are lazy
[18:06:49] <tech2077> and most people don't like updating device firmwares
[18:07:24] <OndraSter> I prefer update firmawre in the JTAG box rather buying newer one for $299
[18:07:26] <OndraSter> :P
[18:07:31] <tech2077> heh
[18:07:45] <tech2077> i hate java...
[18:07:53] <OndraSter> everybody does :D
[18:07:54] <tech2077> have to work with it for FRC
[18:07:56] <OndraSter> except google
[18:08:06] <tech2077> google doesn't even like it that much...
[18:08:12] <OndraSter> android?
[18:08:14] <OndraSter> they use Dalvik, sure
[18:08:38] <tech2077> yeah, but thats for obvious reasons
[18:08:49] <tech2077> desktop java is just horrible
[18:08:53] <OndraSter> yep
[18:08:54] <tech2077> Dalvik at least works
[18:09:20] <tech2077> but java's atleast better than the alternative...labview
[18:09:42] <OndraSter> eh
[18:09:45] <OndraSter> I am .NET myself
[18:09:55] * CapnKernel loves Python
[18:10:35] <OndraSter> I will provide only .NET lib for my project :P
[18:10:46] <OndraSter> plus raw description
[18:11:41] <tech2077> i love Python also
[18:11:49] <tech2077> only surpassed by my love of C
[18:12:13] <CapnKernel> I have 20 years experience programming C, but I'm over it.
[18:12:33] <CapnKernel> C is a small child you drag kicking and screaming towards your problem.
[18:12:47] <tech2077> it somehow gets it done though :P
[18:13:24] <CapnKernel> I'm convinced people like C for the same reason people like to do Soduku: Some people really do get off on the mental gymnastics one needs to do.
[18:13:46] <tech2077> maybe...
[18:13:48] <CapnKernel> Complexity lovers :-(
[18:17:27] <CapnKernel> Why one of the world's top Perl-heads loves Python: http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/3882
[18:17:59] <tech2077> python is so simple, it's amazing
[18:18:08] <tech2077> all your hard problems, just become easy
[18:19:42] <CapnKernel> Yes
[18:19:53] <CapnKernel> Re the small screaming child
[18:20:33] <CapnKernel> On the other hand, Python says "I've got something in my system libs that will do 95% of what you want, and by fiddling with the arguments, 98%. And the 2% is also easy"
[18:20:57] <CapnKernel> In Perl it's hard to write a program that is readable. In Python, it's hard to write a program that is not readable.
[18:21:24] <CapnKernel> Two words to describe Python: "willing"
[18:21:27] <CapnKernel> and "graceful"
[18:23:16] <tech2077> heh
[18:23:33] <tech2077> it's like a piece of clay
[18:23:38] <tech2077> that molds itself
[18:23:46] <tech2077> when you ask it nicely
[18:27:32] <CapnKernel> Python asks you nicely if it can mould itself to your problem
[18:28:38] <Valen> from hardproblem import solution
[18:29:24] <tech2077> import antigravity
[18:29:34] <tech2077> from life import meaning
[18:29:59] <Valen> http://xkcd.com/413/
[18:31:07] <tech2077> heh
[18:32:01] <tech2077> only thing it could do to be easier is give me easy *2bin functions
[18:32:15] <CapnKernel> LOL
[18:32:41] <Valen> yeah pythons bit operations arent that fun
[18:33:18] <Valen> sometimes you want defined types
[18:38:31] <CapnKernel> tech2077: Some links for you: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/528648/
[19:46:42] <Kingsy> what does it usually mean when you get errors like this --> ../test.c:12: undefined reference to `print' <-- ? I am including the .h file accordingly, I cant see why it wouldnt work
[19:49:55] <OndraSter> isn't it printf?
[19:50:15] <Kingsy> OndraSter: well nom,
[19:50:25] <Kingsy> no, that is a method defined in the header I included.
[19:50:29] <Kingsy> also play()
[19:50:36] <OndraSter> oh
[19:50:39] <OndraSter> what lib is it?
[19:50:39] <brentbxr> I found that link to driving a shift register with one pin; a resistor, and a cap. Or any clock in 2wire serial I guess (like i2c)
[19:50:43] <brentbxr> if anyone is intereted
[19:50:46] <brentbxr> its quite interesting
[19:50:52] <brentbxr> never tried it myself but i like the concept
[19:51:08] <OndraSter> brentbxr, link? :)
[19:51:10] <brentbxr> http://www.romanblack.com/shift1.htm
[19:51:33] <Kingsy> basically, this is the link I am using --> http://www.pololu.com/docs/0J21/6.b <-- you can see the sample program I am giving a go there..
[19:51:42] <Kingsy> it is basically just to check the libs out
[19:52:59] <OndraSter> is the pololu/3pi.h in proper folder?
[19:54:58] <Kingsy> just checkin it out now.. it must be..
[19:55:17] <Kingsy> I dunno its obviously somthing dumb I have missed..
[19:55:22] <Kingsy> let me double check stuff
[19:56:58] <OndraSter> that is cool, brentbxr
[19:57:05] <OndraSter> homemade 1wire interface
[19:57:09] <OndraSter> now what about receiving data lol
[19:57:42] <brentbxr> hm
[19:57:59] <brentbxr> would need to control the slave yourself i guess
[19:58:07] <OndraSter> 2nd wire...
[19:58:12] <Kingsy> OndraSter: yep.. i have the path right, for sure
[19:59:35] <OndraSter> Kingsy, C:\winavr-yourversion\avr\include goes the pololu folder with the 3pi.h in it
[19:59:44] <OndraSter> into \lib goes the .lib
[20:00:26] <Kingsy> I am on linux btw
[20:00:52] <OndraSter> oh
[20:00:53] <OndraSter> no idea then
[20:00:59] <OndraSter> it's just that you sent that tuto
[20:01:03] <OndraSter> and it was Win version :)
[20:01:07] <OndraSter> what are you using to compile it?
[20:01:10] <OndraSter> and what IDE do you use
[20:01:20] <Kingsy> but yeah.. /usr/lib/avr/include/pololu/ goes to the folder with 3pi.h in it
[20:01:27] <Kingsy> OndraSter: eclipse
[20:01:44] <OndraSter> chmpf
[20:01:44] <OndraSter> no idea there, sorry
[20:01:48] <Kingsy> I can see the header in the include list in the project explorer too
[20:01:49] <Kingsy> np
[20:13:38] <Kingsy> OndraSter: as it turns out you need to add a .a file to the linker step in the make process.. so -l blah.a does that make sens to you?
[20:15:37] <Kingsy> nevermind, I guess I will just do this later.. 2morrow or something
[20:17:05] <OndraLappy> yes it does
[20:17:37] <OndraLappy> it didn't see the .lib (err, the .a) file which contains the actual code
[20:17:48] <OndraLappy> pre-compiled
[20:19:03] <OndraLappy> gn Kingsy 'n all
[20:19:33] <Kingsy> nn
[22:16:12] <Tom_itx> inflex, ok i bit the bullet
[22:16:34] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser how long did you wait for your itead boards?
[22:17:41] <abcminiuser> A long long long time
[22:17:51] <abcminiuser> First time was 3 weeks, second was 5
[22:17:51] <Tom_itx> a month?
[22:17:55] <Tom_itx> ok
[22:18:28] <Tom_itx> were you happy with the quality?
[22:19:52] <inflex> Tom_itx: ?
[22:20:10] <Tom_itx> i got a batch from itead on the way
[22:20:26] <inflex> oooh okay
[22:20:26] <Tom_itx> guess we'll see
[22:20:29] <inflex> $45 one?
[22:20:35] <Tom_itx> i got 100
[22:20:48] * inflex HAS to get something going _NOW_ for his new PCBs... it's killing me that GP is offline :(
[22:21:01] <Tom_itx> what's up with their site?
[22:21:09] <inflex> I mean, they're not producing atm
[22:21:11] <Tom_itx> they sent me a login and it's dead
[22:21:29] <inflex> yeah, mine too btw
[22:21:33] <abcminiuser> Yeah quality was good
[22:21:45] <inflex> tried logging in, tells me to follow the steps in the email... (seprate email?) but I can't find it
[22:22:03] <Tom_itx> i suspect i'll wait a good long time for these being so close to their chinese newyear
[22:22:38] <Tom_itx> but i had to do something
[22:22:45] <Tom_itx> been sittin around too long
[22:24:09] <inflex> this one caught me off guard... I thought I had more PCBs left of a particular variant of my BACs... but I was wrong
[22:24:13] <inflex> (thought I had 30, only had 14)
[22:26:18] <Tom_itx> i'll forget about em now and they'll be a nice surprise when they come
[22:35:51] <brentbxr> Anyone know of a custom firmware for the USBASP programmer to utilize it as a USB-UART bridge
[22:36:16] <brentbxr> or a vertual com port in general
[22:37:52] <Kevin`> brentbxr: that should be fairly trivial, using v-usb's example projects (usbasp is full-software usb, right?)
[22:39:02] <brentbxr> yea
[22:39:25] <brentbxr> I have been trying for a bit using the CDC-232 v-usb firmware
[22:39:33] <brentbxr> but some reason I cannot get it to work
[22:39:38] <brentbxr> dont know why im having such a hard time
[22:44:34] <brentbxr> keep getting unrecognized usb device
[22:46:50] <brentbxr> aw fuck me
[22:46:52] <brentbxr> i figured it out
[22:47:08] <brentbxr> I didnt notice the seperate eeprom file that was generated.
[22:48:26] <Kevin`> ..the code actually USES the eeprom for something?
[22:49:43] <brentbxr> looks like it stores all the USB configuration stuff
[22:49:43] <Tom_itx> probably storing constants
[22:49:46] <brentbxr> like device name and so on
[22:50:07] <Tom_itx> so they can squeeze it all in
[22:50:50] <Kevin`> doesn't the usbasp's controller have gobs of extra space though?
[22:50:53] <Kevin`> *looks it up*
[22:51:11] <Tom_itx> i dunno
[22:52:19] <Kevin`> 8kb flash.. not a lot, but plenty for this. v-usb would work for this on 4kb flash (because i've tried it. I forget how much it actually ended up needing)
[22:54:47] <brentbxr> now lets see if the drivers work with my modified config
[22:57:23] <brentbxr> awesome
[23:00:40] <Kevin`> oh, the fun of windows drivers
[23:00:54] <Kevin`> can't just automatically work because it's cdc, no, that would be too easy
[23:04:00] <brentbxr> :D
[23:23:21] <brentbxr> cant seem to control the LEDs on PC0 and PC1
[23:23:35] <brentbxr> I remember having issues using PORTC on the mega8 before
[23:23:42] <brentbxr> cant remember what the problem was though
[23:25:10] <brentbxr> well thats annoying
[23:28:34] <Kevin`> it might be assigned to an enabled perhipheral. jtag for example.
[23:32:07] <inflex> eh? what torubles with portC?
[23:32:26] * inflex has used megas a lot - but never hit problems with portc, so I'm curious now
[23:32:59] <brentbxr> I have; i remember trying to run an LCD off of portc on a mega8 before wouldnt work wouldnt work... finally i just changed the pins to portb
[23:33:07] <brentbxr> perhaps kevins idea
[23:33:09] <brentbxr> ill check
[23:33:22] <inflex> O_o doesn't make a lot of sense though
[23:33:23] <brentbxr> although i dont think the hex had any fuse changes
[23:33:26] <brentbxr> and it worked before
[23:33:30] <brentbxr> i know
[23:34:44] <inflex> about the only hiccup PORTC can deliver that I can ascertain is if you're tring to use the top 2 bits (which don't exist as digital out) or you're also running SPI
[23:35:16] <inflex> wonder if it was a small hiccup in the .h header configuration file for the LCD library
[23:35:51] <brentbxr> thats old news; for whatever reason i cannot use an LED on portc 1 and 0
[23:35:52] <inflex> or just a general miscoding, accidently doing something likr PORTD |= (1<<PC4) or DDRD = (1<<PC4) etc,
[23:36:15] <brentbxr> I just switched the pins; non of the logic controlling it
[23:36:47] <inflex> butyou changed the software/firmware to suit the new pins right
[23:36:47] <inflex> ?
[23:39:02] <brentbxr> just defines as in
[23:39:13] <brentbxr> LED_R_DDR DDRC to DDRB
[23:39:15] <brentbxr> and so on
[23:39:30] <brentbxr> i always abuse defines to ensure easily modifiable
[23:40:01] <inflex> I'm guessing there was probably a single genuine whoops moment somewhere in the code
[23:40:32] <brentbxr> doubtful
[23:40:44] <brentbxr> Wonder why these LEDs arnt working
[23:40:50] <brentbxr> they worked with the USBASP firmware
[23:40:55] <brentbxr> so i doubt its a hardware issue
[23:41:04] <inflex> It's more doubtful that there's a problem with the mega chips on port C
[23:41:11] <inflex> else we'd certainly have heard of it
[23:41:34] <inflex> (on large scale). I've got several LCD designs being driven from PORTC in nibble mode on m48, 88 and 168
[23:41:35] <Kevin`> btw, DDRD=(1<<PC4) should work, assuming you are using the 'pc4' define correctly, since it will just map to the number 4
[23:41:54] <inflex> it should yes... unless you were really wanting it to set the PORTD direction.
[23:42:23] <Kevin`> *unless you were really wanting it to set the PORTC direction.
[23:42:52] <brentbxr> lol
[23:51:21] <brentbxr> could have simply a burnt pin, most likly
[23:53:29] <Casper> PA1 == PB1 == PC1 == PD1 EXCEPT if one pin do not exists
[23:54:47] <brentbxr> of course