#avr | Logs for 2011-12-27

[00:35:14] <ziph> CapnKernel: Sounds like you need to eat better on your trips. ;)
[01:15:14] <CapnKernel> abcminiuser: Start filling your pockets
[01:15:26] <CapnKernel> And you can wear every piece of clothing.
[01:16:05] <CapnKernel> Came back from China a few years ago, 9 layers on upper body, 8 on lower. Looked liked the Michelin man, sweated like a pig. You can derobe once you get on board.
[01:16:27] <CapnKernel> ziph: 2nd most recent trip I lost 7kg. Couldn't find decent food.
[03:08:31] <Valen> get a tan, all the chicks in the cold climes will think your exotic ;->
[04:05:29] <CapnKernel> Valen: Hi there
[04:42:46] <GeorgeJ> Valen: you're*
[04:48:38] <vectory> hi
[05:04:06] <CapnKernel> 2.5 hours later he corrects his typo. Better late than never eh Valen? :-)
[05:24:06] <vectory> i cant see much use for 6 cycle standby, is it for special purposes?
[05:31:09] <CapnKernel> during adc reading for lower noise?
[06:13:04] <inflex> yep
[06:15:34] <CapnKernel> that's inflex's 6 cycle response :-)
[06:39:12] <Tom_itx> inflex do you know when GP closes down?
[06:39:27] <budwaa> Hi, are there any issues with resetting a timer while it is running in avr. I.e. just writing the timer value to 0?
[06:39:35] <Tom_itx> no
[06:40:02] <Tom_itx> unless it was unexpected
[06:40:04] <Steffanx> Yes ..
[06:41:00] <Steffanx> 16 or 8 bit budwaa ?
[06:41:43] <Tom_itx> budwaa, http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/abcminiuser/articles/avr_timers_index.php
[06:41:46] <budwaa> Interested in both actually
[06:42:11] <Tom_itx> set the ocrx top or bottom to reset it i think
[06:42:25] <Steffanx> Hmm, that text is smallish Tom_itx ..
[06:42:39] <Tom_itx> you gettin old and need glasses now?
[06:42:48] <budwaa> I've designed my own engine management system in AVR :)
[06:42:52] <Steffanx> "SECTION INCOMPLETE - More updates soon" <= that message has been there for ages now
[06:43:04] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser!!
[06:43:06] <Tom_itx> fix it
[06:43:08] <Tom_itx> :)
[06:43:28] <inflex> Tom_itx: nope,no idea this year
[06:43:42] <Tom_itx> they're open now right?
[06:44:11] <Tom_itx> i'm debating on sending a board in
[06:45:07] <inflex> yes, they should be operational atm
[06:45:38] <CapnKernel> Chinese New Year is mid-way through next month, so if you put it in now, I think you'll be right
[06:51:06] <CapnKernel> Tom_itx: http://www.goldphoenixpcb.com/html/news/list_40.html
[06:53:13] <Tom_itx> so it's too late
[06:53:19] <Tom_itx> canadian office is closed
[07:05:13] <abcminiuser> Steffanx, bah, I'll get to it
[07:05:23] <abcminiuser> I suppose I should, since I can't be bothered coding these last few weeks
[07:05:40] <Steffanx> Hehe
[07:06:05] <Tom_itx> sure you can abcminiuser
[07:06:24] <Tom_itx> i managed to squeeze code from you
[07:06:53] <Tom_itx> gotta keep those brain cells healthy
[07:07:33] <Steffanx> Brain cells?!
[07:12:19] <abcminiuser> Well true, but I've been trying to re-code LUFA and haven't got anywhere
[07:12:47] <Steffanx> You head is already in Norway?
[07:12:50] <abcminiuser> I've got a partial restart of the core, a partial XMEGA only test implementation, and a re-jigger branch where I've tried to graft interrupts into it on the existing API
[09:33:33] <vectory> CapnKernel, inflex: i thought noise reduction for adc was another mode
[09:34:08] <vectory> 001, while standby is 110
[09:34:15] <vectory> sorry, was sleeping before
[09:46:06] <CapnKernel> vectory: I am 100% guessing
[09:46:37] <vectory> kk
[09:46:50] <CapnKernel> But I would imagine that the difference between suspend and the 6 cycle sleep is that suspend resumes after an interrupt, whereas the 6 cycle sleep is intended for when you're doing ADC readings.
[09:47:54] <CapnKernel> (guessing again) something like i) trigger 6 cycle sleep, trigger adc sample, sleep some, wake up, read from adc data registers
[09:47:58] <vectory> stand-by halts CLK_ADC
[09:48:19] <CapnKernel> How about the other one?
[09:48:28] <CapnKernel> What's the other one called?
[09:48:48] <vectory> CapnKernel: CLK_ASV?
[09:49:38] <CapnKernel> Are you guessing? (or is that from the datasheet)
[09:49:53] <CapnKernel> Probably best if only one of us makes stuff up at any one time)
[09:50:05] <CapnKernel> And now it's my turn.
[09:50:09] <vectory> i was guessing you mean the other clock, thats on in standby, not the other mode's name
[09:50:32] <vectory> the clock is deffo there and on in stand-by ;)
[09:50:36] <CapnKernel> I mean the 001 form of sleep, the one that sleeps for 6 cycles
[09:51:13] <vectory> stand-by, but thats 110
[09:51:37] <vectory> clk_asv is for the async timer/clock
[09:52:10] <vectory> with 32khz, which is my next problem
[09:52:17] <vectory> im still wondering if i understand the ds correctly
[09:55:17] <vectory> characteristics section of m8 ds shows active supply current with external 32khz oscilator is around 60 µAmps, idle is just 15 µA. is that all it will take, <=60 µA?
[09:55:59] <CapnKernel> I think that's the minimum current if you've turned a bunch of stuff off.
[09:57:22] <vectory> looks almost better than 1Mhz internal oscilator, which is 1.5 mA active and 10 µA in powersave with 32
[09:57:31] <vectory> 32khz*
[09:58:03] <vectory> oh and 300 µA idle
[09:58:53] <vectory> dont know how to interpret the figures, surely it will sink more, if i/o is working
[09:59:49] <vectory> oops, thats 32khz xtal in power save
[10:05:11] <vectory> now the questions are, whether 1mHz internal is more efficient if its in power-save most of the time and if it can supply the same i/o current with lower frequencies
[10:06:52] <RikusW> internal rc isn't accurate...
[10:07:15] <RikusW> with calibration you can get 1%
[10:08:19] <vectory> i saw, its highly temperature dependant :)
[10:08:45] <RikusW> yes
[10:09:11] <inflex> and it jitters
[14:00:10] <vanquish> Begun, the join/part wars have...
[14:00:56] <RikusW> why so ?
[14:38:47] <carp3> is there any open-source implementation of ftisp ?
[15:19:19] <Rickta59> anyone have an avrdude configuration for an atmega32u2
[15:21:15] <amee2k> mmh, isn't the important part about avrdude config getting it to talk to the programmer you're using?
[15:21:40] <Rickta59> i have it talking
[15:21:55] <Rickta59> using the usb162 flash sizes works but is wrong
[15:22:31] <Steffanx> You don't want to use the bootloader Rickta59 ?
[15:22:51] <Rickta59> eventually .. right now I'm going to program the chip via isp
[15:23:13] <Steffanx> Then you'll remove the dfu bootloader :)
[15:23:21] <Rickta59> it can be put back on no?
[15:31:24] <OndraSter> with isp/jtag
[15:31:26] <OndraSter> yes
[15:32:36] <amee2k> how important is SRF and Q factor for SMP inductors?
[15:33:01] <amee2k> say, if i have a reguator that'll run at ~200kHz is using the SRF 250kHz ones fine? or how do i select that?
[15:33:32] <amee2k> this is my first design that runs faster than maybe 30kHz or so. and now i'm getting into the same order as common SRF ratings
[15:38:12] <amee2k> and the internetz is being somewhat not helpful with this one again
[15:38:25] <amee2k> it rarely is with noob questions >_<
[15:38:40] <Steffanx> rtfm :P
[15:39:43] <amee2k> i'd be happy if you told me which manual would answer that
[15:39:49] <Steffanx> idk
[15:39:56] <amee2k> my point exactly
[15:40:46] <amee2k> everything i can find on smp inductor selection has the same general blah on estimating the required value and core material selection and series resistance
[15:46:10] <Tom_itx> amee2k ask fenchurch in #seattlerobotics
[15:52:35] <Tom_itx> may take a few for a reply
[15:52:51] <amee2k> a few... pizzas? :)
[15:53:03] <Tom_itx> uh huh
[15:54:06] <Tom_itx> i dare ya to ask in ##electronics
[15:55:23] <amee2k> i think that question is somewhat advanced for that channel
[15:56:12] <amee2k> well, not really advanced as such, i think it is pretty basic. but it is very specific too, so answering it requires experience
[15:56:26] <Tom_itx> fen has experience
[15:56:51] <amee2k> very few people with lots of experience seem to like basic questions >_>
[15:58:13] <amee2k> Tom_itx: i'll just hang around there until he comes back
[15:58:27] <amee2k> and poke again in a few days if nothing happens
[15:58:46] <Tom_itx> yeah
[15:58:51] <Tom_itx> he usually answers
[15:59:09] <Tom_itx> being the holidays who knows where he's at
[16:00:14] <amee2k> exactly
[16:09:01] <amee2k> what in fuck's name ...
[16:09:10] <amee2k> http://de.farnell.com/multicomp/mc33260/kuehlkoerper-to220-126-sot32-17/dp/1710602?Ntt=MC33260
[16:09:25] <amee2k> i wanted the SMP controller IC by that name ffs >_<
[17:40:37] <amee2k> nene, wir sind hier aller per du rein aus prinzip :P
[17:41:05] <sie> Same stuff for atmega programmer? http://ompldr.org/vYnh5OQ
[17:41:11] <sie> pin numbering/meaning that is
[17:41:29] <Tom_itx> 6pin is more widely accepted now
[17:41:42] <sie> I have a 10pin one.
[17:41:44] <Steffanx> Warum sprechen Sie Deutsch amee2k ?
[17:42:04] <sie> Hehe, I got highlighted because of german 'you'. ^_^
[17:42:11] <Steffanx> :)
[17:42:28] <Tom_itx> bottom of this page has the most used pinouts: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/using_avrdude_index.php
[17:42:34] <amee2k> Steffanx: das sollte ein wortwitz sein :P
[17:43:27] <sie> How can I know which one's the first pin?
[17:43:39] <sie> I see no signs except for the hole in one side.
[17:43:57] <Steffanx> Ach so, amee2k :)
[17:44:29] <amee2k> wusste garnicht dass du auch deutsch sprichst :)
[17:44:37] * Tom_itx google translates
[17:44:48] <amee2k> hehe
[17:45:10] <Steffanx> Aber natürlich wieissen Sie dass nicht. Ich bin auch nicht Deutsch :)
[17:45:47] <amee2k> speaking german was a standard feature for me :P
[17:46:01] <Steffanx> It's really ~5 years ago i learnt German on high school
[17:46:07] <Steffanx> *some german
[17:46:16] <amee2k> hehe okay :)
[17:46:54] <Steffanx> Here they teach you all those languages you ( at least me) never use.. French, German etc.
[17:46:54] <amee2k> not sure that pun translates in any meaningful way, really
[17:48:07] <Steffanx> It's seems to be ok to me .. the translation amee2k
[17:48:08] <amee2k> in case anyone is interrested... 'sie' is a rather formal form of 'you' and the line was like "nono, we all use <the informal form for 'you'> here, as a matter of principle"
[17:48:12] <Steffanx> "We are all here for you by pure principle"
[17:49:18] <Steffanx> Ah, no .. wrong translation :P
[17:49:34] <amee2k> "per du (mit jmdn.) sein" means knowing someone well enough to address him/her using the informal/personal form
[17:49:40] <sie> so.. which one's the first pin? http://ompldr.org/vYnh4OQ I got told it's the bottom right one, but is it true?
[17:51:24] <amee2k> actually, when i learned english i went like "ooh, cool. they only have one 'you'" because the social protocol is somewhat fuzzy about which form to use sometimes
[17:51:59] <Steffanx> I would say the top left when the gap is on the left too, sei
[17:53:15] <amee2k> find a pic of the IDC connector on a cable
[17:53:15] <Steffanx> but it depends on the femail-connector you use too
[17:53:15] <amee2k> turn the pic until the notch aligns, then look for the red wire
[17:53:15] <Steffanx> *female
[17:53:15] <amee2k> not entirely sure all uses of IDC connectors have the notch on the same side, actually
[17:53:15] <amee2k> from what i remember you can put them on either way just fine
[17:53:15] <Steffanx> We have that 'social protocol' too amee2k :)
[17:53:54] <amee2k> some female connectors have an arrow mark on one side which is supposed to be one
[17:54:09] <amee2k> Steffanx: in english? o.O
[17:54:18] <Steffanx> Dutch
[17:54:27] <amee2k> ah, i see
[17:58:51] <sie> The speakers don't mind polarity, do they?
[17:59:04] <OndraSter> nope
[17:59:10] <OndraSter> not normal speakers
[18:01:09] <CapnKernel> If you have more than one speaker, and you're playing stereo, then while the speakers don't mind polarity, you do. They should be wired with the same polarity or the sound from the two speakers will be out of phase, and will sound terrible.
[18:24:02] <Tom_itx> not noise cancelling??
[18:24:05] <Tom_itx> :)
[18:28:22] <Valen> they don't care about polarity provided its the same
[18:28:29] <Valen> DON'T CROSS THE STREAMS!
[18:28:40] <Tom_itx> well you're upside down anyway
[18:28:49] <Valen> not on my map
[18:29:04] <CapnKernel> Not on mine either. Problem must be at your end, Tom_itx.
[18:29:24] <Valen> http://flourish.org/upsidedownmap/rotatedmap-large.jpg
[18:32:08] <CapnKernel> We just don't get no respect: http://www.satirewire.com/news/jan02/australia.shtml
[18:32:22] <Valen> i like this http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_L52qeI-j4jM/Sn-7ThirsRI/AAAAAAAAAw4/UAn40rlC3XQ/s400/australia-map.jpg
[18:32:31] <Valen> though the murders are in the wrong spot
[18:32:32] <Steffanx> lol CapnKernel
[18:34:43] <Valen> lols
[18:34:49] <Valen> lols indeed
[18:35:42] <CapnKernel> Valen: Well spotted, rest of map spot on :-)
[18:35:58] <Valen> i drive past belangalo quite often
[18:38:19] <Valen> though i think there was one more recently in the top end
[18:38:23] <Valen> but that was just one
[18:38:31] <Valen> millat got a bunch
[18:38:46] <Tom_itx> gold coast has sharks?
[18:38:58] <Valen> everywhere has sharks
[18:39:21] <CapnKernel> Tom_itx: Come on down, you'll love this place!
[18:39:45] <CapnKernel> (Oh, plus the sharks are hungry and we'll be damned if we're going to feed them another one of our own)
[18:39:54] <Tom_L> zlog
[18:40:56] <Tom_L> are the mines in the 'scorching desert'?
[18:41:04] <Valen> a few
[20:25:26] <rafasc> when using the micro @5v but setting the aref to 3.3 for better resolution. Is there a problem if at somepoint the pin is heigher than 3.3
[20:25:53] <rafasc> is it bad for the chip, or i just get a saturated reading?
[20:26:38] <Tom_itx> it doesn't sound good does it
[20:26:51] <theBear> rafasc, check the block/equivalent/input schematics (dependning on datasheet age/style) .. if there's clamp diodes like all the other inputs it should be ok with maybe a series resistor
[20:28:36] <rafasc> its an arduino, i already asked on their channel. but still nothing.
[20:29:02] <Tom_itx> i doubt they know much about the chip itself
[20:29:44] <Tom_itx> why not use a higher aref?
[20:29:59] <Tom_itx> if it's gonna go above 3.3v
[20:32:46] <rafasc> my signal processing teacher asked me this limit the value from the sensor....
[20:33:47] <rafasc> i'll use the alternative: use a higher aref and a simple if(x > y) x = y
[20:34:00] <rafasc> thanks anyway
[20:34:00] <Tom_itx> dean would know
[20:34:01] <Tom_itx> abcminiuser
[20:34:21] <Tom_itx> what happens if you have aref at 3.3v and you go above it if you're running the chip at 5v?
[20:34:41] <abcminiuser> IIRC you just get ADC_MAX
[20:34:58] <abcminiuser> Since internally AREF is just used in a comparator I think
[20:35:56] <rafasc> so the result is a "saturated" reading..
[20:36:27] <Tom_itx> or you could make a voltage divider with the device and a resistor of known value to accomplish similar
[20:38:02] <rafasc> i guess i'll go with the software fix.
[20:38:20] <rafasc> tyvm
[21:55:25] <inflex> lo folks
[21:58:16] <Casper> inflex: I can't install my tv on the wall. Try to guess why!
[21:58:39] <inflex> mmmmm.... no studs?
[21:59:08] <Casper> there is some, I think... so not the real problem
[21:59:38] <inflex> chickenwire mesh ruining your TV reception?
[21:59:52] <Casper> I need 4x M4x20 screws to put the rack to the tv :/
[21:59:54] <Tom_itx> somebody stole your tv?
[22:00:09] <inflex> yay metric in the USA :p
[22:00:20] <Casper> canada
[22:00:20] * inflex has a box of M4x25 nylons :D
[22:00:21] <Tom_itx> ace has metric hardware
[22:00:26] <inflex> ooops, sorry Casper
[22:00:43] <Casper> it's the rack for my previous tv
[22:00:58] * inflex has to go and build a few electronics things... customer orders :\
[22:01:03] <Casper> which I threw away the extra 50 screws, nuts, washers and bla bla bla
[22:01:18] <Casper> inflex: you should be happy! you have customers!