#avr | Logs for 2011-12-23

[00:49:09] <jadew> what's the difference between attiny45 and 45v
[00:50:55] <bram1> lower power/speed?
[00:52:08] <jadew> ah
[00:52:19] <jadew> thanks
[00:55:47] <inflex> yep
[00:56:01] * inflex wonders how to filter out about 50mV of ripple from his boost converter :(
[00:56:20] * inflex really isn't wanting to have to resort to another inductor... *tries a bigger cap*
[01:02:12] <ziph> inflex: Linear regulator? :)
[02:10:32] <inflex> ziph: well, yes, putting a post-booster-linear is always an option, but not in this case
[02:10:49] <inflex> stupid thing is, servos put about 150~200mV ripple on the rails anyhow
[03:15:12] <amee2k> inflex: if you don't want an inductor you could try an R-C filter
[03:15:36] <amee2k> only practical for low currents due to the resistor drop, but still
[03:16:33] <marloshouse> inflex: you in?
[03:23:51] <mapee> morning
[03:28:59] <amee2k> hey there :)
[03:49:20] * amee2k idly packs packrat's rat
[03:57:24] * vectory pats packrat's rack
[04:02:24] <amee2k> 0.0
[04:02:35] <amee2k> rackpat for da packrat
[04:02:57] <amee2k> ooh, lunch has arrived :)
[04:03:01] * amee2k noms sauerkraut09
[04:03:44] <amee2k> lol
[04:47:34] <inflex> okay, I'm going insane
[04:48:18] <amee2k> o.O
[04:48:21] <inflex> I've got a regulator giving me 3.0V output (well, 2.997)... and I've got a 15K and 7K5 divider.... but I'm getting 1.21V at the junction, rather than 1.0V !!!!
[04:49:07] <amee2k> something leaking current into the divider?
[04:52:34] <inflex> arrrrrrrruuuugh *BANGS HEAD*
[04:52:41] <inflex> I wired up my circuit to AREF... not AVCC
[04:54:57] <inflex> wait a tick... that should work though...
[04:55:44] <inflex> you just decouple at AREF if you're using AVcc or 1.1V
[04:55:54] <inflex> but if you have your own reference you can plug it straight into AREF
[05:01:30] <amee2k> but you need to disable the internal reference
[05:01:58] <amee2k> and use "external reference only" for the reference selection
[05:02:04] <inflex> yeah
[05:02:27] <inflex> already done that, basically REFS0|REFS1 == 0
[05:02:36] <inflex> but I may have already damaged everything
[05:07:17] <inflex> that said, I'd be surprised if I did - considering the reference impedence is about 10K
[05:07:51] <amee2k> if you disconnect the divider on the ref pin, does the internal reference work normally?
[05:08:37] <inflex> yeah, going to have to go try that... means going upstairs to the soldering workstation again
[05:09:18] <amee2k> aah, i hate hermes >_<
[05:09:32] <inflex> As in Futurama?
[05:09:39] <amee2k> as in the parcel service
[05:09:59] <amee2k> i'm effectively grounded here until my package arrives because after that i'll be off to my parent's place
[05:10:45] <amee2k> it was supposed to get here ages ago but the assholes let my order sit for a week before they shipped it
[05:11:02] <amee2k> tracking log says it is scheduled for delivery today, thats it
[05:11:11] <inflex> Aaaah okay
[05:11:47] <amee2k> needless to say that my to-do list reaches to the floor by now because i can't get out of the house
[05:18:21] <amee2k> i just hope the dude doesn't have too much stuff to deliver and gets here fast >_<
[05:20:23] <Steffann> Still not back in china CapnKernel? Or just back in Australia?
[05:20:26] <Steffann> CapnKernel
[05:20:29] <Steffann> -oops
[05:21:47] <CapnKernel> Steffann: I just arrived back in Melbourne Australia this morning :-)
[05:21:59] <CapnKernel> So nice to be home.
[05:22:14] <Steffann> How's the business in China going?
[05:22:22] <amee2k> arguably so >_<
[05:23:13] <CapnKernel> Very slowly, I still don't have anything publicly visible.
[05:24:54] <CapnKernel> I do ship components when my friends have something they want though.
[05:29:53] <CapnKernel> I bought 1600 0805 SMD LEDs and some L-R-U-D switches for a friend yesterday
[05:31:02] <OndraSter> how much?
[05:31:04] <OndraSter> directly in china
[05:33:25] <vectory> want!
[05:34:48] <amee2k> thats a lot of LEDs
[05:35:23] <CapnKernel> His project has an AVR driving 160 LEDs in a row/col matrix.
[05:36:10] <amee2k> nice
[05:36:28] <CapnKernel> He was here in #avr two nights ago.
[05:36:39] <CapnKernel> If someone has history :-)
[05:36:49] <CapnKernel> He showed us a pic of his board.
[05:36:50] <vectory> he posted the schematics
[05:36:54] <vectory> ye
[05:37:09] <vectory> i need 36 leds
[05:37:21] <CapnKernel> That place, Shenzhen, is amazing. It's like living in the city of Blade Runner.
[05:37:29] <vectory> what are the most powerfriendly, are there low current leds?
[05:37:35] <CapnKernel> Yes
[05:37:44] <CapnKernel> High efficiency
[05:37:50] <vectory> CapnKernel: the pics of the market are great
[05:38:07] <vectory> and the blog post very insightful
[05:38:35] <amee2k> i've been contemplating a "led wall" project last winter... small cheap boards with an 8x8 matrix or so mounted on a wooden base board, then control them with a serial bus
[05:38:56] <amee2k> use brass bar stock and metallic stand-offs to mount the boards and supply power at the same time
[07:32:02] <OndraSter> CapnKernel, I am driving 3072 :D
[07:32:03] <OndraSter> LEDs
[07:32:23] <OndraSter> 32 rows, 48 bi-color columns :)
[07:41:04] <CapnKernel> Nice.
[08:56:09] <rue_house> strip pcb's?
[09:28:40] <OndraSter> when I want to dump some EEPROM from some motherboard, should I take it from the board first or is connecting it even when it is on the board just fine?
[09:30:14] <OndraSter> some 74hc164(5?) as parallel in->serial out (for data) and few opposite chips (74hc595) for serial in -> parallel out for addresses .)
[12:51:32] <Kevin`> ab
[12:51:34] <Kevin`> darn
[12:51:45] <Kevin`> anyone tried lufa with xmega?
[12:55:08] <grummund> abcminiuser has :p
[12:55:16] <grummund> but is xmega-usb even beyond engineering samples yet?
[12:55:24] <Kevin`> yeah
[12:56:08] <grummund> farnell/digikey/mouser ?
[12:56:14] <Kevin`> yeah
[12:56:21] * grummund looks
[12:58:51] <grummund> can't see any... what part no.?
[13:00:02] <Kevin`> grummund: atxmega32a4u is one
[13:02:04] <grummund> ok so the choice is Mouser or Mouser, but at least the part exists...
[13:02:22] <Kevin`> there's other parts too
[13:02:28] <Kevin`> but, that's the one I have, so..
[13:03:10] <grummund> i think abc said the usb architecture is quite different on the xmega's compared to the atmega
[13:09:49] <Steffanx> it has dma :D
[13:18:04] <Tom_itx> Kevin`, isn't that an atmega32U4 instead of atxmega32U4?
[13:18:24] <Tom_itx> which is an 8bit family part
[13:18:34] <Kevin`> Tom_itx: http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/product_card.asp?category_id=163&family_id=607&subfamily_id=1965&part_id=17328
[13:19:33] <Tom_itx> they sure like to screw with their part numbers
[13:27:59] <Tom_itx> and the picture in that link is an xplain atxmega128A1 unless they're calling all their boards xplain
[13:28:12] <Kevin`> all their pictures are like that
[13:28:15] <Kevin`> :(
[13:34:10] <Kevin`> Tom_itx: it looks about like you'd expect: http://kwzs.be/~kevin/PC230007.JPG
[13:35:22] <Tom_itx> that's sad
[13:35:42] <Kevin`> ?
[13:35:45] <Tom_itx> nice smt part in the middle and all those crappy thru hole parts
[13:35:52] <Tom_itx> shame on you
[13:36:00] <Tom_itx> :)
[13:36:21] <Kevin`> =p
[13:36:34] <Tom_itx> next time get the lens shadow outta the pic too
[13:36:55] <Tom_itx> i know, i've done it many times :)
[13:37:11] <Kevin`> it's hard to get a nice picture of the markings on those things
[13:37:21] <Tom_itx> i'm aware of that too
[13:37:27] <Tom_itx> they don't reflect right
[13:41:17] <Steffanx> That's not the idea of the text anyway Tom_itx :p
[13:43:05] <Steffanx> What's the plan with your xmega Kevin` ?
[13:43:31] <Steffanx> xmega isn't worth it imho
[13:45:57] <Kevin`> fsk-ethernet bridge maybe. I just got them to see what the new chips are like though, and it's not like the price difference matters if you are only making a few devices
[13:46:06] <Kevin`> what would you use instead?
[13:47:11] <Steffanx> ARM Cortex-m3 something?
[13:47:25] <Kevin`> maybe
[13:48:03] <Kevin`> which manufacturers do you like for arm?
[13:48:25] <Steffanx> STM .. NXP don't really care
[13:49:04] <OndraSter> can you actually do OCD through sam-ba on atmel at91sam series?
[13:49:25] <OndraSter> I remember PC resetting itself on sam-ba crash/device reset lol
[13:49:39] <OndraSter> (that was XP)
[15:28:15] <Casper> does anyone know of a "good" logic analyser avr based? ideally with protocol analyser?
[15:28:35] <Casper> I'ld like to reverse engineer the laptop battery stuff
[15:28:57] <Tom_itx> i like my saelae
[15:29:07] <Tom_itx> not avr based
[15:30:38] <Tom_itx> http://www.saleae.com/logic/
[15:31:51] <amee2k> interresting
[15:31:57] <amee2k> does that one work on linux too?
[15:32:04] <Tom_itx> i think so
[15:32:10] <Tom_itx> you can testdrive the software
[15:32:30] <amee2k> without device?
[15:32:38] <Tom_itx> yea
[15:32:41] <amee2k> does it have a simulator driver or something built?
[15:32:48] <Tom_itx> won't do much but you can see how it works
[15:33:01] <Tom_itx> i think so
[15:33:26] <Tom_itx> ubuntu
[15:33:33] <amee2k> from my exp the nasty part of runing tools like that in a virtualized or emulated environment is the interfacing with the actual diagnostics hardware
[15:33:35] <Tom_itx> http://www.saleae.com/downloads/
[15:33:59] <amee2k> ...
[15:34:00] <amee2k> right.
[15:34:15] <amee2k> now that i've finally ditched ubuntu, everyone else wants it >_<
[15:35:56] <keenerd> amee2k: Saleae works on not-Ubuntu. I maintain the Arch package.
[15:36:07] <amee2k> nice
[15:37:21] <amee2k> looks interresting... 130EUR is a bit high to gamble for my taste though
[15:37:42] <Tom_itx> they have 8 and 16 channel now
[15:37:48] <keenerd> It is a bit expensive for the features, but the linux support has been top notch.
[15:37:51] <Tom_itx> mine is 8 since the 16 wasn't out yet
[15:38:32] <Tom_itx> seeed has one with open source software
[15:38:39] <amee2k> i don't deal with parallel busses that often so using my dso has worked fine for lots of stuff. what i'd really consider the analyser for is the protocol decoding features
[15:38:42] <Tom_itx> couldn't tell you much about it
[15:39:12] <Tom_itx> i don't think the seeed software is as good as this
[15:39:15] <amee2k> going over a twi transfer with pen and paper works but is fairly time consuming
[15:39:32] <Tom_itx> i'm not a bit sorry i got it
[15:39:38] <amee2k> okay
[15:39:49] <Tom_itx> you'll forget the cost sooner than you think
[15:40:07] <amee2k> sure... /after/ i got it :)
[15:40:19] <Tom_itx> dean and i used it to debug the programmer code
[15:40:23] <amee2k> worked with my scope too
[15:40:32] <Tom_itx> ?
[15:40:46] <amee2k> forgetting about the cost because it turns out massively useful
[15:40:49] <Tom_itx> heh
[15:40:53] <keenerd> Protocol stuff is 100% software, so you could add it to anything. But Saleae comes with can, i2c, 1-wire, serial, spi and a few I don't recognize.
[15:40:55] <amee2k> but before i can forget about it, i need to get the money together ;)
[15:41:03] <Tom_itx> i wish i had a nice digital scope
[15:41:25] <keenerd> Tom_itx: I've been very happy with my cheap-ish hantek scope.
[15:41:26] <amee2k> i got one of the cheap chinese ones
[15:41:35] <Tom_itx> i have an analog scope
[15:42:04] <amee2k> i rarely check stuff higher than maybe 16-20MHz and when i do, exact readings aren't too important
[15:42:31] <amee2k> what feels much more useful to me than lots of bandwidth is the storage thing, actually
[15:42:56] * amee2k <3 1Mpts memory
[15:42:57] <keenerd> Mine is a http://www.amazon.com/Hantek-Based-Digital-Storage-Oscilloscope/dp/B0036FZRU4
[15:43:26] <amee2k> hehe
[15:43:34] <Tom_itx> :)
[15:43:48] <Tom_itx> i like the storage on the analizer too
[15:43:57] <Tom_itx> makes debugging alot easier
[15:44:09] <amee2k> i have a strong dislike for diagnostics tools that require a host computer. and become entirely useless if i don't have a computer
[15:44:24] <amee2k> or for some reason can't get the proprietary software crap working
[15:44:46] <keenerd> The hantek scopes have like 4 different open source frontends.
[15:44:59] <Tom_itx> that's the nice thing about this is you can test the software before you commit
[15:45:35] <Tom_itx> or i could take a sample and send it to you to use
[15:45:45] <Tom_itx> dean and i did that since he doesn't have one
[15:45:55] <amee2k> i still don't like it... maybe next year i jump distro again, who says i won't be wasting weeks with all projects on hold until i can get the software to run again
[15:46:32] <keenerd> amee2k: I don't like tools that need a computer either. I almost got a seeed dso, but decided against it because I was more worried about the battery/screen/buttons wearing out. Would rather get something that needs a computer and is built like a tank.
[15:46:46] <NonaSuomy> still waiting for http://www.dealextreme.com/p/rigol-ds1052e-5-6-tft-lcd-50mhz-2-channel-digital-color-storage-oscilloscope-30573
[15:46:55] <amee2k> downloading the buffer and screenshots to the computer is nice, but even without that my scope with a built in screen retains its primary functionality
[15:47:36] <amee2k> keenerd: when the buttons stop working after a year you can send it back for warranty
[15:48:05] <NonaSuomy> The open bench logic analyzer can you use saelogics software with it?
[15:48:09] <amee2k> try sending in a USB scope for RMA when the software refuses to run after a distro upgrade
[15:48:26] <keenerd> I'd just recompile the software.
[15:48:30] <Tom_itx> NonaSuomy i'm not sure
[15:48:52] <amee2k> who says it'll compile? and that recompiling actually fixes the issue?
[15:49:44] <OndraSter> it is linux! IT NEVER WORKS!
[15:49:48] <OndraSter> *trollface*
[15:50:10] <amee2k> maybe i'm a burned child about that... generations of shitty wlan comsumer gear with crap management software
[15:50:28] <NonaSuomy> why would you buy the saelogic one over the 50$ openbench one?
[15:50:31] <amee2k> drivers are part of the product, not a fucking courtesy *sulk*
[15:50:52] <Tom_itx> NonaSuomy, nice sexy package
[15:50:59] <OndraSter> openbench is 32 chan
[15:51:01] <OndraSter> and 200MHz
[15:51:02] <OndraSter> I think
[15:51:09] <NonaSuomy> http://dangerousprototypes.com/2010/02/25/prototype-open-logic-sniffer-logic-analyzer-2/
[15:51:17] <OndraSter> saleae is 24MHz 8 chan, 12MHz 16 chan
[15:51:17] <amee2k> mmh, anyway i wanted to ask something, not rant about the hardware industry sucking at software
[15:51:54] <Tom_itx> NonaSuomy, at the time they didn't even have decent leads with it
[15:51:54] <keenerd> Hrm. Openbench was not around when I got a Saleae. Looks quite nice.
[15:52:01] <NonaSuomy> Tom_itx goto the reprap channel and get them to output you a box
[15:52:14] <Tom_itx> i can make my own
[15:52:19] <NonaSuomy> even better
[15:52:34] <amee2k> anyway, what i really wanted to ask... why do circuit boards with isolation boundaries, like power supply boards, have a perforation or slots cut along the isolation boundary??
[15:52:34] <Tom_itx> but i don't need to now
[15:52:50] <NonaSuomy> do you have the openbench
[15:52:57] <Tom_itx> no
[15:53:22] <NonaSuomy> besides looks is anything better on saleae
[15:53:42] <amee2k> increasing creep distance doesn't really make sense as an explanation... the cuts just seem to be at regular intervals, not selectively in places where extra isolation strength is advantageous
[15:53:51] <Tom_itx> does it have built in protocols?
[15:53:58] <Tom_itx> that was one nice thing at the time
[15:54:10] <Tom_itx> they have come a ways since then
[15:54:56] <keenerd> NonaSuomy: Not java based?
[15:55:12] <Tom_itx> that came to mind
[15:57:34] <amee2k> any ideas?
[15:58:04] <keenerd> NonaSuomy: I'll be curious how that scope works for you. Almost went with it, but portability was too important for me. Looks so nice though.
[15:58:44] <NonaSuomy> ideally its an fpga and is more hardware than software so the java thing is nil as its just displaying the data basically
[16:00:58] <keenerd> I meant the Rigol.
[16:01:29] <NonaSuomy> oh its firmware is based in java?
[16:01:44] <Tom_itx> all i can tell you about the Rigol is dean likes his
[16:02:10] <amee2k> and i like mine
[16:02:20] <NonaSuomy> Rigol should just opensource that model
[16:03:48] <NonaSuomy> amee2k did you put the 1102E firmware on it to push it to 100mHz?
[16:03:51] <keenerd> Won't happen - they sell a more expensive version with the same hardware and higher bandwidth enabled in firmware.
[16:04:06] <amee2k> NonaSuomy: mine is 100MHz
[16:04:19] <NonaSuomy> yours is the 1102E ?
[16:04:38] <amee2k> the 100MHz one... i don't remember the number
[16:05:08] <NonaSuomy> http://www.dealextreme.com/p/rigol-ds1102e-5-6-lcd-100mhz-dual-channel-digital-color-storage-oscilloscope-81526
[16:05:33] <amee2k> yeah, looks like the one
[16:06:08] <NonaSuomy> apparently you can put the firmware from the 1102e onto the 1052E and get it to utilize 100MHz
[16:06:21] <amee2k> i know. i still didn't
[16:06:22] <Tom_itx> it's hard on the adc though
[16:07:22] <NonaSuomy> What did they change in hardware?
[16:07:52] <NonaSuomy> amee2k does the pc software for it work well?
[16:08:16] <amee2k> some people say they changed nothing. i didn't take mine apart, and even if i did i couldn't compare it to the other model
[16:08:26] <amee2k> pc software?
[16:08:51] <NonaSuomy> yeah it says you can remote view readings and control the scope over usb
[16:09:20] <amee2k> no idea. i think it came with a cd but thought that was only the manual or something
[16:09:30] <amee2k> i bought a real scope so i don't need a computer for it
[16:09:46] <NonaSuomy> oh :S
[16:09:59] <amee2k> it can save the memory contents and screenshots to a usb flash drive though
[16:10:01] <amee2k> that is quite handy
[16:10:06] <NonaSuomy> well thats apparently what the host port on the back is for
[16:10:22] <NonaSuomy> *usb
[16:10:50] <amee2k> it has what looks like a serial port too, but i never went to check what it does
[16:10:52] <NonaSuomy> any chance of you plugging it in and seeing what its like?
[16:11:28] <amee2k> when i'm back home maybe. i'm at my parent's place, probably until early january
[16:11:40] <NonaSuomy> Guessing it wont be 64bit compatible just to piss me hoff
[16:11:52] <amee2k> no shit
[16:12:02] <amee2k> i'm running a 64 bit kernel
[16:12:21] <amee2k> why did i want a real scope again instead of a usb dongle? >_>
[16:13:05] <amee2k> anyway, i can give it a shot but you gotta bug me again next year
[16:13:26] <amee2k> if i still have the cd anyway >_>
[16:13:28] <NonaSuomy> I was hoping you could stream input from the usb port like all those usbscopes
[16:13:41] <amee2k> not really
[16:13:50] <amee2k> its a real scope, not some usb toy
[16:14:09] <amee2k> 1GSps is never going to fit through a usb2 link :P
[16:14:19] <keenerd> Hey, some of them are really nice toys :-(
[16:14:22] <NonaSuomy> it's a real scope yet with usb option all over it
[16:15:11] <amee2k> just saying the whole streaming thing can't possibly work because there is not enough bandwidth
[16:16:00] <amee2k> keenerd: i don't think i said otherwise... just not my style i guess
[16:17:12] <amee2k> a 10MSps usb dongle is sure enough for lots of stuff. enough for working on audio gear for sure. and slow scope is better than no scope
[16:17:30] <keenerd> Not really mine either, it is just annoying to carry eight pounds of oscope everywhere.
[16:18:17] <amee2k> mine rarely ever leaves the bench
[16:18:33] <keenerd> Fair enough :-)
[16:18:52] <keenerd> (Also, the cheapest hantek ones are 100Msps.)
[16:18:54] <amee2k> but then, i'd hate moving around 50kg worth of computer equipment around even worse... to operate 200g usb stick
[16:19:58] <keenerd> I'd like to see a 50kg laptop :-)
[16:20:27] <amee2k> i'd like to see a usb scope software work on my old latitude laptop with broken video drivers
[16:21:25] <keenerd> SSH in and use the cli logger.
[16:21:45] <amee2k> ssh into the scope? o.O
[16:21:57] <keenerd> You could have just said you don't have a laptop.
[16:22:53] <amee2k> i do have a laptop, it is just too slow with current software to do much more than email, web and other generic office stuff
[16:23:09] <amee2k> it doesn't even play dvds anymore lol
[16:23:32] <keenerd> If it has usb2 it is plenty fast for a usb scope.
[16:23:38] <amee2k> nope, 1.1
[16:23:59] <keenerd> Aw :-(
[16:24:05] <amee2k> P3 766MHz, 1G ram, 120G hdd
[16:24:49] <keenerd> I think I have the same one! Comes with a wonky blue trackpoint that always shoots into the upper left corner?
[16:25:01] <amee2k> batteries are pretty dead too by now, only like 4 hours runtime
[16:25:26] <amee2k> it has a trackpoint but i don't think i ever had any issues with that
[16:25:37] <NonaSuomy> http://c.na11.content.force.com/servlet/servlet.FileDownloadPkb?file=00PG0000003GUQS&orgId=00DA0000000IWhw&pPid=501G00000001Epj
[16:26:12] <amee2k> what was fairly annoying was the touchpad going nuts once, it would instead always go to the bottom right corner though
[16:26:51] <amee2k> pushing against the plastic around the pad made it go away for a while, and cleaning the touchpad mount (under the case... the pad is slightly larger than the case opening) solved it
[16:27:31] <keenerd> Didn't that model have a 5 led battery monitor on the battery too?
[16:28:34] <amee2k> yeah, when you push a button on the pack it displays the charge status for a few seconds
[16:29:18] <amee2k> it is only a rough indicator though... for example prevents you from swapping a dry pack back in if you confuse them
[16:29:21] <keenerd> Oddly enough, all mine is used for is watching DVDs. We have antiparticle laptops.
[16:29:55] <amee2k> the problem isn't the laptop as such, it is the shitty radeon M video card inside
[16:29:56] <NonaSuomy> that pdf takes some time to load but only shows a basic couple of pictures of what the Ultrascope software looks like
[16:30:45] <keenerd> (Hey lurkers - any AVR questions? I did not mean to go so far off topic.)
[16:31:03] <amee2k> the ati drivers get worse and worse every year... i've had everything from random freeze-ups to scrambled display on boot to graphics artifacts in desktop apps like openoffice or ltspice)
[16:31:26] <keenerd> Through linux on it, the opensource radeo drivers work great.
[16:31:30] <keenerd> *throw
[16:31:40] <keenerd> *radeon
[16:32:18] <amee2k> i used to fix it by forcing the generic vesa driver in the xorg config, but the newer x servers that come without config file by default don't want to accept my manual configuration and keep using the ati drivers
[16:32:25] <NonaSuomy> I had an older radeon card that the driver didnt work with at all so hopefully its newer than that one
[16:32:56] <amee2k> i've had issues with both open source and binary drivers. different ones but still
[16:33:25] <keenerd> Uninstall the binary drivers then. They have not supported that laptop's card for years.
[16:33:34] <amee2k> for example with both the display comes back frozen or scrambled after resuming from suspend or hiberation
[16:34:09] <amee2k> lol, i figured it is unsupported after like a decade. still doesn't prevent the shitty drivers from trying to drive it
[16:35:00] <amee2k> a few years ago i had issues with X crashing on another old box... turns out the ATI driver tried to hump the old maxtor video card in it and broke its dick trying >_<
[16:35:16] <amee2k> forcing the right driver and it worked like a charm
[16:35:43] <amee2k> at the risk of bringing the old 90s ati image back... ati can't do drivers
[16:35:57] <keenerd> Thankfully AMD can :-)
[16:36:41] <amee2k> they don't seem to bother about making up their mind with old cards
[16:37:00] <amee2k> either fix it or remove support completely, but this is pretty fail
[16:37:10] <keenerd> They do remove support completely.
[16:37:30] <amee2k> then why am i still stuck with the shitty ati driver that won't let go of the card
[16:37:51] <keenerd> No idea. Why have you not uninstalled the package?
[16:37:52] <amee2k> i've even uninstalled the driver completely but still the same shit
[16:38:48] <amee2k> it used to be easy to fix with a 'Driver "vesa"' in xorg.conf but for some reason newer x servers seem to ignore that
[23:03:58] <ziph> abcminiuser: Hey there.
[23:05:49] <abcminiuser> Yahoyoy
[23:13:36] <CapnKernel> Hello everyone
[23:15:49] <CapnKernel> The day before I left for China back in October, I bottled some home brew beer. I'm back in Melbourne now and drinking the first bottle. Mmm, home brew. I'm enjoying the nice relaxed feeling :-)
[23:19:09] <inflex> lo folks
[23:19:35] * inflex trips out to some Sucker Punch music again
[23:31:54] <abcminiuser> CapnKernel, any good?
[23:36:02] * inflex needs to go upstairs and desolder some things... then determine if he's blow up his ADC in the AVR :(
[23:43:35] <inflex> A bit hot over in WA.... "Roebourne on the Western Australia Pilbara coast has just set a new December heat record for the state with a scorching 49 degrees, only 0.5 of a degree short of the Australian December record."
[23:43:45] <inflex> 49~49.5'C is insane!