#avr | Logs for 2011-12-17

[06:07:36] <norbi> hi, if i want to use external interrupt INT0 and INT1, then i neeed to set ISC0 and ISC1?
[06:10:41] <OndraSter> ye
[06:15:14] <norbi> OndraSter: but i`ve readed that 2 interrupts int the same time cant be triggered
[06:15:22] <OndraSter> nope
[06:15:25] <norbi> and i need to check multiple interrupts
[06:15:36] <OndraSter> well either INT0 or INT1 will fireup
[06:15:49] <norbi> int1 and int0 toghether could generate 4 interrupts
[06:15:53] <OndraSter> and when INT is entered, the flag I in MCUCSR is taken down
[06:15:59] <OndraSter> huh?
[06:16:13] <OndraSter> you want it to fire up 4 different interrupts?
[06:16:23] <OndraSter> upto
[06:16:31] <OndraSter> like 00, 01, 10 or 11?
[06:16:33] <OndraSter> combinations
[06:16:44] <norbi> 0 1 | 1 0 | 1 1|
[06:16:48] <norbi> 3 not 4 sry
[06:17:09] <norbi> 00 will not trigger anything so 3
[06:17:41] <OndraSter> huh I am not aware that you can combine them into "binary" interrupts
[06:18:01] <OndraSter> I usually do this by grabbing some binary encoder
[06:18:31] <OndraSter> and it has some pin that goes low/high when at least one of the inputs is low/high
[06:18:35] <OndraSter> and I connect that to INT0
[06:18:44] <OndraSter> and then I read the int's # from another pins
[06:18:55] <OndraSter> you don't need actualyl the encoder here
[06:23:45] <norbi> OndraSter: yes, ive just finished reading the datasheet of the chip that generates 2 interrupts, after generated one of them you need to check in its register that what interrupt caused that pin to be triggered high
[06:24:49] <norbi> All data, except that for the ±16 g range, must be clipped to avoid rollover.
[06:24:52] <norbi> what is this mean?
[06:26:06] <OndraSter> that is for PCINT
[06:26:07] <OndraSter> not INT
[06:26:07] <norbi> !thislog
[06:26:14] <OndraSter> INTs have its own interrupts for each one
[06:26:18] <OndraSter> or at least on older atmegas
[06:26:18] <OndraSter> brb
[06:26:22] <norbi> ok
[06:39:56] <OndraSter> so
[06:39:59] <OndraSter> I am back
[06:42:36] <OndraSter> oh nvm
[06:42:37] <OndraSter> I am gone again
[06:43:39] <norbi> OndraSter: ISR(ISR0_vect){ callMyFunction(); }
[06:44:01] <norbi> this will be triggered on rising edge of the INT0 interrupt?
[06:44:09] <norbi> and not ISR0 but INT0
[06:44:11] <norbi> ?
[06:46:23] <Steffanx> the edge depends on your settings norbi
[06:46:39] <Steffanx> And about ISR0 .. rtfm :)
[07:02:52] <OndraSter> ye
[07:34:30] <Tom_itx> norbi, inquire zlog
[07:34:39] <Tom_itx> and also use pin change interrupts
[07:35:01] <Tom_itx> you still can't read 2 at the same time though
[07:35:26] <Tom_itx> zlog
[08:38:51] <norbi> thank you!
[08:38:55] <norbi> im back
[08:38:59] <norbi> i had guests
[08:39:01] <norbi> sry
[08:43:46] <norbi> Steffanx: ive read the manual: http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__avr__interrupts.html
[08:44:00] <norbi> thats why i said not ISR0 but INT0
[08:44:17] <norbi> i just needed your confirmation:P
[08:45:13] <Steffanx> Ah :)
[08:46:16] <norbi> Tom_itx: zlog gives the log from when the user logged in?
[08:53:36] <Steffanx> Always..
[08:57:50] <keenerd> So dumb question time. It seems you can run a crystal with one pin an no caps. And it seems to still be stable. Why don't more places do this?
[08:57:53] <keenerd> http://www.greenarraychips.com/home/documents/pub/AP002-OSC.html
[08:59:12] <norbi> anyone tried avr studio 5 with c++?
[08:59:40] <Kevin`> norbi: you mean instead of with c?
[09:03:14] <norbi> yes
[09:04:29] <norbi> Kevin`: ive read somethings about it on avr freaks, and it looks promiceing, i think nobody tried with objects, at least didnt seen any opinions
[09:04:42] <Kevin`> I don'
[09:05:10] <Kevin`> I don't thing avr-gcc's c++ implementation is complete. I also don't see why you would WANT the extra stuff from c++ on a small device, though
[09:05:42] <Kevin`> by complete I mean it's missing some functions. it obviously works, as evidenced by arduino
[09:13:16] <norbi> Kevin`: because i like classes
[09:13:20] <norbi> :D
[09:13:36] <norbi> for me it is more organised:D
[09:14:08] <Kevin`> one of THOSE programmers ;p
[09:15:16] <norbi> those?:P
[09:15:24] <norbi> what you mean ::P LD
[09:15:25] <norbi> :D
[09:36:42] <yunta> afaik, c++ doesn't really introduce overhead if you know what you're doing (e.g. avoiding virtual functions and other dynamic-type-identification things)
[09:39:10] <Kevin`> personally, I would take the oppertunity given to write nice functional code instead of the mess of interfaces that most modern programming involves
[09:40:54] <karlp> s/modern/bad/g
[09:44:52] <Kevin`> karlp: commercial -> brute force monkey -> bad
[09:47:30] <Kevin`> btw, offtopic, i'm working with pic for a few days now, for a project. I don't understand why anyone would want to now (aside from purely commercial reasons that is. the people who actually LIKE it).
[09:47:58] <Kevin`> it's not as bad as it COULD be, but, if you have the choice.. :/
[09:56:15] <OndraSter> what is bad with it, Kevin` ?
[09:56:25] <OndraSter> I have never used PICs
[09:59:56] <Steffanx> Kevin` ARM beats AVR too :P
[10:00:04] <Kevin`> the ide is unpolished, the c library is unpolished (and the compiler is limited to no optimization unless you are a $$$$company), documentation/examples is (relatively) sparse, there's a large range of devices with different programmer requirements, few of which are supported by opensource devices or apps
[10:01:28] <Steffanx> And for some avr's you need a different programmer/interface too
[10:01:57] <Steffanx> TPI, SPI, PDI ...
[10:02:00] <Kevin`> Steffanx: right, but it's easy enough to get software and devices to talk to them
[10:02:58] <Kevin`> this is made even worse by the fact that almost all of the pics actually use the SAME physical programming interface. and it's relatively sane. it's just the software isn't at all unified
[10:04:31] <Steffanx> I have to agree i don't like it either
[10:04:54] <Steffanx> Especially when you have to change the firmware of your programmer because you switched from 18F to 16F
[10:04:56] <Steffanx> :S
[10:11:12] <Kevin`> this is probably the strangest digital interface i've seen: http://www.excelitas.com/downloads/app_digipyrofamily.pdf
[10:17:15] <norbi> Kevin`: i have to aggree with you about pic, its not quite portable, the ide sucks, compiler, warnings, errors are not quite unerstandable
[10:18:05] <norbi> but the api is real good, im looking forward about avr to have such an api, with implemented ethernet, usart etc, you just call the functions after defined the device header
[10:21:44] <norbi> kevin thats digital with 1 pin?
[10:21:54] <norbi> fixed clock?
[10:22:00] <norbi> or how that works?
[10:22:38] <Kevin`> norbi: it's STRANGE how it works, a few words is insufficient, and yes, digital with one pin
[10:22:49] <norbi> this looks like its phase modulated fixed clock comunication?
[10:23:16] <norbi> aahh no
[10:23:17] <norbi> sry
[10:23:20] <norbi> am modulated?
[10:23:39] <Kevin`> no, the data transfer is clocked by the host. sort of.
[10:23:42] <norbi> wtf i have to check my signal manua;
[10:24:11] <norbi> Kevin`: thats what i meant by fixed clock
[10:24:15] <norbi> fixed by the host
[10:32:51] <OndraSter> guys
[10:32:55] <OndraSter> take a look at OneWire bus :P
[10:33:05] <OndraSter> it can actually sport upto 2^48 devices on one wire :)
[10:33:24] <OndraSter> (plus one for GND, no need for Vcc... although with large number of devices it might not work just by parasitic power)
[10:34:08] <OndraSter> I should note that 2^48 is the absolute number of devices Dallas is going to publish as each device has got unique ID
[10:35:51] <Kevin`> one-wire is actually somewhat sane though
[10:37:08] <OndraSter> and this is not sane?
[10:37:19] <Kevin`> well, it works, I suppose that's something
[10:38:19] <Casper> OndraSter: actually no
[10:38:29] <Casper> it do not support that many
[10:38:33] <OndraSter> how come?
[10:39:00] <karlp> not enought ime slots
[10:39:03] <Casper> each device add bus capacitance
[10:39:06] <OndraSter> hmm
[10:39:10] <OndraSter> haven't thought about that lol
[10:39:13] <Casper> which screw up the signal
[10:39:35] <Casper> so you need buffers or something to have more than I think 32 devices
[10:45:29] <OndraSter> still it is "impressive"
[11:44:38] <Casper> OndraSter: not impressive really
[11:44:54] <Casper> it's just that the address field is 48 bits
[11:48:11] <OndraSter> I know
[11:48:13] <OndraSter> but you need just one datawire
[11:48:19] <OndraSter> for all the communication
[11:48:24] <OndraSter> and you can wire multiple devices onto it
[11:49:10] <bsdfox> OndraSter: the best thing about 1wire is each device has a unique ID in it
[11:49:18] <Casper> what is even more impressive is that you can also power some device right from the bus wire
[11:49:21] <OndraSter> ye
[11:50:04] <bsdfox> dallas designed them to be in everything but they still haven't caught on
[11:50:11] <bsdfox> they're fairly overpriced
[11:50:37] <OndraSter> free samples ftw lol
[11:51:31] <bsdfox> OndraSter: even if it's free and it's only a $3 temp sensor your time to develop on it will make you more invested in their product
[11:51:41] <OndraSter> hmm
[11:51:49] <Casper> yes very
[11:52:06] <Casper> it shouln't be 10$ for a temp sensor....
[11:52:23] <OndraSter> they are $10?
[11:52:28] <OndraSter> I thought they were like $1
[11:54:12] <Casper> ah they dropped in price...
[11:54:24] <Casper> 5.70$ in 1-20 quantity
[11:54:35] <Casper> 2.09$ in 1000 and up
[11:54:59] <bsdfox> still way too expensive
[11:55:28] <Casper> yup
[11:55:38] <OndraSter> for us, hobbyists: http://www.ebay.com/itm/270854649156?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
[11:55:39] <OndraSter> :P
[11:55:56] <Casper> at bellow 1$ in 1000 quantity it could start to be attractive
[11:56:05] <Casper> but even then...
[11:56:10] <Casper> it's not even that precise
[11:56:22] <OndraSter> like I said, I thought they were supercheap
[11:56:29] <OndraSter> based on ebay prices :P
[11:58:03] <bsdfox> that's not a bad price
[11:58:19] <bsdfox> I have a couple of those identical sensors and the packaging looks a lot different though
[11:58:22] <bsdfox> probably a knock off
[11:58:33] <Casper> ds18s20.... 0.5C and 750ms conversion time.....
[11:58:50] <bsdfox> lol 750ms
[11:58:59] <Casper> that's slow but ok, but the 0.5C prevent the use in mny applicationds
[11:59:13] <OndraSter> ds18b20
[11:59:14] <OndraSter> not s
[12:00:52] <OndraSter> or are they same
[12:01:37] <OndraSter> they are 0.5, 0.25,0.125 or 0.0625C precise
[12:01:39] <Casper> basically the same....
[12:01:45] <OndraSter> depends on 8/9/10/11/12bit precision
[12:01:51] <Casper> still 9 bits only
[12:02:01] <Casper> oh they made more precise one? good!
[12:02:51] <OndraSter> for 12bits it is 750ms
[12:02:57] <OndraSter> for 9 bits it is 94ms
[12:03:33] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/1ppyn
[12:03:35] <Casper> 2 mmore hours
[12:03:48] <Casper> and I can leave work! ayy
[12:05:18] <OndraSter> hmm could I fit software SPI library + basic communication through NRF24L01 chip (let me find datasheet) and onewire library into 1kB attiny?
[12:05:25] <OndraSter> it has "enough" pins
[12:06:28] <Casper> it all depend how much you need to implement
[12:07:08] <OndraSter> just read temperature from the sensor (no need for scanning 1wire, since there will be just one device)
[12:07:15] <OndraSter> and send it through the wireless chip
[12:07:46] <Kevin`> OndraSter: I suspect you could. there's one sure way to find out though: grab the largest attiny device in that class for prototyping and start coding
[12:07:56] <OndraSter> attiny8x?
[12:08:01] <OndraSter> I can get supercheap attiny13a
[12:09:41] <Kevin`> with a larger device you'll also have room for debug code using printf and other relatively expensive things that you can remove later
[12:10:23] <Casper> or just start coding, compile, and see the binary size once you're nearly done
[12:10:29] <OndraSter> printf requires attached jtag through debugwire I presume
[12:10:50] <Casper> no, serial port
[12:10:53] <Kevin`> OndraSter: I was thinking rather using one pin for uart
[12:11:03] <OndraSter> oh
[12:11:09] <OndraSter> attiny13a has no UART :(
[12:11:16] <OndraSter> and other attiny's are not cheap anymore
[12:11:16] <Kevin`> software uart works fine
[12:11:19] <OndraSter> not worth doing the project
[12:11:44] <Casper> you gave me an idea hmmmm
[12:11:51] <OndraSter> I want to make simple "measuring" stations
[12:11:59] <OndraSter> that will report their temperatures to the main station
[12:12:16] <OndraSter> but, I am now occupied with other 10000s of projects that need to be finished first
[12:12:35] <Casper> OndraSter: atleast you ain't stuck as I am
[12:12:39] <OndraSter> with PIC?
[12:12:54] <Casper> truying to make some smps.... and it give me headache because I fail to understand what is the problem with my setup
[12:13:01] <Casper> no, smps IC
[12:13:18] <Kevin`> Casper: you have an oscilloscope, right?
[12:13:35] <OndraSter> smps as "finished" smps or using some uC?
[12:13:42] <Casper> like.... I made one that should have been able to handle like 200W... but was barelly able to do 1
[12:14:05] <Casper> Kevin`: yes, and the waveform at the critical points ain't pretty, but should be ok
[12:14:16] <OndraSter> has it got transformer or just simple coil?
[12:14:36] <Casper> transformer
[12:14:43] <Casper> funny thing is...
[12:15:10] <Casper> I wround one, got 5V 5.75A out at 60% efficiency (wire lss being the problem)
[12:15:38] <Casper> rewind a new one with litz wire with more tuned up values.... got like 1W out and 20% efficiency max
[12:15:59] <Casper> everything else was the same!
[12:16:25] <OndraSter> huh
[12:16:28] <Casper> so now I'm trying to solder everything and I'll see if it help or not
[12:16:37] <OndraSter> I tried building PSU with SMPS for nixie tubes
[12:16:42] <OndraSter> but it has got one major flaw
[12:16:47] <Casper> breadboard can be evil at time, but this is just illogical
[12:16:52] <OndraSter> it drops to below 150V before it starts charging output again
[12:16:54] <OndraSter> I am using...
[12:16:58] <OndraSter> MC34063
[12:17:18] <OndraSter> I am not using transformer, I am using normal choke
[12:17:22] <OndraSter> 330uH
[12:17:35] <OndraSter> it has got like.... superslow response
[12:18:09] <Kevin`> i'm curious, mains down to 150v or dc up to 150v?
[12:18:36] <OndraSter> input is 12 - 15V
[12:18:38] <OndraSter> from regulated PSU
[12:18:40] <OndraSter> DC
[12:18:49] <OndraSter> output is set to be about 180V
[12:18:55] <OndraSter> by the voltage divider
[12:19:02] <OndraSter> (1.25V ref)
[12:19:32] <OndraSter> it charges above 180V and starts dropping... at about 150V it starts charging again
[12:19:53] <OndraSter> two nixie tubes = 140V - 150V :(
[12:26:22] <Casper> so you're overshooting
[12:26:49] <OndraSter> little overshoot is okay (since the overshoot is with few uA load)
[12:27:03] <Casper> or your compensation loop is messed up
[12:27:05] <OndraSter> since it will be really, really small with proper load
[12:27:43] <OndraSter> but it should be 180V
[12:27:46] <OndraSter> during load
[12:27:52] <OndraSter> if it goes below 180V, it should start switching
[12:27:55] <OndraSter> but it doesn't...
[12:28:43] <Casper> my issue is not enought transfert of energy :D
[12:28:54] <OndraSter> :D
[12:28:56] <OndraSter> I know
[12:29:05] <Casper> do you have a compensation network?
[12:29:12] <OndraSter> compensation what? :D
[12:29:28] <OndraSter> http://elbastl.sweb.cz/clock.gif
[12:29:29] <OndraSter> the bottom
[12:29:33] <Casper> on your chip... usually a resistor and capacitor
[12:29:34] <OndraSter> without the "battery backup" part on the left
[12:29:37] <Casper> in series
[12:29:47] <Casper> from ground to compensation input
[13:19:03] <Casper> OndraSter: I see a few prob in your schematics
[13:19:20] <Casper> feedback resistance is possibly too high
[13:19:54] <Casper> and the mosfet driver is bad
[13:20:00] <Casper> too slow
[13:28:11] <Casper> output cap might also be too small
[13:40:31] <OndraSter> I tried different sized output caps
[13:40:38] <OndraSter> mosfet? irf820 should be just fine :)
[13:41:00] <Casper> the drive of the mosfet is really bad
[13:41:11] <Casper> the turn off is wqay too slow
[13:41:56] <Casper> and the turn on might hurt the smps ic transistor,....
[13:42:50] <OndraSter> hmm
[13:43:12] <Casper> remember, the gate is a capacitor
[13:43:14] <OndraSter> I'll try some different MOSFET then
[13:43:15] <OndraSter> ye
[13:43:26] <Casper> all mosfet will do the same
[13:43:58] <Casper> a proper mosfet driver can give a few amps, both to ground and vcc
[13:44:28] <OndraSter> so how to solve it then?
[13:46:56] <Casper> is it heating up?
[13:47:29] <OndraSter> not at al
[13:47:30] <OndraSter> all
[13:49:10] <mitsakos> hello is there a specific way to make a division with number longer than uint8?
[13:49:26] <OndraSter> use uint16?
[13:52:18] <mitsakos> i was trying to make a division using this : voltage=adc_read()*5000/1024; where voltage is uint16
[13:52:25] <mitsakos> and i got wrong resault
[13:52:34] <mitsakos> uint16_t milivolts = adc_read() * (long)5000 / (long)1024; i tried this
[13:52:45] <mitsakos> and now i get correct resautl
[13:52:47] <Casper> OndraSter: then your frequency is low enought to not be a major issue
[13:53:35] <OndraSter> yeah
[13:53:44] <OndraSter> the MC34063 should be around 40kHz if I recall correctly from datasheet
[13:53:49] <OndraSter> switching freq
[14:02:12] <Casper> depend on the timing cap you put
[14:02:31] <OndraSter> well this guy has got it working with that schematics
[14:02:38] <OndraSter> so it must be either some stray capacitance or I do not know
[14:06:05] <Casper> trust me....
[14:09:09] <norbi> guys, does c++ support this type definition? 0b?
[14:09:22] <norbi> for example 0b0110?
[14:12:19] <OndraSter> if it compiles - yes
[14:14:09] <Steffanx> Worst thing they ever invented..
[14:14:11] <Steffanx> that notation
[14:33:50] <norbi> it doesn't compile
[14:33:58] <norbi> thats why im asking
[14:38:21] <OndraSter> maybe you gotta use all 8 bits
[14:50:15] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/1prkM
[14:50:17] <OndraSter> WOOT
[14:50:19] <OndraSter> finally
[14:50:21] <OndraSter> first try with JTAG :D
[14:52:51] <RikusW> using a jtag clone ?
[14:53:46] <OndraSter> yeah
[14:53:50] <OndraSter> $14 or so lol
[14:54:01] <OndraSter> luckily I need it just for two chips right now
[14:54:02] <OndraSter> atmega32
[14:54:04] <OndraSter> and atmega128
[14:54:09] <OndraSter> both are supported by it
[14:54:12] <OndraSter> (original JTAG ICE clone)
[14:54:17] <OndraSter> I am poor student lol
[14:54:39] <RikusW> I hacked that, disassembled its fw ;)
[14:54:44] <OndraSter> :)
[14:55:24] <RikusW> took 6 months...
[14:55:32] <RikusW> http://sites.google.com/site/megau2s/home/
[14:56:10] <RikusW> now I know how atmel's jtag ocd works too :)
[14:56:12] <OndraSter> can you add also support for other chips? :D
[14:56:20] <RikusW> supposed to be private
[14:56:21] <norbi> int tx = (ADXL345_SPI_transceive | ADXL345_MULTI_BYTE | (startAddress & 0x3F)); what can be here the adx345_spi_transceive?
[14:56:42] <OndraSter> bit
[14:57:10] <RikusW> for my clone I did, only recently discovered that the jtag programming algorithm differs slightly for never avrs
[14:57:24] <OndraSter> hmm
[14:57:27] <RikusW> *newer
[14:57:45] <norbi> OndraSter: yea i know that should be a bit, but what can represent that bit?
[14:57:52] <norbi> spi transceive?
[14:58:06] <OndraSter> transceive bit in some register... like "do receive"?
[14:59:24] <norbi> OndraSter: maybe, it looks like, but.. cant figure out what should be that bit in the adxl345
[14:59:29] <norbi> im still looking
[15:05:58] <norbi> OndraSter: ive jsut figured out that it is not a register in some chip
[15:06:07] <norbi> i mean not in a register
[15:06:19] <norbi> but it is the way is sends or receives
[15:06:31] <norbi> R |MB|A|D
[15:06:46] <norbi> this is the format of reading and sending data
[15:07:20] <norbi> R=R/W, MB=MultiByte,A=address, D=data
[15:08:21] <norbi> so transceive(const uint8_t data){ SPDR = data; wait_for_SPI_complete(); return SPDR;}
[15:08:40] <norbi> int tx = (ADXL345_SPI_transceive | ADXL345_MULTI_BYTE | (startAddress & 0x3F)); transceive(tx);
[15:09:25] <norbi> what can be here the ADXL345_SPI_transceive? a constant that has or 0x00 or 0x01 in it to choose read or write/
[15:09:27] <norbi> ?
[15:10:00] <OndraSter> who knows
[15:10:03] <OndraSter> get the datasheet :)
[15:11:41] <norbi> OndraSter: i do have the datasheet :P
[15:11:48] <OndraSter> well then
[15:11:59] <OndraSter> check what byte is being sent and guess what it can do
[15:12:01] <norbi> i just cant figure out this class of the adxl what does exactly, no documentation for it
[15:12:32] <norbi> OndraSter: this was my guessing :P a constant that has or 0x00 or 0x01 in it to choose read or write
[15:12:50] <OndraSter> well then
[15:12:53] <OndraSter> what else can I say
[15:12:59] <norbi> but i cant understand how somebody defines a constant for 2 values:P
[15:13:01] <norbi> possible values
[15:15:14] <OndraSter> why not
[15:16:15] <Corwin> variable, not constant
[15:19:22] <norbi> Corwin: its used as constant in context, as how it looks, but it may be variable, independently of this
[15:19:51] <norbi> brb
[15:20:04] <Steffanx> Party!!
[15:20:21] <Corwin> party now, study later
[15:20:29] <Steffanx> Study?
[15:20:50] <Corwin> remembered quote from Dexter's lab cartoon :)
[15:20:57] <Steffanx> Ah
[15:21:18] <Steffanx> It's ages ago i've seen that
[15:21:28] <OndraSter> dexter's lab cartoon ?!
[15:21:33] <OndraSter> they made it into cartoon?
[15:21:47] <Corwin> not that Dexter
[15:22:07] <Corwin> google "dexter lab cartoon network"
[15:22:11] <Steffanx> cartoon = animation serie :)
[15:23:44] <Corwin> anyway.... some ideas if/how to use AVR chip as a SDIO device?
[15:24:30] <Steffanx> Uhm.. pass
[15:24:48] <OndraSter> as a SDIO device, not use SDIO device with atmega right?
[15:25:15] <Corwin> want to interface with PDA... serial not available, usb host too complicated
[15:25:22] <OndraSter> oh damn
[15:25:27] <OndraSter> good luck :D
[15:25:30] <Corwin> :D
[15:25:35] <OndraSter> don't these devices have usb host in them?
[15:25:42] <Steffanx> LUFA makes USB host easier Corwin :)
[15:26:07] <Corwin> well most of them have USB OTG.... but i dont want to use big AVR's with usb interface
[15:27:02] <OndraSter> there are software USB libs
[15:27:03] <Corwin> basic idea was interface ipaq 214 with mega328 or mega16
[15:27:45] <Corwin> you mean V-usb ?
[15:28:40] <Corwin> dont think that would work with OTG on other side
[15:29:13] <Corwin> have no idea how to handle OTG on PDA side either :)
[15:30:06] <Corwin> i think i will go wireless... bluetooth serial
[15:30:16] <Corwin> BT is cheap
[15:30:53] <OndraSter> yap
[15:31:26] <OndraSter> I presume the PDA has WinMo5 on it
[15:31:28] <Corwin> hmm... idea... usb2serial convertors should work with OTG
[15:31:32] <Corwin> wm 6.5
[15:31:43] <OndraSter> wow
[15:31:48] <OndraSter> that is rather new
[15:31:52] <OndraSter> or XDA
[15:32:00] <Corwin> ups... only wm 6.1
[15:32:21] <OndraSter> oh
[15:32:23] <OndraSter> http://forum.brighthand.com/hp-ipaq-210-enterprise-handheld/276979-new-rom-center-14.html
[15:33:04] <Corwin> thats the one... not really interested in flashing new rom to that
[15:33:21] <Corwin> thats what i have htc hd2 for :)
[15:33:22] <OndraSter> I used to make ROMs for kaiser, TP2 and HD2
[15:33:23] <OndraSter> hehe
[15:33:28] <OndraSter> then I moved onto WP7
[15:33:31] <Corwin> i know :)
[15:33:41] <OndraSter> oh
[15:33:45] <OndraSter> we met on XDA? :D
[15:33:55] <Corwin> and multitouch for resistive display devices
[15:33:58] <OndraSter> yap
[15:34:36] <OndraSter> that's why I asked week ago whether should I start using in future ARM chips or stay with atxmega and get proper JTAG box for it...
[15:34:41] <OndraSter> because I did some stuff with ARM
[15:34:45] <OndraSter> disassembling 'n stuff
[15:35:21] <Corwin> AVR forever :)
[15:35:39] <OndraSter> but no wiggler for AVR Studio and atxmega's JTAG
[15:35:49] <OndraSter> I built wiggler for like $2
[15:36:02] <Corwin> wiggler ?
[15:36:10] <OndraSter> yeah, simple JTAG for LPT port lol
[15:36:19] <Corwin> ah... never used that
[15:36:22] <OndraSter> I actually installed linux onto some old PC to use it lol
[15:36:25] <Corwin> never heard that
[15:36:47] <OndraSter> it contains just two chips... one for buffering (or level switcher) and the other one is simple inverter
[15:36:54] <OndraSter> 74hc244 and 04
[15:37:09] <OndraSter> (plus third chip as a 3,3V regulator though)
[15:39:03] <Corwin> my first programmer was bitbanged spi interface on serial port, just to programm mega8 to use it in avrstk500v2 from tuxgraphic... then i got avr dragon
[15:39:16] <Corwin> and become dragon slayer few weeks later :)
[15:39:24] <Corwin> and ordered two more :)
[15:39:32] <OndraSter> :D
[15:39:52] <OndraSter> like I said, I am poor student... so I bought simple USB ISP from ebay for 10 bucks
[15:40:02] <OndraSter> and now I bought JTAG ICE knockoff from ebay for 14 bucks :D
[15:41:08] <Corwin> hmm.... interested in used avr butterfly ?
[15:41:14] <Corwin> for free :)
[15:41:37] <OndraSter> hmmm
[15:41:41] <OndraSter> let me check it out :D
[15:41:42] <Corwin> ok, not free
[15:41:48] <Corwin> but just postage
[15:41:58] <OndraSter> :D
[15:41:59] <Corwin> not going to prague any time soon
[15:42:04] <OndraSter> where are you from?
[15:42:19] <Corwin> pilsen
[15:42:37] <OndraSter> dude, you are Czech?! lol
[15:42:46] <Corwin> :D
[15:43:15] <OndraSter> I knew one guy from Pilsen, we were on IRC many, many, many years ago, on #webzdarma, but we haven't seen him for many, many, many years
[15:43:24] <OndraSter> he did similar stuff too
[15:43:34] <Corwin> wasnt his nick Bass? :)
[15:43:41] <OndraSter> was it you ?!
[15:43:42] <OndraSter> lmao
[15:44:17] <OndraSter> (yes it was Bass)
[15:47:53] <Corwin> its about 10 year... i think
[15:48:14] <OndraSter> yeah
[15:48:19] <OndraSter> we are now on QuakeNet
[15:48:22] <Corwin> 8 or ten
[15:48:23] <OndraSter> only me and Nipal survived lol
[15:48:39] <OndraSter> 10 definitely not, I wasn't on IRC when I was 9 :P
[15:48:47] <Corwin> :)
[15:49:00] <Corwin> over 6 years for sure
[15:49:04] <OndraSter> yeah
[15:49:09] <OndraSter> anyway, we were wondering where you disappeared
[15:49:15] <OndraSter> since noone had any contact on you
[15:49:22] <Corwin> hospital
[15:49:28] <OndraSter> oops
[15:49:29] <Corwin> for 8 months
[15:49:34] <OndraSter> what happened?
[15:50:15] <Corwin> i had meeting with my destiny... but it was just a car
[15:50:29] <OndraSter> hmm car, I am doing driving school
[15:50:32] <OndraSter> I had today another ride
[15:50:50] <Corwin> how many pedestrians hit?
[15:51:01] <OndraSter> luckily none yet
[15:51:03] <Corwin> ever played carmagedon? :)
[15:51:06] <OndraSter> but almost few cars
[15:51:07] <OndraSter> hell yes!
[15:51:26] <OndraSter> and mirrors!! I almost took one down today
[15:52:55] <OndraSter> http://www.codinghorror.com/blog/2007/03/the-works-on-my-machine-certification-program.html
[15:53:10] <OndraSter> it should be updated to "it works for my board layout"
[15:54:59] <Corwin> i wish i have more time to play with avr stuff
[15:57:05] <OndraSter> my school project pretty much burns all my time, that I do not spend playing games...
[15:57:12] <OndraSter> and I have SOO many ideas I want to at least think about!
[15:58:11] <Corwin> my current idea is mix AVR DB 101 board with TEA 5767 FM stereo receiver and BT module.... but DB 101 source codes seems complicated for a weekend project
[15:58:44] <OndraSter> avr db 101 is board with LCD?
[15:58:47] <Corwin> yes
[15:58:51] <Corwin> graphic lcd
[15:59:00] <Corwin> 128x64px
[15:59:02] <Corwin> i think
[15:59:08] <Corwin> but no backlight :(
[15:59:13] <OndraSter> that's bad
[15:59:24] <Corwin> was cheap
[15:59:29] <OndraSter> talking about displays, I had a nice idea
[15:59:41] <OndraSter> controlling house's heater
[15:59:53] <OndraSter> few wireless stations with temperature sensors
[15:59:59] <OndraSter> that would wirelessly send data to the main one in living room
[16:00:06] <OndraSter> that would collect these data
[16:00:12] <OndraSter> check what time of the day is
[16:00:22] <OndraSter> and, if needed, enable the heater
[16:00:34] <OndraSter> (I checked it, it simply flips relay)
[16:00:51] <Corwin> talking about displays.. im getting 8 pcs of this http://www.dealextreme.com/p/jy-mcu-3208-lattice-clock-ht1632c-driver-with-mcu-support-secondary-development-104306
[16:00:58] <Corwin> to play tetris :)
[16:01:23] <OndraSter> :D
[16:01:28] <OndraSter> I am doing something similar as a school project
[16:01:44] <Corwin> playing tetris as school project? :D
[16:01:50] <OndraSter> except that it is 32x48
[16:01:51] <OndraSter> :D
[16:01:57] <OndraSter> and bi-color
[16:03:25] <norbi> avr studio 5 doesnt have the register map of the device?
[16:04:02] <norbi> in avr studio 4 i can see the devices register map, what register names, perpherial does have the avr
[16:04:11] <norbi> i cant find this window in avr studio 5
[16:04:39] <OndraSter> it is there
[16:04:42] <OndraSter> a sec
[16:05:51] <OndraSter> it is there at least when debugging
[16:05:55] <OndraSter> with avr simulator/jtag
[16:06:17] <Corwin> afaik only in active debug session
[16:06:26] <Corwin> i still use as4
[16:06:40] <Corwin> it provided more "help" when writing code
[16:06:58] <norbi> Corwin: yea..
[16:07:12] <Corwin> but i like project management in as5
[16:07:13] <norbi> why did they created avr studio 5 if its a crap?
[16:07:20] <OndraSter> AVR Studio 5 is good
[16:07:22] <OndraSter> but no JTAG ICE :(
[16:07:47] <Corwin> as5 is based on visual studio... thats why it is "bad" for low level stuff
[16:08:12] <OndraSter> I am VS freak
[16:08:18] <OndraSter> MS lover :D
[16:08:34] <Corwin> i loved VS when creatings apps for wiindows mobile
[16:08:49] <OndraSter> too bad they killed WM development in VS2010
[16:08:53] <Corwin> when ms cut of winmo6.5, i gave up
[16:09:08] <OndraSter> now I am hoping for access to BT Serial profile on WP7 :(
[16:09:16] <Corwin> i dont like win phone 7 works
[16:09:26] <OndraSter> I love the design and speed
[16:09:33] <Corwin> and there is no "good" visual ide for android :(
[16:09:47] <OndraSter> Eclipse is .... bad
[16:10:07] <OndraSter> NetBeans doesn't officially talk with android... plus it sucks too :D
[16:10:18] <Corwin> eclipse is good... but i miss really good visual designer for creating user interface
[16:10:32] <OndraSter> I remember last year's teacher:
[16:10:45] <OndraSter> "Making UI in Eclipse or NetBeans is generally bad idea. It often something totally messes up"
[16:11:00] <Corwin> but generally... all java based apps sux :)
[16:11:06] <OndraSter> that's all he told us :D
[16:11:06] <OndraSter> yeah
[16:11:51] <Corwin> portability is good... but not high resource usage
[16:12:32] <Corwin> dalwik on android looks nice... but all my attempts on android app ended with force-close :)
[16:12:36] <Corwin> app crashed
[16:12:39] <OndraSter> :D
[16:12:49] <OndraSter> I have bad opinion about Android
[16:12:51] <Corwin> even simple "hello world" dialog caused force-close
[16:12:54] <OndraSter> :D
[16:13:00] <OndraSter> HD2 Android? or real Android device
[16:13:06] <Corwin> hd2 android
[16:13:12] <Corwin> but AOSP
[16:13:16] <Corwin> works fine
[16:13:26] <OndraSter> I sold my HD2 to my brother
[16:13:27] <OndraSter> "sold"
[16:13:29] <OndraSter> he has yet to pay
[16:14:44] <Corwin> going to sell too... geting galaxy nexus or htc senstation :)
[16:15:03] <Corwin> or maybe i will give it a try and use wp7 :)
[16:15:40] <Corwin> from what i read it turned from damn bad wp7.0 and 7.1 to pretty good 7.5
[16:16:08] <OndraSter> 7.1 is developer's name for 7.5
[16:16:34] <OndraSter> I am out of the hacking, I have no time at least for few months :(
[16:16:40] <OndraSter> but then it all begins again!
[16:16:43] <Corwin> :)
[16:17:02] <OndraSter> I need some new connection from within MS itself
[16:17:09] <OndraSter> I managed to get some... stuff :)
[16:17:14] <OndraSter> but it is old now :(
[16:17:41] <Corwin> i need good soldering stuff... to replace xtal on arduino uno board :)
[16:17:51] <Corwin> and new xtal too :)
[16:18:34] <OndraSter> I killed xtal on some board too
[16:18:42] <OndraSter> I desoldered it and put there new one just fine
[16:18:46] <OndraSter> 'tis two DIP pins
[16:18:47] <Corwin> i didnt... just want to replace it
[16:18:57] <Corwin> this one is SMD xtal
[16:19:01] <OndraSter> I killed it by pliers
[16:19:04] <OndraSter> I was taking something out
[16:19:09] <Corwin> :D
[16:19:11] <OndraSter> and well... pliers slipped
[16:20:05] <Corwin> maybe i could just remove it with force and use normal-size xtal there
[16:20:11] <Corwin> would need caps too
[16:21:59] <Corwin> still have ti find out if onboard mega8u2 would handle usb2com and stk500vs protocol at same time
[16:22:10] <Corwin> and how to do that :)
[16:22:54] <OndraLappy> 8kB "should be enough for everybody"
[16:23:20] <OndraLappy> (IBM style!)
[16:23:23] <Corwin> thats why i have 4gb in laptop and it keeps complaining about memory-low
[16:23:27] <Corwin> sure
[16:23:43] <OndraLappy> my PC has 16GB and has yet to complain, but I was sometimes reaching 15GB usage
[16:23:51] <OndraLappy> few VMWares and 4GB RAMDISK...
[16:23:58] <Corwin> :D
[16:24:14] <Corwin> SSD here :)
[16:24:19] <OndraLappy> my tablet (toshiba portege m200) has 2GB, my laptop (hp 6715b) has 4GB RAM
[16:24:23] <OndraLappy> oh SSDs
[16:24:27] <OndraLappy> I bought SSD for the tablet
[16:24:52] <OndraLappy> I needed another IDE drive for my grandpa and well, prices have gone up because of thailand floods...
[16:24:56] <OndraLappy> so I got SSD for myself
[16:24:59] <OndraLappy> and gave him my old drive
[16:25:06] <Corwin> hmm... desktop pc, laptop, tabled.... didnt you said you are POOR student? :D
[16:25:16] <OndraLappy> :D
[16:25:25] <OndraLappy> I have the laptop for 3 years
[16:25:35] <OndraLappy> tablet was not that expensive, I got it 2 months ago
[16:25:40] <OndraLappy> and it is like 7 years old :P
[16:25:47] <OndraLappy> and PC was back from when I had a job
[16:26:02] <OndraLappy> world-wide companies ftw
[16:26:16] <OndraLappy> but they said "no brigadeer (??) in IT dept anymore!"
[16:26:19] <OndraLappy> so we had to go :(
[16:26:31] <OndraLappy> no part-time worker*
[16:28:16] * Corwin is thinking about reflashing laptop battery... it reports errors :(
[16:28:43] <OndraLappy> I just bought new battery
[16:28:47] <OndraLappy> FROM EBAY!
[16:28:48] <OndraLappy> :D
[16:28:50] <OndraLappy> for the tablet
[16:28:52] <karlp> you think reflashing it will make the errors go away?
[16:29:00] <OndraLappy> it will "force" calibration at least
[16:29:04] <karlp> squelch != fix
[16:29:18] <Corwin> karlp, no ... but it wont report it anymore :)
[16:29:32] <Corwin> that blinking led on laptop is annoying
[16:29:40] <OndraLappy> :D
[16:39:02] * Corwin is happy... fm receiver works :)
[16:48:32] <Corwin> hmm... another idea... interface linear CCD with AVR... just not sure for what purpose now :)
[16:48:50] <OndraLappy> CCD as a camera?
[16:49:07] <Corwin> linear ccd sensor..like from scanner
[16:49:12] <OndraLappy> oh
[16:49:14] <OndraLappy> I have one here
[16:49:17] <OndraLappy> but I have no idea how to itnerface it
[16:49:19] <OndraLappy> interface*
[16:49:26] <Corwin> i have about 20 of those :)
[16:49:58] <OndraLappy> I have actually 2nd somewhere, I took apart old HP OfficeJet R45
[16:50:12] <OndraLappy> scanner copier printer
[16:50:30] <OndraLappy> and I got HP OfficeJet 6310 from aukro for 210CZK incl. shipping
[16:50:31] <Corwin> maybe put it on motor... to take 360 degree photos :)
[16:50:39] <Corwin> nice
[16:50:42] <OndraLappy> took it apart, cleaned, put back together
[16:50:49] <OndraLappy> and fixed problem with black cartridge
[16:50:59] <OndraLappy> the holder for the cartridge had loosen screw lol
[16:51:01] <OndraLappy> so it didn't work
[16:51:04] <Corwin> lol.... i usualy ends right after "take it appart"
[16:51:06] <OndraLappy> :D
[16:51:09] <OndraLappy> so do I
[16:51:13] <OndraLappy> but I took special care
[16:51:27] <OndraLappy> actually HP stuff can be taken apart without prying or hammering
[16:51:38] <OndraLappy> (ok maybe a bit of prying, but no hammering)
[16:51:40] <Corwin> now i have two 22" lcd to "take apart"
[16:52:01] <OndraLappy> :D
[16:52:18] <Corwin> pretty hard to take appart without damaging it
[16:52:29] <OndraLappy> I have here old 15" that shuts down when going from standby -> poweron
[16:52:41] <OndraLappy> when I disconnect one ribbon cable
[16:52:48] <OndraLappy> it doesn't shutdown anymore
[16:53:17] <OndraLappy> oh and mine old 19" wide LCD shut down similar way
[16:53:21] <OndraLappy> it was half year after warranty
[16:53:38] <OndraLappy> a bit of prying (even official service manual said so lol)
[16:53:39] <Corwin> one doestnot power on at all... hopefuly just blown caps in power supply.... 22" lcd for free then
[16:53:40] <OndraLappy> and it was apart
[16:53:42] <OndraLappy> changed caps
[16:53:43] <OndraLappy> and woot
[16:53:44] <OndraLappy> works :)
[16:53:54] <OndraLappy> yeah
[16:53:59] <Corwin> second one moves picture 50% up verticaly
[16:54:01] <Corwin> no idea why
[16:54:12] <OndraLappy> synchronization problem I'd say?
[16:54:17] <OndraLappy> Y vs vsync
[16:54:25] <OndraLappy> who knows how it runs inside
[16:54:27] <Corwin> ... no idea how to fix that
[16:54:28] <OndraLappy> one giant chip that does it all
[16:55:02] <OndraLappy> they use cheap caps that tend to blow in LCDs... it is quite hot in there
[16:56:53] <Corwin> so many projects to work on... and so little time
[16:57:03] <OndraLappy> yeah
[16:57:12] <OndraLappy> I wish the day had at least 48 hours
[16:57:14] <Corwin> need more money :(
[16:57:21] <OndraLappy> aaand money were growing on the trees!
[17:00:15] <Corwin> i think i will mess with butterfly gcc port source codes tomorrow... would me "nice" temp. monitoring station
[17:05:01] <OndraLappy> yeah
[17:05:15] <OndraLappy> I want to use attiny13a + NRF24L01 or whatever was it
[17:05:22] <OndraLappy> + DS18B20
[17:05:29] <OndraLappy> wireless :)
[17:05:48] <Corwin> i have lot of wires
[17:05:49] <Corwin> :)
[17:06:06] <OndraLappy> well I am not sure how would everyone feel about having wires in living room lol
[17:06:19] <OndraLappy> another wires
[17:06:29] <karlp> with the nrf24l's, you're completely making up your own rf protocol right?
[17:06:37] <OndraLappy> yes
[17:06:39] <karlp> it's not an 802.15.4 module is it?
[17:06:55] <OndraLappy> I've never heard that :D
[17:07:07] <Corwin> ^ zigbee?
[17:07:14] <OndraLappy> I've heard of zigbee
[17:07:19] <OndraLappy> but nope, this is not zigbee
[17:07:24] <OndraLappy> not even far
[17:07:31] <karlp> 802.15.4 is underneath zigbee
[17:07:51] <karlp> how much is the nrf24l module?
[17:07:53] <Corwin> i just remember zigbee and similar ugly numbers
[17:07:54] <Corwin> :)
[17:07:59] <OndraLappy> karlp: 2 bucks
[17:08:07] <karlp> zigbee is a much bigger application stack on top of 802.15.4
[17:08:15] <karlp> _maybe_ worth it then :)
[17:08:20] <OndraLappy> maybe 2.5
[17:08:21] <OndraLappy> I got four
[17:08:30] <OndraLappy> it has SPI
[17:08:30] <karlp> I like using the mrf24j40 modules, which are about 7€
[17:08:32] <OndraLappy> so it is cool
[17:08:41] <karlp> those do proper 802.15.4
[17:08:43] <OndraLappy> oh
[17:08:48] <karlp> so you get autoacking, retrans, all the good stuff
[17:09:04] <karlp> built in aes module, full addressing,
[17:09:23] <OndraLappy> wow
[17:09:32] <karlp> you can also then talk to (and listen) to other 802.15.4. devices
[17:09:42] <Corwin> i remember i wanted to use rfm12b for wireless temp. monitors... gave up after first failure :)
[17:09:46] <karlp> doing rf protos by hand is a recipe for spending a lottttt of time.
[17:10:01] <karlp> Corwin: yeah, the rfm12b is cheap)ish) but you are _completely_ on your own.
[17:10:04] <karlp> and..... fuck that.
[17:10:18] <karlp> rebuilding reliablte rf protos.....
[17:10:27] <Corwin> well... i failed in part "broadcast-no broadcast"
[17:10:28] <OndraLappy> that's why I went for the nrf24l01
[17:10:36] <OndraLappy> it is pretty much wireless serial :)
[17:10:52] <karlp> yeah, cos serial with wires is so awesome :)
[17:10:55] <OndraLappy> 32 byte FIFO I think
[17:11:04] <karlp> so serial with bits taht go missing must be even more awesome :)
[17:11:09] <OndraLappy> it might have autoack and retransmit '
[17:11:11] <OndraLappy> 'n stuff
[17:11:16] <OndraLappy> I remember seeing something like that in datasheet
[17:11:29] <OndraLappy> but not sure if it was "possible addons" or "implemented"
[17:12:21] * karlp shrugs.
[17:12:38] <Corwin> heh... i remember discussion about "missing bits" here few years ago... when i finished bluetooth stk500
[17:12:40] <karlp> my major gripe with 802.15.4 devies is actually the us state department.
[17:12:49] <Corwin> BT stk500 ISP programmer
[17:14:17] <Corwin> hmm.... barcode scanner from linear CCD sensors could be interesting
[17:14:23] <OndraLappy> yay
[17:14:25] <OndraLappy> good idea
[17:14:32] <OndraLappy> I just prefer taking out phone from my pocket though
[17:14:48] <Corwin> yea :)
[17:14:50] <OndraLappy> (now gimme scanning barcodes even in Europe in Bing Vision, Microsoft!)
[17:15:13] <Corwin> noone cares about europe
[17:15:24] <Corwin> neither ms or android
[17:15:25] <OndraLappy> WP7's Bing Vision (integrated visual "search") can scan QR, barcode, MS Tag, even BOOKS and search for them on internet for lowest prices
[17:15:27] <OndraLappy> heh
[17:15:29] <OndraLappy> google actually does
[17:15:48] <Corwin> google fails in searching our barcodes too
[17:15:57] <OndraLappy> I was talking globally
[17:16:10] <OndraLappy> Bing has no Czech at all
[17:16:22] <OndraLappy> oh, I forgot to mention that the Bing Vision can also do OCR :P
[17:16:23] <OndraLappy> and translate it
[17:16:26] <OndraLappy> directly
[17:16:30] <karlp> the internet, because inter is just the random letters the marketing department put in front of net.
[17:16:44] <karlp> is bing vision like google goggles?
[17:16:49] <OndraLappy> most likely
[17:17:01] <OndraLappy> except it is built into searching "hub"
[17:17:10] <OndraLappy> and in USA it has builtin also music service
[17:17:14] <OndraLappy> aka you let it listen for few secs
[17:17:19] <OndraLappy> and it searches Zune
[17:17:28] <OndraLappy> it knows even Czech Philharmony!
[17:17:31] <OndraLappy> Filharmony?
[17:17:50] <OndraLappy> (not that I'd search for that, but I was looking for anything czech)
[17:17:50] <karlp> I've used soundhound for that on android and been very happy with it.
[17:17:58] <Corwin> so MS copied android stuff and put it on windows phone hub :)
[17:18:00] <OndraLappy> yeah, it does spotify too
[17:18:01] <OndraLappy> :D
[17:18:06] <karlp> it did surprisingly well on icelandic music
[17:18:06] <OndraLappy> this was on Zune HD
[17:18:12] <karlp> as long as it had been released more than a year or so ago.
[17:18:13] <OndraLappy> and ZuneHD is like 2009 or 2008
[17:18:20] <karlp> current releases it didn't get.
[17:18:25] <OndraLappy> I wish there was Zune Pass :(
[17:18:33] <OndraLappy> $10 in USA for unlimited streaming of music
[17:18:36] <OndraLappy> from MS servers
[17:19:09] <Corwin> yet another "cloud" stuff?
[17:19:44] <OndraLappy> yeah
[17:19:51] <OndraLappy> WP7 is built around cloud
[17:20:26] <Corwin> i wouldnt stream music to cellphone... data too expensive here
[17:20:38] <Corwin> expensive and slow
[17:21:13] <OndraLappy> Vodafone, 3GB, 480CZK/month
[17:21:18] <OndraLappy> (I KNOW, I AM POOR STUDENT!! :D)
[17:21:29] <OndraLappy> we have now extra +100% FUP till end of January :)
[17:22:03] <Corwin> i have free 10gb for next 3 months (since i activate the service)... just no use for it
[17:22:21] <Corwin> im in range of wifi and it runs way faster
[17:22:48] <OndraLappy> our school's wifi has yet to beat Vodafone
[17:23:04] <OndraLappy> my top speeds were just below 700kB/s
[17:23:06] <OndraLappy> on HSDPA
[17:23:20] <OndraLappy> btw
[17:23:20] <OndraLappy> http://www.corelabs.cn/shared_folder/CORELabs_PROJECTS/RF-Link/nRF24L01.pdf
[17:23:24] <OndraLappy> chapter 7
[17:23:27] <OndraLappy> Enhanced ShockBurst
[17:23:38] <OndraLappy> It features automatic packet assembly and timing,
[17:23:38] <OndraLappy> automatic acknowledgement and re-transmissions of packets.
[17:24:03] <Corwin> 5.6mBs on HSDPA, 60mega when on wifi :)
[17:24:27] <Corwin> with o2 hsdpa i hardly reach 1mbps
[17:24:52] <OndraLappy> well school wifi goes usually around 1Mbit too :D
[17:25:01] <OndraLappy> speeds in Prague are about 2.5 - 3.5Mbit
[17:25:46] <Corwin> tried streamed online radion on phone once... turned out my battery sux
[17:25:54] <Corwin> lasted only 5 hours
[17:26:33] <karlp> that's pretty good actually.
[17:26:39] <karlp> most won't get anywhere near that :)
[17:26:54] <karlp> the apps can do a hell of a lot to make that better/worse though
[17:27:05] <Corwin> not good when you are out of reach of any chance to recharge and need that phone
[17:29:52] <karlp> OndraLappy: not bad, looks like they're a big step up from the rfm12b, but a proprietary radio protocol.
[17:31:33] <OndraLappy> hmm now I hope I bought 24l01
[17:31:42] <Corwin> :)
[17:32:41] <OndraLappy> http://www.ebay.com/itm/270835646932?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
[17:32:43] <OndraLappy> yep I did
[17:33:23] <Corwin> looks nice
[17:34:16] <Corwin> whats operating range?
[17:34:51] <OndraLappy> it will work in Europe just fine :D
[17:35:09] <Corwin> ... jakej to ma dosah ?
[17:35:22] <OndraLappy> oh
[17:35:28] <OndraLappy> they did some tests
[17:35:33] <OndraLappy> I read about 75m
[17:35:39] <OndraLappy> with clear view
[17:35:45] <Corwin> hmm
[17:35:53] <OndraLappy> I thought you ment temperatures lol
[17:36:38] <Corwin> 1:6 star network? wtf is that?
[17:36:55] <OndraLappy> one master
[17:36:56] <OndraLappy> 6 slaves
[17:37:05] <OndraLappy> master can talk to all of them, slaves just to master
[17:37:20] <Corwin> hmm.... i need network with no masters
[17:37:34] <OndraLappy> could be probably done too
[17:40:33] <Corwin> thinking about swarm of wheeled robots... need network to talk with each other
[17:41:03] <OndraLappy> within today's evening, you spoke about 4 or 5 projects
[17:41:05] <Corwin> (i know its not original idea and was done many times..... i like "reinventing" the wheel :D )
[17:41:06] <OndraLappy> long term projects :D
[17:41:33] <Corwin> yep.... many projects i would like to work on
[17:41:53] <Corwin> unfortunately work has priority
[17:42:38] <OndraLappy> yeah, school has priority
[17:42:45] <OndraLappy> "luckily" school = AVR fun :)
[17:43:08] <Corwin> work = php stuff.... i dont like php anymore
[17:43:15] <OndraLappy> lolphp
[17:43:20] <OndraLappy> I hate PHP for some time now
[17:43:44] <Casper> sadly there is no much alternative to it
[17:43:50] <OndraLappy> ASP.NET :)
[17:43:52] <Corwin> i like php... just dont like what im using it for
[17:44:07] <Corwin> asp needs ms server = expensive
[17:44:16] <OndraLappy> but it is worth it
[17:44:26] <Corwin> not every time
[17:44:42] <OndraLappy> that reminds me
[17:44:52] <OndraLappy> I was working in one company during holiday
[17:44:53] <OndraLappy> in summer
[17:44:55] <OndraLappy> it sucked
[17:44:58] <OndraLappy> PHP programming
[17:45:05] <OndraLappy> they bought VPS
[17:45:15] <OndraLappy> but the guy that was suppposed to admin it said "I ain't doing it"
[17:45:17] <OndraLappy> so he asked me
[17:45:26] <OndraLappy> I told him "I can maybe set it up and that's it"
[17:45:35] <OndraLappy> well
[17:45:44] <OndraLappy> he sent me email week ago "it is down, why?"
[17:46:00] <OndraLappy> he had there moved like 20 websites
[17:46:06] <OndraLappy> the VPS is still down lol
[17:46:16] <OndraLappy> I told him I am trying to be as far from linux as possible
[17:46:20] <OndraLappy> and I ain't doing shit
[17:46:21] <OndraLappy> with it
[17:46:57] <OndraLappy> yup, still down
[17:47:04] <OndraLappy> :P
[17:48:12] <rue_house> hi
[17:48:24] <Corwin> hi
[17:48:27] <OndraLappy> ey
[17:48:41] <rue_house> OndraLappy, pls try to use the enter key less
[17:48:48] <OndraLappy> hehe
[17:48:50] <Corwin> :D
[17:48:53] <OndraLappy> you are not the first one to tell me that
[17:49:05] <rue_house> I'm told it alot myself
[17:49:07] <Corwin> z-log overloaded? :D
[17:49:27] <rue_house> no, I'd just like to see back in my window more for what others said
[17:49:27] <OndraLappy> it creates more suspense
[17:49:32] <OndraLappy> when I write that way though
[17:49:36] <rue_house> and my eyes get tired from all the back and forth
[17:49:37] <OndraLappy> ok
[17:50:50] <karlp> rue, ram's cheap, have a longer scrollback :)
[17:51:03] <karlp> how will you survive if more people turn up?
[17:51:17] <Corwin> ^ that never happened here
[17:51:17] <OndraLappy> what if I spread the word of AVR greatness around!
[17:51:57] <Corwin> too many ppl here just idlers
[17:52:53] <Corwin> spent lot of time here some times back.... never seen more than 10 ppl really active during the day.... dont think much changed
[17:54:00] <Corwin> btw... is seen command available here ?
[17:54:24] <OndraLappy> it worked once
[17:54:31] <OndraLappy> 2nd day it did not :D
[17:54:43] <OndraLappy> or maybe /seenserve exists here
[17:54:51] <Corwin> i wasnt on freenode for last few years... dont remember
[17:55:05] <OndraLappy> !seen was here by some bot
[17:55:11] <Corwin> !seen jnd
[17:55:16] <Corwin> :(
[17:55:30] <OndraLappy> and no seenserve either
[17:56:34] <OndraLappy> seenserv actually... and nope, not here
[17:58:09] <Corwin> i remember few ppl from here.... jnd because he is CZ too.... and someone whose name begin with A, because he didnt liked me because of my idea of bluetooth ISP
[17:58:23] <OndraLappy> :D
[17:58:27] <OndraLappy> bluetooth ISP sounds cool though
[17:58:44] <rue_house> !seen jnd
[17:58:44] <tobbor> jnd was last seen in #avr on Aug 15 13:24 2011
[17:58:50] <rue_house> !seen was here by some bot
[17:58:51] <tobbor> I have never seen was here by some bot
[17:59:06] <OndraLappy> how come it works for you
[17:59:08] <OndraLappy> but not for me?
[17:59:15] <Corwin> i remember that too....
[17:59:30] <rue_house> cause tobbor has ADD
[17:59:34] <Corwin> when i used !thislog.... sometimes i had to use it twice
[17:59:51] <Corwin> ah... so tobbor doestnot like me :D
[17:59:56] <OndraLappy> :)
[18:00:20] <rue_house> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attention-deficit_hyperactivity_disorder
[18:00:25] <rue_house> tobbor has ADD
[18:00:42] <OndraLappy> Corwin: I remember you, back on #webzdarna, talking about some microchip (was it AVR back then?) connecting to IDE HDD (SATA was just a dream lol) and making simple IRC bot in assembler lol
[18:00:49] <OndraLappy> plus ethernet
[18:00:57] <Corwin> not assembler
[18:01:04] <rue_house> as in just deficit disorder
[18:01:07] <Corwin> and no hdd
[18:01:12] <rue_house> sometimes you have to say things a few times
[18:01:24] <Tom_itx> just like it's author
[18:01:28] <Corwin> :D
[18:01:34] <OndraLappy> :D
[18:01:42] <OndraLappy> !seen tobbor
[18:01:43] <tobbor> tobbor is here
[18:01:46] <Corwin> i like bot in #zftalk... it has nice !beer command :)
[18:01:47] <OndraLappy> !seen OndraLappy
[18:01:48] <tobbor> ondralappy is here
[18:01:49] <OndraLappy> hmm
[18:01:58] <Tom_itx> !seen izua
[18:02:01] <Tom_itx> !seen izua
[18:02:02] <tobbor> izua was last seen in #avr on Oct 28 11:48 2011
[18:02:08] <OndraLappy> odd vs even second?
[18:02:11] <OndraLappy> !seen OndraLappy
[18:02:11] <tobbor> ondralappy is here
[18:02:11] <OndraLappy> !seen OndraLappy
[18:02:13] <OndraLappy> yap
[18:02:24] <Corwin> !seen banana
[18:02:25] <tobbor> I have never seen banana
[18:02:42] <rue_house> !seen a blue bannana
[18:02:42] <tobbor> I have never seen a blue bannana
[18:02:52] <OndraLappy> !botsnack
[18:02:53] <Tom_itx> ok enough with the bot
[18:03:07] <rue_house> !seen someone trick me
[18:03:08] <tobbor> I have never seen someone trick me
[18:03:16] <Corwin> reminds be another irc network... response to !banana is "i dont want to be part of your sick fantasies" :)
[18:03:25] <OndraLappy> :D
[18:03:35] <rue_house> !doresistors 3
[18:03:35] <tobbor> rue_house: What is the value of the color blue?
[18:03:37] <rue_house> 5
[18:03:37] <tobbor> rue_house: No, the answer was 6. What is the value of the color grey?
[18:03:42] <rue_house> 8
[18:03:42] <tobbor> rue_house: Correct. What is the colour for the value 2?
[18:03:44] <rue_house> red
[18:03:45] <tobbor> rue_house: Correct. Your score was: 66%
[18:03:48] <rue_house> :/
[18:03:54] <Corwin> !seen you
[18:03:55] <tobbor> You was last seen in ##electronics on Sep 10 04:07 2010
[18:04:01] <Corwin> damn
[18:04:05] <karlp> hehe
[18:04:06] <rue_house> !seen god
[18:04:06] <tobbor> God was last seen in ##electronics on Jul 26 08:08 2010
[18:04:06] <karlp> busted :)
[18:05:05] <Corwin> !help me => response: Help you? you are beyond help.
[18:06:25] <Corwin> OndraLappy, about that irc bot based on AVR chip... i have all required stuff since then... just lost UTP jack
[18:06:39] <OndraLappy> and time :D
[18:07:41] <Corwin> 1am.... time to sleep
[18:07:48] <OndraLappy> yaP
[18:07:53] <OndraLappy> just finishing southpark episode
[18:07:59] <Corwin> :D
[18:08:23] <Corwin> gn all
[18:08:25] <Corwin> gn tobbor
[18:08:28] <OndraLappy> gn