#avr | Logs for 2011-12-14

[03:03:31] <mapee> morning
[06:47:02] <norbi> hi guys, i have a register 0x2d with d7,d6,d5,d4,d3,d2,d1,d0 how can i set just the D3 bit?
[06:47:29] <norbi> ((0x2d) |= (uint8_t)(1 << 3k)) ?
[06:47:47] <norbi> -k*
[06:52:50] <OndraSter> sbi(0x2d, 3)?
[06:52:59] <OndraSter> or sbi is not in the main libc
[06:53:16] <OndraSter> but the |= should work too
[06:53:31] <OndraSter> BUT check what will the compiler make it into!
[06:53:38] <OndraSter> so it doesn't waste instructions
[06:57:12] <Tom_itx> norbi, read this: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/avr/c_bits/bits_index.php
[06:59:03] <norbi> Tom_itx: yea i wust just reading it right now, searched on google: tom_itx :))
[09:01:16] <OndraSter> guys, I need some eagle library that has 300mil soicw packages
[09:01:17] <OndraSter> 16pin
[09:01:19] <OndraSter> for this
[09:01:19] <OndraSter> http://cz.farnell.com/allegro-microsystems/a6275elw-t/led-driver-8bit-serial-input-smd/dp/1521689
[09:01:24] <OndraSter> I don't want to make it all by myself :P
[09:02:00] <OndraSter> and I can't find universal soic(w) packages
[09:03:18] <inflex> huh? for waht? Eagle?
[09:03:21] <OndraSter> ye
[09:03:34] <OndraSter> can't find anything universal
[09:03:35] <inflex> refpackages
[09:03:55] <OndraSter> kk thanks
[09:04:07] <inflex> in there you'll find a lot of footprints/layous
[09:04:17] <inflex> just use them to make your own library of parts - get used to it, we all do it :D
[09:04:27] <inflex> E14/Farnell is now providing a lot of Eagle parts too btw
[09:04:46] <inflex> so often if you search around for similar items to what you want you might find an Eagle .SCR file that'll build it all for you into your own lib
[09:06:03] <OndraSter> yeah
[09:06:08] <OndraSter> I noticed
[09:06:13] <OndraSter> anything in soicw16 .)
[09:06:16] <OndraSter> and just rename the pads
[09:07:09] <OndraSter> http://cz.farnell.com/maxim-integrated-products/ds1210s/ram-controller-smd-1210-soic16/dp/1188034
[09:07:11] <OndraSter> will work just fine
[09:07:14] <inflex> np
[09:26:17] <OndraSter> duh, I am probably overworked
[09:26:22] <OndraSter> but I can't import scr
[09:26:23] <OndraSter> src
[09:26:25] <OndraSter> I did it few times
[09:26:30] <OndraSter> and now I am... out of luck
[09:29:42] <OndraSter> you know... you do something 1000 times
[09:29:46] <OndraSter> and 1001st time it doesn't work
[09:33:43] <inflex> ok
[09:33:53] <inflex> open the library you want it to be in .... then open/load the .scr
[09:34:56] <OndraSter> I hate typos :)
[09:35:00] <OndraSter> typo in some name
[09:36:08] <OndraSter> WORKS NOW
[09:36:20] <OndraSter> Alegro vs Allegro
[09:38:00] <vanquish> hey
[09:38:06] <OndraSter> ey
[09:38:09] <vanquish> since #grammar doesn't exist on freenode for some reason
[09:38:14] <OndraSter> heh
[09:38:17] <vanquish> i have a simple question
[09:38:22] <vanquish> Sentence is something like
[09:38:39] <vanquish> Before this happens you must do this.
[09:38:40] <vanquish> or
[09:38:46] <vanquish> Before this happens, you must do this.
[09:38:50] <vanquish> which is correct?
[09:39:13] <OndraSter> if you are not sure, try getting someway around it - like swapping those two sentences:
[09:39:17] <OndraSter> You must do this before this happens.
[09:39:24] <OndraSter> (where I wouldn't make ,)
[09:39:29] <vanquish> yeah, that's an optoin
[09:40:01] <vanquish> okay, i restructured the sentence
[09:40:05] <vanquish> i'd still like to know though
[09:51:38] <grummund> What a beast! - http://www.goodluckbuy.com/51-development-mcu-stm32-arm-cortex-m3-development-board-2-in-2-4-tft-lcd-support-avr.html
[09:56:50] <OndraSter> - 64KB Flash
[09:56:50] <OndraSter> - 20KB SRAM
[09:57:25] <OndraSter> but ye, it is beast :D
[09:57:56] <grummund> yep that's the stm32, question is can the board be used with ATmega since there's a header marked ATMEL-ISP
[09:58:15] <OndraSter> and it has "AVR" in the title
[09:58:21] <OndraSter> IT HAS MATRIX LED DISPLAY!
[09:58:22] <OndraSter> not anymore
[09:58:24] <OndraSter> please
[09:58:31] <OndraSter> don't punish me anymore, world, thanks!
[09:58:49] <grummund> correction - "two-tone 8 * 8 dot matrix"
[09:58:51] <OndraSter> (I am making PCB with 24 of these dual color matrix leds)
[09:59:20] <OndraSter> I need to make also new eagle part for the dual MOSFET I picked on farnell
[09:59:29] <OndraSter> but I know how now!
[10:01:04] <OndraSter> ... "drain current (continuous) +-3.5A; drain current (pulsed) +-14A
[10:01:06] <OndraSter> I like that.
[10:06:09] <OndraSter> SOP has the same dimensions as SOIC?
[10:08:01] <OndraSter> nevermind
[10:08:03] <OndraSter> I take that back
[10:27:46] <norbi> guys, here is the handshake of the pc with the mcu http://imageshack.us/f/840/handshakeq.jpg/
[10:27:57] <norbi> still it wont get in order the bytes
[10:28:04] <norbi> the output is really strange
[10:28:52] <norbi> any idea how could i syncronize this even better
[10:28:54] <norbi> ?
[10:32:54] <norbi> i need to use CTS and RTS?
[11:55:29] <OndraSter> I think I need full version of eagle
[11:55:30] <OndraSter> http://img.ondraster.cz/up/eagle3ef.png
[11:55:36] <OndraSter> the "freeware" is quite limited for me :D
[11:57:06] <amee2k> how exactly do redundant computer PSUs decide when one of the redundant modules has failed and they have to switch over??
[11:57:19] <theBear> hell of a question
[11:57:27] <Steffanx> Or make it modular OndraSter :)
[11:57:34] <theBear> i suppose they monitor voltages and have tolerances like any modern mobo
[11:57:39] <OndraSter> yeah
[11:57:43] <amee2k> or find a CAD program that is not crippleware
[11:57:49] <Steffanx> and ignore amee2k
[11:58:01] <amee2k> what Steffanx said
[11:58:10] <Steffanx> :P
[11:58:17] <amee2k> theBear: mmh, i was thinking that too but i don't think that really cuts it
[11:58:44] <OndraSter> Steffanx, modular = bad, now I have to pay bazilion of money for the PCBs already :(
[11:58:47] <amee2k> because all the PSUs i've seen fail so far either went "softly" because the output filters are degraded. so the system just gets lots of minor noise issues but regulation is still good
[11:58:55] <Steffanx> Where did you order OndraSter ?
[11:58:59] <OndraSter> nowhere yet
[11:59:00] <Steffanx> Seeed is pretty cheap
[11:59:02] <OndraSter> but most probably Pragoboard
[11:59:03] <theBear> amee2k, it'll tell yer when one goes down, then i spose atx-supply-spec style, you just gotta have yer mobo able to tolerate say, 4 mains cycles of time, so it can decide the psu is down and switch to the other
[11:59:08] <Steffanx> It only takes a while to get your board
[11:59:09] <amee2k> or went /really/ badly blowing fuses and tripping the breaker, which would disable the second module as well
[11:59:36] <OndraSter> this is about the size of A5 paper
[11:59:50] <theBear> amee2k, i've never seen a redundant one in bad enough condition that the regulation had gone to hell, but i don't THINK they're that smart, at least not the pre 1ghz ones i'm familiar with
[11:59:51] <OndraSter> batchpcb? way over $100
[11:59:58] <OndraSter> I can get it here done for $120 for 2 pieces
[12:00:04] <OndraSter> including everything
[12:00:12] <theBear> and i still see a good 50% (alltime) of pc-style-psus failing at least one rail completely
[12:00:15] <Steffanx> A5 is pretty large
[12:00:19] <OndraSter> ye
[12:00:28] <OndraSter> it is 6x4 of those led matrices
[12:00:34] <theBear> also, by the time one redundant psu is losing regulation due to caps, the other(s) probly are too
[12:00:34] <OndraSter> each is 3cm x 3cm
[12:00:41] <Steffanx> Can't you split it into 6x5 boards? :)
[12:00:44] <theBear> you don't usually find stuff like that in poorly maintained/old systems
[12:00:44] <amee2k> theBear: hmm losing a rail smells like blown rectifier, no?
[12:00:44] <Steffanx> *4
[12:00:52] <Steffanx> or something like that
[12:00:58] <OndraSter> wouldn't lower the cost
[12:01:01] <theBear> amee2k, sometimes it smells like nothig.... just means a voltage is missing
[12:01:02] <OndraSter> it would actually make it even bigger
[12:01:05] <theBear> for SOME REASON
[12:01:06] <OndraSter> time to "buy" eagle :D
[12:01:09] <Steffanx> I'm pretty sure it would OndraSter
[12:01:21] <OndraSter> nope, it is "per dm2"
[12:01:29] <Steffanx> Especially when you use seeedstudio.. you get 10 boards :)
[12:01:32] <OndraSter> plus some basic
[12:01:56] <amee2k> theBear: well, dry caps doesn't affect regulation at all, it just means a lot of switching noise leaks into the output and that can cause really awkward issues i'd have never blamed on the PSU if i didn't see it myself
[12:02:27] <amee2k> like standby or hibernation not working anymore, or powerup issues or other kinds of subtle malfunctions and stability issues
[12:02:29] <OndraSter> making it into pieces would make it way more difficult to build in the end
[12:02:34] <theBear> in my opinion switching noise is poor regulation
[12:02:47] <theBear> tho i suppose from a switching psu internal pov, it isn't at all
[12:02:48] <amee2k> i see
[12:03:00] <theBear> i find usually stability issues is what creeps in
[12:03:04] <Steffanx> Your uni doesn't want to pay OndraSter ?
[12:03:12] <theBear> or turn on issues
[12:03:15] <OndraSter> sure they will, but just their part
[12:03:21] <OndraSter> since I am keeping one and one giving to them
[12:03:22] <OndraSter> :P
[12:03:30] <amee2k> not really, the control loop is usually fairly tollerant of output noise. at least the rest of the computer will stop working befoore there is enough noise to screw up regulation
[12:04:06] <amee2k> theBear: i've had two cases where it also affected entering and leaving low power states
[12:04:15] <theBear> pc upstairs until it finally died (and got a fresh psu) a couple weeks ago was gettinghorrible.... it whistled constantly only the whistle changed as the pc did stuff :) apart from that rock solid, but i didn't even think twice about replacing the psu and plugging it all back in before i bothered to test after it died
[12:04:27] <amee2k> though that might be considered part of turn-on issues
[12:04:45] <theBear> amee2k, yeah, i just noticed, from the psu p.o.v. the regulation can be fine with output noise, BUT from an external/black box p.o.v. switching noise is a regulation problem
[12:05:58] <theBear> mmm, i'm not denying the other issues, just saying of the MANY i've seen over the years, a majority are stability and turn on kinda issues (i suspect due to turn-on load always being higher than running load, particularly with big caps on mobos and big hds to spin up
[12:06:08] <amee2k> so just noise and dead or out-of-spec rail voltages is enough to reliably decide when a PSU goes bad?
[12:07:53] <amee2k> theBear: funy thing... in hindsight i'd say lots of people throw good mainboards away because they blame them for stability issues... new board with new caps helps the issue for a while ... since PSUs go silently noone thinks about blaming them
[12:09:43] <theBear> noone thinks, people for some reason are convinced they need a new pc every year or two, and they don't even need salesman to tell them, they just assume it !
[12:10:42] <amee2k> they assume it because they see the whole computer as one black box
[12:10:56] <theBear> i use a 12 y.old pc 24/7, it runs the same os as all my other pcs, and non-pcs, some as recent as this year, and it's rock solid
[12:11:06] <amee2k> so when the 10$ chinese shit PSU in their 800$ rig goes bad they think everything needs replacement
[12:11:20] <theBear> heh, of course this is why i haven't bought a pc this century <grin>
[12:11:24] <amee2k> something like getting a new car because the head gasket is leaking
[12:11:53] <theBear> indeed, or the battery is flat even, i mean, not everyone can swap a head gasket, but ALMOST anyone can swap a battery, much like a atx psu :)
[12:12:01] <amee2k> mine is something around 6-10 years old, depending on what components you look at :)
[12:12:08] <theBear> you don't even have to worry about your spanner hitting the chassis and exploding
[12:12:25] <theBear> i only know 12 years 'cos i noticed the bios date before an update a few weeks back :)
[12:12:47] <amee2k> i swapped the head gasket on my old polo once... the procedure is simple, you just need a good maintenance manual to tell you what to do
[12:13:02] <amee2k> and for most people the problem is probably not having the right tools
[12:14:12] <amee2k> sometimes i also thing i'm the only one who still has jumper cables in the trunk...
[12:14:34] <amee2k> i usually give starting aid to someone like 2-3 times a year
[12:14:48] <amee2k> and i've only met two people who had their own cables before
[12:16:20] <theBear> oh i know, but you aren't most people
[12:17:00] <theBear> i gave away my cables after a couple years without a vehicle, but i recently made some up from an old 3phase cable, and i'm keeping 'em handy... and no, i don't have a vehicle
[12:17:07] <theBear> or even drive these days
[12:17:31] <theBear> seems i'm the only guy around that knows how to get one started tho <grin>
[12:18:10] <amee2k> LOL
[12:18:12] <amee2k> yeah
[12:18:15] <amee2k> err
[12:18:19] <amee2k> i know how that goes
[12:18:20] <amee2k> >_>
[12:22:25] <norbi> how can be set usart to send exactly 8bits/byte + parity and stop bit?
[12:23:21] <theBear> it's in the datasheet
[12:23:41] <theBear> under the err, whatchacallit uart register(s)
[12:23:50] <OndraSter> UCSR0A
[12:23:51] <OndraSter> registers
[12:23:58] <OndraSter> or UCSRA if you have just one
[12:24:07] <OndraSter> (or UCSRnA where n equals the number of the usart)
[12:24:27] <OndraSter> plus UCSRB if exists
[12:24:34] <OndraSter> and UCSRC .D
[12:24:37] <OndraSter> just check datasheet
[12:25:50] <norbi> OndraSter: in datasheet there is not much information about when you need to set or read that register, i mean i know what registers are used and mostly for what, but i need the exact way of how to use them
[12:25:55] <norbi> but i will read more the datasheet
[12:26:10] <keenerd> theBear: You ever see people try to jump cars with a lamp cord? They think it will work because 120V is greater than 12V.
[12:26:11] <OndraSter> LDI R16, 0xyourvalue
[12:26:23] <OndraSter> OUT UCSR0A, R16?
[12:26:25] <OndraSter> simple as that
[12:26:34] <theBear> keenerd, heh nah, but i always imagined it had been done :)
[12:26:36] <OndraSter> where yourvalue is value you compute when desining
[12:26:39] <OndraSter> aka..
[12:26:50] <OndraSter> "you want that and that, so put that to 1" etc
[12:27:19] <theBear> my cable is only rated for about 80amps continuous in a closed space on the smaller conductor (5 conductors, 2 + 3) but it's enough for a small car
[12:28:11] <theBear> norbi, there is ALL the information in the datasheet... how do you think we learned ?
[12:28:19] <OndraSter> from the datasheets and interwebz
[12:28:28] <OndraSter> that's how we roll
[12:28:31] <theBear> datasheet is pretty much the single resource i used to learn everything i know about avr programming
[12:28:59] <OndraSter> I picked up others' code
[12:29:06] <theBear> and sure, i'm a few years behind, but everything still applies, just that uarts are now usarts and chips are bigger and fancier
[12:29:44] <karlp> no, _smaller_ and fancier :)
[12:29:46] <theBear> oh good point, between i think rue's example code, and the avrlibc examples i got all the practical examples i needed (stuff like pointers were a bit foreign to me, i was WAAAAYYYY outta practice with C)
[12:29:53] <karlp> DIP40 ?! what a beast!
[12:30:03] <theBear> indeed :)
[12:30:03] <OndraSter> TQFP100 on you :D
[12:30:18] <OndraSter> (are there 100 pinned atxmegas?)
[12:30:28] <OndraSter> I know about 64 pinned at(x)megas...
[12:30:30] <theBear> gaar ! so many little bugs this year
[12:30:51] <theBear> cya all later :)
[12:30:56] <OndraSter> bb
[12:31:26] <karlp> atmega2560 is 100 or more.
[12:32:18] <OndraSter> yay
[12:32:19] <OndraSter> what a beast!
[12:32:51] <OndraSter> so, I was today at the uni I wanna go to next year
[12:32:53] <OndraSter> they had there BT car
[12:33:00] <OndraSter> so I asked "what is it running on?"
[12:33:14] <OndraSter> "we put some AVR and BT together... and some motors 'n stuff"
[12:33:16] <OndraSter> "COOOL"
[12:36:52] <karlp> "BT" ?
[12:37:02] <OndraSter> bluetooth
[12:45:22] <norbi> ok, all is set
[12:45:32] <norbi> lets see
[12:48:30] <mapee> evening
[12:56:32] <norbi> i still cant make the handshake working with pc, ive set parity even, 2 stop bits and 8bit/byte on the mcu and on the pc well
[12:56:35] <norbi> nothing
[12:57:45] <norbi> putty nicely recognize any settings i do on the mcu, and displays every info as it needs to be
[12:57:54] <norbi> but my win32 wont do that
[13:03:34] <norbi> can you please take a look at my serial comunication? http://pastebin.com/PWuEcBXy i cant get a right handshake or dunno why the outpus has nothing to do with the sent string to it
[13:09:29] <karlp> serial sucks.
[13:09:51] <karlp> are you expecting binary data on the serial port?
[13:11:27] <norbi> karlp: yes
[13:11:54] <norbi> im sending 8bits/byte, 2stop bits, parity on even
[13:13:39] <karlp> hang on, are you saying it all works in putty?
[13:17:29] <norbi> yes
[13:17:36] <norbi> it works on putty
[13:18:00] <norbi> i think putty automatically tries to recognize the handshake type
[13:20:37] <norbi> it jumps from 2bytes to 2bytes im outputing the for() current i variable
[13:20:51] <norbi> and im gettin 00 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 222 2222 6666 888
[13:20:52] <norbi> etc
[13:21:21] <norbi> there is an if if (dwCommModemStatus & EV_RXCHAR)
[13:21:33] <norbi> this verifies if a char was received
[13:21:48] <norbi> but it jumps over every second one,
[13:22:02] <norbi> it means it doesnt take in cosideration the even byte
[13:34:47] <Eduard_Munteanu> Is there a way to completely delegate register saving to the callee in GCC?
[13:36:19] <Eduard_Munteanu> I have an ISR that's supposed to use a callback (it goes through a function pointer, so interprocedural analysis or inlining can't work).
[13:36:50] <Eduard_Munteanu> The callback is supposed to be fast and small enough not to clobber too many regs, so I think it could handle saving better.
[13:40:49] <Casper> Eduard_Munteanu: but why do you want to make that?
[13:41:05] <karlp> __naked__ attribute?
[13:41:23] <Eduard_Munteanu> karlp: __naked__ won't do any saving AFAICT
[13:41:36] <karlp> yeah, ie, saving was delegated to you.
[13:42:08] <Eduard_Munteanu> Casper: because the compiler saves all registers in the caller. It can't know which ones to skip
[13:42:32] <Casper> I mean why do you want to make analysis impossible?
[13:42:39] <Eduard_Munteanu> karlp: I don't want to do the saving manually, I wanted the compiler to generate prologs and epilogs that do that only in the caller
[13:42:43] <Eduard_Munteanu> *callee
[13:42:55] <karlp> isn't that the defualt?
[13:44:20] <Eduard_Munteanu> Casper: ok, the longer story is I have an ISR and API for UART comms, and the ISR calls a completion callback. It makes it possible to say "go read 10 bytes in the background" or "go fill that buffer until you get a newline".
[13:44:27] <Eduard_Munteanu> The logic is implemented by the callback.
[13:45:01] <Eduard_Munteanu> karlp: seemingly, no. I get push/pop for r18-r31 in the caller
[13:45:12] <Eduard_Munteanu> -O3, if it matters.
[13:46:24] <Casper> Eduard_Munteanu: is it anti-piracy/copying?
[13:46:47] <Eduard_Munteanu> Casper: what? No. :)
[13:47:06] <Casper> you made it sound like it
[13:47:26] <Casper> because if it was I'ld say a better solution is lock bits, and if you have a bootloader make it encrypted
[13:48:21] <Eduard_Munteanu> Casper: it makes interprocedural analysis impossible because it's an indirect call, the value isn't known at compile-time. That's what I meant, not what I wanted :)
[13:48:45] <Casper> ok, then I dunnot :D
[13:49:09] <Eduard_Munteanu> So the compiler can't say "oh, f() calls some static inline g(), obviously we can skip saving this and that reg"
[13:50:09] <Eduard_Munteanu> I just figured the compiler would generate better code if it assumed the callee saved all regs.
[13:50:30] <Eduard_Munteanu> (because if the callee clobbers say r15, it only has to save and restore r15)
[13:51:05] <Casper> I tought that is what gcc already was doing
[13:52:24] * Eduard_Munteanu looks again
[13:53:24] <Eduard_Munteanu> Hm, maybe I'm confused by the ISR prologs/epilogs
[13:58:56] <Eduard_Munteanu> Hm, it seems it does, thanks Casper and karlp. Though I'm unsure why the ISR is saving that much. If I omit that call, it does do less saving/restoring.
[13:59:27] <Casper> Eduard_Munteanu: maybe the isr have lots of variables?
[14:01:27] <Eduard_Munteanu> Not really. Just two, but they're only for convenience (to make code readable).
[14:01:38] <Eduard_Munteanu> (i.e. stuff I'd expect to be optimized away)
[14:04:58] <Eduard_Munteanu> Casper: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/520914/
[14:05:42] <Eduard_Munteanu> Does it look like the generated asm is alright?
[14:06:52] <dofidum> what is a good resource to start learning writing programs for atmega's... any good tutorials?
[14:08:37] <Eduard_Munteanu> dofidum: I found it the avr libc website had some nice examples if you're into doing it in C.
[14:09:06] <dofidum> Eduard_Munteanu, thanks I shall have a look...
[14:09:09] <Eduard_Munteanu> It might be worth studying some assembly though.
[14:09:32] <Eduard_Munteanu> dofidum: http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/group__demos.html
[14:09:38] <Casper> Eduard_Munteanu: you seems to pass a few arguments to the function
[14:10:01] <vectory> dofidum: see channel topic -_-
[14:10:20] <dofidum> Eduard_Munteanu, ah, so I see :)
[14:10:30] <dofidum> vectory, fair point!
[14:10:48] <Casper> ah wait
[14:11:01] <Casper> you'Re defining a structure
[14:11:17] <Casper> that is the push pop
[14:11:26] <Casper> it's small enought to reside in the registers
[14:11:41] <Casper> so the compiler do that since it cost less
[14:12:01] <Eduard_Munteanu> Oh, yeah... basically it's struct uart_queue { union { uart_transfer_cb *cb; uintptr_t running; }; void *private; };
[14:12:27] <Eduard_Munteanu> Casper: I'm merely passing the private pointer though
[14:12:43] <Eduard_Munteanu> typedef uint8_t *uart_transfer_cb(void *private);
[14:13:00] <Casper> atleast I think it's it
[14:14:14] <Eduard_Munteanu> If I remove that call, I only get 3 pushes after 'eor'
[14:15:28] <norbi> Eduard_Munteanu: are you having some experience with win32 serial comunication?
[14:16:03] <Eduard_Munteanu> norbi: hm, no, I'm mostly a Linux head :)
[14:18:19] <OndraSter> you know what sucks?
[14:18:28] <OndraSter> when you prepare your board to approx how it should look and be easiest to route
[14:18:38] <OndraSter> and then you realize you forgot to connect about 100 connections :(
[14:18:49] <Eduard_Munteanu> Ouch :)
[14:18:58] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/1oWqB
[14:19:00] <OndraSter> this is new!
[14:19:05] <Eduard_Munteanu> OndraSter: maybe you can just reload the netlist?
[14:19:15] <OndraSter> too late
[14:19:44] <Eduard_Munteanu> OndraSter: wow... what's all that?
[14:19:57] <Eduard_Munteanu> Multiple "boards" on the same PCB perhaps?
[14:20:00] <OndraSter> that would be 32x48 bi-color LED display connectable to PC :)
[14:20:03] <OndraSter> nope
[14:20:11] <Eduard_Munteanu> Ah.
[14:20:12] <OndraSter> the bottom are the LED matrices
[14:20:28] <OndraSter> the stuff above displays should be A6275 drivers
[14:20:38] <OndraSter> and above those should be 16x MOSFET
[14:20:41] <OndraSter> for powering each line
[14:20:44] <OndraSter> (dual MOSFETs)
[14:31:38] * dofidum is looking up A6275 drivers
[14:39:06] <OndraSter> Allegro A6275
[14:39:17] <OndraSter> my teacher used it in school for some "developer boards" for teaching
[14:39:29] <norbi> why ReadFile(inbuff,outbuff,12,etcc...) does need the outbuff to be a char[13] ? while a char starts from 0 to 11 for 12 elements? here are 2 elements in plus, it is the \0 in the end of char?
[14:39:49] <OndraSter> he got them free :)
[14:40:37] <dofidum> OndraSter, not quite what I was after though
[14:40:58] <OndraSter> I like all these 595-styled chips
[14:40:59] <OndraSter> serial in & out
[14:41:04] <OndraSter> and latch that it goes to parallel out
[14:41:28] <norbi> nobody helps in winapi
[14:41:35] <OndraSter> winapi on AVR?
[14:41:50] <norbi> if it would been linux, in 2 second i would have the all solution from guys from there
[14:41:58] <norbi> no
[14:42:00] <norbi> on #winapi
[14:42:25] <RikusW> norbi: inbuff !!? this is the file handle....
[14:43:09] <RikusW> ReadFile(handle, buf, count, &return_count, 0);
[14:45:15] <Casper> norbi: \0 is end of string
[14:59:34] <norbi> Casper: so then thats why its need i+1 size?
[15:01:02] <OndraSter> damnit Eagle gave up
[15:01:03] <OndraSter> http://clip2net.com/s/1oWJQ
[15:01:07] <OndraSter> 42.9% routed :(
[15:01:21] <OndraSter> but really weirdly
[15:01:46] <OndraSter> I could route that way better :P
[15:03:59] <dofidum> don't suppose anyone's interfaced an atmega with a TLC59xx chip before?
[15:08:04] <Eduard_Munteanu> dofidum: I suppose you could ask anyway
[15:08:40] <dofidum> Eduard_Munteanu, I suppose I could!
[15:11:28] <OndraSter> what is TLC59xx chip?
[15:11:39] <Eduard_Munteanu> I wanted to ask about that as well :)
[15:15:36] <Eduard_Munteanu> I wonder how gEDA's autorouter fares against, say, Eagle or other stuff.
[15:16:14] <OndraSter> I've heard that Eagle sometimes fucks up
[15:17:13] <OndraSter> I will be routing it all manually
[15:17:15] <Eduard_Munteanu> gEDA does too IIRC, but you're supposed to run the DRC and check if the router didn't break some rules.
[15:17:15] <OndraSter> will be real PITA
[15:17:37] <OndraSter> I say, 10 hours of raw time will be needed :P
[15:17:39] <OndraSter> to make it "perfect"
[15:17:42] <OndraSter> and check all connections
[15:17:46] <OndraSter> against datasheets
[15:18:34] <Eduard_Munteanu> OndraSter: what do you mean, you don't trust the schematic symbols / pin assignments?
[15:18:41] <OndraSter> well I do
[15:18:45] <OndraSter> but Eagle won't route it all for m
[15:18:45] <OndraSter> e
[15:18:52] <OndraSter> so there will be only few pins left :D
[15:18:55] <OndraSter> so why not check them out
[15:18:59] <OndraSter> plus PCBs will be far from cheap
[15:19:05] <OndraSter> so I do not want to make it two times
[15:19:06] <Eduard_Munteanu> Still, it should warn you if you manually connect two pins which aren't supposed to be connected.
[15:19:16] <Eduard_Munteanu> 4 layers?
[15:19:21] <OndraSter> nah, just two
[15:19:29] <OndraSter> 4 layers would cost bazilion euros :P
[15:19:38] <OndraSter> like I said, about size of A5
[15:20:07] <Eduard_Munteanu> OndraSter: that's scary. BTW, I think you should place caps closer to the MCU.
[15:20:13] <OndraSter> I know
[15:20:16] <OndraSter> I should
[15:20:24] <OndraSter> but I have yet to add actual connector for the power plug itself too
[15:20:29] <OndraSter> each cap will go somewhere
[15:20:32] <OndraSter> one to MCU
[15:20:37] <OndraSter> one to memory..
[15:20:38] <Eduard_Munteanu> Just one for the MCU?
[15:20:46] <OndraSter> MCU will be most of the time idle actually
[15:21:05] <Eduard_Munteanu> I usually decouple each Vcc independently with 100nF close to the pin.
[15:22:26] <Eduard_Munteanu> OndraSter: also, don't those two LEDs need resistors?
[15:22:38] * Eduard_Munteanu can't see them
[15:22:39] <OndraSter> yay
[15:22:41] <OndraSter> you're right :D
[15:22:53] <OndraSter> I absolutely forgot about these
[15:23:01] <OndraSter> I forgot that USB is not 3V3 but 5V
[15:23:13] <OndraSter> (I tend to overclock LEDs :D)
[15:23:21] <Eduard_Munteanu> Even if it's 3V3 you still need resistors.
[15:23:27] <OndraSter> small ones...
[15:23:38] <OndraSter> if I'd realize that after making the PCB, I just wouldn't solder them on anyway
[15:23:42] <OndraSter> they will be all the time blinking anyway
[15:23:47] <Eduard_Munteanu> (you'd either overdrive the pins or burn the LEDs)
[15:24:02] <OndraSter> actually, the chip won't sink more than it can... I think
[15:24:05] <Eduard_Munteanu> FTDI's RX/TX I presume.
[15:24:07] <OndraSter> ye
[15:26:16] <OndraSter> huh and I forgot to put there few buttons
[15:26:18] <OndraSter> I wanted to put there
[15:26:19] <Eduard_Munteanu> BTW, why does everybody connect Vcc to the ISP header? Does that even work if there's already a supply on the board?
[15:26:34] * Eduard_Munteanu left his unconnected
[15:26:39] <OndraSter> I do it because the Vcc for LEDs will be different
[15:26:41] <Eduard_Munteanu> (using a buspirate)
[15:26:47] <OndraSter> and the rest will be probably from USB
[15:26:49] <OndraSter> still not sure
[15:26:50] <OndraSter> although
[15:26:52] <OndraSter> ...
[15:27:08] <OndraSter> it all will be from external
[15:27:14] <Eduard_Munteanu> OndraSter: btw you can run the FTDI at 5V and the MCU on 3.3V
[15:27:27] <OndraSter> but the MCU wouldn't take 16MHz then
[15:27:31] <Eduard_Munteanu> You just need to set VCCIO (IIRC) to 3.3V.
[15:27:37] <Eduard_Munteanu> Ah, right.
[15:27:51] <OndraSter> 20MHz would be even better, but atmega128a doesn't do officially that much
[15:27:55] <OndraSter> maybe.. overclocking anyone? :D
[15:28:13] <OndraSter> I am used to overclocking... my PC is at 4,5GHz on each core :D
[15:28:16] <Eduard_Munteanu> Yeah, mine runs at 3.3V. I don't even use a crystal.
[15:28:29] <Eduard_Munteanu> (although it is a 20MHz 324PA IIRC)
[15:30:53] <karlp> Eduard_Munteanu: not everyone connects VCC on the isp header
[15:36:19] <Eduard_Munteanu> karlp: yeah, I figured that's not even safe anyway, on a bigger circuit.
[15:36:30] <OndraSter> yeah
[15:36:36] <OndraSter> anything that can possibly take > half amp :P
[15:37:05] <Eduard_Munteanu> Besides, a fixed vreg output could present a low impedance, no?
[20:39:55] * inflex shakes his head and wonders how some people manage to break electronic gear
[20:40:40] <inflex> got a nice netcomm 3G-wifi-USB bridge unit here, uses a USB Micro-B for its power/control... dang thing has been ripped clean off the PCB and the power brick connector seems internally broken
[20:41:31] <Casper> or people wanting to fix their laptop powercord that the dog chew... skin the 3 wires (yes, 3) and twist ALL together
[20:41:36] <inflex> force required to rip that unit off the PCB tangentally is not insignificant
[20:41:42] <inflex> O_O
[20:42:25] <inflex> Anyhow, I was lucky, only the doubling-up PCB ground track between the two mounting legs was ripped up
[20:42:42] <inflex> and the legs weren't -too- bent
[20:43:45] <inflex> Quite like these units
[20:43:57] <inflex> I should say "Sorry, it's b0rk3d, go buy a new one"
[20:44:38] <Casper> yeah... it's crazy how people are idiots...
[20:44:47] <Casper> and don't take care of their stuff
[20:45:03] <Casper> at the store, we regularly see broken DC jack on laptop
[20:45:14] <Casper> and often the solders are broken
[20:45:38] <Casper> a few time we saw 5 BROKEN LEGS on the dc jack!
[20:46:01] <Casper> even saw one recently where the case of the laptop was also cracked
[20:46:27] <Casper> the adaptor plug was bent... BUT THEY CLAIM TO TAKE CARE OF THEIR STUFF!!!!
[20:47:24] <Casper> never dropped, never hit a wall, always disconnect by the plug, never have the adaptor on the floor behind them when they move from room to room and always clean the laptop!
[20:50:20] <Casper> then you start to look... corner cracked, dc jack tore off the board, wire have sign of stretching, adaptor is scratched as hell, screen, keyboard and case is clean but you see lots of marks on the screen, tons of loose dirt under the keys and loose dust in every opening... and in the cdrom...
[20:50:30] <Casper> (true story btw)
[20:50:47] <Casper> THEN complain that we sold them a piece of crap since it broke by itself
[20:51:14] <Casper> btw, that one have a 9 pins jack... and was tore off the board
[20:52:25] <inflex> yeah, that's insane
[20:52:37] <inflex> naturally you can't prove it to them :(
[20:53:33] <inflex> anyhow, looks like this one might live... but I need to find a replacement Micro-B power pack
[20:53:41] <Casper> but one was funny
[20:54:37] <Casper> "I bought this laptop recently (still under the 30 days used material waranty). I tried to start it up yesterday and it did not work" "are you sure that nobody else used it?" "sure!"
[20:54:48] <Casper> open the lid
[20:55:25] <Casper> "wheew... take a sniff, someone dropped a beer in it!" "no it's impossible!"
[20:55:53] <Casper> take screw driver, remove the 2 keyboard screws, lower the 4 clips, fold the keyboard... "look, it's wet"
[20:58:41] <inflex> ugh.... disgusting
[20:59:20] * inflex thinks he'll pot this MicroB connector with some hotglue to make sure it doesn't go ripping off as quickly this time
[21:01:01] <Casper> hotglue ain'T strong
[21:02:31] <inflex> yeah, I know, but it'll at least add some buffering
[21:02:31] * inflex cannot handle epoxy
[21:02:31] <Casper> epoxy is nice
[21:10:43] <inflex> yeah, I don't feel so good after using it though.
[21:11:13] <Casper> o.O
[21:11:37] <Casper> allergic? or just psycological?
[21:13:00] <inflex> allergy to the catalyst
[21:13:10] <Casper> that's bad
[21:14:56] <inflex> it's not uncommon
[21:15:44] <inflex> in fact, it's often considered a case of not "if" but rather "when" for people handling it
[21:16:33] <Casper> o.O weird
[21:18:05] <inflex> could be bollocks
[21:18:33] <inflex> I know I also have an allergy to CA
[21:18:59] <Casper> ca? california?
[21:19:18] <inflex> Arnie-allergy :p no, Cyanocylocate - superglue / crazyglue
[21:19:32] <Casper> ok
[21:19:46] <Casper> and I learned that I'm allergic to penicenille...
[21:20:04] <inflex> ouch - still, it's not a lot of use any more :\
[21:20:27] <Casper> have you seen the adv for the pizza... that they have sunburn from looking the pizza in the oven rise?
[21:20:37] <Casper> I think it was delicio...
[21:21:10] <inflex> I'd believe it... I mean, welders get plenty of UV burns and subsequent skin caners
[21:21:12] <inflex> cancers
[21:24:07] <Casper> the adv was that they were looking at the pizza crust to rise, so they got "sunburn"... but anyway
[21:24:07] <Casper> that's not the why...
[21:24:07] <Casper> they had a "rectangle" burn... middle of forehead and bellow the nose...
[21:24:07] <Casper> that's how I looked
[21:24:07] <Casper> after... 3 pills...
[21:24:07] <inflex> O_o ?
[21:25:06] <Casper> yeah... bad reaction
[21:25:18] <inflex> okay - I better pretend I have to go to work... need to solder up a few things and send them out
[21:25:22] <Casper> 4th one made me start to not feel well :/
[21:25:31] <Casper> hehe
[21:25:36] <Casper> yeah, go work, slave! :D
[21:28:36] <Casper> man car fuses are sometime so oversized...
[21:28:49] <Casper> 10A fuse for 2 small relays
[22:11:11] <rue_house> heh
[22:11:27] <rue_house> automotive stuff pulls excessive power
[22:14:15] <Casper> yes, and fuses are overloaded or barelly loaded...
[22:17:35] <Tom_itx> maybe they plan for accessories that may or may not be installed
[22:18:33] <Casper> starter fuse
[22:18:40] <Casper> 10A, for 2 small relays
[22:18:50] <Casper> 1A fuse would have been fine