#avr | Logs for 2011-11-27

[00:00:00] <Casper> sleep time, nite all
[00:01:10] <eadthem> casper http://final.servegame.com/public/OfflineFowardTheory.png
[00:01:40] <Casper> eadthem: with the switching ic to make ltspice happy :D
[00:01:51] <eadthem> yes
[00:02:03] <eadthem> it lets you do efficancy calculations
[00:02:20] <eadthem> it will simulate fine without it
[00:02:56] <eadthem> but it only can do efficancy calculations if there are nodes it can detect a steadystate from and thus only a LTC part at this time has those nodes
[00:03:25] <eadthem> its a old design
[00:03:37] <eadthem> my recnet designs are BJT BJT logic
[00:03:47] <eadthem> with maby 1 or 2 opamps
[00:04:25] <eadthem> also its 12V logic whereas my new stuff are 2.5 to 3.3V servo control even on mains SMPS
[00:04:51] <eadthem> bjt bjt logic moves about 2x faster at 3.3v than 5v and 10x faster than 12v
[00:05:16] <eadthem> but theres a resonant mode forward converter
[00:07:24] <inflex> Dear AVR... why you no have fast ADC ?
[00:07:59] * inflex ponders trying an 8-bit acquisition, at 75ksps
[00:08:11] <inflex> won't be able to pump it down the serial link though fast enough ... not at 6MHz
[00:08:13] <eadthem> what ya doing?
[00:08:40] <inflex> eadthem: trying to make a logger that'll pick up transient spikes / regulator lags
[00:08:58] <inflex> I've got a Velleman handheld scope but that's just not fast enough and it doesn't log (not this one)
[00:09:13] <eadthem> do you need to realy aquire the spike
[00:09:18] <eadthem> or is it enough to know the peek
[00:09:54] <eadthem> as for the no fast ADC's see my previous on micro controlelrs are managers not a workforce
[00:10:42] <inflex> eadthem: yeah, I know... I'm just whining because I can
[00:10:54] <inflex> Maybe I should move to programming in C++
[00:11:10] <eadthem> because if you just need to know the peek use a open collector opamp
[00:11:20] <inflex> eadthem: need to construct something today, don't have any fast external ADCs, all my stuff is very slow delta-sigma 16~24bit stuff
[00:11:30] <eadthem> and have the cap slowly charge up so the opamp can rip it down perportianl to the input spike
[00:11:45] <eadthem> shuld hold the sample long enough to get it with the avr
[00:11:59] <inflex> eadthem: what I'm really looking for is to see if the output voltage sags below a limit, in which case I've got problems
[00:12:11] <eadthem> well if you get ahold of a 1gsps adc tell me where
[00:12:39] <eadthem> aparently they cant sell them to me because there afrade i wont use them myself and that i might export them
[00:12:51] <inflex> O_o
[00:13:04] <eadthem> well maxim is like that
[00:13:11] <inflex> get a bunch of 100MHz ones and stage them
[00:13:23] <eadthem> national just wants 600$ per a chip
[00:13:27] <inflex> oh, tha's not bad ;)
[00:14:11] <eadthem> maxim has a 2.2GSPS 8 bit sample 32bit bus out for 100$ if they dont think your a terrorist :p
[00:14:30] <eadthem> national has a 3gsps for about 900$ that has 2000 sample memory built in
[00:14:47] <eadthem> that will do a constant overwrite operation until triggerd ie THE PERFECT CHIP FOR A OSCOPE
[00:14:54] <eadthem> for the cost of a oscope :p
[00:15:52] <eadthem> iye i had this crazy idea to do a board with 512 sample and hold circuts on them and make that in to a 2GSPS adc
[00:16:04] <eadthem> well think you know how that went :p
[00:17:26] <inflex> heh
[00:17:56] <inflex> well, I just need to see if I get a dip below 3.3V for more than ~2ms
[00:18:21] <eadthem> id do the open collector opamp thing
[00:18:39] <eadthem> iirc lm339 or 393
[00:18:46] <inflex> ugh yep, more parts I don't have on hand
[00:18:57] <eadthem> u dont have a lm339 or 393?
[00:19:07] <inflex> nope, I'm not an analogue person much
[00:19:19] <inflex> very much less an opamp
[00:19:32] <eadthem> o as for c++ its fun http://final.servegame.com/public/ring/src/
[00:20:56] <inflex> mmm... I might _just_ be able to see a 2ms dip at 15ksps
[00:21:30] <eadthem> 1ksps will see a 1mSec dip
[00:21:35] <inflex> not realiably
[00:21:49] <inflex> okay 2ksps would more reliably
[00:22:00] <inflex> but I just figure a 10x oversampling is a good start
[00:22:01] <inflex> :D
[00:22:10] <eadthem> accualy if the dip lasts for 1mSec and your sampling at 1ksps you would see it in 1 sample
[00:22:16] <eadthem> provided it last for 1msec or longer
[00:22:18] <eadthem> no less
[00:22:25] <eadthem> iye 10x is nice
[00:22:37] <eadthem> inflex how much ram you got on your AVR?
[00:22:45] <inflex> mega48
[00:22:52] <inflex> ermm.. 512 bytes
[00:22:53] <eadthem> 1k?
[00:22:57] <eadthem> k not so bad
[00:23:11] <eadthem> so cycle write it back to ramp
[00:23:13] <eadthem> ram
[00:23:16] <inflex> could use a mega88. that'll give me 1K
[00:23:21] <eadthem> until it sees a mesurement above a threshold
[00:23:27] <eadthem> ie a trigger
[00:23:28] <inflex> true....
[00:23:38] <inflex> well, I've got a board here which I might be able to use
[00:23:39] <inflex> bbl
[00:23:47] <eadthem> iirc you can do 100ksps at 1mhz on avr
[00:23:58] <eadthem> maby more
[00:24:10] <inflex> Up to 76.9 kSPS (Up to 15 kSPS at Maximum Resolution)
[00:24:19] <eadthem> ouch
[00:24:25] <inflex> not sure where they derive the 76.9 from
[00:24:41] <eadthem> its using sugsessive aproximation
[00:25:02] <eadthem> max109 is iirc a 20000 count DMM chip
[00:25:39] <eadthem> it uses sugessive aproximation to compleat all 20000 ADC counts of a single sample in only 1.5k ish clocks
[00:25:51] <eadthem> if im right then thats worst case
[00:26:15] <eadthem> if the value its reading is near the set value it may not take the full time in some designs
[00:26:46] <eadthem> they would say worst case if that was the case
[00:28:44] <eadthem> i beleve it splits the diffrence between the max value and min value and then repeates over and over between the end and the last correct 1/2 value
[00:29:52] <eadthem> off to bed cya
[00:55:07] * inflex waits for his reflow oven to cook his sampler
[01:49:38] <inflex> okay, now time to see how fast this thing can go
[02:14:19] <rue_house> hmmm
[02:16:03] <rue_house> I wonder how much it would cost to have ON take a set of usb avr die's and put them on dip carriers
[02:36:28] <ziph> Or you could hire an assembly place at $30-40 an hour to put SMD ones on to boards.
[02:37:48] <rue_house> any pay for the boards etc etc etc
[02:58:52] <DanFrederiksen> neat servo control http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLwICJKV4dw
[03:00:46] <rue_house> ffffffffffffffffffff
[03:00:47] <rue_house> wow
[03:53:20] <SianaGearz> ok for the purpose of cycle exact emulation of mos6502, am i likely to get better performance with an 80MHz ARM7TDMI than with an AVR OCed to 30-40 MHz? it looks like i can just about jam it into the AVR... but maybe i fail...
[03:54:00] <ziph> How about an Altera Cyclone III? ;)
[03:54:17] <SianaGearz> noooo! that would be TOO obvious. no work to be done! core already open!
[03:54:34] <rue_house> how about I mail you a 6502?
[03:54:46] <SianaGearz> i have extra 6502s, that's not the problem.
[03:56:02] <rue_house> may I ask WHY you want a 6502?
[03:56:02] <SianaGearz> have them from 1541 disk drives.
[03:56:18] <SianaGearz> because i'm curious. :)
[03:56:36] <rue_house> huh
[03:56:47] <rue_house> I might still have an apple IIe rom dump around
[03:58:47] <SianaGearz> i wonder, are there any difficulties interfacing NMOS chips to up to date electronics? i suppose not...
[03:59:23] <ziph> The logic levels are often different.
[03:59:35] <rue_house> na, its all ttl compatible
[04:00:08] <ziph> In that it usually just works. Doesn't mean it meets spec.
[04:00:50] <SianaGearz> as long as i have modern stuff running on 5v, it should have 4.7v logic output levels, which should reliably trigger old stuff. and at the same time, modern electronics will trigger at around 2v for logic 1, so hum. don't see much of a problem.
[04:01:38] <SianaGearz> only problem if i need to integrate 3V chips... may need buffer so old chips hear me?
[04:01:45] <SianaGearz> what trigger voltage do they have?
[04:04:49] <SianaGearz> haaa, TTL have much lower levels...
[04:05:40] <SianaGearz> but, it is actually encouraging. means i can connect even 3.3V cmos electronics to them...
[04:36:32] <rue_house> wow, this plc code is still looking promising
[04:36:47] <rue_house> I'm able to compile the dependency list for each output...
[05:30:50] <ben1066> Ohai
[05:37:15] <rue_house> hi
[06:07:39] <ben1066> who here uses arms
[06:11:00] <inflex> well, I managed to get 4000sps useful over the serial link
[06:11:06] <ben1066> are NXP any good?
[06:11:15] <inflex> so, that's about the limit really of 57600bps
[06:11:22] <inflex> yeah NXP is generally good
[06:11:33] <ben1066> how easy is 48LQFP to solder?
[06:11:50] <ben1066> since I think Im gonna go with NXPs 48LQFP Cortex M3s
[06:11:57] <ben1066> They seem like a nice starting point
[06:12:09] <ben1066> I can get 10 breakouts for 10$ with itead or seeed
[06:12:21] <ben1066> Unless they go all CHINESE NEW YEAR YOU SUCK!
[06:12:44] <inflex> yeah
[06:12:49] <inflex> it's a good dead
[06:12:50] <inflex> deal
[06:13:07] <inflex> if you can do a couple of boards a week, or even 1 a week, you've always got something to do
[06:14:08] <ben1066> heh
[06:14:21] <ben1066> Well I just plan on getting some breakouts for 48 pin LQFP first
[06:17:29] <ben1066> http://www.seeedstudio.com/depot/bus-blaster-v2-jtag-debugger-p-807.html?cPath=174 are those reccomended?
[06:26:37] <DanFrederiksen> ben1066, I use both of mine. you can't have any :)
[06:27:08] <DanFrederiksen> arms..
[06:29:29] <ben1066> DanFrederiksen: bad joke is bad
[06:30:56] <ben1066> wow, seeed studio is pretty quick for pcbs aparently
[06:37:29] <ben1066> Wow
[06:37:37] <ben1066> AVRs are really overpriced compared with ARMs
[06:38:18] <ben1066> 3.48 ARM, 32k flash, 8k SRAM, USB, 72MHZ, 42 IO, I2C
[06:45:47] <ben1066> oO Cortex M4
[06:46:37] <ben1066> http://www.nxp.com/products/microcontrollers/cortex_m4/lpc4300/LPC4357FET256.html badass arm is badass
[06:46:52] <ben1066> its got a M0 co proccessor
[06:48:56] <karlp> weren't we talking about this yesterday?
[06:50:22] <ben1066> Yes
[06:50:28] <ben1066> And I just realised how right you were D:
[06:50:56] <ben1066> Cortex M4 is only in LBGA
[06:51:18] <ben1066> Or not...There are some LQFP144
[06:51:32] <ben1066> Lol LQFP 144 on a breadboard :P DIP144 :D
[06:51:41] <karlp> M4 is the new hotness,
[06:51:58] <karlp> M3 prices are falling through the floor
[06:52:31] <karlp> I haven't used NXP, I chose STM32 because their discovery boards were uber cheap, and would function as programmers/debuggers for other STM32 chips,
[06:53:02] <karlp> I havne't heard an awful lot of pros/cons in either direction about ST vs NXP vs TI for M3 chips,
[06:53:19] <karlp> various anecdotes about supply availability vs documentation quality
[06:53:35] <karlp> but nothing I can really comment on with any clarity.
[06:53:51] <karlp> there is ##stm32 here if you want to chat, not sure about NXP per se.
[07:00:41] <ben1066> NXP seems nice and cheap, as does STM
[07:01:02] <ben1066> But
[07:01:04] <ben1066> http://www.nxp.com/products/microcontrollers/cortex_m4/lpc4300/LPC4310FBD144.html
[07:01:08] <ben1066> M4/M0 dual core
[07:01:10] <ben1066> :O
[07:01:13] <ben1066> in LQFP
[07:01:42] <karlp> yeah, you'll start seeing more of these
[07:01:57] <karlp> someone announced a part with an A9 and an M3,
[07:02:04] <karlp> A9 plus fpga,
[07:02:10] * RikusW discovered mixing NaCl03 + S isn't such a good idea :-P
[07:02:36] <karlp> sodium perchlorate?
[07:02:41] <karlp> that's an explosive isn't it?
[07:03:11] <RikusW> spontaneous combustion with S
[07:03:22] <RikusW> think matchsticks is made from it
[07:12:57] <ben1066> are NXP any good with samples/
[07:41:25] <ben1066> Cortex M3 is better than ARM7TDMI-S yes?
[07:43:53] <ben1066> uhm....arms need 3.3v >_>
[07:45:14] <RikusW> AVR32 and xmega too
[07:46:41] <ben1066> Seems im going to 3.3v :P
[07:47:15] <ben1066> Also, should I go LPC1300 in 48 pin packages or LPC1700 in 100 pin..the LPC100 has much better specs with little extra cost
[07:58:00] <karlp> ben1066: what can't you get in the 48pin packages?
[07:58:21] <karlp> at least with the ST, you normally just get less uarts/spis etc,
[07:58:26] <karlp> ie, things that just simply take more pins
[08:11:32] <RikusW> ben1066: if you think avr is overpriced don't even look at pic :)
[08:11:34] <RikusW> ;)
[08:20:54] <ben1066> karlp: with NXP you cant get the higher end M3s/M3s
[08:21:01] <ben1066> they are 80, 100 and 144 pin
[08:21:21] <Steffanx> You still have to get them ben1066 ..
[08:21:37] <ben1066> they cost like, 3.60 compared to 2.80
[08:25:59] <ben1066> http://uk.farnell.com/nxp/lpc1313fbd48/mcu-32bit-32k-flash-cortex-m3-48lqfp/dp/1762577
[08:26:27] <ben1066> http://uk.farnell.com/nxp/lpc1751fbd80/mcu-32bit-arm-cortex-m3-80lqfp/dp/1718541
[08:27:34] <ben1066> the 80 pin ones seem the best value for money...
[08:34:21] <karlp> still a lot of pins :)
[08:35:13] <ben1066> True
[08:35:25] <ben1066> But I could do a breakout with headers rather than in a DIL fasion
[08:35:58] <karlp> or just use a dev/eval board for experiments, and just go straight to "product" pcbs
[08:40:44] <ben1066> i dont really like eval boards
[08:40:47] <ben1066> I like full access
[08:41:05] <ben1066> Maybe Ill have some DIL 48 pin boards, and some header 80 pin...
[08:41:22] <ben1066> Its not like it costs much at seeed
[08:41:29] <ben1066> 10$ per set of 10 boards so yea
[12:19:00] <ben1066> anyone used an lpcxpresso?
[12:20:50] <RikusW> ben1066: ask Steffanx
[12:20:52] <amews_aj> I'm having trouble finding the clock freq of my Atmega32. I set F_CPU to 1000000, but seems it is incorrect. Where can I find the correct clock speed?
[12:21:18] <RikusW> amews_aj: what is your clock source ?
[12:21:26] <amews_aj> internal
[12:21:42] <RikusW> Then probably 8MHz
[12:22:10] <amews_aj> Even at F_CPU 1Mhz, delay_ms(1000) takes longer than 1 second
[12:22:32] <RikusW> there is internal 1 2 4 and 8 MHz
[12:22:54] <amews_aj> then why not working?
[12:23:14] <RikusW> how much longer ?
[12:23:23] <amews_aj> around 200 ms I guess
[12:23:40] <RikusW> internal is not exact...
[12:23:44] <amews_aj> Trying some serial communication, and getting the wrong chars instead
[12:24:27] <RikusW> use a 7.372 or 14.745 MHz crystal
[12:24:36] <amews_aj> And if I do not have any?
[12:24:43] <specing> buy some
[12:25:05] <amews_aj> yea, but I need something to work right now. Isn't possible to get serial comm to work with internal clock ?
[12:25:20] <specing> you can calibrate, yes
[12:25:29] <amews_aj> how
[12:25:43] <RikusW> amews_aj: do you have a frequency meter ?
[12:25:44] <specing> if you know at what frequency the computer is sending, you can calibrate the internal osc
[12:25:52] <amews_aj> unfortunately, not here
[12:26:20] <RikusW> there is always the osccal register that can tune the RC frequency a bit
[12:26:27] <soul-d> if you know the internal speed lookup in uart shematic wich baud speed has least error #
[12:26:29] <soul-d> %
[12:26:29] <RikusW> and you might set it to 8MHz RC
[12:26:33] <soul-d> use that magic number
[12:26:54] <soul-d> to set some reg and set the baus speed at pc side
[12:26:56] <specing> I did that on my tiny45
[12:27:05] <specing> got it running on software serial ;D
[12:27:13] <specing> without a crystal
[12:27:17] <RikusW> amews_aj: what baud are you trying to use ? try 9600 maybe ?
[12:27:20] <soul-d> yeah me to
[12:27:39] <soul-d> oh noes i used apropiate regs for it
[12:28:43] <amews_aj> 9600, not working
[12:28:55] <amews_aj> I get some weird chars
[12:28:57] <RikusW> specing: still have your m32u2 without pcb ?
[12:29:04] <specing> yeah
[12:29:30] <RikusW> I still have 2 blank pcbs here...
[12:29:39] <RikusW> that I used for U2S
[12:29:54] <specing> Im currently working on an atmega8 SMPS USB battery charger
[12:30:43] <amews_aj> RikusW, How would I calibrate internal oscil.. ?
[12:31:11] <specing> amews_aj: I just told you how
[12:31:16] <RikusW> increment or decrement the OSCCAL register
[12:31:37] <RikusW> add 2 buttons on pins
[12:31:46] <RikusW> to do that
[12:32:04] <RikusW> amews_aj: what programmer do you have ?
[12:32:14] <amews_aj> Using AVR STudio 5
[12:32:24] <RikusW> and the programmer hw ?
[12:32:27] <RikusW> stk500 ?
[12:32:30] <RikusW> dragon ?
[12:32:37] <RikusW> jtagice ?
[12:33:07] <RikusW> if so you can read appnote AVR053
[12:33:12] <amews_aj> stk500
[12:33:37] <RikusW> AVR053 describes how to do osccal with stk500
[12:34:49] <RikusW> http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc2555.pdf
[12:34:58] <RikusW> http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/AVR053.zip
[12:37:28] <amews_aj> quite a lot of reading. can I just experiment with the OSCCAL values?
[12:37:34] <amews_aj> is default 0 ?
[12:37:47] <RikusW> no
[12:37:54] <RikusW> read it from osccal
[12:38:04] <amews_aj> and how to output ?
[12:38:10] <RikusW> OSCCAL++
[12:38:17] <RikusW> and OSCCAL--
[12:38:21] <amews_aj> How can I determine right value?
[12:38:44] <amews_aj> I mean, how can I see the value when I get it right?
[12:38:45] <RikusW> difficult without a frequency meter
[12:38:54] <RikusW> output via serial ?
[12:39:10] <amews_aj> so change OSCCAL, do serial output, see if result correct?
[12:39:15] <RikusW> transmit a known value via serial and tune until its right ?
[12:39:19] <amews_aj> ye
[12:39:36] <RikusW> just make sure you set UBRR properly ;)
[12:39:42] <amews_aj> I cannot screw up the chip changing this register right? I can just flash it again?
[12:41:54] <RikusW> that register is reset with the chip..
[12:42:19] <amews_aj> great
[12:44:05] <specing> newbs :D
[12:45:32] <Steffanx> Says who?
[12:45:44] <amews_aj> talking about me? Yea I'm new to AVR
[12:46:40] <RikusW> amews_aj: where did you get the stk500 ? is it the original ?
[12:46:54] <amews_aj> yes it is, bought from engineering college
[12:47:53] <RikusW> for how much ?
[12:48:04] <amews_aj> I have an introduction course for it after christmas, however I need some microcontroller for at project right now, so thats why I bought this one already.
[12:48:23] <amews_aj> about 66$ (special price for students)
[12:48:37] <RikusW> usd ?
[12:48:52] <amews_aj> no
[12:48:57] <Steffanx> cad
[12:49:03] <amews_aj> oh
[12:49:12] <amews_aj> US dollars ? yea (converted)
[12:49:23] <amews_aj> let me convert it properly
[12:49:28] <RikusW> the dragon is $50
[12:49:44] <amews_aj> 60 USD actually
[12:49:56] <amews_aj> and so ?
[12:50:40] <RikusW> dragon can debug too
[12:51:14] <amews_aj> well, they use STK 500 Atmega32 for the course, so that's why I bought it
[12:51:16] <RikusW> hi scuzzy
[12:51:25] <scuzzy> hey RikusW
[12:51:27] <scuzzy> how you doing man?
[12:51:52] <scuzzy> I just finished watching forbidden planet
[12:51:55] <RikusW> amews_aj: I have a jtagice clone for your mega32, it will run on mega168 or 328 or any other avr
[12:52:11] <RikusW> fine, but with a burnt finger....
[12:52:38] <RikusW> you ?
[12:52:57] <Steffanx> What did you do RikusW ?
[12:53:05] <scuzzy> soldering iron?
[12:53:09] <RikusW> amews_aj: http://sites.google.com/site/megau2s/home/jtag
[12:53:18] <RikusW> actually not :-P
[12:53:25] <scuzzy> weird
[12:53:29] <scuzzy> what was it then?
[12:53:31] <RikusW> added some NaClO3 to gunpowerder...
[12:53:44] <Steffanx> Booom?
[12:53:45] <RikusW> spontaneous ignition....
[12:53:48] <Steffanx> Hahahaha
[12:53:50] <Steffanx> #fail
[12:53:53] <RikusW> not boom
[12:53:59] <scuzzy> by mistake, or deliberately?
[12:54:01] <Steffanx> Why you evne do that?
[12:54:01] <RikusW> !!BURN!!
[12:54:03] <soul-d> Cl with with black powder is not good
[12:54:20] <RikusW> didn't know NaClO3 and S reacted like that....
[12:54:23] <soul-d> with any sulfur concotion though
[12:54:36] <RikusW> or P
[12:54:40] <Steffanx> Do it again RikusW :P
[12:54:48] <Steffanx> but record it this time
[12:54:53] <soul-d> read up on some pyrotechnics recipy's
[12:54:56] <RikusW> seems ClO3 + S or P == FIRE
[12:54:56] <soul-d> and howto's
[12:55:12] <RikusW> scuzzy: wanted to add more oxidizer to the mix....
[12:56:23] <RikusW> Matchstick are made with KClO3...
[12:56:37] <RikusW> the problem was I had to get it out of the house FAST...
[12:56:43] <RikusW> so burnt a finger...
[12:56:46] <RikusW> a little
[12:56:50] <soul-d> thats why i have a shed
[12:56:57] <soul-d> but i need to label and clean it :P
[12:57:03] <soul-d> chemical hazzard
[12:57:35] <RikusW> put some NaClO3 into your gundpowder recipy instead of KNO3 and.....
[12:57:44] <RikusW> looks about the same
[12:58:44] <RikusW> Steffanx: why don't you try it
[12:59:00] <RikusW> 1 teaspoon of NaClO3 and 1 of S
[12:59:15] <RikusW> shake toghether in a tincan and stand back...
[12:59:40] <RikusW> tablespoon if you're brave ;)
[13:00:06] <Tom_itx> or stupid?
[13:00:19] <Steffanx> I have no gunpowder RikusW
[13:00:21] <RikusW> makes a mini fireball
[13:00:34] <RikusW> Steffanx: you only need NaClO3 and S
[13:00:54] <Steffanx> When I order some i don't think the local security agency will like that
[13:01:10] <RikusW> and maybe something like flour mixed with S to slow it down a bit...
[13:01:21] <soul-d> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgiR5stB0Ds&feature=related
[13:01:25] <soul-d> contact explosives
[13:01:27] <soul-d> are more fun
[13:01:33] <soul-d> don't move though
[13:01:33] <RikusW> Steffanx: you already have it... mathces....
[13:01:45] <RikusW> soul-d: I + NH3 ?
[13:01:49] <soul-d> yeah
[13:02:33] <amews_aj> Why can't I simply do PORTB = PORTD to turn on LED's for appropriate switches?
[13:02:55] <RikusW> amews_aj: PORTB = PIND
[13:03:11] <RikusW> and DDRB = 0xFF; and DDRD = 0;
[13:03:12] <amews_aj> what's difference? PORTD is for setting only ?
[13:03:16] <RikusW> yes
[13:03:19] <amews_aj> ok
[13:03:24] <RikusW> and ddr for direction
[13:03:28] <RikusW> set that first
[13:03:34] <Casper> PORT is output only
[13:03:38] <Casper> PIN is input
[13:04:24] <Casper> there is some special case use for port and pin, but for now keep in mind that whatever you write to port is what you will read
[13:04:52] <RikusW> amews_aj: why not connect the ribbon cable directly fomr the switches to leds ? :-P
[13:05:12] <amews_aj> :D
[13:05:19] <RikusW> Casper: pin toggling don't work on m32
[13:05:22] <amews_aj> just making sure I'm doing this correct before doing the right code
[13:05:22] <Casper> (the truth is: PORT is a dual purpose. while output writting to it will control the output. While input you control the pin pullup. output and input is set by DDR. Pullup is a weak resistor from pin to VCC)
[13:06:10] <Casper> (on SOME avr, writting 1 to PIN will change the output status. DO NOT RELY ON THAT UNLESS YOU KNOW YOUR AVR SUPPORT THAT FUNCTION)
[13:06:36] <RikusW> that only work on newer avr's
[13:12:53] <Steffanx> And it's in the datasheet
[13:16:30] <amews_aj> I'm confused. while(1) { if ( PIND & 0x04 ) PORTB = 0xFF }. When I press the switch 2, lights turn off, but when released, they turn on again? Why? I did not specify that...
[13:29:54] <RikusW> amews_aj: is that all your code ?
[13:30:00] <amews_aj> yes
[13:30:20] <amews_aj> well, of course I set PORTB as output and PORTD as input
[13:30:47] <RikusW> isnt there anything more in the while loop ?
[13:31:31] <amews_aj> nope
[13:32:28] <RikusW> thats odd
[13:34:48] <amews_aj> YAY, now I get the right serial data output
[13:35:32] <Casper> anything AFTER the loop?
[13:35:40] <amews_aj> no
[13:35:48] <Casper> then the avr reset itselgf
[13:36:46] <amews_aj> why would it do that?
[13:37:44] <Casper> end of code
[13:37:54] <Casper> wait
[13:37:54] <Casper> no
[13:37:56] <Casper> nm
[13:38:04] <Casper> misread something
[13:38:10] <Casper> hmm
[13:38:25] <amews_aj> RikusW, Now I got serial working by changing OSCCAL, but still _delay_ms(1000) is way off.
[13:38:44] <Casper> amews_aj: do you use a crystal? or interrupts?
[13:39:01] <amews_aj> Casper, no crystal. Using delay.h
[13:39:14] <Casper> by way off, you mean +/-10%?
[13:39:41] <amews_aj> like around 100%
[13:39:58] <Casper> have you defined F_CPU ?
[13:40:03] <amews_aj> yes 1000000
[13:40:16] <Casper> is your RC running at 1MHz?
[13:40:22] <Casper> 1000000ul?
[13:40:30] <amews_aj> 1000000UL
[13:40:49] <amews_aj> I was told Atmega32 run at 1 mhz by default, and it is the best out of 1, 2, 4 and 8
[13:41:55] <RikusW> amews_aj: do you have mega32 or mega32L ?
[13:42:16] <amews_aj> ATMEGA32 16PU 1111
[13:42:34] <RikusW> then it can go up to 16MHz with a crystal
[13:42:42] <RikusW> 32L can only use 8MHz
[13:42:45] <RikusW> max
[13:43:14] <amews_aj> still have no crystal atm though
[13:44:08] <karlp> _delay_ms only works if you told the compiler the frequency, and that freuquency matches your hardware, be that internal oscillator or external, and the fuses match that expectation
[13:44:08] <RikusW> the stk can supply 3.686 MHz iirc
[13:46:26] <amews_aj> RikusW, yes I used the 8515 earlier, and it worked with a clock at 3.686
[13:46:58] <RikusW> supplied by the stk ?
[13:47:18] <amews_aj> 8515 came with STK 500 yes
[13:47:29] <RikusW> I mean the clock ?
[13:47:48] <amews_aj> Don't know, I just switched the chip, and now it needs different clock
[13:47:53] <amews_aj> never mind, after OSCCAL, it seems ok. I mixed some bits :D (I set 10101010 rather than 01010101). Might make a difference :D
[13:48:19] <amews_aj> no actually still 50% off
[13:57:18] <amews_aj> shouldn't it be more accuratte from factory?
[14:00:30] <RikusW> stk500 can calibrate to 1% iirc
[14:00:41] <RikusW> or was it 10%
[14:01:21] <amews_aj> time seems more correct when I set F_CPU = 650000
[14:01:23] <amews_aj> UL
[14:01:30] <amews_aj> but can it be true that it shoul be that low
[14:13:29] <amews_aj> RikusW, If I had something to measure frequency, where would I do it ?
[14:16:37] <RikusW> ckout
[14:16:46] <RikusW> or set a timer to fast pwm mode
[14:17:43] <amews_aj> ckout pin on chip ?
[14:17:59] <RikusW> yes
[14:18:05] <vectory> RikusW: what assembler do you use, avr-as?
[14:18:08] <RikusW> or the timer PWM outputs
[14:18:19] <RikusW> vectory: avrasm2 with AS4
[14:18:31] <vectory> but on linux?
[14:18:42] <RikusW> I don't use it on linux
[14:18:48] <RikusW> but there is avra
[14:18:48] <vectory> oh
[14:18:52] <RikusW> and a few others
[14:19:45] <RikusW> I have a partly done one of my own too ;)
[14:20:11] <amews_aj> I just read that the STK500 can provide the clock for the chip? How ? Fuses?
[14:20:34] <RikusW> there is a clock generator from the m8535 on the stk
[14:20:54] <amews_aj> how to use that for the chip ?
[14:21:19] <RikusW> set the chip to external clock
[14:21:37] <RikusW> the stk500 docs should tell you how to setup the clock
[14:27:24] <amews_aj> RikusW, says that jumpers are already set to use the STK500's clock signal. Why does different chips then use different clocks ?
[14:29:08] <RikusW> because the m32 fuses was set to use internal RC
[14:29:27] <amews_aj> Could you please tell me what to change for it to work ?
[14:29:47] <RikusW> whats the current fuse settings on the m32 ?
[14:29:54] <RikusW> give the hex values
[14:30:32] <amews_aj> for what fuse?
[14:30:41] <RikusW> all ?
[14:30:45] <RikusW> especially low
[14:31:27] <amews_aj> HIGH 0x99, LOW 0xE1
[14:31:41] <amews_aj> I see a fuse name SUT_CKSEL set to INTRCO_!Mhz
[14:31:50] <RikusW> yes
[14:32:09] <RikusW> you can change that to 8MHz if you want
[14:32:36] <amews_aj> or to use stk500 ?
[14:32:39] <RikusW> or to external clock, but then you must have the stk500 supply a clock or ISP won't work anymore
[14:32:54] <RikusW> say low = E0
[14:33:08] <amews_aj> EXTRCOSC_3MHZ_8MHZ_18CK_64MS ?
[14:33:24] <RikusW> no
[14:33:28] <RikusW> external clock
[14:33:56] <RikusW> not external RC
[14:34:01] <amews_aj> ahh
[14:34:02] <amews_aj> ok
[14:34:10] <RikusW> lfuse = E0
[14:34:16] <RikusW> of D0
[14:34:22] <amews_aj> if in STK500 board, it should be able to work right away, right? (if jumpers set correctly) ?
[14:34:29] <amews_aj> crystal should not be needed?
[14:34:33] <RikusW> yes
[14:34:49] <RikusW> you must enable the stk500 clock gen in the programming dialog
[14:35:07] <amews_aj> E4 should be ok as well, right?
[14:35:29] <RikusW> low = E4 is internal 8MHz
[14:35:36] <amews_aj> yes
[14:36:17] <RikusW> 8MHz should work better for uart than 1....
[14:36:30] <amews_aj> seems more correct at delay_ms at least
[14:36:59] <amews_aj> yes, it worked right away.
[14:37:12] <RikusW> 8MHz internal ?
[14:37:16] <amews_aj> yes
[14:37:38] <amews_aj> Thank you for your time :) Helped me a lot already. Hope my questions were not too basic :D
[14:38:06] * RikusW was where you now are a few years ago ;)
[14:38:21] <amews_aj> yea, all are
[14:38:22] <amews_aj> :D
[14:38:24] <RikusW> when you do get a crystal remember the 18pF caps....
[14:38:52] <amews_aj> huh? doesn't the STK500 already include that? seems like I should just plug in a crystal
[14:39:00] <RikusW> at least you have a stk500 so you can do HVPP if you brick the avr...
[14:39:15] <RikusW> or supply a clock if you mess up clock settings
[14:39:36] <RikusW> for the stk500 just plug it in yes :)
[14:40:16] <amews_aj> now I just need a contrabble 38 Khz IR signal from it :D
[14:40:31] <RikusW> so if you use the stk + crystal you select external clock, not external crystal....
[14:40:50] <RikusW> because the stk generates the clock
[14:41:13] <amews_aj> I see
[14:41:52] <amews_aj> how can it be 8mhz is much more accurate than 1mhz ?
[14:41:54] <RikusW> external crystal is used when you connect the crystal to the avr XT1 + XT2 pins with a 18pF cap on each to gnd
[14:43:16] <amews_aj> I guess it is optimistic to hit the right frequency with some high/low and a delay, right ? :D
[14:43:27] <amews_aj> I probably need an oscilloscope for measuring the signal
[14:43:32] <RikusW> have a look at the sample UBRR values... 8MHz give a lower error rate than 1MHz for 9600
[14:43:58] <amews_aj> RikusW, yea, but blinking an LED is much more accurate (delay 1000) with 8mhz
[14:44:11] <RikusW> seems there is not CKOUT fuse on m32....
[14:44:23] <RikusW> you use the timers to output a frequency
[14:44:45] <RikusW> amews_aj: ask atmel why ;)
[14:45:02] <amews_aj> I need to control the signal
[14:45:18] <amews_aj> like 6 cycles high, 21 low, etc.
[14:45:24] <RikusW> you still can use timers for that
[14:45:34] <RikusW> 6 cycles at what frequency ?
[14:45:36] <amews_aj> delay is not accurate enough ?
[14:45:41] <amews_aj> 6 cycles at 38 khz
[14:45:42] <RikusW> 38kHz ?
[14:45:46] <amews_aj> yes
[14:46:09] <RikusW> how many bits will be sent at a time ?
[14:46:21] <Steffanx> 1345
[14:47:23] <amews_aj> 18
[14:47:58] <RikusW> it might be better to use a timer...
[14:48:16] <RikusW> you'll need to receive it too ?
[14:48:23] <amews_aj> no, just transmit
[14:49:19] <amews_aj> RikusW, I should connect the IR diode using a transistor, right? To avoid high load on m32 ?
[14:49:25] <RikusW> using delay_us and doing other stuff might result in a cumulative error...
[14:49:35] <RikusW> using a timer eliminates that
[14:49:53] <RikusW> how much current does the IR led take ?
[14:50:04] <amews_aj> 20-100 mA depending on V
[14:50:05] <RikusW> AVR can give 10 or 20mA
[14:50:23] <RikusW> isn't 100mA a bit much ?
[14:50:29] <RikusW> for the led ?
[14:50:36] <amews_aj> yea, I'm at 20 mA
[14:50:47] <amews_aj> but in datasheet I believe it said it could handle 20-100 mA
[14:51:08] <RikusW> absolute maximum for m32 is 40mA...
[14:51:32] <RikusW> what does the led's datasheet say ?
[14:51:36] <amews_aj> any reason not to use transitor? not fast enough ?
[14:52:40] <RikusW> say use a 270 Ohm resistor -> led -> gnd
[14:52:44] <RikusW> only 11mA
[14:53:03] <keenerd> For 38kHz, shouldn't have speed problems with anything.
[14:53:05] <RikusW> or 200 Ohm for 15mA
[14:54:18] <RikusW> you could use a transistor too
[14:54:55] <amews_aj> on datasheet it says IF = 20 mA, 1,2 V IF = 100 mA, 1,4 V, IF = 1A, 2.6V
[14:54:58] <amews_aj> How to read that?
[14:55:57] <RikusW> 200 Ohm should be fine
[14:56:29] <RikusW> 5V-1v2 -> 3v8 / 20mA -> 190 Ohm
[14:58:11] <RikusW> 1A ?! that must be a BIG led...
[14:58:54] <amews_aj> no, not at all. I just don't understand how to read the datasheet
[14:59:18] <amews_aj> anyway, not hitting the right frequency
[15:00:24] <amews_aj> I'm using some code originally written for the arduino
[15:03:37] <amews_aj> I should probably connect an oscilloscope to see the frequency and pattern.
[15:04:17] <RikusW> good idea
[15:12:59] <amews_aj> RikusW, to use crystal on STK500 I should set fuse low to E0, right? (EXTCLK_6CK_64MS)
[15:13:09] <amews_aj> What does the MS part mean ? milliseconds? of what ?
[15:13:58] <RikusW> 64 ms delay before avr starts executing code
[15:14:22] <amews_aj> ahh, ok
[15:14:29] <amews_aj> is that important ?
[15:14:31] <amews_aj> when ?
[15:14:40] <Tom_itx> yep
[15:14:43] <amews_aj> and is E0 correct setting ?
[15:14:54] <Tom_itx> makes sure things are settled and the clock etc are stable
[15:14:59] <RikusW> 4 ms should work too
[15:15:13] <RikusW> but E0 will work
[15:16:11] <RikusW> amews_aj: just leave JTAGEN and SPIEN alone please :-P
[15:16:30] <amews_aj> that is?
[15:16:46] <RikusW> SPI programming enable...
[15:16:55] <amews_aj> ah
[15:17:13] <RikusW> if you really need the jtag pins for something you could turn off JTAGEN
[15:17:25] <RikusW> but never ever turn off SPIEN
[15:17:40] <RikusW> at least you can fix it with your stk500 and HVPP mode
[15:17:57] <RikusW> other people will have a bricked avr when they turn off SPIEN
[15:19:09] <RikusW> on other thing, ISP programming clock needs to be 1/4 of the AVR clock (or preferable 1/5 or even less)
[15:19:39] <amews_aj> yea, already noticed
[15:19:55] <RikusW> so no avr clock == no ISP
[15:51:05] <sabesto> ok, problem; transfer a 64bit int using SPI MSB first: will this work? Is this
[15:51:14] <sabesto> http://pastebin.com/e9XCR1mB
[16:09:05] <specing> sabesto: nope, the loop will not even execute
[16:09:21] <sabesto> oops
[16:09:38] <sabesto> exept for the > then :)
[16:59:10] <TwisteR> are there Peter Fleury's uart library users present here?
[16:59:24] <Casper>
[16:59:52] <TwisteR> Casper, hi, can you help me? It seems to me that I found a bug in uart.c
[17:00:08] <TwisteR> I want to double check this
[17:00:28] <Casper> I doubt so, the lib is relativelly old and popular, but what is the bug?
[17:00:53] <TwisteR> find that section:
[17:00:55] <TwisteR> #elif defined(__AVR_ATmega164P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega324P__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega644P__)
[17:01:27] <Casper> what is the bug?
[17:01:28] <TwisteR> there are four defines about interrupts
[17:02:31] <TwisteR> may I paste them here? (4 lines)
[17:02:44] <specing> yes
[17:03:08] <TwisteR> #define UART0_RECEIVE_INTERRUPT USART0_RX_vect
[17:03:08] <TwisteR> #define UART1_RECEIVE_INTERRUPT USART0_UDRE_vect
[17:03:08] <TwisteR> #define UART0_TRANSMIT_INTERRUPT USART1_RX_vect
[17:03:08] <TwisteR> #define UART1_TRANSMIT_INTERRUPT USART1_UDRE_vect
[17:03:25] <TwisteR> they are wrong, aren't they?
[17:03:37] <specing> looks like it
[17:03:51] <Casper> at first glance yes. BUT
[17:04:04] <TwisteR> or this is the flaw of the version I have?
[17:04:08] <Casper> have you checked if the other one is the same?
[17:04:30] <Casper> he might have used the same interrupt for rx and tx
[17:05:56] <TwisteR> I've found this problem after the whole evening spent trying to figure out why one of my uarts refuses to work at all...
[17:07:07] <TwisteR> I have fixed it that way:
[17:07:09] <TwisteR> #define UART0_RECEIVE_INTERRUPT USART0_RX_vect
[17:07:09] <TwisteR> #define UART1_RECEIVE_INTERRUPT USART1_RX_vect
[17:07:09] <TwisteR> #define UART0_TRANSMIT_INTERRUPT USART0_UDRE_vect
[17:07:09] <TwisteR> #define UART1_TRANSMIT_INTERRUPT USART1_UDRE_vect
[17:07:36] <TwisteR> now I will make some tests with fixed version...
[17:12:58] <TwisteR> yes, I can confirm that fixed version now works correctly
[17:14:42] <Casper> contact peter then
[17:16:04] <TwisteR> sure
[17:16:12] <TwisteR> thanks
[17:18:17] <TwisteR> I need to make a patch, it looks like not only that particular section has this flaw
[18:37:28] <JulioVega> hey, i got a question about using PROGMEM on an avr at90can128 (similar to atmega128 afaik) microcontroller... i'm putting 90 arrays of 512 int16_t items (90kb) into progmem and i want to have an array of pointers to those arrays. now when i try to use "int16_t* mypointerarray[90] PROGMEM = ...", avr-gcc will complain about the fact that the last few pointers are too large to fit into 2 bytes (size of a pointer into RAM). is there a way to declare
[18:42:45] <JulioVega> note: avr-gcc still complains if i use "PGM_P" as the type for the last array (of pointers into progmem)
[18:50:14] <JulioVega> ok, let me reformulate the question: how much data can i store in program memory? more than 64K?
[18:50:40] <JulioVega> using pgmspace.h that is
[18:57:28] <Tom_itx> how much program memory do you have?
[18:57:38] <LikWidChz> 1 million
[19:00:30] <JulioVega> 128K
[19:01:13] <JulioVega> as far as i now know, the program counter is only 16 bits, because it only needs to address instructions, which are 2 bytes wide (hence, 64K addresses for them)
[19:02:30] <JulioVega> however, it seems to be impossible to store more than 64kb of data in program memory as the pointers (which are able to address single bytes) can only address 64K
[19:08:59] <JulioVega> ok, note to self: search harder before asking, the regular pgmspace.h seems to assume you'll never cross the 64K-boundary and therefore you need "special solutions" when building a program with >64kb data in program memory (keyword "Carlos Llamas morepgmspace.h")
[21:03:05] <rue_house> software or hardware?
[21:03:09] <rue_house> www.ruemohr.org
[21:03:26] <rue_house> http://www.ruemohr.org/docs/avrparm.html
[21:04:06] <rue_house> 15
[21:04:35] <rue_house> k-man,
[21:04:37] <rue_house> ^^^^^
[21:05:23] <abcminiuser_> Comment pants soiling
[21:05:31] <abcminiuser_> *Commense
[21:05:36] <rue_house> ?
[21:11:21] <k-man> abcminiuser_, yes, I see what you mean!
[21:11:40] <keenerd> rue_house: Meh, http://codoba.net/avr/
[21:11:48] <k-man> so does "PWM Channels" mean how many pwm outputs you can have?
[21:12:11] <k-man> keenerd, cool site
[21:12:38] <keenerd> rue_house: I'll need to cross reference and make sure we both have the same lists :-)
[21:13:03] <rue_house> keenerd, thats supposed to be all the 8 bit avrs as of jan last year
[21:13:44] <keenerd> Same, but I think it is missing the one with radio tx/rx.
[21:17:45] <k-man> there is an avr with a radio tx/rx built in?
[21:20:20] <keenerd> http://www.atmel.com/dyn/products/product_card.asp?part_id=4692
[21:20:58] <keenerd> Neither parametric listings mention that chip.
[21:21:57] <k-man> I want get the arduino mega clone I bought, not necessarily using the arduino code, to drive the sparkfun quadstepper driver. which essentially needs a one pulse to move it one step. i want to drive the motors for as the drive mechanism of a little robot/rc car. do you think I could use the pwm outputs to drive the motors by frequency modulating the pwm signal? or am I barking up the wrong tree?
[21:22:30] <k-man> that was a bit long winded - sorry
[21:22:58] <k-man> how much are those chips with rx/tx built in? they seem pretty damn cool
[21:24:04] <k-man> $9.46 on digikey
[21:27:58] <inflex> ouch
[21:28:09] <k-man> http://parts.digikey.com/1/parts/1818537-ic-avr-mcu-2-4ghz-xceiver-64qfn-atmega128rfa1-zu.html
[21:28:18] <k-man> halves in price if you get 25 or more
[21:30:06] <k-man> the level of integration just never ends, I'm really amazed by that little beastie
[21:30:09] <inflex> nice chip
[21:30:11] <inflex> yeah
[21:30:13] <inflex> price is good
[21:40:20] <keenerd> So I bought a GA144. No idea why. Dunno what to do with it or even how to load code onto it :-) What to do with 144 cores and 40kB ram?
[21:42:43] <Casper> o.O
[21:48:47] <jakllsch> heh
[21:55:11] <k-man> oh, the atmega 1280 seems to have frequency generator capability
[21:56:53] <inflex> keenerd: I feel that way about the propeller chips]
[22:00:42] <DanFrederiksen> k-man, can it do wifi?
[22:01:09] <DanFrederiksen> or just lower speed stuff
[22:04:05] <inflex> you know what'd suck with this Mars Curiosity rover... if it gets put into a trench or something that it can't get out of O_o
[22:05:41] <DanFrederiksen> a lot can suck with curiosity. the landing sequence seems very complicated. almost as designed to fail
[22:06:37] <DanFrederiksen> it doesn't make sense to me
[22:07:08] <DanFrederiksen> the rover itself is pretty pathetic too. weighs a ton and slow as shit as usual. but at least they brought color cameras this time
[22:07:37] <DanFrederiksen> I hear it will even have decent bandwidth. I seem to recall something about live hdtv which is quite the improvement over the super shit MER rovers
[22:08:09] <DanFrederiksen> I don't have the highest opinion of nasa. maybe you can tell :)
[22:09:05] <keenerd> inflex: The Prop used shared memory, this thing is all message passing. Oddly enough both talk about TV signal generation.
[22:09:19] <DanFrederiksen> fun fact; over the first month on mars the first MER rover moved at an average speed of 1/100th that of a garden snail. no exaggeration
[22:09:55] <keenerd> What is the point of moving if there is fantastic stuff to look at right under you?
[22:10:15] <DanFrederiksen> why have a brain if you don't use it
[22:10:32] <DanFrederiksen> dare to question nasa
[22:11:15] <keenerd> Meh, we shouldn't even bother with rovers. Plop down two dozen stationary science platforms at random.
[22:11:23] <DanFrederiksen> they havee something like 9 cameras on each mer rover. not one was color
[22:11:41] <DanFrederiksen> not one..
[22:11:56] <keenerd> Color is nearly worthless for anything except PR photos.
[22:12:17] <inflex> indeed
[22:12:25] <inflex> chews up valuable resolution
[22:12:25] <k-man> is there a cheat sheet somewhere that translates the names of the pins to something I can understand?
[22:12:31] <DanFrederiksen> nasa is always looking for good sheep like you
[22:13:04] <keenerd> inflex: The tiny amount of memory per core is giving me the most trouble. They used 11 cores just to do MD5.
[22:13:18] <inflex> O_o
[22:13:28] <inflex> DanFrederiksen: go be their director - you seem to know what you're talking about.
[22:13:38] <keenerd> inflex: http://www.greenarraychips.com/home/documents/pub/AP001-MD5.html
[22:13:58] <keenerd> Oh wait, 13 cores :-)
[22:14:02] <k-man> which pins are the counter/frequency generator outputs?
[22:15:02] <inflex> keenerd: I admire people in an interesting way that go through the pains to do that sort of stuff
[22:16:00] <keenerd> It sounds more like an FPGA than a traditional cpu architecture.
[22:16:45] <k-man> TCNT? is that it?
[22:17:18] <inflex> k-man: that's the register with the current timer value in it
[22:17:21] <k-man> or just Tn?
[22:17:32] <inflex> usually TCNT0, 1, 2... how ever many timers are on the chip
[22:17:43] <k-man> ah
[22:17:46] <keenerd> k-man: The datasheet should give all the pin names/numbers.
[22:18:42] <k-man> yeah, I'm looking at it, just having trouble assocciating the pin acronym to the function I'm looking for :)
[22:19:05] <k-man> it might be just Tn (like T0, T1, T2)
[22:20:06] <k-man> PD7 T0 (Timer/Counter0 Clock Input)
[22:20:11] <k-man> hmm... thats an input
[22:20:32] <inflex> what are you actually looking for / wanting ?
[22:20:54] <inflex> oooh, outputs
[22:21:10] <inflex> most pins are in and out... perhaps what you're seeking are PWM'd outputs?
[22:21:33] <inflex> otherwise you can just make almost any pin clock out stuff if you do the software in say the timer interrupts or what ever
[22:25:44] <k-man> inflex, the stepper driver board I have basically steps one step for each rising (or maybe falling I can't remember) edge on its input
[22:30:10] <k-man> the driver code it comes with is designed for executing like step(motor1,300) ie, move motor 1 300 steps
[22:30:40] <k-man> but I want a more sort of speed control, ie, move motor1 at 10 steps/second until I set a different speed
[22:30:51] <k-man> and frequency generator output might be the way to do that
[22:30:53] <k-man> I think
[22:39:06] <inflex> yeah, you can go either via PWM options (look for OC1A OC1B etc), or you can clock the stuff yourself in a timer-overflow interrupt, or just in a normal busy-wait loop in the main()