#avr | Logs for 2011-11-17

[00:26:10] <inflex> yeah, I use the T10
[00:27:07] <geckosenator> how do you program it?
[00:27:17] <inflex> using a TPI programmer that I got from Tom_itx
[00:27:32] <geckosenator> oh
[00:27:41] <geckosenator> why doesnt it do isp? arent there 6 pins?
[00:28:42] <geckosenator> and, does gcc work? or only assembly?
[00:31:06] <abcminiuser> &^%*&^%
[00:31:16] <abcminiuser> Any BibTex geniuses in here?
[00:31:17] <Valen> found the other 10 pages you need?
[00:31:34] <Valen> who has 2 thumbs and has nfi what bitex is?
[00:31:38] <Valen> <-this guy!
[00:31:44] <Valen> bibtex
[00:34:12] <geckosenator> arent there enough examples for it?
[00:34:26] <geckosenator> I just copy the examples then change the relevant parts to suit
[00:34:56] <geckosenator> abcminiuser, i'm in new zealand now!
[00:35:20] <abcminiuser> geckosenator, I can't figure out how to do cross references in manuals
[00:35:33] <abcminiuser> I want to be able to point out specific sections of the Bluetooth specs
[00:35:43] <geckosenator> good question heh
[00:35:54] <geckosenator> are you integrating bluetooth with lufa?
[00:36:51] <abcminiuser> geckosenator, I already did for my final year project :P
[00:37:49] <geckosenator> I thought the usb spec was bad, then I started reading the bluetooth one
[00:38:56] <Valen> abcminiuser: is doing bluetooth over usb, made of win
[00:39:19] <abcminiuser> Goddam, trying to cite this URL: http://www.circuitsathome.com/mcu/ps3-and-wiimote-game-controllers-on-the-arduino-host-shield-part-2
[00:39:24] <abcminiuser> Completely breaks the formatting
[00:39:31] <abcminiuser> It's a big-ass URL
[00:44:47] <geckosenator> dont all urls break after a few years anyway?
[00:45:12] <geckosenator> maybe you could just tinyurl it
[00:45:22] <Landon> heh
[00:46:50] <abcminiuser> Ooh, that's professional
[00:46:56] <abcminiuser> Also, I can't nest references :(
[00:47:11] <abcminiuser> I want to reference "section x", in "volume y" of manual "z" and it blows up
[00:47:59] <geckosenator> tex gives errors?
[00:48:13] <geckosenator> not quite sure what blowing up means...
[00:48:21] <geckosenator> maybe smoke comes out somewhere
[00:48:57] <Landon> the tex coprocessor releases magic smoke
[00:49:31] <abcminiuser> BibTex throws errors about nested cross referencing and fails
[00:52:05] <geckosenator> maybe its not supported yet
[00:52:50] <geckosenator> powerboats are annoying, they drive right past me just to make my stuff roll around
[00:55:45] * Valen wants to become rich, then buy an aircraft carrier then deck it out with a sound system and blast out "i'm on a boat"
[00:56:18] <geckosenator> I could land rc planes on mine
[00:56:33] <geckosenator> you don't need to be rich to have a boat
[00:56:50] <Valen> you do if its an aircraft carrier
[00:57:03] <geckosenator> for rc planes?
[00:57:22] <Valen> for real planes
[00:57:30] <Valen> i want a cv-22 for the shopping run
[00:57:41] <geckosenator> aircraft carriers arent so great anyway, you need a crew to run it
[00:57:53] <Valen> bah only if you do it badly
[00:57:56] <geckosenator> my boat I can just pull a few lines now and then and go wherever on sail power
[00:58:04] <Valen> a super tanker is bigger and has a crew of 16
[00:58:25] <Valen> just need to find a crew of sexy female engineers
[00:58:27] <geckosenator> I got to new zealand from california on a $1000 sailboat
[00:58:34] <geckosenator> its actually cheaper than flying
[00:58:46] <Valen> perhaps a touch slower
[00:59:02] <geckosenator> but I got to stop in lots of islands along the way
[00:59:11] <geckosenator> and I went to places you cannot fly to
[00:59:27] <ziph> geckosenator: What sized boat?
[00:59:30] <geckosenator> also catch fish along the way which also cannot do from 35000ft
[00:59:38] <Valen> dick smith flew around the world in a helicopter, so theres not many places you cant fly to
[00:59:41] <geckosenator> 27ft long
[00:59:52] <ziph> geckosenator: Ohh, cosy. :)
[01:00:12] <ziph> geckosenator: Any good storms on the way?
[01:00:22] <geckosenator> well you cannot legally land a helicopter on these islands
[01:00:26] <geckosenator> a few
[01:00:38] <ziph> Was it just you and the captain?
[01:00:45] <geckosenator> plus I have a place to live wherever I am
[01:01:00] <geckosenator> yeah just me I am captain
[01:01:26] <ziph> Wait, the boat cost $1000? :)
[01:01:54] <ziph> I assumed you meant you paid someone that to go on their yacht. :)
[01:02:35] <geckosenator> no I got the boat for $1000 and its mine heh
[01:02:46] <ziph> Heh. :)
[01:02:54] <ziph> What kind of boat?
[01:02:59] <geckosenator> so I can sell it if I want but I have to pay 22% to import it here heh
[01:03:15] <geckosenator> unless I sail 3 miles to sea and sign the papers there
[01:03:28] <geckosenator> bristol 27
[01:03:43] <geckosenator> i put solar panels on it which power electric motors
[01:03:50] <geckosenator> so I can motor on the sun if there isnt wind
[01:04:48] <ziph> It's fiberglass with a centreboard?
[01:06:42] <ziph> Oh, found a better page on them, the wikipedia page is a bit vague on which bristols had what.
[01:08:38] <ziph> If I didn't have kids I'd move to a city where they don't mind live aboards and just buy a boat until house prices return to anywhere near sane. ;)
[01:09:08] <sean__> they allow liveaboards anywhere in new zealand it seems
[01:09:21] <Valen> I looked at house boats but no live aboard allowed in sydney i dont think
[01:09:37] <ziph> Sydney would be a terrible place for it anyhow.
[01:09:44] <Valen> why?
[01:10:01] <Valen> missus works in parramatta its on the river ;->
[01:10:37] <ziph> No cheap places to moore within walking distance of pubs and civilisation. ;)
[01:10:54] <geckosenator> then sail here
[01:11:09] <geckosenator> I catch fish and wifi
[01:11:16] <ziph> Here you (used to at least) be able to be in a pen for $1000 year in Fremantle.
[01:11:28] <Valen> ahh thats the thing i was planning on doing, make the boat drivable from a phone
[01:11:43] <geckosenator> australia has other places you can go though
[01:11:49] <Valen> so drive it to the dock, step off, drive it out of the way and drop anchor
[01:11:55] <ziph> They turned all those areas into luxury apartments though and started to push the live aboards out because they wouldn't wear pinstripe. ;)
[01:11:56] <geckosenator> but sydney is supposed to be bad
[01:12:14] <geckosenator> Valen, that would be cool
[01:12:14] <ziph> Yeah, up and down the Queensland coast is good.
[01:12:20] <geckosenator> I could almost do that
[01:12:23] <ziph> And where most of them seem to be.
[01:12:31] <geckosenator> need electric windlass for anchor though
[01:12:51] <geckosenator> but I have electric motors and electric autopilot that can be controlled over serial
[01:13:38] <Valen> i liked the idea ;-.
[01:13:51] <Valen> also means you can use moorings and not worry about a dingy
[01:14:02] <Valen> i have always wondered about that
[01:14:14] <geckosenator> you need a dingy from a mooring
[01:14:27] <geckosenator> normally anyway
[01:14:42] <geckosenator> I have a $20 dingy, thats the new cost on amazon or whateveer
[01:15:07] <geckosenator> people laugh but I can fit a girl in it believe it or not
[01:15:49] <ziph> Yes, but voluntarily? ;)
[01:16:17] <geckosenator> heh
[01:16:34] <geckosenator> no I had to hit her over the head first
[01:18:30] <ziph> We have a 42" Roberts (modified so that someone that is 6'7" can stand up in it. ;)
[01:19:13] <geckosenator> wow, I cant stand up in mine
[01:19:30] <geckosenator> I modified it so it has 10kwh of battery capacity
[01:19:34] <geckosenator> at the loss of standing
[01:27:52] <ziph> geckosenator: Been sailing for long?
[01:28:21] <geckosenator> I am anchored right now
[01:29:24] * CapnKernel wants to go sailing in Shenzhen Bay...
[01:34:17] <geckosenator> why?
[01:34:22] <geckosenator> to get cheap electronics parts?
[01:38:41] <DanFrederiksen> mercury poisoning
[01:39:10] <geckosenator> oh I get that already from the tuna I catch
[01:39:23] <DanFrederiksen> go vegetarian
[01:40:25] <earthshine> o/
[01:42:02] <geckosenator> other chemicals in vegetarian food that leak in from meth labs
[01:42:31] <Valen> a vego living at sea
[01:42:33] <Valen> mmmm kelpy
[02:16:01] <abcminiuser> Thesis complete, I think
[02:16:34] <Landon> *claps*
[02:16:52] <Landon> well, if you've got some free time now.... how good are you with aliasing ;)
[02:17:14] * Landon kids
[02:17:31] <Landon> I just get annoyed when I'm bottlenecked by my handwriting on homework
[02:21:16] <Valen> abcminiuser: want a proof read?
[02:21:24] <abcminiuser> Valen, hell yes
[02:21:26] <abcminiuser> https://code.google.com/p/bluetooth-explorerbot/source/browse/trunk/Thesis/Output/Thesis.pdf
[02:42:03] <RikusW> I've got the weirdest bug with my programmer sw....
[02:42:30] <RikusW> after reading flash in ISP mode on my U2S board, it won't enter programming mode again....
[02:42:51] <RikusW> reopening the app solves this
[02:43:00] <RikusW> reconnecting the programmer doesn't
[02:43:23] <RikusW> whats weirder still is that if I read flash in bootloader mode, ISP mode works again... ?!!
[02:44:46] <RikusW> and writing flash to stk500 bootloader seems to work, but noe real ISP mode....
[02:44:49] <RikusW> *not
[02:55:07] <CapnKernel> RikusW: Problems with reset pin?
[02:56:16] <RikusW> avrdude works fine with ISP
[02:56:20] <RikusW> hw seems ok
[02:56:49] <RikusW> some really obscure bug in RavrProg.... :(
[02:57:05] <CapnKernel> You get all the fun.
[02:57:56] <RikusW> whats bugging me is the it seems to work in stk500 bootloader mode, but not ISP mode....
[02:58:21] <RikusW> bootloader also use the stk500 ISP programming commands
[03:06:32] <RikusW> the dragon doesn't seem to have that problem...
[03:12:36] <Tom_itx> hmm
[04:21:37] <edboogie2011> hey guys. is it safe to source 1.5 amps of current through 26 mil traces on a 1 OZ two sided copper PCB?
[04:21:37] <jacekowski> http://circuitcalculator.com/wordpress/2006/01/31/pcb-trace-width-calculator/
[04:22:21] <jacekowski> but you could do it
[04:22:22] <jacekowski> it will get warm
[04:22:25] <jacekowski> but not melt
[04:22:52] <edboogie2011> well what mil trace thickness should I minimally use to keep it cool?>
[04:23:01] <edboogie2011> what would you use?
[04:23:01] <jacekowski> look at link i pasted
[04:23:12] <jacekowski> it can calculate everything for you
[04:24:04] <edboogie2011> oh nice.. 1 OZ PCB is most common right? for projects involving an AVR micro
[04:24:13] <edboogie2011> i never use 2 OZ
[04:24:45] <jacekowski> dunno
[04:24:46] <edboogie2011> oh yeah well 20 mils is good enough
[04:24:51] <edboogie2011> nice link though
[04:25:01] <edboogie2011> gonna bookmark that one
[04:25:01] <jacekowski> i've never used ounces
[04:25:07] <edboogie2011> oh are you a european?
[04:25:15] <jacekowski> yes
[04:25:21] <edboogie2011> what do you guys use there?
[04:25:26] <jacekowski> mm
[04:25:45] <edboogie2011> well what is the common copper thickness value for PCB?
[04:26:02] <edboogie2011> its usually weight / area
[04:27:10] <jacekowski> 35um
[04:27:57] <edboogie2011> wait wait wait.. isn't mils unit of measure not metric
[04:28:06] <edboogie2011> mils is thousandths of an inch
[04:28:16] <edboogie2011> do you use mils in europa?
[04:28:21] <jacekowski> meters
[04:28:25] <edboogie2011> ohhh..
[05:28:54] <edboogie2011> hey guys. my electronic design requires a professional looking label for its serial number. smilar to the plasticy labels you find on the back of a laptop or power supply. Its usually black and thick, and plasticy, and if you peel it off it looks metallicy on the sticky side. What kind of labels are these? a Link? closest thing I got are polyester labels..
[05:31:39] <inflex> mmm... foil stickers eh
[05:32:09] <inflex> amazing how we spend so much money on trying to look professional
[05:32:58] <edboogie2011> yeah i spent $100 on 100 sheets of labels.
[05:33:13] <edboogie2011> the polyester stickers are waterproof but not thick enough
[05:33:46] <edboogie2011> i think those really thick pretty labels on the back of laptops aren't suitable for home laser printers, so might not work well for serial numbers
[05:34:33] <edboogie2011> can anyone recommend me a barcode standard to encode a 32 bit serial number?
[05:35:11] <inflex> what about those square bitmapped things QCODES or what ever they are
[05:35:22] <inflex> easy to cram 32bits in there with CRC/parity
[05:35:26] <karlp> I was just going to say use a QR code instead, put your company website in as well
[05:35:36] <inflex> yeah, good idea that
[05:35:42] <edboogie2011> that is 2D though
[05:35:46] <edboogie2011> I limited on space
[05:35:52] <edboogie2011> so i should stick to 1D
[05:35:58] <inflex> edboogie2011: spent $300 on getting only 5 sets of printed labels for my latest big thing... sucks
[05:36:10] <karlp> http://wonder-tonic.com/books2barcodes/read.php?title=ulysses
[05:36:12] <edboogie2011> inflex, what company did you use?
[05:36:14] <inflex> well, then use CODE39 bar coding
[05:36:20] <Valen> edboogie2011: qrcodes?
[05:36:20] <edboogie2011> inflex: can you recommend me a label
[05:36:28] <edboogie2011> and company that makes beautiful labels
[05:36:32] <inflex> can't advise on the labels, sorry. :(
[05:36:35] <inflex> oooh
[05:36:38] <inflex> sorry ermm *brain fart*
[05:36:40] <Valen> qrcodes are tiny, much smaller than 1d barcodes
[05:36:51] <inflex> panelprint in Australia is who I used
[05:37:19] <inflex> http://www.panelprint.com.au/index.php
[05:37:22] <Valen> as somebody said, put a link to your website in it and have it pull up the details page for that paticular device
[05:37:22] <Valen> nifty ;->
[05:37:47] <edboogie2011> inflex: did you have foil stickers printed with them?
[05:37:50] <Valen> if your not doing heaps you could perhaps get a plate engraved?
[05:37:57] <inflex> edboogie2011: this is the one they did for me - well, I designed it in Inkscape, they just printed it ;) http://nqrc.com/images/PLD-LOM7.jpg
[05:38:32] <edboogie2011> oh is that a sticker?
[05:38:36] * inflex gets back to work on creating an Eagle part for these new teeeny tiny OLEDs he'sordering
[05:38:43] <edboogie2011> inflex: is that a sticker for the panel?
[05:38:59] <edboogie2011> the thing that says precision low ohms meter?
[05:39:03] <inflex> edboogie2011: yeah, it's a polycarbonate I think - ferociously bonds on to the clear acrylic 2mm plate that I had laser cut
[05:39:16] <edboogie2011> ahhh nice
[05:39:22] <inflex> you have to apply it using normal vinyl methods, eg, soapy water etc
[05:39:29] <inflex> but it's tough stuff
[05:39:38] <edboogie2011> yeah that company definitely probably could make the type of label i am talking about
[05:39:39] <edboogie2011> thanks
[05:39:43] <inflex> np
[05:40:51] <edboogie2011> Valen: and how is qrcode smaller than a UPC barcode? the qrcode is 2D, whats the smallest footprint square area you could fit one?
[05:41:20] <inflex> you still have a minimal height on normal barcodes to ensure readability by the scanner
[05:42:03] <edboogie2011> inflex: yeah but that minimum is usually can be very small, like 1 cm, no?
[05:42:20] <edboogie2011> 1 CM, is even too big for me
[05:42:23] <edboogie2011> let me measure
[05:43:23] <edboogie2011> yeah I need my barcode to be height 1 CM or smaller
[05:43:34] <edboogie2011> it should be more like .8 cm or smaller
[05:43:40] <edboogie2011> or .9
[05:43:57] <edboogie2011> .8
[05:44:05] <inflex> depends on the scanner
[05:44:42] <inflex> anyhow, speaking of small... I'm wondering if I am going to run in to strife with my protos on this OLEDdisplay.... 14 pads, 0.62mm pitch O_o .... and you have to SOLDER them , there's no FPC
[05:45:23] <edboogie2011> what is FPC?
[05:45:52] <karlp> flexi panel connector
[05:45:54] <karlp> ?
[05:46:06] <karlp> foolish production crazies
[05:46:14] <edboogie2011> LOL
[05:46:41] <edboogie2011> i never used a flexi panel connector
[05:47:01] <edboogie2011> low volume designing is painful
[05:47:08] <Valen> i have seen qr code stickers 5mm or less
[05:47:16] <edboogie2011> you are designing around some generic looking plastic case
[05:47:17] <edboogie2011> what a pain
[05:47:33] <Valen> and if your only after 32bits of data it shouldn't be too hard to do
[05:47:34] <edboogie2011> Valen: shit really
[05:47:51] <Valen> i mean thats only 4 bytes of data
[05:47:59] <edboogie2011> what do i use to scan a qrcode? can i use a webcam or I need an expensive scanner?
[05:48:17] <Valen> most smartphones come with qr scanners
[05:48:22] <Valen> http://www.qrstuff.com/blog/2011/01/18/what-size-should-a-qr-code-be
[05:49:11] <edboogie2011> qr code seems almost overkill, you are right, i have very little data to encode
[05:49:27] <edboogie2011> thanks for the info though, maybe if my data was bigger
[05:50:45] <karlp> no, use the opportunity to put more data on it!
[05:51:32] <Valen> perhaps look at just base64 encoding it or something and writing it numerically
[05:52:28] <Valen> well alphanumerically
[05:53:40] <edboogie2011> yeah i think my best bet is to choose a 1D one, and get a cheap gun on ebay.. so how do i determine if a scanner on ebay can read my tiny barcodes?
[05:53:51] <Valen> they probably wont
[05:54:00] <Valen> look at qr codes using your phone
[05:54:23] <edboogie2011> yeah actually qrcodes would be pretty freakin convenient on the road
[05:54:32] <edboogie2011> I could scan customer's serial numbers
[05:54:37] <edboogie2011> and do work back in the office
[05:54:45] <edboogie2011> with all the collected serial numbers
[05:54:56] <Valen> what are you actually trying to do?
[05:55:17] <edboogie2011> I want to utilize some of the label space I have on my product's enclosure
[05:55:29] <edboogie2011> so I want to make it easy to read serial numbers
[05:55:32] <edboogie2011> and mac adresses
[05:55:33] <Valen> for the purpose of?
[05:55:46] <edboogie2011> keeping track..
[05:55:51] <edboogie2011> on the field and during repair
[05:56:20] <Valen> I'd suggest putting it in human readable form then you can do it over the phone
[05:56:44] <karlp> both. most barcodes have the numbers underneath for a reason :)
[05:56:46] <edboogie2011> oh yeah I guess, phones are good enough to just scan human text
[05:56:50] <karlp> do ALLL THE THINGS!
[05:56:55] <edboogie2011> yeAH
[05:57:15] <Valen> scanning text is quite hard actually
[05:57:25] <edboogie2011> i just thought to copy other manufacturers, like laptop manufacturers
[05:57:40] <edboogie2011> i mean tecnically i manufacture emebedded systems, so i am a tiny computer manufactuer
[05:57:50] <Valen> most of them are 2d codes these days
[05:58:14] <edboogie2011> I see a 1D barcode underneath my 5 year old lenovo
[05:58:18] <edboogie2011> i will just use 1D
[05:58:28] <edboogie2011> its a bit taller than 1 CM
[05:58:40] <edboogie2011> actually
[05:58:42] <edboogie2011> it is 1CM
[05:58:50] <edboogie2011> now i just need a good scanner
[05:59:08] <edboogie2011> Valen: you sure I cant find a cheap USB scanner to scan 1CM tall 1D barcodeS?
[05:59:15] <Valen> nfi
[05:59:24] <Valen> 1cm tall is probably fine
[05:59:46] <Valen> i dunno about the width though
[06:00:19] <edboogie2011> so UPC is 12 base ten digits? what would fit my case, 32 bit number?
[06:00:36] <edboogie2011> fit it well enough without wastage, and keep the barcode width small as possible
[06:01:09] <Valen> well my phone just scanned some 5mm high codes
[06:01:09] <edboogie2011> oh waiyt
[06:01:20] <edboogie2011> oh wait 12 base ten digits is smaller than 32 bit
[06:01:24] <edboogie2011> so it will work
[06:01:33] <edboogie2011> UPC it is
[06:01:54] <edboogie2011> Valen: what program do you use to scan barcodes?
[06:01:57] <edboogie2011> I have an android phone
[06:02:08] <Valen> heh called itself "barcode scanner"
[06:02:13] <Valen> theres assloads of em
[06:02:22] <Valen> google authenticator picked that one
[06:02:23] <edboogie2011> oh okay
[06:02:24] <edboogie2011> cool
[06:02:27] <Valen> i think
[06:02:35] <edboogie2011> what is google authenticator?
[06:02:46] <Valen> for 2 factor authentication with google services
[06:02:58] <mrfrenzy> is that availible outside us now?
[06:04:15] <edboogie2011> you know how a lot of laptops use biometric authentication to sign in, that doesn't prevent a hacker from say, ripping apart your machine and reading your harddisk, right?
[06:04:43] <edboogie2011> i assume only way to defend from that is to AES encrypt your files
[06:05:26] <inflex> or just chop off the owner's finger
[06:05:32] <mrfrenzy> if it is well done, the drive could be encrypted, and the encryption key is a hash of your fingerprint
[06:05:44] <mrfrenzy> but it is easy to just lift a fingerprint off the keyboard
[06:05:46] <edboogie2011> oh shoot. yeah that would be smart
[07:04:59] * grummund uses biometric authentication on the laptop...
[07:04:59] <grummund> this morning i managed to squirt super glue over my fingers :P
[07:40:30] <scuzzy> nice!
[07:41:04] <scuzzy> what were you super gluing?
[07:41:22] <karlp> his fingers, duh :)
[07:45:58] <Steffanx> Time to make a copy of your finger grummund
[08:00:15] <grummund> not impossible Steffanx ;)
[08:09:34] * inflex gets back from watching Bourne
[08:24:12] <Valen> 2 factor authenticaton is something you know and something you have
[08:24:21] <Valen> it was never restricted to usa
[08:45:26] <inflex> ugh, I remember the late 90's, getting SSL in to a browser was a PITA
[08:45:39] <inflex> sorry, I mean, a non-US, non-Windows browser
[13:22:11] <bovsh> could i connect AVCC to a regulated, lower level than VCC?
[13:28:14] <grummund> bovsh: no. why would you want to do that?
[13:32:33] <bovsh> to have a low-noise supply just for avcc?
[13:33:20] <bovsh> but you answered it ;)
[13:37:24] <grummund> the datasheet will specify the max differential between VCC and AVCC
[19:14:21] <ripthejacker> sup all
[19:14:51] <geckosenator> is xmega just like a mega on steroids?
[19:40:20] <geckosenator> is it true xmega is cheaper than mega for the same memory size?
[20:00:48] <rue_house> xmaga is a different type of processor
[20:00:58] <rue_house> its trying to compete with things like arm
[20:14:07] <CapnKernel> trying to
[20:18:13] <Tom_itx> never will
[20:18:23] <Tom_itx> it's 8bit
[20:21:50] <Kevin`> it does some 16bit math, iirc
[20:51:09] <geckosenator> ##electronics
[20:53:34] <geckosenator> do people even use atmegas anymore or is everything xmega?
[20:53:43] <geckosenator> the xmega is cheaper than atmega on digikey
[20:53:51] <Tom_itx> they still do
[20:53:57] <geckosenator> why?
[20:54:00] <geckosenator> for 5v?
[20:54:17] <Tom_itx> the xmega is rather complex and i dunno if they fixed the bugs or not
[20:54:28] <Kevin`> are there any reasonable xmega prototyping adapters or do you have to make those yourself / use generic smd adapters
[20:54:59] <geckosenator> they are all surface mount?
[20:55:08] <geckosenator> I mean so what I never use dip anyway
[20:55:10] <Tom_itx> far as i know yes
[20:55:50] <geckosenator> they use less power are twice as fast
[20:55:57] <geckosenator> have 12bit adc and dacs and cost less
[20:56:08] <geckosenator> I havent used one yet though so I am wondering
[20:56:15] <geckosenator> what kind of bugs are there?
[20:57:17] <Tom_itx> ppl were talking about the adc
[20:57:33] <geckosenator> is it noisy?
[20:57:59] <Kevin`> the original versions you had to use.. carefully, or it would be noisy
[20:58:37] <geckosenator> like the initial samples they sent out?
[20:59:23] <Kevin`> not just that. I don't remember, I would have to look it up again
[20:59:54] <geckosenator> I wonder if xmega is capable of full speed usb in software
[21:00:08] <geckosenator> since it can clock periphials at 128mhz and use an event system
[21:00:32] <Kevin`> wacky. I thought they had hardware usb now too though?
[21:00:52] <geckosenator> they do?
[21:01:10] <geckosenator> I dont think so there are at90usb but those are old
[21:01:59] <Tom_itx> the atmega32U2 replaced those
[21:02:08] <Tom_itx> and there's the U4 etc
[21:02:26] <geckosenator> but they dont have much flash
[21:02:45] <Tom_itx> 1286 1287
[21:02:49] <geckosenator> at90usb had 128k at least, and they are cheap now
[21:05:09] <geckosenator> but yeah I bet xmega could do full speed usb in software
[21:20:05] <geckosenator> anyone compiled latest gcc for avr from svn?
[22:58:34] <geckosenator> anyone run an avr at 50mhz or more?
[22:59:05] <inflex> I think even pushing to 20MHz is going wild
[22:59:19] <geckosenator> on xmega
[22:59:37] <inflex> ooooohok
[22:59:47] <geckosenator> some instructions are supposed to fail but others can handle it
[23:00:01] <geckosenator> so if you only use those instructions it would be ok
[23:08:16] <abcminiuser> Well, thesis is done now
[23:08:19] <abcminiuser> Ready to print
[23:08:21] <abcminiuser> Hurrah
[23:08:54] <ziph> You realise now that you've finished that you've got to start on the rest of your life? ;)
[23:13:02] <abcminiuser> Still got a poster to make, then the presentation :S
[23:14:31] <ziph> Poster? :)
[23:14:53] <geckosenator> you got nested references to work?
[23:15:58] <geckosenator> anyone seen this: undefined reference to `c_addr_space_name' ?
[23:16:04] <geckosenator> trying to compile gcc
[23:17:10] <abcminiuser> ziph, I have to make a big poster for the wall
[23:17:15] <abcminiuser> geckosenator, no, gave up
[23:17:49] <abcminiuser> geckosenator, that means you have a prototype for that function, but the actual code for it isn't being linked it
[23:17:53] <abcminiuser> *in
[23:17:59] <geckosenator> I know
[23:18:24] <geckosenator> I mean I know that but I am not sure of the correct way to fix the issue
[23:18:46] <geckosenator> I just got latest gcc from svn and I am compiling with target=avr
[23:23:22] <abcminiuser> geckosenator, magnets. If you don't know, the trick is to use more magnets.
[23:25:51] <geckosenator> heh
[23:25:51] <geckosenator> abcminiuser:: are you going to add support to lufa to bit-bang full speed usb on xmega?
[23:26:03] <geckosenator> I think it should be possible
[23:26:26] <ziph> Why would you even bother when you can get perfectly fine USB controllers?
[23:26:29] <Kevin`> I think i've seen xmega devices with hardware usb
[23:26:47] <geckosenator> if you want to have two or more usb devices
[23:26:54] <geckosenator> or implement a hub using a single xmega chip
[23:26:59] <Kevin`> geckosenator: also, v-usb is probably.. closer. v-usb support in lufa would be interesting though
[23:27:10] <geckosenator> what is v-usb?
[23:27:12] <ziph> Use a hub IC or an external controller.
[23:27:21] <Kevin`> geckosenator: a software usb controller for avr chips
[23:27:42] <geckosenator> I have done low-speed usb on atmega16
[23:27:48] <geckosenator> it had some glitches though
[23:27:52] <rue_house> http://www.youtube.com/user/ruenahcmohr?feature=mhee#p/a/u/0/z2xWgEdiTwc
[23:28:26] <abcminiuser> The issue is that V-USB has to have an odd API since there's limited clocks available
[23:28:35] <abcminiuser> Only a very small subset of LUFA would be able to work on top of it
[23:28:46] <geckosenator> yeah, I have done virtual comm ports with it
[23:28:49] <geckosenator> but its out of spec
[23:29:20] <geckosenator> and I had to use an external 12mhz crystal
[23:29:34] <abcminiuser> Holy crap, our Uni poster guidelines, for the record: "Should be designed in Microsoft PowerPoint for easy post-submission editing "
[23:29:43] <abcminiuser> Powerpoint. As a poster design tool.
[23:29:56] <ziph> They edit your posters after you
[23:30:01] <ziph> 've submitted them?
[23:30:12] <Kevin`> geckosenator: it's possible to use the internal clock too, on devices that have the ability to run it relatively fast, by synchronizing it with the host usb clock
[23:30:14] <abcminiuser> Apparently
[23:30:19] <abcminiuser> Perhaps for formatting or something
[23:30:20] <ziph> Do it in TeX. :)
[23:30:39] <geckosenator> since powerpoint really makes it easier than other formats
[23:30:48] <geckosenator> I dont think I can even open that
[23:31:08] <geckosenator> Kevin`:: thats right, it can autocalibrate the internal rc oscillator that way
[23:31:26] <geckosenator> same as the uart
[23:31:31] <geckosenator> I didnt do that though heh, but I like it