#avr | Logs for 2011-11-02

[00:03:41] <inflex> $20 actually
[00:03:45] <inflex> :)
[00:04:05] <ziph> I wonder if they actually get that price from FedEx.
[00:04:17] <Casper> inflex
[00:04:38] <inflex> I have no idea how they get it so cheap to be honest... given that it costs me $75 to send under 500g to anywhere
[00:04:52] <ziph> Yeap.
[00:05:02] <Casper> I have 4 li-ion to attempt into bursting them to flame, 1 is partially short (estimate of 1 ohms, as 0.5V@500mA), 3 are open
[00:05:14] <Casper> what would be the best way to have the best show possible? :D
[00:05:29] <inflex> Casper: overcharge them as hard as possible
[00:05:44] <inflex> though Li-Ion tends not to misbehave as well
[00:05:44] <Casper> inflex: SLA straight?
[00:05:50] <inflex> Li-Poly otoh is a good show
[00:08:14] <inflex> ziph: apparently they handed it off to Australian Air Express.... which is part of QANTAS... which could explain the mega-fsckup... maybe
[00:08:32] <inflex> ziph: that said, freight/courier operations of QANTAS were not involved in the grounding over the w/e
[00:09:38] <ziph> inflex: They fly them on passenger flights though.
[00:11:07] <inflex> even still, it was apparently in BNE over 24hrs ago
[00:11:18] <inflex> so it did get from SYD -> BNE
[00:22:44] <h4x0r`> http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Aluminum-Project-Box-Enclousure-Case-Electronic-1111-/330371508446?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item4cebad28de
[00:22:51] <h4x0r`> Notice: Screw Included!
[00:26:42] <inflex> oh that's a big bonus
[00:26:58] <inflex> "We give you the screws, so you don't feel screwed"
[00:28:50] <Casper> seems to be a nice enclosure
[00:29:01] <Casper> nite
[00:29:49] <inflex> but yes, extruded mountable cases like that are nice
[00:30:27] <c1728p9> in the atmega168 how do you specificy seperate boot loader and application interrupt vectors?
[00:35:14] <h4x0r`> i think i read that in the manual once
[00:36:19] <jacekowski> c1728p9: it's all in manual
[00:36:30] <jacekowski> c1728p9: and it's exactly the same as in every single other AVR
[00:38:35] <c1728p9> this is the first avr i have tried bootloading on
[00:38:40] <c1728p9> and what manual?
[00:38:51] <c1728p9> the datasheet or one specifically for bootloading?
[00:39:11] <jacekowski> datasheet
[00:40:12] <c1728p9> the only code the datasheet has on it is in assembly
[00:41:08] <c1728p9> is there any reasonable way to do it in C or do i have to write the bootloader routine in assembly?
[00:41:31] <jacekowski> then refer to avrlibc manual
[00:42:37] <c1728p9> also did, they don't have anything about the interrupt vectors
[00:42:45] <c1728p9> for the bootloader
[00:56:15] <meest> Hi, if main exits the program simply restarts right?
[01:29:38] <CapnKernel> meest: Try it
[01:51:10] <meest> CapnKernel: i would if i could but i can't. Writing a design document up before I have any of the hardware.
[01:51:26] <meest> From memory it does, but it's been waaaaaay to long.
[02:36:47] <inflex> holy shit, my PCBs arrived
[02:39:17] <h4x0r`> lol i was just thinking about them this very second lol
[02:39:39] <h4x0r`> i was thinking, hmm if i oder offshore... hmm i wonder what inflex ordered oh wait hmm.. then i clicked here
[02:40:10] <inflex> heh
[02:40:34] <w|zzy> Yay inflex
[02:41:20] <inflex> ugh, GP still hsa v-score issues
[02:41:22] <inflex> http://static.rcgroups.net/forums/attachments/2/4/1/8/1/a4389860-159-picDSCF0001.jpg
[02:46:47] <CapnKernel> inflex: sweet
[03:17:05] <inflex> now to see if they even work :
[03:17:18] * inflex thinks he'll do a 1x3 stencil array
[03:17:33] <inflex> can't imagine trying to assemble more than 3 at a time before the paste goes dry
[03:18:29] <inflex> normally I wouldn't be -too- concerned except that I've got a MSSOP part on there
[04:11:10] <w|zzy> Do you have any beginners kits inflex?
[04:38:31] <inflex> w|zzy: no, sorry
[04:41:21] <w|zzy> No worries... Got a few remote control helis but a plane would be cool
[04:41:36] <w|zzy> I assume its different radio gear though
[04:52:19] <inflex> well, the new boards seem to work so far
[04:52:35] <inflex> w|zzy: yeah I sort of stepped out of the kits/parts for R/C
[04:52:46] <inflex> w|zzy: going more for the electronics... but I do still need to get more balsa kits in
[04:53:05] <w|zzy> Cool. I look over your site regularly.
[04:53:42] <inflex> oh thanks - sorry it's looking so empty lately
[04:53:47] <inflex> all the restructuring, lack of income etc
[04:53:58] <inflex> but I've got 4~5 new electronics gadgets coming
[04:54:02] <inflex> just waiting on the prototype boards
[04:54:10] <inflex> the boards I received today are for the mAh-counter
[04:54:24] <inflex> put in 3 designs to the PCB factory over the last 2 days
[04:54:33] <w|zzy> Nice.
[04:54:42] <w|zzy> You sell things so cheaply.. no wonder you have "lack of income " :(
[04:54:45] <inflex> I'd say that 1 out of 10 designs becomes a bit of a "hit"
[04:54:53] <inflex> oh, it's not cheap compared to HobbyKing
[04:55:01] <inflex> I'm sure you've been to their site?
[04:55:10] <w|zzy> No.
[04:55:13] <inflex> If you ever want a bunch of stuff/AVR-gear to play with cheap, just go get some of their gadgets
[04:55:24] <inflex> you'll NEVER look at retail prices the same again
[04:55:34] <inflex> really, they do stuff for $9 that I can't do for $30
[04:55:48] <w|zzy> :|
[04:55:51] <inflex> so, ultimately, when they get a product that competes with my stuff, I ultimately just pull it off my site
[04:55:53] <w|zzy> Sucks for you.
[04:56:02] <inflex> yep, makes me have to run twice as fast
[04:56:36] <w|zzy> do you hire out your design skills?
[04:57:23] <w|zzy> Or is NQRC your only income?
[04:59:05] <h4x0r`> http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Random-Box-Shiz-Mystery-Awesomeness-Crafts-Minerals-Junk-Treasures-Projects-/250919335045?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3a6bf53485
[05:06:23] <w|zzy> http://nqrc.com/?vp=PLD-SCC1 <-- i worked on something similar for elevator emergency light units
[05:22:19] <inflex> w|zzy: NQRC for now is the bulk of my income
[05:22:31] <inflex> w|zzy: sometimes people inquire for getting custom designs done - but most run away
[05:23:06] <inflex> w|zzy: ooh, emergency lights are an interesting business, profitable if you can get on the supply chain for the batteries that you have to replace every 12 or 24 months :
[05:24:35] <w|zzy> We very often purchase replacement units... I designed a prototype and tried to "sell"(not money) a monitoring system to the elevator company i work for but they are happy wasting money doing what they do.
[05:25:04] <w|zzy> The system basically had a Battery pack which did automatic testing and reported problems.
[05:25:35] <w|zzy> So that annual fire safety statements would be able to be filled in straight away and we could replace batteries before they were completely dead.
[05:26:19] <w|zzy> currently we replace batteries when we do the annual test and they fail the "10s test" 10s is hardly indicative of being able to provide light and comms for 90-120mins
[05:27:18] <inflex> indeed
[05:27:29] <inflex> butI suppose time constraints (for testing) makes it difficult to do otherwise
[05:27:38] * inflex is still looking for buyers of his precision LOM
[05:27:43] <inflex> a bit harder at $479 :
[05:27:48] <w|zzy> Hence an automatic testing system!
[05:28:11] <w|zzy> program it to monitor the battery while discharging...
[05:28:17] <w|zzy> Batteries should be cycled anyway
[05:28:26] <w|zzy> It looks like a very nice peice of equipment!
[06:28:55] <inflex> gharrr... wish I could set PCINT to be rising edge only
[06:28:56] <inflex> always bites me
[06:29:27] <inflex> oooh, wait,I did set this to ICP... oh fuck, right, damn... that's not INT0/1
[06:39:26] <h4x0r`> lol.
[06:41:06] <inflex> no matter... time to test now
[06:41:36] <inflex> at least now with this new version of the board I can actually test the state of the INT line during the ISR and from that I can determine if I've already handled the INT
[07:01:24] <h4x0r`> what does the product do inflex
[07:11:46] <inflex> it's my mAh counter
[07:30:01] <h4x0r`> niiiice :D
[07:30:18] <h4x0r`> www.ebay.com/itm/300494161009?ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
[07:30:29] <h4x0r`> just bought them, lets see how long till they get here lol
[07:31:59] <inflex> hah, funny, the change I made because I thought I could improve the code didn't work out so well
[07:32:18] <inflex> so, good thing I left the option to revert to the old configuration on the PCB with 1 jumper 0R resistor
[07:32:22] <inflex> now it's all working just fine
[07:36:01] <h4x0r`> interrigent move
[07:36:17] <h4x0r`> precisely what i would do
[07:37:34] <inflex> ja... glad I did
[07:38:08] <inflex> I put it in there when things were exceedingly tight on the firmware (4092 used of 4096)... hoped that I could save a few bytes... and I still think I can - but for now, the code fits and the unit works with the old system
[07:38:12] <inflex> just not sure what I'm doing wrong
[07:48:23] <h4x0r`> HMM
[07:49:14] <h4x0r`> 4096 bytes just for counting mAH?
[08:01:26] <inflex> h4x0r`: there's a lot more to it
[08:02:04] <inflex> h4x0r`: there's the LCD that displays mAh used, mAh remaining, time, peak current,current voltage, lowest voltage, lots of unique icons, also stores the data to EEPROM in a wear-levelling way
[08:02:15] <inflex> so it remembers the data from the previous time the power was available
[08:02:46] <h4x0r`> kewl
[08:03:08] <inflex> http://nqrc.com/?vp=PLD-SCC1 <=- what it is
[08:04:03] <h4x0r`> coool
[08:04:31] <h4x0r`> i mite need to buy one once i get my project running
[08:09:41] <h4x0r`> frickin nice bat reader there inflex
[08:09:52] <h4x0r`> is that lcd nasty to work wit?
[08:27:36] <RikusW> CapnKernel: http://www.hoperf.com
[08:27:47] <RikusW> CapnKernel: based in Shenzhen
[08:27:57] <RikusW> http://www.hoperf.com/rf%5Ffsk/24g/
[08:28:12] <RikusW> http://za.rs-online.com/web/p/products/731-2805/
[08:33:53] <CapnKernel> RikusW: Thanks for that. Very busy right now, I promise I'll look later.
[08:35:22] <RikusW> Open area distance: 70-80m
[08:35:24] <RikusW> not bad
[08:45:13] <GuShH> h4x0r`: they are ok
[08:45:13] <GuShH> but it's not a beginners project.
[08:50:15] <h4x0r`> true
[08:50:45] <h4x0r`> i had a really good rest.. did some mediatation.. got some sleep, had some food..
[08:51:01] <h4x0r`> most of my electronics knowledge is coming a little easier now lol
[08:51:04] <h4x0r`> back*
[08:51:16] <h4x0r`> still cant settle for a size.. i want small..
[08:51:35] <h4x0r`> cant find a decent enclosure small enuff so gr
[08:54:32] <karlp> 3d printer to the rescue!
[08:58:25] <GuShH> h4x0r`: enclosure for what?
[08:58:49] <GuShH> you can always go the ham way... build one from copper clad.
[08:58:59] <GuShH> good rf shielding is an added bonus.
[09:00:08] <h4x0r`> GuShH, hehe would be nice
[09:00:11] <h4x0r`> gsm app
[09:00:30] <h4x0r`> got an 110mm LENGTH enclosure, sux
[09:01:48] <GuShH> they come out nice
[09:01:51] <GuShH> you can sand and paint them too
[09:02:08] <GuShH> or leave as-is and toner transfer a silkscreen
[09:02:11] <GuShH> for panel indicators, etc.
[09:02:25] <GuShH> then spray with clear coat.
[09:02:42] <GuShH> problem for me is that it's not a cheap way of making an enclosure.
[09:02:50] <GuShH> but copper clad seems cheap enough in some places though.
[09:03:28] <h4x0r`> yeah that sounds so cool
[09:03:28] <GuShH> (I've done toner transfer for silkscreens, works nicely)
[09:03:52] <inflex> h4x0r`: btw, the LCD is a lovely thing to work with
[09:03:59] <h4x0r`> heh
[09:04:00] <inflex> h4x0r`: very easy I2C device, I just bitbash it
[09:04:13] <h4x0r`> hahaha
[09:04:17] <h4x0r`> cool
[09:04:19] <inflex> only 8 lines to it, 3 for the uC, the others are just power and booster drive
[09:04:31] <h4x0r`> far out, sik
[09:04:53] <h4x0r`> sounds hot
[09:04:54] <inflex> yep, got an order in atm for 50 units of them... hope they get here soon
[09:04:58] <h4x0r`> what model is it?
[09:05:04] <h4x0r`> ive seen similar
[09:05:11] <h4x0r`> my friend did one up
[09:05:16] <h4x0r`> from the uk ?
[09:05:23] <inflex> ERC802 is the model I use... but that's from China
[09:05:38] <inflex> you can buy 1 or 5 or so... but it's expensive that way
[09:05:44] <inflex> I wish they'd put them on AliExpress
[09:05:59] <inflex> The connector is what throws most people (FPC)
[09:06:07] <h4x0r`> ahh
[09:06:09] <h4x0r`> np
[09:06:09] <inflex> but they're dreadfully convenient
[09:06:20] <h4x0r`> hmm
[09:06:30] <h4x0r`> a little dissapointed in my gsp app
[09:06:49] <inflex> oh?
[09:07:17] <h4x0r`> i can make it small which is what i want, but powering it .. it wont be very portable
[09:07:33] <h4x0r`> i could make it around 3cm
[09:07:38] <h4x0r`> squared
[09:07:49] <h4x0r`> but it would run on external wires
[09:07:55] <h4x0r`> dissapoint!
[09:08:02] <h4x0r`> plus its not 3G either.
[09:08:06] <h4x0r`> :(
[09:09:01] <inflex> What's your thingy do?
[09:09:09] <h4x0r`> dunno
[09:09:12] <h4x0r`> lol
[09:09:27] <GuShH> get a tiny lithium pack?
[09:09:38] <GuShH> what's the power consumption
[09:09:59] <GuShH> average and quiescent if applicable
[09:10:05] <h4x0r`> 5v 2A @ Peak (whilst searching for networks..
[09:10:11] <inflex> zing
[09:10:24] <h4x0r`> otherwise 500 - 750mA
[09:10:29] <inflex> daaaang
[09:10:32] <h4x0r`> heh
[09:10:36] <inflex> you can fly with that much power
[09:10:42] <h4x0r`> yup
[09:10:49] <h4x0r`> and its only gprs
[09:10:50] <h4x0r`> lol
[09:10:53] <GuShH> woot
[09:10:59] <karlp> cell phones use a lot of power :)
[09:11:05] <GuShH> somethings odd
[09:11:37] <h4x0r`> nah thats the spec, well
[09:11:55] <h4x0r`> the gsm is 3.8, i just want to run the avr at full clock
[09:17:48] <jd_ce> i shouldve used a 90usb1287
[09:18:08] <jd_ce> sitting here doing all sorts of hacks to fit my data section inside the 32u4
[09:18:50] <h4x0r`> i feel ya
[09:48:38] <_Shurik_> hello
[09:49:45] <_Shurik_> Well, looks like it's not possible to use Dragon AVR without soldering in ZIF after all...
[09:54:29] <vanquish> _Shurik_: ...? what are you trying to do? HV programming?
[09:55:30] <Kevin`> _Shurik_: or connecting a cable to it.
[09:56:48] <_Shurik_> I'll show you a picture in a second
[09:57:38] * GuShH ponders programming with a MOT
[10:00:43] <_Shurik_> http://tinypic.com/r/wb8o5l/5
[10:01:02] <_Shurik_> So I've been battling attiny13a for a week now
[10:01:12] <_Shurik_> ISP - no go, now tried HV - no go
[10:01:44] <_Shurik_> This time I'm sure it's because of a hack job for connections I did :) I'm sure chip is not even getting proper contact there :-D
[10:02:21] <_Shurik_> but now I'm only getting ff ff ff for signature read from this contraption
[10:03:15] <Kevin`> _Shurik_: why didn't you stick the chip in a breadboard instead?
[10:03:51] <Kevin`> solder joints look cold-ish
[10:03:53] <_Shurik_> I should try that. Thing is that I don't have any reliable connections to the prototype board. All those wires - they are just pins that are sitting there
[10:04:07] <_Shurik_> I was "hoping" it would work
[10:04:24] <_Shurik_> so there's no soldering points from jumpers to the dragon
[10:05:07] <grummund> that IC is just sitting in the board! :-O
[10:05:09] <_Shurik_> And the only reason I did this, is because I saw a video on youtube of somebody doing just that
[10:05:24] <soul-d> spend 40$ on avr dragan but you coulnd spend 5 on a bread board and female jumper wires ?
[10:05:32] <_Shurik_> grummund: yeah.. perhaps connectors are coated on dragon
[10:06:02] <_Shurik_> soul-d: not a money issue, just don't have them available :) I'm planning to order connectors and ZIF today
[10:06:53] <_Shurik_> I still can't understand why a DAPA ISP didn't work. Maybe AtTiny13a fuses are set not to accept ISP by default?
[10:07:05] <_Shurik_> no problem with 2313
[10:07:13] <soul-d> probably cause that image does not cositute an elextrical design
[10:07:16] <soul-d> it's just some wires
[10:08:00] <_Shurik_> anyway, just need to get it right...
[10:08:09] <grummund> are those wires not even soldered to the board?
[10:08:12] <_Shurik_> it would be too easy if this setup worked
[10:08:36] <_Shurik_> grummund: no :) I was hoping there's enough surface for a connection :)
[10:09:08] <_Shurik_> X.X
[10:09:15] <GuShH> that's calling for trouble.
[10:09:19] <GuShH> it'll never work
[10:09:22] <grummund> why not just solder them?
[10:09:40] <_Shurik_> grummund: I still want to do a proper install with all the connectors and ZIF sockets
[10:09:42] <GuShH> this is equivalent to a cold solder joint in the sense that you'll get an intermitent, non reliable connection.
[10:09:52] <_Shurik_> Didn't want to solder anything just yet
[10:10:11] <grummund> why not just solder them, and then unsolder when you come to do it properly?
[10:10:12] <GuShH> you can desolder, solder is not permanent.
[10:10:36] <_Shurik_> well, it's pretty delicate board. I didn't want to poke it with iron more then I needed to
[10:10:56] <GuShH> that portion is not delicate
[10:11:07] <_Shurik_> hmm, well you're right
[10:11:09] <GuShH> pth
[10:11:26] <_Shurik_> perhaps I can do a temp soldering and plug avr into breadboard
[10:11:39] <GuShH> otherwise wait until you have the zif
[10:11:39] <_Shurik_> just need 8 wires there
[10:11:52] <soul-d> you don't have any ic sockets ?
[10:11:53] <grummund> with the wires soldered it might just work with finger pressure on the IC
[10:12:05] <GuShH> you could solder some pin headers instead
[10:12:20] <GuShH> I'd do that before soldering huge random wires to a board
[10:12:48] <GuShH> (then breakout to a daughter board)
[10:13:07] <soul-d> http://imgur.com/a/QAhf7
[10:13:21] <soul-d> look at layer of dust the sotch tape hold up for that long :P
[10:13:29] <_Shurik_> :))
[10:13:41] <GuShH> wtf
[10:13:46] <soul-d> actualy it's 2x3 female header
[10:14:33] <soul-d> hey im like shurik i want thing quick :P but still not putting an iron to my dragon
[10:15:23] <GuShH> why? dragons love fire
[10:15:31] <_Shurik_> :-D
[10:15:43] <grummund> ahem, "quick" is getting it right first time
[10:15:55] <grummund> not spending ages fiddling with wires
[10:16:00] <_Shurik_> yeah
[10:16:11] <_Shurik_> I agree, but still had to try :-/
[10:16:19] <_Shurik_> alright. I'll do it the right way now
[10:16:38] <_Shurik_> Is there a chance that I've damaged 13a already? Should I order couple more?
[10:18:04] <soul-d> having a few in stock never a bad idea
[10:18:27] <GuShH> what makes you think it's been damaged?
[10:18:43] <GuShH> esd?
[10:18:52] <_Shurik_> I've been pounding it with DAPA ISP attempts, then crappy dragon connection - who knows!
[11:03:18] <SN001> Are there popular pre built general purpose avr boards like arduinos?
[11:04:59] <LoRez> Tom_itx may have some, but they're just boards he's built for his use afaik
[11:06:08] <karlp> teensy is one, there's a few others
[11:06:32] <karlp> jeenodes,
[11:06:37] <karlp> RBB from modern-device.com
[12:52:56] <Tom_itx> LoRez, i've got atmega32U2 boards
[13:18:55] <hotch> Tom_itx: (sorry sometimes i had "wrangle" switching between boxes) stoked for the programmer!
[13:19:44] <hotch> out of curiosity - do you craft the encasements yourself or get them custom or through another source? not to the point where I'm anywhere near that need, but wondering on a final project making it look "nice"
[13:19:47] <hotch> that "added touch"
[13:41:46] <Tom_itx> i make them myself
[13:42:23] <Tom_itx> did you get yours?
[13:42:40] <Tom_itx> bbl
[13:43:05] <Steffanx> Have a nice run
[13:52:12] <hotch> it comes today or estimated tomorrow Tom_itx thx
[17:43:23] <ambro718> Hi. When using avr-gcc, is there a tool that would compute an upper bound on stack size?
[17:43:57] <ambro718> probably using only the call graph (I don't haver any recursion and no variable length arrays)
[18:16:39] <karlp> is anyone here the author of http://effluviaofascatteredmind.blogspot.com/
[18:16:58] <karlp> the cypress part listed here doesn't seem to exist: http://effluviaofascatteredmind.blogspot.com/2010/08/arduinoavr-vs-cypresspsoc.html
[18:36:14] <ambro718> will avr-gcc optimize tail calls?
[18:36:42] <ambro718> if (condition) { function_pointer(); return; }
[18:37:10] <grummund> probably. try it...
[18:45:01] <ambro718> I can't make it out... It compiled this http://pastebin.com/PGJubdBk into this http://pastebin.com/QtekSk1H
[18:50:32] <grummund> um, you can use avr-objdump to interlace the asm & C
[18:51:07] <grummund> but i just realised you said function *pointer* and i'm not sure gcc would deal with that
[18:52:26] <grummund> avr-objdump -h -S file.elf > file.list
[18:59:01] <ambro718> thanks. But I still don't know if it optimized. There's a couple "ldd" and an "icall" in the branch that calls the function pointer. http://pastebin.com/W0xYeyKU
[19:05:07] <inflex> heh, the question is - does it fit in the firmware... if so, kick back, pat yourself on the back, move to the next project
[19:05:52] <ambro718> sure... but it doesn't fit
[19:06:30] <inflex> oh damn
[19:06:49] <ambro718> well it does in 4K RAM but I want it to go in 2K
[19:08:32] <grummund> it's using icall, so no.
[19:10:54] <ambro718> how do I see if I'm overflowing the stack?
[19:11:39] <grummund> init the ram with a known pattern and check it periodically
[19:16:44] <grummund> http://www.nongnu.org/avr-libc/user-manual/malloc.html
[19:16:52] <grummund> http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=52249
[19:16:56] <grummund> ambro718: ^^
[19:19:40] <grummund> need to log in to download the tarball
[19:20:48] <Casper> ...800kbit uplink sure is slow compared to 7Mbit :/
[19:21:18] <ambro718> grummund: thanks, I'll try that painting thing
[19:21:51] <grummund> i use it with a safety margin... force a wdt reset if breached.
[19:22:48] <ambro718> ... but I'd still prefer if gcc/linked could tell me how much stack can be used theoretically
[19:22:56] <ambro718> it's not hard to figure out
[19:23:08] <grummund> it's *very* hard actually ;)
[19:23:12] <ambro718> why?
[19:23:38] <karlp> they don't know what algorithms are in use.
[19:23:58] <karlp> you can _sometimes_ make a good guess by adding up all possible function frame sizes
[19:24:02] <karlp> if you guarantee no recursion
[19:25:05] <karlp> do some ram painting if you want to get real statistics
[19:27:46] <grummund> http://embeddedgurus.com/stack-overflow/2009/03/computing-your-stack-size/
[19:29:57] <Kevin`> couldn't you do something like have an interrupt check where the stack pointer is?
[19:30:31] <grummund> that only gives you a snapshot point in time
[19:31:27] <grummund> painting the ram with a known pattern allows to search for the stack "tidemark"
[23:57:18] <ziph> Nice, an SPI controller with an 8 bit FIFO.