#avr | Logs for 2011-11-01

[01:50:21] <inflex> oh this is just ficked up... 7 days and my package isn't in my hands yet... 7 days ago it landed in SYDNEY
[01:51:47] <w|zzy> :(
[01:55:37] <inflex> The fact that it spent almost all of those days saying "Alexandria - In transit" was insulting.
[01:57:14] <w|zzy> :|
[01:57:19] <w|zzy> I go past there every day!
[01:59:00] <h4x0r`> go get it
[01:59:13] <h4x0r`> i would.. id want bloody cash up aswell!!!
[01:59:37] <inflex> I'm about 2800km from them :(
[01:59:43] <inflex> Anyhow, it's in BNE now
[01:59:52] <h4x0r`> heh
[02:00:05] <inflex> http://www.fedex.com/Tracking/Detail?trackNum=492268119726&clienttype=dotcomreg&totalPieceNum=&ascend_header=1&cntry_code=au&pieceNum=&language=english&tracknumber_list=492268119726&mi=n
[02:00:09] <inflex> ^--- look with disgust
[02:00:13] <h4x0r`> woops, i automatically read onto w|zzy
[02:00:22] * h4x0r` prepares disgust face
[02:00:45] <h4x0r`> "priority pack*
[02:00:48] <inflex> 2 days to get from China to Syd, via a couple of countries
[02:01:00] <h4x0r`> yeah.. nice lol
[02:01:13] <h4x0r`> then like a million days at domestic..
[02:01:17] <inflex> yep
[02:01:23] <h4x0r`> :(
[02:01:28] <inflex> I hate to say it, but AU domestic efficiency sucks at the best of times
[02:01:55] <h4x0r`> its true
[02:02:10] <inflex> happens to me so many times
[02:02:39] <inflex> I _know_ they can be quicker, because I get my parts from E14 overnight to this place... and I know a few times I've had packages land in Alexandria in the morning and be delivered here in the afternoon
[02:02:48] <inflex> so it is possible and they can do it... but they just don't.
[02:03:17] <h4x0r`> true.. i dont know why they suck..
[02:03:32] <inflex> lazy.
[02:03:36] <h4x0r`> yup
[02:03:48] <inflex> For too long we've had the "we have a _right_ to a cushy easy going job and good pay"
[02:03:59] <h4x0r`> true
[02:04:05] <inflex> we need to start to realise that we need to work harder... even I know I'm guilty for that
[02:04:11] <inflex> it's in part what collapsed my electronics business
[02:04:12] <h4x0r`> but now that china is buying us.. thats all gunna go out the door soon lol
[02:04:15] <inflex> I'm trying hard to turn that around
[02:04:17] <h4x0r`> yep
[02:04:20] <w|zzy> We arent as bad as the greeks
[02:04:28] <inflex> well, I don't butt-fuck, no
[02:04:44] <inflex> oooh, you weren't meaning that bit about Greek history?
[02:05:50] <h4x0r`> i think i might hit some paper and see if i can figure out a decent way to do this pcb module.. i think im going to need to build a stacked unit
[02:05:56] <h4x0r`> for awesomeness
[02:06:13] <h4x0r`> i suppose i could build a big fat flat piece of wasted pcb
[02:06:21] <h4x0r`> but im luvvin smd rite now
[02:06:22] <w|zzy> Greeks are lazy.. I think i read 45% of the population work but only 15% of them work in "productive" jobs
[02:06:28] <h4x0r`> i want a small product
[02:06:34] <w|zzy> productive jobs being those that bring to the economy.
[02:13:47] <jd_ce> what can cause corruption when using progmem?
[02:14:01] <jd_ce> I was trying to run some lcd strings from progmem, and they were getting corrupted
[02:14:05] <jd_ce> and now lufa wont work
[02:14:32] <jd_ce> descriptor relies on progmem values
[02:14:36] <jd_ce> im guessing
[02:25:33] <abcminiuser> jd_ce, it does if you're compiling with USE_FLASH_DESCRIPTORS
[02:25:47] <abcminiuser> Guess which guy's got the mouse LUFA demo running on the new XMEGAs?
[02:25:52] * abcminiuser points to himself
[02:25:55] <abcminiuser> This guy.
[02:26:28] <w|zzy> Congrats?
[02:27:12] <jd_ce> nice! my buddy and I were going to get a few xmega a4us for this project, but settled on the mega32u4.. because atmel was sold out for months
[02:27:22] <abcminiuser> Not surprised
[02:27:27] <abcminiuser> I'm off to a party, back later tonight
[02:27:29] <jd_ce> probably for the best
[02:29:33] * Valen hands abcminiuser an "eeeeyyyy"
[02:29:59] <w|zzy> A party on a weeknight :O
[02:30:09] <w|zzy> the life of a uni student
[02:30:10] <Valen> a school night no less
[02:31:21] <w|zzy> I always associate mind maps with hippies
[02:31:39] <Valen> real men have brain storms
[02:32:48] <w|zzy> Mind maps just seem so gay!
[02:33:03] <Valen> so where did that come from in the first place?
[02:33:07] <w|zzy> Dont get me wrong... putting stuff on paper when brainstorming is a great idea!
[02:33:21] <w|zzy> but not in some artsy fartsy "mind map"
[02:33:24] <w|zzy> doing uni readings.
[02:33:36] <Valen> some hippy teacher probably decided a brain storm was too agressive and male
[02:34:15] <w|zzy> Probably.. Not only did they turn our primary and secondary schools into places designed to teach women, they are now doing it with our universities!
[02:34:21] <w|zzy> We must put an end to this..
[02:34:24] <w|zzy> They are taking over.
[02:34:29] <w|zzy> mmm havent even had a drink yet :s
[04:38:43] <vectorey> g'day folks
[04:41:03] <mrfrenzy> morning
[04:46:15] <vectorey> do i want an m8-16 or an m8L-8 ?
[04:46:28] <vectorey> both are € 3.80
[04:49:31] <karlp> do you want to run at 1.8V?
[05:15:53] <vectorey> karlp, ooh, that sure sounds
[05:15:55] <vectorey> nice
[05:16:10] <karlp> that's the difference between the L and not L versions right?
[05:21:49] <vectorey> l is for low power, eh?
[05:21:58] <vectorey> got the m8-16 now tho
[05:22:07] <vectorey> for testing it will do alright i guess
[05:22:23] <vectorey> cant do much wrong for ^3.80€ ^^
[05:23:10] <vectorey> 328p is 1.8-5V, too, though
[05:23:13] <vectorey> no l version
[05:23:45] <vectorey> too late anyway, the order is out
[05:24:24] <vectorey> got money at the start of the month and feel like i should spend it all at once
[05:24:26] <karlp> yeah, but the versions that none-L and L, I think it was just being specced to run at 1.8V, "L" families were all before the picopower stuff, "P"
[05:24:37] <vectorey> ah
[05:24:46] <karlp> that's why you don't see it much on the newer parts,
[05:25:03] <vectorey> weird seller is weird, sometimes notes the voltage range, sometimes doesnt
[05:25:17] <vectorey> anyway thanx
[05:25:54] <vectorey> have a good one
[07:53:41] <soul-d> the lcd screens are mocking me lol
[07:57:23] <soul-d> on initaization routines notting happen or vaguely but they do black out and initialize on the random signals during programing but since it's on a long cable it wasn't obvious since by time i reach project area it's already programmed.
[08:54:53] <rue_mohr> soul-d, you need to add a "nop" in the delay loop
[08:55:04] <rue_mohr> want more detail?
[09:41:17] <serdes> Hello! For ATmega16L I see the default fuses as: lfuse 0000 e1, hfuse 0000 99, lock 0000 3f. For configuring it to 16MHz crystal use, is lfuse 0000 ff, hfuse 0000 89 correct?
[09:50:21] <serdes> I'm not sure what option to features' option to choose - http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/ to confirm ^
[09:56:49] <theBear> err, what's with all the 0's ?
[09:57:35] <serdes> same as 0xe1 0x99 etc ...
[09:57:54] <theBear> mmmmm.... skip the 0's, write 0x ... the 0's don't make sense
[09:58:19] <serdes> I didn't write it. That's what avrdude outputs for read lfuse and others
[09:58:45] <theBear> hmm... that's weird as hell
[09:58:54] <serdes> !
[09:59:06] <theBear> when i used to do fuses with avrdude i just ended up with a nice 2 character hex thing, usually in a file from memory
[09:59:33] <serdes> umm possible. Do you want to pastebin the output of avrdude for fuses?
[09:59:43] <serdes> me to*
[10:01:00] <serdes> http://pastebin.com/1cGY4GfZ
[10:01:49] <theBear> nah not now, i'm half asleep and medicated and haven't set a fuse for oooh, probly 3 years now
[10:02:22] <serdes> I just want to confirm the fuses I said above to confirm..
[10:02:24] <serdes> ah-ok
[10:02:37] <serdes> before writing
[10:07:43] <theBear> it's worth double checking if noone with a brain is around, but as i recall, so long as you don't lock the isp/write only everything settings you can always save it with an isp and at worst a crystla
[10:08:20] <DanFrederiksen> timer based pwm switches on and off irrespective of cpu code right? it's not dependent on an interrupt
[10:08:32] <DanFrederiksen> with atmega8
[10:09:08] <theBear> that's a hell of a question
[10:09:26] <theBear> something still has to "reset" it when it overflows to get pwm methinsk
[10:09:36] <grummund> not dependent on an interrupt, but can be made to generate an interrupt as a side effect
[10:09:37] <theBear> or is it just free-running with a pre-set threshold ?
[10:10:08] <DanFrederiksen> yeah
[10:12:06] <DanFrederiksen> I'm experiencing incredible procrastination over some atmega code because it's realtime code and I feel I can't be sure I have enough cpu cycles and no good way to debug the code
[10:12:50] <DanFrederiksen> it's weird how 'scared' I can be to start working on it :)
[10:13:54] <DanFrederiksen> is it true that avrstudio5 doesn't offer debugging of atmega8 code?
[10:14:06] <theBear> i wouldn;t know about that...
[10:15:00] <DanFrederiksen> it says avrsimulator, atmega8 support: no
[10:15:12] <DanFrederiksen> as I recall avrstudio 4 could do it
[10:19:11] <grummund> serdes: http://www.engineersgarage.com/tutorials/avr-atmega16-fuse-bits
[13:02:58] <pingec> I have a kit with sim300 gsm modem, anyone know hot to find the correct baud rate? I cannot get it to echo "OK" back when sending "AT"
[13:05:58] <RikusW> 9600 maybe ?
[13:06:06] <RikusW> or 115200
[13:06:13] <RikusW> 8N1
[13:06:20] <pingec> on 9600 it echoes back "AT"
[13:06:27] <pingec> but when i press enter
[13:06:31] <pingec> there is no "OK"
[13:06:37] <pingec> same for 19200
[13:07:02] <RikusW> you're sure its not the terminal client echoing ?
[13:07:15] <RikusW> disconnect the modem and see if it still echos..
[13:07:31] <karlp> AT would normally need a command right?
[13:07:41] <pingec> would it? i dunno...
[13:07:51] <RikusW> AT echo OK
[13:08:03] <pingec> i have "echo typed characters locally" disabled in hypeterminal
[13:08:04] <RikusW> at+csq gives signal strenth
[13:08:08] <pingec> i'll try disconnect the modem
[13:08:53] <pingec> I turned it of and all echoing stopped
[13:09:05] <RikusW> did you press enter after AT ?
[13:09:10] <pingec> yes
[13:09:23] <pingec> I type "AT<enter"
[13:09:26] <RikusW> try at+csq
[13:09:44] <pingec> again nothing
[13:09:49] <karlp> +++ ?
[13:09:58] <pingec> +++ ?
[13:10:04] <karlp> escape command,
[13:10:09] <RikusW> is there a pin on the simcard ?
[13:10:14] <RikusW> at+cpin=1234
[13:10:17] <karlp> if it's the middle of soomething, +++ is pretty common for the escape into AT mode
[13:10:27] <pingec> yes there is a pin
[13:10:44] <RikusW> use at+cpin=
[13:11:20] <pingec> well i still do not get any confirmation back
[13:11:55] <RikusW> weird
[13:12:03] <pingec> I do not have an antenna connected
[13:12:07] <pingec> could that be a problem?
[13:12:38] <RikusW> probably not
[13:12:44] <pingec> damn
[13:12:57] <pingec> does case matter?
[13:13:02] <pingec> although i tried both
[13:13:08] <RikusW> is your gsm modem tx line connected to the pc rx ? via max232 ?
[13:13:30] <RikusW> it wil be...
[13:13:33] <pingec> yes its a premade kit
[13:13:33] <RikusW> at echos
[13:13:44] <pingec> already has a rs232 connector
[13:13:50] <pingec> soldered on
[13:13:58] <pingec> and i see the max232
[13:14:11] <Tom_itx> RikusW
[13:14:29] <Tom_itx> that guy in S Africa got his stuff this time
[13:14:37] <RikusW> nice
[13:14:42] <Tom_itx> after 2 previous attempts
[13:14:45] <RikusW> what did you send him ?
[13:14:50] <Tom_itx> programmer
[13:15:20] <specing> 3 programmers for the price of one?
[13:15:21] <RikusW> how long ago was try 1 ?
[13:15:22] <specing> :D
[13:15:32] <Tom_itx> not sure but a long time
[13:15:46] <RikusW> a year or more ?
[13:15:56] <Tom_itx> i doubt a year
[13:15:56] <Kevin`> you must have saturated the avr programmer needs of the shipping company
[13:16:05] <Tom_itx> apparently
[13:16:07] <Tom_itx> or customs
[13:16:09] <pingec> lol
[13:16:14] <pingec> maybe both
[13:16:24] <RikusW> heh
[13:16:32] <_Shurik_> Ugh! Attiny13a is kicking my ass
[13:16:43] <RikusW> _Shurik_: how ?
[13:17:23] <_Shurik_> can't get it programmed via DAPA
[13:17:32] <_Shurik_> Although I haven't tried changing ISP speed yet
[13:18:56] <RikusW> whats the current speed ?
[13:18:57] <Tom_itx> RikusW, May
[13:19:19] <Tom_itx> then June
[13:19:20] <_Shurik_> RikusW: I was just running same settings as for Attiny2313 that works just fine
[13:19:33] <RikusW> you must use -i 1000 (1000us - 1ms - 1kHz) not -B
[13:19:48] <RikusW> at 1kHz it must work
[13:19:57] <_Shurik_> oh cool, thank you. Will try
[13:20:07] <_Shurik_> I've been bashing my head against the wall
[13:20:21] <RikusW> Tom_itx: a few years ago there was some problems with the postal service... seems to be sorted out now
[13:20:22] <vectory> hi
[13:20:25] <RikusW> hi
[13:20:26] <tobbor> RikusW! like, totally tell us about the project!
[13:20:40] <RikusW> seems tobbor don't like you ;)
[13:20:54] <vectory> i bought a ceramic resonator today, i figure that can give me a clock, without application of any filters, right?
[13:21:09] <Tom_itx> yes
[13:21:11] <Tom_itx> i use them
[13:21:35] <Tom_itx> plenty good for most apps
[13:21:51] <vectory> also i bought a m8-16 and a TI msp430 launchpad, which is senseles since i wont get around to use it. ih and an lcd for 10 bucks
[13:21:54] <karlp> for most apps, the internal RC is enough too, IMO
[13:22:10] <karlp> happy 1st of the month vectory :)
[13:22:12] <vectory> karlp: not for a rt clock :)
[13:22:38] <karlp> depending on what you want to clock, if the internal RC isn't good enough, neither will a resonator....
[13:22:40] <Tom_itx> karlp, is there a problem building the toolchain for the ST arm board using the ubuntu live cd for emc?
[13:22:44] <Kevin`> I wouldn't expect a ceramic resonator to be accurate enough for a clock
[13:23:02] <karlp> Tom_itx: shouldn't be, let me knwo if you have any issues with it, I'm trying to hack more on stlink this week.
[13:23:06] <Tom_itx> i think i got st-link to work but i'm not entirely sure
[13:23:08] <karlp> get rid of the sg-utils dependency
[13:23:09] <vectory> maybe i should look back at a watch christal for that and how to resonate it
[13:23:18] <karlp> (I'm also in ##stm32 if you want)
[13:23:32] <Tom_itx> i know, i log it
[13:23:50] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/rue/stlink_output.txt
[13:23:54] <Tom_itx> that was the first output
[13:23:56] <karlp> right. I missed you the other day, tried to reply to something yuo said iirc
[13:24:06] <Tom_itx> and this was the second
[13:24:08] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/rue/stlink_output1.txt
[13:24:17] <karlp> which board? stm32L or VL or F4?
[13:24:18] <Tom_itx> i don't think i exited properly
[13:24:21] <Tom_itx> F4
[13:24:27] <Tom_itx> the free discovery thing
[13:24:41] <karlp> that looks like the gdb server didn't close
[13:24:51] <Tom_itx> the 2nd one?
[13:24:54] <Tom_itx> probably not
[13:25:03] <karlp> uwe added some weird code to swallow ctrl-C
[13:25:07] <Tom_itx> but it appears it works on the live cd ubuntu
[13:25:16] <karlp> you have to attach, detach, and let gdb server kill it
[13:25:19] <Tom_itx> now to get the compiler stuff working
[13:25:20] <karlp> I've removed that in my branch
[13:25:34] <karlp> but have a bit more to go before it can be merged back in with texane's
[13:25:41] <Tom_itx> i'm trying the same thing zhanx is
[13:25:50] <karlp> hehe
[13:26:10] <Tom_itx> i have IAR for windows though
[13:26:33] <Tom_itx> i just have the ubuntu set up for emc is all
[13:26:38] <Tom_itx> and i don't wanna mess that up
[13:27:09] <karlp> IAR spits out elf?
[13:27:12] <karlp> or what?
[13:27:19] <Tom_itx> i haven't installed it yet
[13:27:26] <karlp> ahh,
[13:27:38] <Tom_itx> all i really wanted it for was uploading
[13:27:43] <karlp> sorry, no idea what emc needs, but installing a new compiler tool chain, _should_ be pretty safe
[13:27:53] <Tom_itx> it uses realtime stuff
[13:27:59] <Tom_itx> and is really stripped down
[13:28:07] <karlp> if you ahve windows, you can use the ST provided downloader.
[13:28:15] <karlp> but yeah, you won't get the gdbserver support
[13:28:19] <grummund> what's emc?
[13:28:33] <karlp> it's for a CNC mill right?
[13:28:43] <Tom_itx> http://www.linuxcnc.org/
[13:28:45] <Tom_itx> yes
[13:28:51] <grummund> oh ok
[13:29:14] <Tom_itx> you can download a live cd with ubuntu 10.04 on it
[13:29:25] <grummund> wouldn't be surprised if IAR built in support for the stm dev boards
[13:30:41] <atom1> http://cu.rious.org/make/stm32f4-discovery-board-with-linux/
[13:30:45] <Tom_itx> that's what i'm trying
[13:31:17] <karlp> looks like it should work.
[13:31:32] <karlp> I got my arm toolchain from a codesourcery lite package, but should be much the same
[13:31:55] <Tom_itx> he's got a note to you in the output file
[13:32:12] * grummund using arm-elf-gcc from cygwinports
[13:32:31] <karlp> hmm, most of us are using arm-none-eabi-
[13:32:41] <Tom_itx> where do you get that?
[13:32:51] <karlp> arm-elf is for running within an OS isn't it?
[13:32:53] <grummund> i'm not sure what differece it makes
[13:33:17] <grummund> works fine on bare metal hardware, for me.
[13:33:27] <karlp> good to know.
[13:34:57] <grummund> one tiny problem with the toolchain, but i'm not sure if it's a gcc bug or due to me using arm-elf-gcc
[13:35:32] * karlp neeeds fooood, back laterish
[14:44:43] <RikusW> Steffanx: RavrProg/RavrProg/RavrProg.cpp delete line 665 -> name = 0;
[14:46:41] <Steffanx> Yes RikusW ?
[14:48:41] <RikusW> just delete line 665
[14:49:01] <RikusW> you'll see why :-P
[14:49:08] <RikusW> really stupid mistake
[14:49:16] <Steffanx> No I won't :)
[14:49:25] <Steffanx> No AVR close to me right now
[14:49:38] <Steffanx> And I still have to find a way to compile it for os x
[14:50:11] <RikusW> line665 makes reading eeprom fail...
[14:52:58] <RikusW> just rechecked writing fuses, seems ok, lockbits too
[14:53:59] <Steffanx> Ah, it compiles RikusW :)
[14:54:43] <RikusW> you see why lin 665 is a problem ? :-P
[14:55:10] <RikusW> don't know what I was thinking when I typed that...
[14:56:12] <RikusW> reading flash/eeprom seems ok too
[14:56:23] <RikusW> after deleting line665
[14:57:19] <Steffanx> And it runs too on os x
[14:57:29] <Steffanx> In the nokia simulator.. not sure why :P
[14:59:59] <RikusW> nokia simulator ?!
[15:00:08] <RikusW> so you can put it on a phone ?
[15:00:34] <RikusW> so connect your phone to isp mkii :-P
[15:00:38] <Steffanx> Yeah
[15:00:56] <Steffanx> I think i have to change something to make it run on my pc without the simulator
[15:02:16] <RikusW> iphone ?
[15:02:26] <RikusW> or nokia linux based phone ?
[15:03:03] <RikusW> have you removed qextserialport yet ?
[15:03:46] <RikusW> just comment the contents of the functions between line 824 and 910
[15:03:53] <Steffanx> No
[15:03:56] <Steffanx> No
[15:04:22] <Steffanx> It's a nokia, not sure what it exactly is
[15:04:47] <RikusW> you'll not be using serialport now anyways...
[15:04:49] <Steffanx> maemo RikusW
[15:04:57] <Steffanx> I don't care RikusW, it now works with it
[15:05:22] <RikusW> on osx without simulator ?
[15:06:42] <Steffanx> I'm not sure how to not run it in the simulator
[15:06:52] <Steffanx> I don't even know why it starts the simulator by default
[15:07:05] <RikusW> but it connects to isp mkii ?
[15:07:56] <Steffanx> i don't know yet
[15:09:38] <Steffanx> No luck.. it crashes when it doesn't run in the simulator
[15:13:12] <RikusW> Have any of your parents put a memorystick into a RJ45 connector next to usb ports ? ;) and then complained it doesn't work...
[15:13:25] <Steffanx> I did
[15:17:57] <Tom_itx> :/
[15:18:41] <Steffanx> [ ] [ ] [ ]
[15:18:52] <Steffanx> Which one is the ethernet connector Tom_itx ?
[15:18:58] <Steffanx> ^^ is my notebook
[15:19:03] * Tom_itx points to that one
[15:19:23] <Tom_itx> it's the bigger of the 3
[15:23:13] <RikusW> Steffanx: plug isp mkii into rj45 and ask Tom_itx for tech support :-P
[16:43:01] <RikusW> Steffanx: just written a wrapper for RCom and it works, except for port enumeration...
[16:43:33] <Steffanx> ok, gn :)
[16:44:07] <RikusW> gn
[17:08:52] <TeknoJuce> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GudcxvmHoyQ
[17:23:16] <Casper> inflex: ya there?
[18:17:53] <h4x0r`> off for a few minutes, gf time lol
[19:13:26] <inflex> wassup Casper
[19:25:38] <Casper> inflex: well, it's a bit late now, I tried to resurect a li-ion pack. iirc you made a charger so I wanted to ask something, but the pack is shot... one cell started to heat up at 1.3V so I discontinued the charge... 2 hours later 2 of the 3 cell pairs are back at 0V
[19:26:03] <Casper> inflex: do you think it's worth to salvage the pair that appear to still take charge?
[19:28:14] <inflex> I suppose it's relative to your desperation ;) liion/lipo packs are so damned cheap these days
[19:28:14] <Casper> inflex: that's what I think too, however... those are free so I wonder...
[19:29:26] <Casper> inflex: what would be a safe way to see if the batts are still good? I'm kinda worried about them catching fire
[19:34:39] <h4x0r`> http://jaycar.com.au/productResults.asp?keywords=atmega&keyform=KEYWORD&SUBMIT.x=0&SUBMIT.y=0
[19:49:56] <Kevin`> h4x0r`: that looks extremely expensive, what kind of place is that?
[19:55:09] <JanneP> i think their prices are in AUD
[19:55:46] <JanneP> though still bloody expensive even when thinking in $
[19:56:36] <Kevin`> usd and aud are about the same
[19:56:57] <Kevin`> still, it's not a power of 10 difference like that
[19:57:40] <JanneP> those prices make even ardweeny look cheap =)
[19:58:15] <Kevin`> yeah, you can get a complete arduino board for half that :/
[20:02:46] <h4x0r`> thats australias secondmost electronic parts supplier
[20:02:56] <h4x0r`> they are ridiculous, and rude witht thier pricing..
[20:03:00] <Casper> what the
[20:03:07] <h4x0r`> farnell is more reasonable, but still over the top .
[20:03:32] <Casper> let's compare with single quantity digikey order, $cad, with shipping...
[20:03:51] <h4x0r`> digikey has a good range and a .com.au address
[20:03:56] <Tom_itx> karlp you around?
[20:04:01] <h4x0r`> but not sure if its just a front for the international company
[20:04:15] <Tom_itx> karlp, what ver of sourcery did you use
[20:04:51] <JanneP> farnell used to be good but they're usefulness dropped alot after they stopped selling any chemicals in here
[20:05:09] <JanneP> + their prices are consitently higher than on digikey and they offer no free shipping
[20:05:29] <Casper> atmega8535.... jaycar: $39.95AUD... digikey: 4.44$CAD + 8$ shipping... that mean an order of...13.37 WITH TAX and shipping next day!
[20:06:04] <Casper> that's not being rude in pricing, that's being real theif!
[20:06:33] <JanneP> mayby they're preparing for them running out - supply and demand
[20:07:39] <Kevin`> why would they run out? if you are ordering a few thousand like they would, they get manufacturered
[20:07:39] <Casper> inflex: the pack have 3 open cells, 1 shorted cell (0.5V@500mA) and 2 cells that appear to take charge. will leave them an hour as it and will see if the voltage maintain and stay the same on both (they were in parallel)
[20:14:07] <inflex> okay, I use dedicated Lipo/liion charger chips
[20:14:18] <inflex> Linear and Microchip both make them, little SOT23-5 units
[20:14:36] <inflex> LTC4054
[20:15:07] <inflex> because you need a dual-mode charger device, start with constant-current, then move to constant-voltage
[20:26:04] <Casper> inflex: what is the max voltage? 4.20V?
[20:26:18] <Casper> then wait for C/20?
[20:26:24] <Casper> or something like that?
[20:26:43] <inflex> yeah, never exceed 4.20 for lipoly, or 4.1 for li-ion
[20:26:57] <inflex> max current should not exceed C
[20:27:15] <Casper> 4.1V ok
[20:27:28] <Casper> and EOC at 2%?
[23:03:29] <h4x0r`> .
[23:03:37] <h4x0r`> *contact*
[23:04:05] * Casper puts the wires in h4x0r`'s shoes
[23:39:50] <inflex> wow, FedEx has REALLY fucked up
[23:39:59] <inflex> my package is STILL in the same place as it was a week ago
[23:40:11] <inflex> http://www.fedex.com/Tracking/Detail?trackNum=492268119726&clienttype=dotcomreg&totalPieceNum=&ascend_header=1&cntry_code=au&pieceNum=&language=english&tracknumber_list=492268119726&mi=n <=-- hilarious
[23:41:30] <h4x0r`> wow, thought it wouldve made at least *some* progress today lol ..
[23:45:33] <inflex> yeah, scary
[23:46:17] <inflex> I don't -NEED- the boards immediately, I've got plenty of work to do --- but it's pissing me off that I have to keep track of things like this
[23:50:48] <ziph> inflex: Australia post does your deliveries or something?
[23:53:58] <Casper> inflex: and it's funny to see how purolator make it fast
[23:54:32] <Casper> I've sent stuff from coast to coast... 18 hours
[23:54:45] <inflex> ziph: no, FedEx normally comes direct to here
[23:55:04] <inflex> ziph: normally it's Alexandria - BNE - TSV - CT, and they usually manage that within 12 hours
[23:55:15] <ziph> inflex: There's a note on that about handing off to a third party.
[23:55:19] <inflex> there's simply -no- normal legitimate delay reason for this delay
[23:55:19] <ziph> inflex: What do they say about it when you call?
[23:55:27] <inflex> ziph: "We don't know why...."
[23:55:38] <inflex> yesterday they said "It'll be there tomorrow" ... again today :(
[23:56:14] <ziph> Send Valen to pick it up, he's right near the airport. ;)
[23:56:20] <inflex> they said they're going to "expidite" it so it gets here tomorrow - I'd just rather my FedEx fees refunded
[23:56:35] <ziph> All $10? ;)