#avr | Logs for 2011-10-21

[00:01:43] -!- ferdna has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
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[00:05:05] -!- mode/#avr [-o Tom_itx] by Tom_itx
[00:05:24] <Valen> inflex: the spinny clampy things?
[00:06:25] -!- amigojapan has quit [Ping timeout: 245 seconds]
[00:07:32] <doublebeta> feurig: You could calculate it by taking a disassembly (if you're not already using assembly) and counting instructions/cucles.
[00:15:45] <feurig> I was hoping for ballparks. More like if I am running at midi can I parse it or do I have to buffer it and process it in the background.
[00:16:04] <feurig> but thanks.
[00:16:32] <Valen> feurig: you need to work it out
[00:16:56] <feurig> I will thanks.
[00:20:34] <inflex> Valen: yes
[00:20:48] * inflex thinks he needs a better type of shrink-wrap/heat-shrink for his mAh counte
[00:21:12] <inflex> Stuff I have (20mm) needs too much heat to shrink down and it's not super-clear
[00:30:02] <CapnKernel> Tom_itx: re logbot, niice
[00:30:17] <Valen> whats the name of the bits they had on castle walls for archers to shoot through?
[00:30:25] <Valen> the bit at the top of the wall thats all up and downy
[00:30:31] <rue_bed> mines no good?
[00:31:29] -!- voodoofish1 has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
[00:31:46] <Valen> castellated
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[00:46:11] -!- manuel_ [manuel_!~manuel_@p57920D48.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #avr
[00:50:46] <CapnKernel> Valen: Another similar word is crenellation
[00:53:17] -!- ferdna [ferdna!~ferdna@cpe-67-10-220-35.elp.res.rr.com] has joined #avr
[00:56:54] <feurig> ok on a good day we would get about 300 instructinos....
[00:57:59] <feurig> I will check out the oscope though.
[00:58:04] <feurig> I like that approach.
[00:58:21] <Valen> CapnKernel: that is the word i was looking for
[01:00:00] -!- pro_z_ has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
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[01:07:18] <CapnKernel> Valen: I looked up both words in the dictionary, and they seem very similar.
[01:09:20] <CapnKernel> Call this risque if you like, but to me, crenellation is to buildings, what invagination is to bodies.
[01:09:36] <CapnKernel> For example, the surface of the brain is invaginated.
[01:10:05] <CapnKernel> (And I imagine little headache demons firing arrows out from between the invaginations :-)
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[01:35:10] -!- Addy [Addy!~Addy771@unaffiliated/addy] has joined #avr
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[01:59:48] <Valen> hmm my manual came out to 17 pages and 45 mbytes
[02:00:00] <Valen> for a spinning disk
[02:02:28] <Valen> 12mb in pdf form
[02:13:58] -!- Valen has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
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[02:25:03] -!- abcminiuser [abcminiuser!~Dean@CPE-58-161-52-29.bhcz1.win.bigpond.net.au] has joined #avr
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[03:01:52] -!- declan2 [declan2!~declan@ip68-0-212-152.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #avr
[03:09:41] -!- Steffanx [Steffanx!~Steffanx@ip4da726ae.direct-adsl.nl] has joined #avr
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[03:16:09] -!- CapnKernel [CapnKernel!~mjd@] has joined #avr
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[03:25:31] -!- ferdna has quit [Quit: I am leaving but you can say hi @ http://blog.eonsoft.us]
[03:31:21] <amee2k> if an LCD display specifies "mode: transflexive" does that mean it needs background illumination to be readable?
[03:31:32] <amee2k> or i need to supply my own reflector layer?
[03:32:56] -!- gyyrog has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
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[03:39:26] -!- Tom_itx [Tom_itx!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #avr
[03:40:02] <Tom_itx> tom-log
[03:43:48] -!- declan2 has quit [Quit: leaving]
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[03:51:59] -!- Rickta59 [Rickta59!~kimballr@rrcs-70-61-73-166.midsouth.biz.rr.com] has joined #avr
[03:52:54] -!- lifeeth [lifeeth!~praneeth@unaffiliated/lifeeth] has joined #avr
[04:00:28] -!- JeroendeB [JeroendeB!~jeroen@] has joined #avr
[04:04:30] <Gurgalof> abcminiuser, how is the usb cdc on the xplained going?
[04:04:35] <JeroendeB> Hej All, I am a Linux user that wants to lean to program C for Avr. I have been reading a lot about this, but i have the feeling that the avr libc project is dead. since the last change log was from 2010-03-11. Is it better to go with a commercial product for the Windows platform?
[04:04:58] <abcminiuser> Gurgalof, haven't been working on it for a while, been working on my thesis
[04:05:16] <abcminiuser> Once that's done I'll design the LUFA core so it fits better on the different arches
[04:06:17] <Steffanx> Uhm, the AVR Libc version isn't very dead JeroendeB
[04:06:39] <Steffanx> And AVR-GCC has some updates once in a while too
[04:06:48] <Gurgalof> Ok, atmel said they are looking in to it, but i bet you are faster and do a better job...
[04:07:02] <Steffanx> So no need to get a commercial product, unless you really need support JeroendeB
[04:07:29] <JeroendeB> Oh ok, that's great, And for suport. I can always come here :-)
[04:07:46] <Steffanx> Yeah
[04:08:09] <inflex> meh... time to go make some silly cables for testing
[04:08:22] <Steffanx> Have fun inflex
[04:08:35] <JeroendeB> and for an IDE, what are the options for Linux. Or do I just need to use Vim?
[04:09:16] <Steffanx> Download the IDE you like
[04:09:19] <Steffanx> Or use vim
[04:09:19] <Gurgalof> JeroendeB, Eclipse with the avr pöugin
[04:10:03] <JeroendeB> Thanks, I'll look in to that
[04:10:32] <Gurgalof> abcminiuser, as soon as you are done, i will make a donation...
[04:10:53] <abcminiuser> Cheers Gurgalof
[04:11:03] <abcminiuser> Believe me, I want to get it done soon too
[04:11:10] <CapnKernel> JeroendeB: Not dead, better to describe it as "mature" and "stable". It just doesn't need any more development.
[04:11:26] <CapnKernel> The avr-chat mailing list is still active and the main players still answer questions on it.
[04:11:41] <JeroendeB> Any great tutorials that you created of advice looking into available on the internet? There are thousands of them, so its hard to asess the quality as a newbee
[04:12:48] <JeroendeB> @CapnKernel Thanks, that sounds logical. Really don't want to switch back to Windows ;-)
[04:13:09] <inflex> gvim still makes a pretty good IDE imo
[04:13:19] <inflex> esp when you add some modules to it
[04:13:30] <Gurgalof> I know some good tutorials in Swedish :P
[04:13:30] <CapnKernel> vim is excellent
[04:13:44] <JeroendeB> Damn, Jag taller inte svenska
[04:13:45] <CapnKernel> If you're after a light-weight IDE for Linux, consider Geany.
[04:13:53] <inflex> gvim + ctags works great
[04:13:56] <CapnKernel> It's an IDE which just wants to get the job done.
[04:14:12] <CapnKernel> Very shallow learning curve
[04:14:35] <CapnKernel> Won't send you bald or drive your machine into the ground like Eclipse.
[04:15:11] <Gurgalof> JeroendeB, men det gör jag :P (english, but I do it)
[04:15:31] <JeroendeB> Just did a quick peek, I think Geany is good enough to start out with.
[04:15:59] <Gurgalof> CapnKernel i run eclipse on a 900MHz eeepc...
[04:17:07] <CapnKernel> Let the record show (tom-log?) that Gurgalof isn't claiming to have a full head of hair!
[04:17:57] <Gurgalof> Nah, eclipse isnt that slow...
[04:18:32] <Steffanx> Just ignore the standard Eclipse rants Gurgalof
[04:18:42] <Gurgalof> 15seconds to start, then no problems
[04:18:53] <JeroendeB> @Gurgalov, Jag kan tala engelska mycket bra, men svensk som en lite
[04:19:10] <Steffanx> Waarom niet gewoon in het Nederlands JeroendeB ? :P
[04:19:24] <JeroendeB> hahaha, dat lijkt me prima
[04:21:11] <CapnKernel> 15 seconds is excellent
[04:21:51] <Gurgalof> Running linux ofcourse...
[04:23:05] <Gurgalof> i windows eclipse would still be faster than avrstudio5
[04:24:26] <Gurgalof> I like that you can run XMegas at 64MHz without a problem
[04:24:36] <Gurgalof> Some of them goes to 70
[04:24:40] -!- JoeLlama [JoeLlama!~snork@unaffiliated/joellama] has joined #avr
[04:25:10] <JeroendeB> and for initialisation of the microcontroller, do you use something like AVRGCC Code Generator for AVR Micro
[04:26:19] <Kevin`> JeroendeB: i've always just initialized the hardware as necessary, no code generator
[04:26:47] <Kevin`> especially since you might change the state of the hardware during the program
[04:27:21] <grummund> JeroendeB: http://www.avrfreaks.net/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewforum&f=11
[04:27:21] <Gurgalof> http://crf.nu/wiki/artiklar/eclipse_linux
[04:27:58] <JeroendeB> thanks
[04:28:07] <grummund> JeroendeB: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/mega168_howto_main_index.php
[04:28:32] <grummund> and http://iamsuhasm.wordpress.com/tutsproj/avr-gcc-tutorial/
[04:30:09] -!- ambro718 [ambro718!~ambro@BSN-77-101-149.dsl.siol.net] has joined #avr
[04:31:28] <ambro718> Hi. What does the "P" in product name mean, e.g. ATmega644A compared to ATmega644PA ?
[04:32:05] * inflex doesn't bother trying to do a hackjob tonight - will wait till tomorrow and buy a set a of BNC connectors
[04:32:10] <Gurgalof> picopower i think
[04:32:36] <grummund> ambro718: low power, but also be aware with the 644 they added an extra uart
[04:32:48] <ambro718> Gurgalof, grummund: thanks, I see
[04:33:09] -!- lifeeth has quit [Quit: Up and at 'em, Atom Ant!]
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[04:39:06] -!- Travler0 [Travler0!~Sven_Hime@dslb-094-219-220-149.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #avr
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[05:05:10] -!- aboeglin [aboeglin!~boeglin@chaouette.loria.fr] has joined #avr
[05:06:09] -!- yoos [yoos!yoos@shell.onid.oregonstate.edu] has joined #avr
[05:07:20] <inflex> wth do we do time-wasting stuff like rearranging a board when we already have a working layout?!
[05:07:57] -!- naftilos76 [naftilos76!~quassel@] has joined #avr
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[05:15:20] <grummund> it's called seeking perfection
[05:17:19] <inflex> it's a big fat profit loss if I'm not careful
[05:17:27] -!- dc5ala has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat]
[05:17:39] <soul-d> don't fix it if it ain't vbroken ?
[05:18:11] <inflex> I mean, there are some improvements I'd like to make, especially with the connector placements etc
[05:18:31] <Steffanx> It's all up to you inflex
[05:18:34] <inflex> but maybe I should actually _sell_ one before trying too many new things
[05:18:58] <Steffanx> Hehe
[05:18:58] <inflex> better yet, write a manual for it
[05:19:18] -!- lovre [lovre!~quassel@dh207-28-99.xnet.hr] has joined #avr
[05:25:22] -!- JoeLlama has quit [Quit: I'm gunna enjoy it for today because I don't know what tomorrow brings]
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[05:35:15] -!- CapnKernel has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
[05:35:23] -!- CapnKernel [CapnKernel!~mjd@] has joined #avr
[05:37:35] <CapnKernel> inflex: Could it be you're doing the unnecessary redesign because you're procrastinating about doing something else, for example, the tax?
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[05:40:09] -!- karl_ [karl_!~karl@palmtree.beeroclock.net] has joined #avr
[05:46:04] -!- spybert_ [spybert_!~spybert@c-24-6-42-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #avr
[05:47:29] <inflex> CapnKernel: actually, that happens a lot, yes.
[05:47:49] <inflex> CapnKernel: though I've got a lot of other orders to fill too ---- 70 units of devices I have to build and ship by Monday :(
[05:48:02] <CapnKernel> You better get busy then!
[05:48:06] <CapnKernel> I gotta go
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[05:52:42] -!- CapnKernel has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds]
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[09:56:33] <JeroendeB> Got eclipse with avr plugin up n running but are quite stuck on the initialisation for the controller. In the passed I played around with image craft. That had an application builder. Is there something like that for Avr-gcc?
[09:59:22] <Kevin`> JeroendeB: probably, but that's not the type of thing you should use starting out, since you also need to know how it works to write reasonable code. do you have the datasheet open?
[09:59:48] <JeroendeB> he kevin, I do. Its the atmega128
[10:00:53] <Kevin`> the datasheet has a register section for each module that covers initialization. what are you having trouble with?
[10:01:53] -!- DrLuke [DrLuke!~Im@p5B15DCC2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #avr
[10:02:10] <grummund> JeroendeB: did you look at the links i posted
[10:05:17] <JeroendeB> I understand how to set port directions and such, but for instance, if i set the xtal on 8mhz I just had to enter it in the editor and then it would give me the init code. I don't really know where to look for it without it
[10:05:46] <grummund> do you mean F-CPU ?
[10:06:23] <Kevin`> JeroendeB: that's not handled by init code, it's handled by 'fuse' settings
[10:06:30] <Kevin`> JeroendeB: at least on the part you have
[10:07:07] <Kevin`> JeroendeB: see the programming section for a list of the fuses, or just use one of those fuse calculators
[10:07:16] <Steffanx> And don't mess up
[10:07:20] <Kevin`> I actually tend to do it from the datasheet, since it's a rare thing to do
[10:07:43] <JeroendeB> I did look at the links you gave, it helped me to setup Eclipse with avr plugin.
[10:07:56] -!- wrongle [wrongle!~wrongle@ool-4578d069.dyn.optonline.net] has joined #avr
[10:08:01] <grummund> JeroendeB: what OS are you running?
[10:08:12] <JeroendeB> Fedora 15
[10:08:23] <Kevin`> JeroendeB: 8mhz internal clock source is probably the default though, with the /8 prescaler (the latter can be set in init code to /1 or whatever)
[10:09:25] <grummund> does eclipse take care of fuses?
[10:09:49] <Kevin`> I doubt it, it's kind of focused on code. wouldn't know though
[10:09:58] <JeroendeB> for as far as i know, it doesnt
[10:09:59] <Kevin`> you can manually set the fuses with avrdude
[10:10:10] <grummund> JeroendeB: in that case you'll need to use avrdude
[10:10:24] <JeroendeB> I was looking for someting similar to http://www.jarkonkotisivu.org/AVRcoder/
[10:10:27] <grummund> JeroendeB: but take care... get it wrong and the AVR can br bricked
[10:10:37] <JeroendeB> I know ;-)
[10:10:55] <Kevin`> JeroendeB: google for avr fuse calculator. it'll give you a line you can plug into avrdude to do everything
[10:11:58] <grummund> JeroendeB: perhaps ask someone here to check, before you hit enter... if you not done it before ;)
[10:12:37] <Kevin`> JeroendeB: this one, if you didn't find it: http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/
[10:13:14] <Kevin`> all of that is listed pretty clearly in the datasheet, but I can understand not groking it immediately
[10:13:14] <JeroendeB> just looking at it ;-)
[10:13:20] <wrongle> right now I'm using DDRB = 0xFF; to set my pin for output, i think thats a specific group of output pins on my atmega328p, I'm trying to just set pin D13
[10:13:23] <wrongle> how would i do that
[10:14:23] <JeroendeB> Eclipse provides avrdude settings and the option to build and upload tot he controller
[10:16:30] <Kevin`> wrongle: erm, d13? is that the pin designation from the chip or from the board silkscreen?
[10:16:39] -!- vectory [vectory!~damon@unaffiliated/vectory] has joined #avr
[10:17:40] <wrongle> sorry my data sheet says its this bad boy : PB5 (SCK/PCINT5)
[10:17:56] <Kevin`> yeah, one of these, right? http://arduino.cc/en/Hacking/PinMapping168
[10:18:50] <Kevin`> wrongle: DDRB|=(1<<5); (output mode), PORTB|=(1<<5); (pin high)
[10:19:17] <wrongle> ahh yes cool
[10:19:46] <wrongle> Kevin`: whats a good intro to circuits/avr I'm on avrfreaks.net i have my board built, i have a blinking leds, learning about interrupts now ..
[10:20:04] <wrongle> I'm more of a software guy but hardware is way more fun, software is just the profession
[10:20:17] <Kevin`> abc*'s timer tutorial series is quite good. dunno beyond that though.
[10:24:00] <wrongle> ok cool
[10:24:30] <inflex> damn, not having good luck with my stencil cutting today
[10:24:40] <inflex> wasted 3 sheets with very inconsistent results.
[10:24:45] -!- FreeArtMan [FreeArtMan!~FreeArtMa@] has joined #avr
[10:24:53] <Kevin`> (you use timers for almost everything, so they are quite important)
[10:26:32] <karl_> wrongle: you can also use DDRB |= (1<<PINB5) rather than the numbers themselves if you prefer
[10:26:45] <inflex> don't you mean PB5 ?
[10:26:50] <wrongle> ohh very cool
[10:27:15] <inflex> in fact, yes, almost never use the numbers directly - always use the name
[10:27:37] <Kevin`> yeah, I only use the numbers directly on things that are natively numbers
[10:27:38] <inflex> there's little/no reason to use the numbers unless you're actually wanting to piss off a lot of people reading your code later ;)
[10:27:46] <wrongle> heh
[10:28:21] <inflex> For some bizzare reason, people seem to think it's "cool", "leet" or "hax0rish" to use obfusicated coding techniques.
[10:28:29] <Kevin`> (like the ports, or a counter). always use names for the more complex registers
[10:28:38] <wrongle> so one thing I'm wondering - i bought an arduino uno, as a software guy it seemed lame i did a bunch of tutorials on it got a cool photocell and leds and all kinds of boring stuff.
[10:28:54] <wrongle> so now i built this - http://makeprojects.com/Project/Build-a-Mintronics-MintDuino/608/3 / but its an avr I'm programming in c … I'm going over the data sheet.
[10:29:07] <wrongle> but I'm trying to figure out the best way of connecting my photocell to the circuit.
[10:29:33] <Kevin`> wrongle: photocell as power for the circuit or as a sensor?
[10:29:45] -!- pro_z [pro_z!~pro_z@] has joined #avr
[10:29:50] <wrongle> nah to detect between 0-1023 the light source
[10:30:07] <wrongle> before (but with an arduino) i was using it's value / 255 for my led
[10:30:09] <Kevin`> what type of photocell, those cds things?
[10:30:35] <wrongle> oh "photoresistor" https://www.adafruit.com/products/161
[10:30:45] <karl_> yeah, that's a cds
[10:30:53] <karl_> or CdS properly I guess
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[10:31:25] <wrongle> ahh ok
[10:31:39] <wrongle> today I'm ordering a full sized breadboard.
[10:31:58] <wrongle> but for now … which pin should i hook up the photocell to as an analogue input.
[10:32:00] <Kevin`> wrongle: how did you connect it before? I assume along with a second resistor between vcc and gnd, and the middle to an adc input?
[10:32:14] <Kevin`> any of the pins which can be connected to the adc.
[10:32:19] <wrongle> ok
[10:32:51] <wrongle> what would be convenient on my breadboard (don't laugh!) would be (PCINT0/CLKO/ICP1) PB0
[10:33:49] <Kevin`> wrongle: the pins with an ADC usually are named as such in that notation
[10:34:07] -!- parag0n has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds]
[10:34:18] <Kevin`> I don't think that's one of them
[10:34:45] <wrongle> oh, looking at the data sheet for the atmega328,
[10:34:55] <wrongle> i don't see one with "ADC" type of notation
[10:35:13] <Kevin`> pc0-pc5 ?
[10:35:17] <Kevin`> or link the datasheet
[10:36:05] <Kevin`> (i'm just looking at arduino's picture)
[10:36:41] <inflex> check the Atmel datasheet, look at the pin/chip layouts (page 2 or 3)
[10:36:50] <inflex> it'll show multiple names fo rthe same pin
[10:37:03] <inflex> eg, PC0/ADC0/TI/PCINT9
[10:37:10] <wrongle> http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=atmega328p%20datasheet&source=web&cd=3&ved=0CDEQFjAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fatmel.com%2Fdyn%2Fresources%2Fprod_documents%2F8271S.pdf&ei=fY-hTuH1FKXx0gHWmqn5BA&usg=AFQjCNHfD4CdNHp1TBNMV0sRIyb8TICO6Q&cad=rja
[10:38:35] <inflex> Wonder if we'll ever see an ATMega class AVR with 12-bit ADC
[10:40:01] <Kevin`> wrongle: yeah, seems to be listed there
[10:40:47] <wrongle> ok cool
[10:40:48] <wrongle> thx.
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[10:43:08] <karl_> inflex: just move to 32bit platforms :)
[10:45:57] <grummund> inflex: xmega
[10:48:16] <inflex> karl_: doesn't mean it'll have 12-bit ADC ;)
[10:48:42] <inflex> what amuses me a lot is that the Tiny5/10 have a 16-bit timer... but the "bigger" Tiny13, 25/45/85's only have 8 bit
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[10:56:00] <wrongle> so .. i have connected PC0 to a photo resistor, with the cathode to my 10k resistor to thje GND
[10:56:13] <wrongle> i tried to find an example or an explanation of reading the photocells value :/
[10:56:56] -!- pHcF [pHcF!~fastshop@] has joined #avr
[10:57:07] <Kevin`> the adc is one of the more complicated parts to use, although once you figure it all out it'll only be a few lines of code
[10:57:24] <inflex> well, most of the ADC stuff is just in the setup
[10:57:34] <inflex> actually getting an ADC value is a simple enough process
[10:57:44] <inflex> (start the conversion, wait, read the value
[10:57:47] <vectory> resistor ladder
[10:57:49] <Tom_itx> http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/mega168_adc_index.php
[10:57:51] <wrongle> oh how would i get an an add value
[10:59:47] <Kevin`> wrongle: the datasheet you linked is just the summary one, you should get the full document
[10:59:49] <Tom_itx> look quickly, i'm taking that server down to clean it out soon
[11:00:09] <wrongle> oh i have the full doc sorry i must have linked to the wrong one?
[11:00:14] <wrongle> mine is ~500p
[11:00:50] <Tom_itx> http://www.ruemohr.org/docs/avrs.html
[11:00:55] <Tom_itx> easy access to them
[11:02:22] <wrongle> ahh cool
[11:06:08] <wrongle> hey Tom_itx / how would i adjust that code for PC0?
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[11:06:39] <wrongle> wait, the example is PC2 right?
[11:06:54] <Tom_itx> just move it
[11:09:01] <wrongle> hmm ok i moved it to PC2, i have a wire from PC2 to a photoresistor one end, the cathode to a 10k resistor going to my breadboards gnd ..
[11:09:08] <wrongle> maybe my circuits wrong?
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[11:09:56] <Kevin`> wrongle: easy enough to verify that by removing the connection to the microcontroller and connecting a (digital / high impedence) voltmeter instead
[11:10:08] <Tom_itx> does the photo resistor increase or decrease with ambient light?
[11:10:15] <wrongle> increase
[11:10:26] <Kevin`> wrongle: I didn't see a connection to vcc mentioned
[11:10:30] <Tom_itx> hook it to your pin and +5v
[11:10:38] <Tom_itx> thru maybe a resistor
[11:10:45] <Tom_itx> 300 ohm or whatever
[11:11:19] <Tom_itx> unless you have a pullup on the adc and that's not likely the way to do it
[11:11:52] <Kevin`> the values are normally high on those, 10kr or so from my earlier 'how DO those things work' looking
[11:12:08] <Kevin`> of course, that's testable too
[11:12:10] <Kevin`> bbl
[11:12:30] <Tom_itx> even if it's a direct short, the adc will read 5v
[11:12:36] <Tom_itx> not recomended
[11:12:39] <Tom_itx> but it should
[11:12:42] <wrongle> ok
[11:13:06] <Kevin`> I don't suppose you have a potentiometer?
[11:13:18] <Kevin`> those make for easy testing this sort of code
[11:13:31] <Tom_itx> that's why i put one in the example
[11:13:50] <Kevin`> bbl, really this time :)
[11:13:56] <Tom_itx> uh huh
[11:14:44] <wrongle> nah i dont
[11:14:46] <wrongle> must get one.
[11:14:59] spybert_ is now known as spybert
[11:15:00] <Tom_itx> rip apart an old vcr
[11:15:05] <Tom_itx> full of parts
[11:15:12] <wrongle> gotta find one but cool
[11:15:21] <Tom_itx> unless you're saving it for your porn collection
[11:15:47] <wrongle> hahaha
[11:16:24] -!- yoos has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
[11:16:24] * vectory still has vhs,, but not tv >_<
[11:16:33] <vectory> !seen rikusw
[11:16:39] * Tom_itx gives vectory a betamax
[11:17:01] <vectory> lol, thx, thats good for scraping i guess
[11:17:13] <Tom_itx> sony u fail
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[11:17:30] <inflex> put the StartWars Christmas Special on it
[11:23:33] -!- MrCurious [MrCurious!~MrCurious@] has joined #avr
[11:24:06] <wrongle> Tom_itx: I'm getting 0 for the read, does my circuit look correct? http://oi54.tinypic.com/219w8rr.jpg
[11:24:25] <wrongle> everything on the right breadboard was my working programmer/atmega328p setup. the left is what i added
[11:24:29] -!- awozniak [awozniak!~awozniak@adsl-76-205-222-174.dsl.snlo01.sbcglobal.net] has joined #avr
[11:25:17] <karl_> if the blue wire is on the right pin for the adc channel you're trying to read, yes
[11:25:45] <karl_> that's beautifully colour coded wiring you have there :)
[11:26:03] <wrongle> hehe
[11:26:31] <wrongle> if i look at this - http://arduino.cc/en/Hacking/PinMapping168
[11:26:53] <wrongle> which is the same as the 328, PC2 is the 4th one down, so it should be golden ...
[11:27:11] <wrongle> let me post my code
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[11:31:39] <wrongle> here is my code, maybe tom thou could if i messed anything up? http://pastebin.com/P68pA6Bw <- code, board/circuit: -> http://oi54.tinypic.com/219w8rr.jpg
[11:34:00] <karl_> I think you are not looking at the right side of the chip
[11:34:16] <wrongle> ?
[11:34:22] <karl_> those green wires from the programming header contain mosi/miso/sck/reset
[11:34:50] <karl_> port C, the analog inputs, are on the same side, pins 23 through 28
[11:35:12] <wrongle> I'm on pin 25 now (PC2)
[11:35:42] <karl_> oh, you're using a bootloader
[11:35:49] <wrongle> the side should be right, because I'm blinking PB5
[11:35:54] <karl_> so the green wires are going to tx/rx,
[11:35:56] <karl_> ok.
[11:35:58] <karl_> sorry, nevermind
[11:36:04] <wrongle> yeah everything worked before i added this
[11:36:11] <wrongle> nah thanks i appreciate it, you guys fucking rock.
[11:37:08] <wrongle> the 10k resistor is fine orr ...
[11:37:18] <wrongle> ahhh
[11:37:21] <wrongle> that is my problem!?
[11:38:39] <wrongle> nah
[11:40:15] <karl_> looks ok, but I'd just use the vcc aref for starters,
[11:40:28] <karl_> what are you getting?
[11:40:34] -!- manuel_ [manuel_!~manuel_@p57920D48.dip.t-dialin.net] has parted #avr
[11:41:31] <wrongle> i get -
[11:41:35] <wrongle> vcc aref?
[11:41:40] <karl_> I don't bother with the left aligned adc reads either, I find it just confuses the matter
[11:41:55] <wrongle> hmm
[11:42:07] <wrongle> what would you suggest, remember I'm a n00b to this, software no though
[11:43:04] <karl_> what's the code printing out? what's not working?
[11:44:04] <wrongle> well the code just prints 0
[11:44:10] <wrongle> whether anything is connected or not -
[11:44:12] <Tom_itx> i got a schematic here somewhere it's in the stack about 10yrs down
[11:44:17] <wrongle> the circuit looks fine right?
[11:45:37] <Tom_itx> what size r
[11:45:52] <wrongle> ?
[11:46:13] <Tom_itx> how big is the resistor
[11:47:18] <wrongle> 220k ohm
[11:47:25] <wrongle> gold, red black brown..
[11:48:12] <wrongle> i can try a new resistor maybe?
[11:49:13] <Tom_itx> not the problem
[11:49:19] <wrongle> hnnn ok ...
[11:49:37] <Tom_itx> make sure all the connections are connecting
[11:49:45] <Tom_itx> breadboards are horrible for that
[11:50:06] <Tom_itx> especially with a small cds wire
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[11:52:48] <wrongle> i checked them all :/ hmm
[11:53:00] <wrongle> I'm so used to debugging code, how else could i debug this?
[11:53:08] <wrongle> i have a multimeter
[11:53:12] <wrongle> never used before
[11:54:27] -!- kszonek has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
[11:55:55] <wrongle> i cant test a photoresistor with a multimeter right?
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[11:58:28] <vectory> why not?
[11:58:55] <wrongle> don't laugh, but i have never used one before
[11:59:05] <vectory> for all i care the photoresistor acts like a normal resistor, as long as the light doesnt change
[11:59:13] <wrongle> yeah
[11:59:22] <vectory> wrongle: no shame, i would break it in 2 minutes i guess ;)
[11:59:34] <wrongle> well so i have my positive negative -
[11:59:40] <wrongle> yet three holes in my multimeter
[11:59:49] <wrongle> oi have my battery in, works check!. ok ...
[12:00:08] <vectory> third is for alternating current?
[12:00:43] <wrongle> the three ports are : "10A", "COM" and "mAV"
[12:01:20] <wrongle> its 10a positive, com is my ground?
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[12:01:41] <Tom_itx> don't use 10A
[12:03:03] <wrongle> ok
[12:03:10] KongfuPanda is now known as PsyDuck
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[12:04:31] <wrongle> ok, positivve in com, cathode in mav ...
[12:04:44] <wrongle> what should my multimeter setting be on?
[12:04:47] <wrongle> (clueless)
[12:04:48] <Tom_itx> gotta run
[12:05:06] <Tom_itx> set it to ohms and test the wiring
[12:05:28] <wrongle> ahh got it
[12:05:31] <Tom_itx> a good connection will show close to zero ohms
[12:06:41] <grummund> gold, red black brown..
[12:06:48] <grummund> that would be 1k then
[12:07:03] <Tom_itx> i think he read it backwards
[12:07:23] <grummund> reading it backwards doesn't change the value :P
[12:07:31] <Tom_itx> but no time for noob 101 for me
[12:07:31] <wrongle> ahh with the multimeter i set it on 200k ohm
[12:07:36] <wrongle> haa Tom_itx
[12:07:39] <wrongle> ok
[12:07:45] PsyDuck is now known as HipnoFrog
[12:07:52] * Tom_itx puts grummund in charge
[12:08:32] HipnoFrog is now known as KongfuPanda
[12:09:28] <wrongle> ok so i needa 220k ressitor
[12:16:11] <karl_> njo, that shouldn't be why you read 0
[12:16:24] <karl_> if you switch the multimeter to volts
[12:16:37] <karl_> measure the voltage on the blue wire, either end
[12:16:43] <karl_> compared to ground
[12:16:59] <karl_> so "com" (black) multimeter lead to the ground of your circuit
[12:17:14] <karl_> and the "mav" (red) multimeter lead to the blue wire in your pic
[12:18:07] <karl_> having a wrong resistor will make the voltage:light ratios not sway as much, but if you're reading 0 all the time, you've either got the ADC pin shorting to ground somewhere, or the adc code isn't right.
[12:18:21] <wrongle> ok cool
[12:18:32] <wrongle> so what should my multimeter setting be, its all setup ..
[12:18:43] <karl_> volts?
[12:18:54] <karl_> one that will read in the 0-5V range?
[12:19:40] <wrongle> circuit seems fine then
[12:19:45] <wrongle> there is a 2v setting ...
[12:19:58] <wrongle> i should have gotten the good multimeter huh no the 15 $ one without alligator clips
[12:21:46] <wrongle> so on the plus side karl_ i have done my circuit correct, thanks
[12:22:17] <grummund> best to use the next range up, whatever that it... so it is >= 5V.
[12:23:49] <wrongle> ok
[12:23:59] <wrongle> well so that is fine, i get readings when connected ...
[12:24:13] <wrongle> so I'm on the 4th port down on the right hand side of my atmega328p
[12:24:29] <wrongle> PC2
[12:24:44] <wrongle> i used toms code
[12:24:44] <wrongle> http://pastebin.com/P68pA6Bw
[12:26:29] <grummund> so, it works then?
[12:26:33] <grummund> that's great!
[12:27:47] <wrongle> no it doesn't hah
[12:27:55] <wrongle> the m ultimeter got readings from the circuit when connected
[12:28:00] <wrongle> but my code must be a problem?
[12:28:26] <wrongle> i took toms code from here: http://tom-itx.dyndns.org:81/~webpage/how_to/atmega168/mega168_adc_index.php
[12:28:40] <grummund> do you want to say what it does do?
[12:28:50] -!- wrongle has quit [Quit: wrongle]
[12:28:52] <grummund> and how that differs from what yoy expect?
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[12:31:01] <wrongle> got disconnected
[12:31:08] <wrongle> so yeah I'm thinking that it must be the code
[12:33:42] <grummund> ok, let's check over the code...
[12:33:53] <grummund> change this line: photoresistor_value+= ADC;
[12:34:03] <grummund> to: photoresistor_value+= 1234;
[12:34:12] <grummund> and see what happens
[12:34:24] <grummund> wrongle: ^^
[12:34:46] <wrongle> ok
[12:37:00] <wrongle> ohhh
[12:37:01] <wrongle> 0!?
[12:40:52] <wrongle> got it!
[12:41:00] <wrongle> i somehow forgot this line read_adc();
[12:41:14] <wrongle> but, i learned a lot on debugging a circuit. glad i messed up and thank you grummed
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[13:00:46] <vectory> we were working with a thyristor in class and i dont get it. in this schematic, what happens if there is voltage on G but U_1 is off, will current from U_st still flow? http://www.foopics.com/showfull/9ed7d882a36491ddf527a3d104172ca7
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[13:10:15] <wrongle> vector, what classes are you taking? i'm 29, a CS guy i work in web startups and iOS now / but i thought about taking a proper EE course
[13:10:51] -!- RikusW [RikusW!~RikusW@] has joined #avr
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[13:13:35] <vectory> hi RikusW
[13:13:45] <RikusW> hi vectory
[13:14:51] <RikusW> vectory: got some other avr's by now ?
[13:14:58] <vectory> nope
[13:15:00] <vectory> :/
[13:15:13] <vectory> was eying an m88
[13:15:33] <vectory> or m8 instead of t13a for more pins
[13:15:44] <RikusW> look at m88 168 328 and compare prices
[13:16:01] <vectory> 88 is cheaper iirc
[13:16:24] <RikusW> I saw a m324 quite cheaply on RS about ZAR30 or so
[13:16:41] <RikusW> how much cheaper ?
[13:16:48] <vectory> lemme see
[13:16:58] <RikusW> maybe its worth paying a little more for 168 or 328
[13:17:20] <vectory> is the 88 not good?
[13:17:36] <RikusW> same as 168
[13:17:40] <RikusW> less flash
[13:17:53] <RikusW> I'll go for more flash
[13:18:04] <RikusW> it its price efficient
[13:18:13] <RikusW> say m88 = half m168
[13:18:17] <RikusW> take 2 m88
[13:18:21] <vectory> i like sizecoding :)
[13:18:43] <RikusW> better to have 2 avrs than one
[13:19:21] <vectory> well, 88 is 4.5€ to 168 with 4.6€ xD
[13:19:27] <RikusW> the tiny's seem a bit overprices to me....
[13:19:38] <RikusW> take 168 of course....
[13:19:41] <RikusW> and 328 ?
[13:20:00] <RikusW> that is in DIP package right ?
[13:20:25] <vectory> ye
[13:20:35] <vectory> 328 is 5¢ more
[13:20:43] <vectory> thats 5 leds :)
[13:20:48] <vectory> *50¢
[13:20:48] -!- xorm_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:20:49] <RikusW> then take the 328
[13:21:10] <RikusW> thats 328P ?
[13:21:12] <vectory> its 328p though, dont know the difference
[13:21:36] <RikusW> the dragon dW debugging somehow don't support 328 only 328P
[13:21:46] <RikusW> according to atmel....
[13:22:05] <RikusW> so I'd go for m328p
[13:22:37] <vectory> yes, well since i only want to build a clock, 5€ is a lot for one part
[13:22:53] <RikusW> whats the price for plain m8 ?
[13:23:06] <RikusW> m8 don't have dW support...
[13:23:15] <vectory> ATmega 8-16PU is 3.8
[13:25:25] <vectory> but m328p takes from 1.8 to 5 V, in the long run it would save
[13:25:44] * RikusW digs around for some old invoice
[13:26:51] <RikusW> my m328p cost ZAR43 at RS
[13:26:54] <vectory> you said u2s supports reverse polarity for RST signal, how is that enabled, not from avrdude i guess
[13:27:20] <vectory> local prices are a bit higher, but i save postage
[13:28:00] <RikusW> by setting the RESET_POLARITY signal, its part of the stk500 protocol
[13:28:18] <RikusW> s91dude should do it for you
[13:28:25] <RikusW> s89 ?...
[13:28:33] <vectory> s51
[13:28:39] <RikusW> ah
[13:29:10] <RikusW> s/signal/parameter/
[13:31:00] <RikusW> I got 6x m8 for ZAR16.30 ;)
[13:31:36] -!- quackuumtube has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds]
[13:31:36] <RikusW> but the new stock that came in to mantech is more expensive...
[13:31:42] <Steffanx> We need an automatic valuta changer
[13:32:04] <RikusW> ZAR/10 = Euro
[13:32:05] <RikusW> about
[13:32:38] <Steffanx> 10 ZAR = 0.890436785 euro nowadays
[13:33:27] <RikusW> so ZAR11 / Euro
[13:34:24] <Steffanx> Yeah
[13:36:27] <specing> we need
[13:36:38] <specing> !CANUCK 11ZAR to EUR
[13:36:38] <tobbor> Yankie.
[13:36:57] <specing> wasn't that disabled? ;O
[13:37:11] <RikusW> seems not :-P
[13:37:27] <specing> bot abuse... :D
[13:37:55] <vectory> we need the global fund, to count currency in globes instead of euros or ausie dollars
[13:38:28] <specing> lets call it an AVR
[13:38:28] -!- pro_z_ has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
[13:38:47] <RikusW> how about M99
[13:38:53] <RikusW> Money....
[13:38:58] <specing> "um... thats worth like 5 avrs..."
[13:39:21] <RikusW> or H for Hours of work
[13:42:15] <RikusW> vectory: toyed around loading custom apps on u2s ?
[13:42:55] <vectory> no
[13:43:24] <RikusW> or will you rather use it as a programmer only ?
[13:43:31] -!- mi6_x3m [mi6_x3m!~mi6_x3m@e179138076.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #avr
[13:44:28] <vectory> welp, i just looked in the datasheet and couldnt find out if theres a pwm pin or if any pin can be used for pwm
[13:44:32] -!- Kev has quit [Quit: 8-)]
[13:44:38] <vectory> then id like to try working with a piezo buzzer
[13:45:04] <RikusW> there is
[13:45:12] <RikusW> OCA / OCB
[13:46:12] <RikusW> the default clock is 8MHz (/2) unless you change the prescaler
[13:46:37] -!- spybert_ [spybert_!~spybert@c-24-6-42-37.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #avr
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[13:49:56] <vectory> that chip is so small, i can hardly read the print
[13:50:12] <vectory> m32-AU is the VQFP32 package?
[13:50:24] <RikusW> vectory: I got this one for ZAR270 :) http://store.atmel.com/CBC.aspx?q=c:100113 AT32UC3A3-XPLD
[13:50:37] <RikusW> m32u2 AU
[13:50:41] <RikusW> tqfp
[13:51:09] <RikusW> holding it at the right angle to the light helps for reading it...
[13:51:22] <RikusW> a magnifier helps too :-P
[13:51:51] <vectory> well, the ds has qfn and vqfp for the pin descriptions
[13:52:18] <RikusW> doc7799 ?
[13:52:40] <vectory> idd
[13:53:37] <vectory> but the pins are identical
[13:53:42] <vectory> as i just saw
[13:53:51] <RikusW> http://www.atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc7799.pdf
[13:54:09] <RikusW> I got 7799C-AVR-12/09
[13:54:37] <RikusW> even the qfn and qfp pins are the same
[13:55:05] <RikusW> good luck trying to solder a qfn32 ;)
[13:55:22] <RikusW> ah I see VQFP32....
[13:55:33] <RikusW> on page 2
[13:55:56] <RikusW> look in chapter 31. packaging information
[13:56:08] <RikusW> TQFP there...
[13:57:03] <RikusW> still haven't programmed anything onto my xpld board...
[13:57:26] <RikusW> it have 8MB sdram :)
[13:57:33] <RikusW> *has
[14:00:46] -!- bsdfox\ [bsdfox\!~h36sa@c-98-238-207-83.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #avr
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[14:17:29] <wrongle> if i have a method that i want to keep in a separate file. how would i go about that . i haven't done C in a long time. so its for printing to UART. i took the code placed it in UART.c, just #include that?
[14:19:46] spybert_ is now known as spybert
[14:19:46] <RikusW> no
[14:20:06] <RikusW> put void function(); in a header or in the other C file
[14:20:12] <wrongle> ahh
[14:20:17] <RikusW> then compile both C files and link it
[14:20:17] <wrongle> i think i got it cool
[14:20:22] <wrongle> sweet
[14:21:03] <RikusW> variables can be shared like : extern int i;
[14:21:24] <RikusW> but be carefull of too much globals ;)
[14:22:14] <wrongle> yeah
[14:22:15] <wrongle> hmm
[14:22:27] <wrongle> sorry I'm used to classes iOS style
[14:22:37] <wrongle> which is "objective c" but is kind of bullshit
[14:22:45] <wrongle> so for linking i get an error here - avr-gcc -Os -DF_CPU=16000000UL -mmcu=atmega328p -c -o main.o main.c UART.c
[14:24:12] <RikusW> error message ?
[14:24:47] -!- KongfuPanda has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 10.0a1/20111017031010]]
[14:24:48] <wrongle> avr-gcc -Os -DF_CPU=16000000UL -mmcu=atmega328p -c main.c UART.c -o main.o … ERROR=avr-gcc: cannot specify -o with -c or -S with multiple files
[14:26:30] <RikusW> avr-gcc -Os -DF_CPU=16000000UL -mmcu=atmega328p -c main.c UART.c -o main.o
[14:26:34] <RikusW> try that
[14:27:08] <wrongle> i just pasted that …
[14:27:23] <RikusW> remove the -c
[14:27:34] <RikusW> why main.o ?
[14:27:42] <RikusW> avr-gcc -Os -DF_CPU=16000000UL -mmcu=atmega328p main.c UART.c -o main
[14:29:09] <RikusW> or avr-gcc -Os -DF_CPU=16000000UL -mmcu=atmega328p -o main main.c UART.c
[14:29:15] <wrongle> sweet
[14:29:41] <RikusW> then you'll need to extract the hex file...
[14:31:03] <wrongle> yeah i have that in my makefile ..
[14:31:05] <wrongle> question though.
[14:31:11] <wrongle> in my .h i have void USART_init(unsigned int ubrr);
[14:31:26] <wrongle> then my body in my .c USART_init(unsigned int ubrr) {
[14:31:55] <wrongle> and in my main.c i call the funcs but I'm getting this error - UART.c:16: warning: conflicting types for 'USART_init'
[14:32:18] <RikusW> avr-objcopy -O ihex main main.hex
[14:32:33] <wrongle> i already have that hex part
[14:32:58] <wrongle> but what i am doing wrong with my .h / .c?
[14:32:59] <RikusW> void return type ?
[14:33:14] <RikusW> put void in .c
[14:33:56] <wrongle> sweet
[14:33:58] <wrongle> thanks.
[14:34:07] -!- jd_ce [jd_ce!~jd_ce@w003411pc.unwired.unomaha.edu] has joined #avr
[14:34:10] <wrongle> i didn't think that the return type had to be declared again /
[14:34:37] <RikusW> it needs to be exactly the same..
[14:35:32] <RikusW> putting this void USART_init(unsigned int); in the header will work....
[14:35:40] <RikusW> you don't need the name there
[14:36:00] <RikusW> but it won't hurt either
[14:38:22] <wrongle> cool
[14:38:36] <wrongle> in my .h extern will declare it as a global RikusW
[14:38:37] <wrongle> ?
[14:39:15] <RikusW> extern is for variable
[14:39:18] <RikusW> s
[14:39:25] <RikusW> sharing it between .c files
[14:39:39] <RikusW> extern int i; in header
[14:39:45] <RikusW> int i in .c
[14:39:54] <RikusW> only on c file
[14:39:57] <RikusW> one
[14:40:49] <wrongle> for example, i have an ADC read for photoresistors … for now i just wanted it segmented.
[14:40:54] <wrongle> so ADC.h .. extern volatile unsigned int photoresistor_value;
[14:40:55] <wrongle> extern char outs[20];
[14:40:56] <wrongle> ?
[14:41:04] <wrongle> then same in my .c but without extern?
[14:41:16] <RikusW> about
[14:42:03] -!- biker [biker!~biker@] has joined #avr
[14:44:14] <wrongle> nice great!
[14:44:21] <biker> hey rue i didnt know you were admin of this channel :P
[14:45:01] <biker> but well,., i have a question,., im doing a project that consists on controlling a litte car by wifi from android
[14:45:09] <biker> Im using an atmega128
[14:45:32] <biker> I know I have to use a wifi module to transmit and receive the commands
[14:46:04] <biker> I wanna know first if this module can make it? http://www.ebay.com/itm/UART-WiFi-Server-Client-Module-Kits-Arduino-Compatible-/130542318415?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item1e64edb34f#ht_10321wt_964
[14:52:17] -!- manuel____ [manuel____!~manuel_@pD9FDD840.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #avr
[14:54:01] <wrongle> biker - I'm also an iOS dev, new to EE though. So is android pretty easy (i remember seeing a conference vid on it) for interfacing with atmegas/arduinos?
[14:54:21] manuel____ is now known as manuel_
[14:55:21] <biker> wrongle, im not so sure, Im in a team and my part of the project is making the atmega128 receive the info and implement it,., not the andriod part,., but I have programmed a little bit with android, and I think you can make sockets so it can connect to the atmega
[14:55:44] <wrongle> ahh n/m i thought that there was some sort of SDK cool
[14:56:03] <biker> wrongle, jaja i dont think so,., or i dont know :P
[14:56:10] -!- phantoxe [phantoxe!~destroy@a95-92-86-197.cpe.netcabo.pt] has joined #avr
[14:56:15] <biker> is there any for the ios wrongle ?
[14:57:27] <wrongle> nah not sure. I'm sure i could write one, i thought that there was an SDK for android - i think that there is but not sure.
[14:57:57] <RikusW> there is a SDK for Android
[14:59:18] <biker> RikusW, do you know the name?
[15:00:12] <RikusW> Saw it on the web sometime
[15:00:21] * RikusW goes looking for the link
[15:01:02] <biker> thanks
[15:02:34] <RikusW> http://developer.android.com/sdk/index.html
[15:04:50] <biker> RikusW, thanks
[15:04:55] <wrongle> if I'm using PB5 on my atmega328p for my led output, I'm using DDRB |= (1 << 5); right now to set it for output … and then i set to high with PORTB |= (1 << 5); / i'm trying to also do PB4 also ...
[15:04:58] <biker> wrongle, i didnt know you meant that sdk :P
[15:05:05] <wrongle> nah i didn't mean that one
[15:05:27] <biker> thats a cool sdk for programming android with java and xml
[15:05:31] <biker> thats the one i use
[15:06:34] <biker> wrongle, so you wanna make pb4 also output and hight?
[15:06:36] <biker> high *
[15:06:41] <wrongle> yeah -
[15:07:07] <wrongle> i tried this .. but .. DDRB |= (2 << 5);
[15:07:15] <biker> nop thats not the way
[15:07:22] <biker> DDRB |= (1 << 4);
[15:07:41] <biker> with that you make pb4 an output
[15:07:52] <wrongle> ahhh ok cool
[15:07:53] <wrongle> ty
[15:08:24] <biker> the number on the left is the port number you wanna control
[15:08:34] <biker> sorry,., the one in the right
[15:08:39] <biker> and the number in the left will be always a 1
[15:09:00] <wrongle> awesome.
[15:09:33] <wrongle> i told my therapist that i hate programming for a living even though it kicks ass. so she said get a hobby. the past week has been really fun with electronics. first arduino then straight up avr
[15:09:35] <wrongle> its nice.
[15:09:40] <wrongle> ty biker
[15:09:58] <biker> wrongle, jaja sure :)
[15:10:08] <biker> wrongle, check tthis out
[15:10:17] <biker> is a list of the tutorials i found in avrfreaks
[15:12:23] <biker> wrongle, http://pastebin.com/R42DyCcr
[15:15:26] <wrongle> COOL THX MAN -
[15:17:11] <RikusW> DDRB |= (1 << 5) | (1 << 4);
[15:17:29] -!- niloc132 has quit [Quit: niloc132]
[15:20:07] <RikusW> (1 << 5) | (1 << 4) == (3 << 4) == 0x30
[15:22:02] <biker> RikusW, (3<<4) is because 3 in binary == 11, so it puts a 1 in the 4th pin and the other in the next one, meaning the 5th pin?
[15:22:32] -!- niloc132 [niloc132!~colin@ppp-69-217-196-241.dsl.chcgil.ameritech.net] has joined #avr
[15:22:50] <RikusW> rather don't use 3<<4 in your code ;)
[15:23:11] <RikusW> will only confuse people...
[15:23:22] <RikusW> 0x30 hex is better
[15:23:33] <RikusW> or (1<<x)
[15:23:48] <RikusW> yes
[15:24:25] <biker> okok ty
[15:24:30] <RikusW> I only use hex for avr ports and only sometimes
[15:24:50] <RikusW> for the other registers always use (1<<name) | (1<<name)
[15:25:01] <RikusW> otherwise your code may not be portable....
[15:25:12] <RikusW> some avr's change bit positions...
[15:25:28] -!- MrCurious__ [MrCurious__!~MrCurious@] has joined #avr
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[15:28:44] <biker> oo okok
[15:29:46] -!- oriba [oriba!~oriba@e178014214.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #avr
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[15:38:41] <vectory> we were working with a thyristor in class and i dont get it. in this schematic, what happens if there is voltage on G but U_1 is off, will current from U_st still flow? http://www.foopics.com/showfull/9ed7d882a36491ddf527a3d104172ca7
[15:39:14] -!- serp_ [serp_!~serp@111-248-69-226.dynamic.hinet.net] has joined #avr
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[15:55:32] <wrongle> i decided my first usable project is going to be a watch with an lcd (once I finish learning a bit more :P ) / what's a compact LCD?
[15:55:36] <wrongle> square is best? :P
[16:06:36] -!- tom-log [tom-log!~tom-log@ip68-102-109-205.ks.ok.cox.net] has joined #avr
[16:07:06] -!- Tom_L [Tom_L!~Tl@unaffiliated/toml/x-013812] has joined #avr
[16:07:36] <wrongle> =-]
[16:08:54] <karl_> wrongle: what terrible irc client are you using that shortend that url you pasted?
[16:08:59] <karl_> this is irc!
[16:09:13] <wrongle> bit.ly no irc client hah
[16:09:20] <wrongle> sorry, so used to web
[16:09:24] <wrongle> just a github link
[16:10:03] <karl_> where on the web are you regularly using bit.ly anyway?
[16:10:21] <karl_> the only justifiable use of url shorteners is if you expecting people to remember the url/write it down
[16:10:44] <TeknoJuce> ya free stuff that I dont know how to use... http://pic.twitter.com/iQAQsjvI
[16:11:02] <wrongle> twitter
[16:11:50] <karl_> yeah, and even twitter now at least show the real url, it just hides it internally.
[16:11:54] <wrongle> night everyone.
[16:12:02] <karl_> TeknoJuce: ! I want one!
[16:12:02] -!- wrongle has quit [Quit: wrongle]
[16:12:06] <TeknoJuce> stm32F4
[16:12:13] <Tom_itx> where was he from?
[16:12:20] * karl_ shrugs
[16:12:23] <TeknoJuce> if you are from the us or can they are free :P
[16:12:25] <Tom_itx> i was gonna ask
[16:12:28] <Tom_itx> but he quit
[16:12:32] <TeknoJuce> goto the website...
[16:12:40] <karl_> TeknoJuce: yeah, I know, but not here in Iceland :)
[16:12:59] <TeknoJuce> well ship it to my house then I will ship it to yours :P
[16:13:01] -!- lifeeth [lifeeth!~praneeth@unaffiliated/lifeeth] has joined #avr
[16:13:27] <Tom_itx> TeknoJuce what is it the arm thing?
[16:13:35] <karl_> TeknoJuce: if you want to do something with it: https://github.com/texane/stlink has a programmer and some examples
[16:13:46] <vectory> http://www.st.com/internet/com/MULTIMEDIA_RESOURCES/IMAGE/BOARD_PHOTO/stm32f4_discovery.jpg
[16:13:52] <karl_> we haven't got writing to flash yet, the first people only just starting getting these boards
[16:13:54] -!- Gurgalof has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds]
[16:14:30] <karl_> but you can load to sram and run from there
[16:15:01] <Steffanx> They jus have to reverse engineer the bootloader, so you can use the versaloon fw
[16:15:29] <Steffanx> So you can restore it back to the original state when you want to
[16:15:43] <TeknoJuce> I wonder what dev tools are best for n00bs to the platform
[16:15:55] <karl_> or, do what stlink is, which is use the onboard stlink to do all that for you
[16:16:01] <karl_> no need to get involved in the bootloader at all
[16:16:11] -!- Tom_L has quit []
[16:16:13] <karl_> just progrm it via SWD
[16:16:35] <TeknoJuce> karl_ do you have one already or earlier models?
[16:16:50] <karl_> I have the 32L,
[16:17:11] <Steffanx> I have the VL L(
[16:17:12] <karl_> I just got a VL too, to make sure that stlink is compatible with both, but I haven't even opened that box yet.
[16:17:13] <Steffanx> *:)
[16:17:15] <karl_> been a busy week
[16:17:42] <TeknoJuce> have a blog etc of stuff you have done with it?
[16:17:43] <Steffanx> That texane stlink stuff is linux only unfortunately
[16:18:19] <karl_> well, on windows, you have tools from st
[16:18:29] <Steffanx> On OS X you have .. nothing
[16:18:30] <karl_> there were no tools for linux before
[16:18:35] <karl_> no, OSX just got merged in
[16:18:42] <karl_> yesterdays commit
[16:18:43] <Steffanx> Oh, there's support now?
[16:18:46] <karl_> yeah
[16:18:51] <karl_> at least for the 32L and F4,
[16:19:01] <karl_> not sure if the changes for the 32VL have been merged in yet.
[16:19:03] <Tom_itx> they want everybody on board
[16:19:15] <Tom_itx> Steffanx you should get one
[16:19:15] <TeknoJuce> think I saw this nfo on HaD
[16:19:23] <karl_> we've made a whole heap of progress on stlink in the last two weeks
[16:19:27] <Steffanx> Get one what Tom_itx ?
[16:19:33] <Tom_itx> st board
[16:19:54] <karl_> kinda the wrong channel though isn't it? ;)
[16:20:00] <Steffanx> I have a stm32vl discovery, but that one has a slowish ARM :(
[16:20:16] <TeknoJuce> is there a channel on freenode :)
[16:20:24] <Tom_itx> yes
[16:20:30] <Tom_itx> i forget the name
[16:20:33] <Tom_itx> hang on
[16:20:34] <Steffanx> #stm32 ?
[16:20:42] <Tom_itx> no
[16:20:42] <TeknoJuce> guess that works?
[16:20:52] <Tom_itx> there are probably half a dozen now
[16:21:56] <Tom_itx> earthtaker has ##STM32F4DISCOVERY
[16:22:05] <Tom_itx> he's pretty lonesome though
[16:22:56] <Steffanx> Why all those channels when there's #stm32 ? :S
[16:23:50] <TeknoJuce> think I will stick to the #stm32
[16:24:06] <Tom_itx> well steer anyone else there that may have a stumbling channel
[16:24:25] <Tom_itx> mind if i log it with my bot?
[16:24:32] <Tom_itx> who owns it?
[16:25:43] <Tom_itx> izua
[16:25:51] <Steffanx> Yes yes
[16:26:17] <Tom_itx> you think he'd care?
[16:26:34] <Steffanx> I think he doesn't
[16:26:45] <Tom_itx> there will be lots of info early on ppl will want to get
[16:28:35] <TeknoJuce> dildonics platform here we come!
[16:29:47] <Tom_itx> i modded it a bit
[16:29:50] <Tom_itx> had to restart it
[16:29:58] <TeknoJuce> yeah just kidding around :P
[16:30:17] <Tom_itx> i killed all the join part stuff for now
[16:30:18] <TeknoJuce> you need to make it hawt-updatable
[16:30:21] <Tom_itx> makes it more readable
[16:30:28] <Tom_itx> ?
[16:30:35] <Tom_itx> oh
[16:30:37] <Tom_itx> pfft
[16:30:38] <TeknoJuce> no restarts :)
[16:30:59] <Tom_itx> Steffanx
[16:31:08] <Steffanx> Yes?
[16:37:02] <karl_> Tom_itx: where do the logs go?
[16:37:13] <Tom_itx> on my server
[16:37:17] <Steffann> tom-log
[16:37:22] <Tom_itx> same as my webpage
[16:40:52] <Tom_itx> would it be useful to see all the join/part or just annoying?
[16:42:01] <vanquish> Tom_itx: it helps to understand why somone may have rather rudely started ignoring someone
[16:42:12] <vanquish> Tom_itx: what app do you use for logging?
[16:42:26] <Tom_itx> i got it from psha in emc
[16:43:21] <Tom_itx> i'll add them back i guess. it's annoying when freenode goes nuts though
[16:45:01] <vanquish> psha?
[16:45:17] <Steffann> /join #emc
[16:45:35] <Tom_itx> http://psha.org.ru/cgit/psha/logbot/commit/?id=972c09aefe6645653abb97e9ff6608e0e98a63e5
[16:45:47] <Tom_itx> pretty basic
[16:46:10] <Tom_itx> he's likely sleeping
[16:46:11] <Tom_itx> ru
[16:46:17] <vanquish> python....hmm
[16:46:26] <vanquish> what kind of memory footprint does it have?
[16:46:30] <Steffann> It's weekend..
[16:46:35] <vanquish> i had a java log bot, but it was like 500mb of ram
[16:46:40] <Steffann> lolol
[16:46:46] <Tom_itx> .5
[16:46:46] <vanquish> yeah
[16:46:51] * vanquish is pleased
[16:48:23] <Tom_itx> err no that's the wrong one
[16:48:25] <Tom_itx> 2.5
[16:49:07] <Tom_itx> ok time to add the junk back
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[16:51:37] <specing> vanquish: lmao
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[16:52:02] <specing> I had a C log bot, it was 50Kbytes of ram
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[21:25:13] <inflex> blimey, hard to believe that over 4400 US troops have died in Iraq... sheeesh
[21:25:30] <inflex> anyhow, now I have my BNC connectors, have to try find a way to cable them up, since I'm not using coaxial
[21:42:08] <Casper> hot glue!
[21:44:09] <Tom_itx> i did that and you frowned on me
[21:50:04] <Casper> man trying to understand an invoice
[21:50:11] <Casper> can't understand it
[21:50:58] <inflex> Casper: yep, I use that stuff a lot
[21:51:18] <inflex> I also frown a lot on hotglue... but I use it so much
[21:51:22] <Tom_itx> ok well, it blinks
[21:51:29] <inflex> just wish I could get a slightly higher temp one
[21:54:45] <inflex> I've tried a lot of things, but hotglue is just so hard to replace for a lot of the stuff I do
[21:55:07] <Tom_itx> silicone
[21:55:19] <Tom_itx> but it takes time to set
[21:56:40] <inflex> precisely, and the tube goes "off"
[21:57:05] <inflex> that's the thing that's so hard to beat with hotglue, lasts indefinitely on the shelf, sets quick, very low toxicity
[21:57:20] <Casper> is it even toxic?
[21:57:32] <inflex> btw, Australians - E14/Farnell has a lot of resistors at 0.1c/pc now at 5000 lots
[21:57:41] <inflex> clearly they realised that their 5~6c/pc pricing was pure bunk
[21:57:50] * inflex has bought about 50,000 so far
[21:57:57] <inflex> (for 0603 1% stuff
[21:58:18] <inflex> Casper: I'm sure there's some level of toxicity in it, but not a lot, no worse than home glues
[22:00:54] <Casper> well
[22:01:18] <Casper> the msds basically say: None of the ingredients in this product exceeding 0.1% are on the IARC, NTP, or OSHA lists of carcinogenic hazards.
[22:02:39] <Casper> the danger is burns, and the fume could be irritating
[22:03:13] <Casper> burn data is incomplete, but, well, if you burn it, you know it could get toxic
[22:07:17] <inflex> ja, that's to be expected (regarding the burning), since it's a plasticy thing
[22:07:49] <Casper> there is also no LD50 data
[22:08:12] <Casper> what the
[22:08:14] <inflex> just give it to some preschool kids and see what happens
[22:08:30] <Casper> you know, they made the lion king...
[22:08:36] <Casper> did you knew that they made a 2?
[22:09:10] <inflex> yes
[22:09:24] <Casper> and what about a 3?
[22:09:47] <Tom_itx> you see forest gump?
[22:10:03] <Casper> buba
[22:10:36] <Tom_itx> i saw where they filmed the bench scene and where the feather fell from a couple weeks ago
[22:10:48] <inflex> hrmm... can you split an Eagle net and have both ends still keep the same name?
[22:10:48] <Casper> oh?
[22:11:09] <Tom_itx> inflex, it's tricky but you can
[22:11:16] <inflex> because I'm trying to setup named-nets on my schem so I don't have traces all over the place, but every time I split them one end changes
[22:11:20] <Casper> inflex: what's the goal? reroute? or save schematics space?
[22:11:20] <Tom_itx> i start a new one on each end
[22:11:26] <Tom_itx> then delete the original
[22:11:32] <inflex> Casper: cleaning up the damned schem
[22:11:40] <inflex> Tom_itx: ok
[22:12:00] <Tom_itx> Casper in Savannah Ga
[22:12:13] <Tom_itx> apparently the film alot down there
[22:12:49] <Casper> there is more and more american production comming around here in canada
[22:13:08] <Casper> we have some massive scenery change with very little road to do
[22:13:09] <inflex> Tom_itx: hrmm... didn't work
[22:13:13] <inflex> *tries something diff*
[22:13:35] <Tom_itx> inflex, it will if they're connected when you make the new ones
[22:13:45] <Tom_itx> that or rename them
[22:13:51] <Tom_itx> and it'll ask about the target name
[22:14:18] <Casper> rename both and it should work
[22:14:30] <Tom_itx> you shouldn't have to
[22:15:27] * Casper wonders if he can find nemo in 1080p
[22:18:20] <Casper> of course! thanks google, first link!
[22:19:07] <inflex> Do you guys use the active-pullup service in AVRs for buttons etc?
[22:19:30] * inflex still usually puts an external pullup resistor on them... but wondering if I really need to - or if I can just rely on the internal pullup
[22:20:28] <Casper> I wonder how long a switch would last with a 10nF cap in parallel...
[22:21:05] <CapnKernel> inflex: Do you mean the internal pull-ups? Yes, all the time. Just put a switch from the pin to ground and you're off and running.
[22:21:35] <CapnKernel> I have one project where I'm reading from a Nintendo DS touchscreen. For that project, you need to be able to turn on and off the internal pull-ups!
[22:22:55] <inflex> CapnKernel: yeah, very tempting to do so here... saves quite a few parts - I know saving 1 resistor seems silly but it counts when you do a few hundred :
[22:24:12] <Tom_itx> sounds like inflex is back in production again :)
[22:24:36] <inflex> Tom_itx: just trying to optimise
[22:24:48] <inflex> Tom_itx: a bit upset atm, can't get a reliable stencil cut from the machine
[22:25:18] <inflex> wasted 3 sheets of film last night... larger pads like 1206 etc are fine, perfect in fact, but 0603's and SO8 pads are not cutting through :(
[22:28:16] <inflex> very frustrating because it takes an hour to do the sheet ( 4 x 5 matrix of the stencil )
[22:28:17] <Tom_itx> what happened?
[22:28:28] <CapnKernel> Wow that bad!
[22:28:34] <Casper> he decided to not tell you
[22:28:39] <CapnKernel> Apparently so.
[22:29:07] <Tom_itx> maybe he just fell outta the tree
[22:30:00] <Casper> or the tree fell outta him
[22:31:43] * Casper shakes head
[22:32:13] <Tom_itx> you just have no fait
[22:32:15] <Tom_itx> h
[22:32:40] <Casper> http://imgur.com/gallery/WZ3cZ
[22:40:00] <inflex> Casper: that's surprisingly effective
[22:40:26] <Casper> it's one of the creepyest one I've seen in a long time
[22:40:31] <Casper> yet it's the simplest one
[22:40:38] <inflex> yep
[22:42:14] * inflex goes back upstairs to see if he can sort out the stencil again... I have to build 50 units of this thing, don't want to be doing it in little batches of 6
[22:43:06] <Tom_itx> inflex, what happend to change it?
[22:43:20] <Tom_itx> dull blade?
[22:45:08] <CapnKernel> Casper: That's very disturbing.
[22:46:28] <Tom_itx> she should carry some blood bags in her mouth too
[22:46:58] <CapnKernel> Are we sure it's a she? Jawline looks male, then there's the stubble
[22:47:16] <Tom_itx> then go to the door with the candy dish when the kids ring the bell
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[22:47:51] <Tom_itx> didn't look that close really
[23:51:53] <inflex> Tom_itx: yes, dull blade is a bit of a problem, but also the thickness of the sheets... and *shrug* a lot of things, I think the cutter itself is inconsistent with its pressure
[23:52:09] <inflex> Tom_itx: would like to rip it apart one day and improve the pressure system, as I suspect it's only a current-controlled solenoid