Timing Report

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Design Name first
Device, Speed (SpeedFile Version) XC9536, -7 (3.0)
Date Created Wed Dec 11 22:42:26 2019
Created By Timing Report Generator: version P.20131013
Copyright Copyright (c) 1995-2013 Xilinx, Inc. All rights reserved.


Notes and Warnings
Note: This design contains no timing constraints.
Note: A default set of constraints using a delay of 0.000ns will be used for analysis.

Performance Summary
Pad to Pad Delay (tPD) 7.500 ns.

Timing Constraints

Constraint Name Requirement (ns) Delay (ns) Paths Paths Failing
AUTO_TS_F2F 0.0 0.0 0 0
AUTO_TS_P2P 0.0 7.5 1 1
AUTO_TS_P2F 0.0 0.0 0 0
AUTO_TS_F2P 0.0 0.0 0 0

Constraint: AUTO_TS_F2F

Description: MAXDELAY:FROM:FFS(*):TO:FFS(*):0.000 nS
Path Requirement (ns) Delay (ns) Slack (ns)

Constraint: AUTO_TS_P2P

Description: MAXDELAY:FROM:PADS(*):TO:PADS(*):0.000 nS
Path Requirement (ns) Delay (ns) Slack (ns)
button to led 0.000 7.500 -7.500

Constraint: AUTO_TS_P2F

Description: MAXDELAY:FROM:PADS(*):TO:FFS(*):0.000 nS
Path Requirement (ns) Delay (ns) Slack (ns)

Constraint: AUTO_TS_F2P

Description: MAXDELAY:FROM:FFS(*):TO:PADS(*):0.000 nS
Path Requirement (ns) Delay (ns) Slack (ns)

Number of constraints not met: 1

Data Sheet Report

Pad to Pad List

Source Pad Destination Pad Delay
button led 7.500

Number of paths analyzed: 1
Number of Timing errors: 1
Analysis Completed: Wed Dec 11 22:42:26 2019