robotics - electronics - machining
  Monday March 10th 2025 07:35:20 AM

My Sherline CNC Page

I've always been interested in cad and cad/cam stuff. I've done a bit of commercial cnc programming in the past and have the software for it. Since I quit doing it commercially I just had to find a way to continue on using the software and making parts because it's something I enjoy doing. The combination of robotics and cnc machining is a natural. I've been to several trade shows and searched the web and decided upon a Sherline mill retrofitted with a Flashcut cnc package. It's not near the machine I'd like to own but it serves me well due to the size limitations I have.

Here's a little better shot of it. You can see I've added an aluminum plate to the worktable. I've drilled and tapped the plate on 1" centers to help make setups a bit quicker.

These are some tiny mills i got to try milling pc board traces.

Compared to an ordinary sewing pin they are pretty small.

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