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Sets the property security
[<cServer>|<nConId>]) --> lSuccess
Netware: 2.2 and 3.11
<cObjName> Designates the name of the object.
<nObjType> Designates a numeric value that specifies the object type.
The header file CTNNET.CH contains symbolic constants for the object
types defined by Novell for use in conjunction with the bindery
functions of CA-Clipper Tools.
<cProp> Designates the property for which the security is modified.
<nSafe> Designates the new value for the property security. This
value specifies the rights required to find (read) or to modify (write)
the property. The settings are defined with a bit-coded mask. The low-
ordered bits control the read access to the bindery object; the high-
ordered bits control the write access to the bindery object.
Table 18.5: Values for Property Security
Value Hex Bin Definition
0 0 0000 Access allowed to all users
1 1 0001 Access allowed to users who have logged in to the
file server
2 2 0010 Access allowed to users who have logged in to the
file server with password
3 3 0011 Access allowed to users who have logged in to the
file server as the supervisor or as a user who has
supervisor equivalence
4 4 0100 Access only allowed to the network operating system
<cServer> Designates the name of the file server used. Your
workstation must be attached to <cServer>.
<nConId> Designates the connection ID of your workstation on
NNETPRPSEC() returns .T. if the new security value (<nSafe>) has been
set successfully.
Important! NNETPRPSEC() is a low level bindery function and should
be used only with extensive knowledge of the bindery concept and the
Novell API.
NNETPRPSEC() allows you to modify the security of existing properties.
For efficiency reasons numeric values for <nObjType> must be passed in
the high-low format. This function requires supervisor rights.
Set the security of the property IDENTIFICATION of the user object MICK
to 51 (hex 33):
? 'Security modified successfully!'
? 'Error!'
See Also:
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson