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 Introduction User and Group Management
 NNETACCDIS() Sets or queries an access account lock
 NNETADDGRP() Adds one or more users to a group
 NNETAEXPD()  Determines or sets the expiration date of an access account
 NNETCOPRIV() Tests for console privileges under Novell
 NNETCPASS()  Modifies or sets the password for a bindery object
 NNETCRTGRP() Creates a new group
 NNETCRTUSR() Creates a new user
 NNETGROUPS() Queries the user groups on a file server
 NNETGRPMEM() Checks to see if a user is a member of a group
 NNETINGRPS() Determines the groups to which a user belongs
 NNETLGUSER() Determines the users currently logged in on a file server
 NNETMAXCON() Sets or determines the maximum number of connections
 NNETOCNUMS() Determines all of the stations where a user is logged in
 NNETPEXPD()  Sets or determines the password expiration date
 NNETPEXPI()  Sets or determines the password expiration interval
 NNETPWGRCE() Sets or queries the number of grace logins
 NNETPWLEN()  Sets or determines the minimum password length
 NNETREMGRP() Removes one or more users from a group
 NNETSPRVSR() Determines if the logged in user has supervisor rights
 NNETUSERS()  Determines the users on a file server
 NNETUSINGR() Determines the users that are members of a group
 NNETVPASS()  Verifies a password for a bindery object
 NNETUSERID() Queries the established network user IDs

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson