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 Introduction Mathematical Functions
 ACOS()       Computes the cosine arc
 ASIN()       Computes the sine arc
 ATAN()       Computes the tangent arc
 ATN2()       Computes the angle size from the sine and cosine
 CEILING()    Rounds up to the next integer
 COS()        Computes the cosine
 COT()        Computes the cotangent
 DTOR()       Converts from a degree to radian measure
 FACT()       Computes the factorial
 FLOOR()      Rounds down to the next integer
 FV()         Computes future value of capital
 GETPREC()    Determines the level of precision that is set
 LOG10()      Computes the common logarithm
 PAYMENT()    Computes the periodic payment amount
 PERIODS()    Computes number of payment periods necessary to repay a loan
 PI()         Returns pi with the highest degree of accuracy
 PV()         Computes the cash present value after interest charges
 RATE()       Computes the interest rate for a loan
 RTOD()       Converts from a radian to degree measure
 SETPREC()    Sets the precision level for trigonometric functions
 SIGN()       Determines the mathematical sign of a number
 SIN()        Computes the sine of a radian value
 TAN()        Computes the tangent of a radian value

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