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 Identifies a DOS error that has occurred previously

     ERRORCODE([<lKeep>]) --> nDosErrorCode

     Warning!  This function requires DOS 3.1 or higher.


     <lKeep>  When this parameter is designated as .T., the function
     returns the internal error code memory value.


     ERRORCODE() returns a value that represents the error code that occurred
     during the most-recently executed DOS function.


     If you do not specify a parameter or if the parameter is .F., then
     ERRORCODE() calls the DOS error function (INT 21h, 59h) and returns the
     code value stored for the most-recent error.  DOS stores the most-recent
     error code until a new error occurs.  If your operation is error free,
     this value is not  reset.

     To take this situation into account, ERRORCODE() can alternatively be
     called with <lkeep> set to .T..  If called like this, the error code
     always relates to the last CA-Clipper Tools function that was executed.
     Since the respective CA-Clipper Tools function behavior is stored at an
     internal memory location, it is impossible to implement this option with
     regular CA-Clipper functions.


     .  You can find a table that contains all the error codes in
        Appendix B:  Error Codes.


     .  This example attempts to copy a file.  If an error occurs,
        FILECOPY() returns a value of 0 which offers no specific error

        nBytes  :=  FILECOPY("TEST\TEST.PRG", "NEW.PRG")
        IF nBytes = 0 .AND. ERRORCODE() = 3
           ? "File path not found!"

     .  An example of two file copies is illustrated below:

       The first file is unsuccessful, but the second file is not:

        ? ERRORCODE(.T.)                  // 2 - File not found
        ? ERRORCODE()                     // 2 - File not found
        ? ERRORCODE(.T.)                  // 0 - Last Tools
                                          // function was successful
        ? ERRORCODE()                     // 2 - File not found

     Warning!  Any CA-Clipper Tools function that contains a DOS call
     resets the internal variable retrieved by setting <lKeep> .  The
     following call series never returns the desired result, because the
     first call of ERRORCODE() contains a DOS call:

     ? ERRORCODE(), ERRORCODE(.T.)        // Result: x, 0

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson