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 Retrieves the DOS command line as a string

     DOSPARAM() --> cDOSCommandLine


     DOSPARAM() returns the parameters from the DOS command line.


     DOSPARAM() returns all the parameters passed from the DOS command when
     you run the application.  Use DOSPARAM() when you do not want the
     parameters to be separated.  With this function, it is no longer
     necessary to check each individual parameter in a loop.


     .  With the TOKEN() function, it is easy to break down the
        returned character string.  It can also use your own rules.


     Given the DOS command line C>MyApp A: C: /a ,
     the following is true:

     DOSPARAM()                // "A: C: /a"
     TOKEN(DOSPARAM())         // "A"

     This way, it is easy to break down parameter lines according to your own

See Also: TOKEN()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson