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 Establishes a volume label for a floppy or hard disk

     VOLUME(<cDiskName>) --> lEstablished


     <cDiskName>  Designates a name to use on a new volume label.  A
     drive designation is allowed; path designation and wildcards are not.


     VOLUME() returns .T. when the new volume entry is created.


     DOS provides a volume label as a disk identifier.  With the VOLUME()
     function you can establish this label.  There is never more than one
     label per floppy or hard disk.  A volume label can be up to 11
     characters long, but when you use a period (.) it must always follow the
     eighth character.

     You can query the volume label with FILESEEK(), since the value 8 is
     assigned as the volume attribute.


     .  A new volume label is always created in the root directory.

     .  The function acknowledges the CSETSAFETY() setting and, if
        necessary, does not overwrite an existing label.


     .  Establish a volume label for A: drive:

     .  Query the A: drive volume label:

        ? FILESEEK("A:\*.*", 8)      // Based on example 1 "VOLO815"

See Also: FILESEEK()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson