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 Sets the default opening mode (share mode) for CA-Clipper Tools file

     SETSHARE(<nShareMode>) --> lAccepted


     <nShareMode>  Designates the desired share mode.


     SETSHARE() returns .T. when the desired share mode is implemented (must
     be DOS version - 3.1 or higher).


     The setting you implement here influences all CA-Clipper Tools functions
     that open, read, or write to a file.  The share mode can be set here.
     It determines when a program opens a file under DOS and how other
     programs within a network may address this file.  The CA-Clipper Tools
     default is 0, compatibility mode.  The following codes apply:

     Table 7-23: Share Mode Coding
     Code    Share Mode
     0       Compatibility mode.  Here DOS or the network software itself
             determines the share mode.  In Novell networks, the SHAREABLE
             attribute plays an important role in this relationship.
     1       Both read and write by other programs are locked out.
     2       Write by other programs are locked out.
     3       Read by other programs are locked out.
     4       Not locked.  Read and write by other programs is allowed


     Important!  This function can only be used with DOS versions 3.1 or
     higher.  Older versions return .F..


     .  Change share mode, prohibit writing by others:

        ? SETSHARE(2)          // .T., when >= DOS 3.1

     .  Bad parameter:

        ? SETSHARE(12)         // .F.

See Also: GETSHARE()
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