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 Determines the usable area within a window

     WFORMAT([<nTopRow>, <nLeftColumn>, <nBottomRow>,
        <nRightColumn>]) --> nWindow


     <nTopRow>,<nLeftColumn>,<nBottomRow>,<nRightColumn>  Designate the
     coordinate values for the text output area of a selected window.


     WFORMAT() returns the currently selected window's handle.


     The WFORMAT() function can be used to reduce the area in which text
     output occurs compared to the actual area of the window.  This allows
     you to define a margin between the text and the borders of a window
     where you cannot write.  The four parameters define the margin between
     the old border and the output area.


     .  The sum of the <nTopRow> and <nBottomRow> values must not
        exceed the internal height of the window and that the sum of the
        <nLeftColumn> and <nRightColumn> values must not exceed the internal
        width of the window.  In any size window, the output area can be
        reduced down to one character.

     .  Negative values increase the text output area while positive
        values reduce it.  A WFORMAT() with very large negative values
        removes all borders.

     .  This function cannot be used with the physical screen (Window

     .  To write in the border area, you can also use a negative row
        value in @ .. SAY: (@ -1, 5 SAY "Help with input").


     .  The function reduces the output area of the selected window at
        the top and bottom by one row each, and by two columns each on the
        right and left.  The area becomes two rows and four columns smaller:

        WFORMAT(1, 2, 1, 2)

     .  Here, all borders previously set with WFORMAT() are canceled,
        making it possible to write within the entire window again:


See Also: WSELECT() WBOX()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson