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 Introduction Disk Utilities
 DELETEFILE() Deletes an error-tolerant file
 DIRCHANGE()  Changes the current directory
 DIRMAKE()    Creates a directory
 DIRNAME()    Determines the name of the current directory
 DIRREMOVE()  Removes a directory
 DISKCHANGE() Changes the current disk drive
 DISKCHECK()  Creates a checksum for a disk
 DISKFORMAT() Formats disks, controlled through a UDF
 DISKFREE()   Determines the space available on a floppy or hard disk
 DISKNAME()   Determines the drive designator for the current drive
 DISKREADY()  Tests to see if a disk drive is ready
 DISKREADYW() Queries whether you can write to a drive
 DISKSPEED()  Determines a comparison value for the drive speed
 DISKSTAT()   Determines the status of a drive.
 DISKTOTAL()  Determines the total capacity of a floppy or hard disk
 DISKTYPE()   Determines the type of data carrier
 DRIVETYPE()  Determines the drive type
 FILEAPPEND() Appends data to a file
 FILEATTR()   Determines a file's attributes
 FILECCLOSE() Closes a file after backup mode
 FILECCONT()  Copies sections of a file in backup mode
 FILECDATI()  Determines which date the target file contains with FILECOPY()
 FILECHECK()  Calculates/computes/determines a checksum for a file
 FILECOPEN()  Tests to see if the file is still open in the backup mode
 FILECOPY()   Copies files normally or in backup mode
 FILEDATE()   Determines the file date
 FILEDELETE() Deletes file(s) by name and attribute
 FILEMOVE()   Moves files to another directory
 FILESEEK()   Searches for files by name and attribute
 FILESIZE()   Determines the size of a file
 FILESTR()    Reads a portion of a file into a string
 FILETIME()   Determines a file's time
 FILEVALID()  Tests whether a string has a valid file name
 FLOPPYTYPE() Determines the exact type of floppy drive
 GETSHARE()   Determines the file open (share) mode
 NUMDISKF()   Determines the number of installed disk drives
 NUMDISKH()   Determines the number of hard disks
 NUMDISKL()   Determines the number of available logical drives
 RENAMEFILE() Fault tolerant renaming of a file.
 RESTFSEEK()  Restores the FILESEEK environment
 SAVEFSEEK()  Saves the current FILESEEK environment
 SETFATTR()   Sets a file's attributes
 SETFCREATE() Default attribute for creating with CA-Clipper Tools functions
 SETFDATI()   Sets the date and time of a file
 SETSHARE()   Sets default opening mode for CA-Clipper Tools file functions
 STRFILE()    Writes a string to a file
 TEMPFILE()   Creates a file for temporary use
 TRUENAME()   Standardizes the path designation
 VOLSERIAL()  Determines the DOS disk serial number
 VOLUME()     Establishes a volume label for a floppy or hard disk

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