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 Returns bit-coded information about available video modes

     VIDEOTYPE() --> nVideoBitMode


     VIDEOTYPE() returns a value that reveals the bit codes for available
     video modes.


     This function returns bit-coded information about which video modes are
     available.  If needed, you can set more bits.  A HERCULES adapter is
     also a monochrome adapter; and a VGA card can emulate many different
     modes.  The following codes are used:

     Table 6-6: Coding of Screen Modes
     Bit     Definition
     1       Monochrome adapter
     2       CGA adapter
     3       HERCULES adapter
     4       MCGA adapter
     5       PGA adapter
     6       EGA adapter
     7       GA adapter

     Since different cards imitate several modes, the following values are
     usually returned:

     Table 6-7: Grouping of Screen Modes
     Value   Symb. constants     Definition
     1       VCARD_MONOCHROME    Monochrome adapter
     2       VCARD_CGA           CGA adapter
     5       VCARD_HERCULES      HERCULES, also emulates monochrome
     10      VCARD_MCGA          MCGA, also emulates CGA
     19      VCARD_PGA           PGA, also emulates CGA and monochrome
     55      VCARD_EGA           EGA, emulates all those previously
                                 mentioned, except MCGA
     127     VCARD_VGA           VGA, emulates all those previously mentioned


     .  The information presented here assumes absolute hardware


     .  Is it a VGA card?

        IF ISBIT(VIDEOTYPE(), 7)

     .  Is CGA mode available?

        IF ISBIT(VIDEOTYPE(), 2)

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