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 Mixes characters and attributes of a screen

     SCREENMIX(<cCharacterstring>, <cAttrString>,
        [<nRow>], [<nColumn>]) -->cNull


     <cCharacterstring>  Designates the a string to use.

     <cAttrString>  Designates which attributes to mix with the
     characters in the <cCharacterstring>.

     <nRow>  Designates the starting line of the output.  The default is
     the cursor line.

     <nColumn>  Designates the starting column of the output.  The
     default is the cursor column.


     SCREENMIX() always returns a null string.


     SCREENMIX() allows you to combine two character strings --
     <cCharacterstring> which contains characters, and <cAttrString> which
     contains attributes.  You can mix them together and output the resulting
     character string directly to the screen.  This assigns the first
     attribute of <cAttrString> to the first character in <cCharacterstring>,
     and so on.  The first character is displayed in the color determined by
     the first attribute.  The <nRow> and <nColumn> parameters determine the
     first line and column for the output.


     .  If the parameters for line and column (<nRow> and <nColumn>)
        are not specified, the output begins at the current cursor position.


     .  The following two character strings determine the text and
        attribute to output with SCREENMIX().  The first "1" is red on white
        (116) and the help text is blue on white (113):

        cCharacter: = "1Help"
        cAttribute: = CHR(116) + REPLICATE(CHR(113), 5)

     .  Show output at the current cursor position:

        SCREENMIX(cCharacter, cAttribute)

     .  Show output at line 24 at the cursor column:

        SCREENMIX(cCharacter, cAttribute, 24)

     .  Show output at line 24, column 0:

        SCREENMIX(cCharacter, cAttribute, 24, 0)

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson