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 Switches between monochrome and color screen

     MONISWITCH() --> lSwitched


     When the switching is successful, MONISWITCH() returns .T.; otherwise,
     it returns false .F..


     Today's IBM standard PC permit the simultaneous use of a monochrome card
     and CGA, EGA, or VGA color adapters because their screen memory base
     addresses do not conflict with each other.

     You could also use MONISWITCH() to switch back and forth between screens
     from within a CA-Clipper application.  ISCOLOR() determines which screen
     is currently in use.

     CA-Clipper Tools does not just offer the simple capability to switch
     between two screens.  Two totally independent video systems are used
     internally and all of the accompanying settings that go with them are
     saved when you switch.  In addition, there are two window systems that
     can display up to 256 windows per screen at one time.


     .  When you first switch, the selected screen is both initialized
        and cleared at the same time.  All subsequent switches retain all
        screen information.


     .  The "*" is switched from monochrome and output on the color
        screen in a loop:

        FOR I = 1 TO 79
           ?? "*"
        NEXT I

     .  Since an uneven loop counter was used in the example on the
        previous page, the adapter used when you started will not be selected
        after execution.  Use ISCOLOR() to determine the selected adapter:

        ? ISCOLOR()                     // .T., when color screen selected

     .  The following example shows how the current value for two
        screen adapters is determined.  With the double exchange, the current
        selection is retained:

        ? MONISWITCH(MONISWITCH())      // When .T., 2 screen adapters

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson