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 Installing CA-Clipper Tools


     CA-Clipper Tools was designed for use with the CA-Clipper compiler.
     Therefore it should only be used on IBM PC/XTs, PC/ATs, or completely
     compatible systems.  The screen functions may not work on a system where
     a modified CA-Clipper driver module has been used.  (The string
     functions, on the other hand, are generally hardware independent.)

     CA-Clipper Tools requires PC-DOS or MS-DOS, version 2.10 or higher, but
     some functions work with system calls which are not supported until
     PC/MS-DOS version 3.1 or higher.  This applies, for example, to network
     functions: if you work with network functions under a DOS version
     earlier than 3.1, the functions will not work properly.

     We cannot guarantee that CA-Clipper Tools will work under any operating
     system other than PC-DOS or MS-DOS.

 Installation Program

     CA-Clipper Tools is supplied with an installation program, located on
     Disk 1.  To install CA-Clipper Tools, perform the following steps:

     .  Insert Disk 1 in drive A

     .  Type A: and press Return to change the default drive to A

     .  Type INSTALL and press Return to start the installation

     The installation procedure is self-explanatory.  You will be prompted to
     insert other disks as the installation program needs them.  (Some of the
     files are compressed; therefore you cannot use the DOS COPY command to
     copy them to your hard disk.  You must use the installation program.)

     When the installation is complete, read the READ.ME file (located on
     disk 1) to learn about any last minute changes or enhancements.


     CA-Clipper Tools is generally compatible with previous versions, but
     there are some deviations.  If you require full compatibility for
     existing applications developed under CA-Clipper S'87, you must link in
     the #include file CT.CH.  Notice, however, that we do not recommend this
     procedure for development of new applications.

     As CA-Clipper develops, some of the functions in previous versions of
     the CA-Clipper Tools program are no longer meaningful.  These functions
     remain unchanged in CA-Clipper Tools to avoid problems during the
     compilation of existing applications, but they have been flagged with
     asterisks (*) at the function name.  Again, we do not recommend that you
     use these functions to develop new applications.


     All of the CA-Clipper Tools functions are described in detail in this
     four-volume Reference Guide.  To allow you to find the function you need
     in a particular situation, the Reference Guide is divided into chapters.
     Each chapter presents a group of functions that serve a particular
     purpose, such as date functions, database functions, or system
     functions.  Each function is then described in detail on a separate
     page.  Appendixes provide keyboard tables, DOS error codes, and Novell
     network error codes.

     A Quick Reference Guide gives the complete syntax and a short
     description of every function.  In this booklet, the functions are
     organized in alphabetical order for quick reference.  A chapter and page
     number tells you where to look in this four-volume Reference Guide for a
     complete description of the function.

     The CA-Clipper Tools software contains a text retrieval system that lets
     you search online for the expression you need.  This text retrieval
     system finds the appropriate function for your purpose in seconds --
     even if you don't know what that function is -- and provides complete
     documentation on that function online.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson