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 Determines the number of tokens in a string

        --> nNumber


     <cString>  Designates the string that is passed.

     <cDelimiter>  Designates the delimiter list used by the passer.

     <nSkipWidth>  Designates after what number of delimiter characters
     or sequences to count a token.  This is helpful for counting empty
     tokens.  The default value indicates that empty tokens are not taken
     into account.


     The number of tokens contained in the <cString> is returned.


     Use NUMTOKEN() to determine how many words (or tokens) are contained in
     the character string.  The function uses the following list of
     delimiters as a standard:

     CHR 32, 0, 9, 10, 13, 26, 32, 138, 141

     and the characters ,.;:!?/\<<>>()^#&%+-*

     The list can be replaced by your own list of delimiters, <cDelimiter>.
     Here are some examples of useful delimiters:

     Table 4-3: Recommended Delimiter Sequences
     Description         <cDelimiter>
     Pages               CHR(12)(Form Feed)
     Sentences           ".!?"
     File Names          ":\."
     Numerical strings   ",."
     Date strings        "/."
     Time strings        ":."

     The skip value designates the number of characters after which a token
     is counted again.  This also allows empty tokens, like blanks within a
     string, to be counted.


     .  A character string is searched using the standard delimiter

        ? NUMTOKEN("Good Morning!")      // Result: 2

     .  Your own list of delimiters can be specified for particular
        reasons.  Since the delimiter list for the following example only
        contains the characters ".!?", the result is 3.

        ? NUMTOKEN("Yes!  That's it. Maybe not?", ".!?")

     .  This example shows how to count empty tokens.  Parameters
        separated by commas are counted, but some of the parameters are
        skipped.  A token is counted after at least one delimiter (comma):

        String  :=  "one,two,,four"
        ? NUMTOKEN(String, ", ", 1)      // Result: 4

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson