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 Counts the number of occurrences of a sequence within a string

     NUMAT(<cSearchFor>,<cString>,[<nIgnore>]) --> nNumber


     <cSearchFor>  Designates the search string.

     <cString>  Designates the string to search.

     <nIgnore>  Designates the number of characters that are excluded
     from the search.  The default value ignores none.


     The function returns a value that specifies how frequently the
     <cSearchFor> sequence was found in the <cString>.


     NUMAT() determines how often a particular <cSearchFor> appears within
     <cString>.  When you use <nIgnore> you can lock out a number of
     characters at the beginning of the <cString> and keep them out of the

     The setting for CSETATMUPA() impacts your results.  The character string
     is searched from the left for each occurrence of the <cSearchFor>
     string.  If CSETATMUPA() is .F., then the search continues after the
     last character of the found sequence. If CSETATMUPA() is .T., then the
     search continues after the first character of the found sequence.


     .  By implementing SETATLIKE(), wildcard characters can be used
        within the search expression.


     .  Count from the first position:

        ? NUMAT("ab", "abcdeabc")            // Result: 2

     .  Count from the second position.  <nIgnore> specifies that one
        space is to be skipped:

        ? NUMAT("ab", "abcdeabc", 1)         // Result: 1

     .  This example shows the impact of CSETATMUPA() when counting
        the string "aa" within the <cString> string:

        CSETATMUPA(.F.)                      // Off
        ? NUMAT("aa", "aaaab")               // Result: 2

        CSETATMUPA(.T.)                      // On
        ? NUMAT("aa", "aaaab")               // Result: 3

     .  Examples for the use of SETATLIKE() can be found under the
        corresponding function description.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson