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 Introduction Window Functions
 WACLOSE()    Closes all windows
 WBOARD()     Allocates allowable screen area for windows
 WBOX()       Places a frame around the active window
 WCENTER()    Returns a window to the visible screen area, or centers it
 WCLOSE()     Closes the active window
 WCOL()       Returns position of the leftmost column of the active window
 WFCOL()      Returns position of leftmost column of formatted area of window
 WFLASTCOL()  Returns position of rightmost col of formatted area of a window
 WFLASTROW()  Returns position of bottom row of formatted area of a window
 WFORMAT()    Determines the usable area within a window
 WFROW()      Returns position of top row of the formatted area of a window
 WLASTCOL()   Returns position of the rightmost column of the active window
 WLASTROW()   Returns the position of the bottom row of the active window
 WMODE()      Turns the screen border overstep mode on or off
 WMOVE()      Moves a window
 WNUM()       Determines the highest window handle
 WOPEN()      Opens a new window
 WROW()       Returns the position of the top row of the active window
 WSELECT()    Activates one of the open windows
 WSETMOVE()   Turns the interactive movement mode on or off
 WSETSHADOW() Sets the window shadow colors
 WSTEP()      Determines the step width of interactive window movement

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson