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 CA-Clipper Compiler--CLIPPER.EXE
 Compiles one or more program files (.prg) containing procedures and user-
 defined functions to form an object file (.OBJ).

     CLIPPER [<sourceFile> | @<scriptFile> [<option list>]]


     <sourceFile> is the name of the program file to compile to an object
     file.  If no extension is specified, (.prg) is assumed.  The filename
     can optionally include a drive designator and a path reference.

     <scriptFile> is the name of an ASCII text file containing a list of
     source files to compile into a single object file.  The default
     extension for this file is (.clp).

     <option list> is a list of one or more options to control the course
     of the compilation, all of which are described below.  To get a list of
     options, specify the compiler command line with no arguments.

 Compiler Options

     All options are shown in uppercase preceded by a slash (/).  Note,
     however, that options are not case-sensitive and that you can replace
     the slash with a dash (-) if you prefer.

     Some compiler options have arguments.  If an option has arguments,
     specify them after the option, with no space between the option and
     its first argument.


     Declares any variable included in a PRIVATE, PUBLIC, or PARAMETERS
     statement as MEMVAR.


     Includes debugging information in the object file.


     Defines an identifier to the preprocessor with <text> assigned to the
     <identifier> if specified.


     Specifies the severity level of warnings.

     If <severityLevel> is 0 or omitted, the compiler does not set the DOS
     ERRORLEVEL upon exit if warnings are encountered.  This is the default
     behavior of the compiler.

     If <severityLevel> is 1, the compiler sets the DOS ERRORLEVEL upon exit
     if warnings are encountered but still generates an .OBJ file.

     If <severityLevel> is 2, the compiler sets the DOS ERRORLEVEL upon exit
     if warnings are encountered and does not generate an .OBJ file.  This
     effectively promotes warnings to error status.


     Adds the specified directory to the front of the INCLUDE path list.
     Multiple /I options can be specified in the same compiler session to
     specify several header file search directories.


     Excludes the program source code line numbers from the object file.


     Compiles only the current program file (.prg) suppressing automatic
     search for program files (.prg) referenced in a program file with the
     DO, SET FORMAT, and SET PROCEDURE commands.


     Suppresses the automatic definition of a procedure with the same name as
     the program file (.prg).


     Defines the name and/or location of the output object file.


     Preprocesses the program file (.prg) and copying the result to an output
     file with a (.ppo) extension.


     Prevents line numbers from displaying while compiling.


     Embeds a library search request in the object file.  If /R is specified
     without <libFile> name, the default requests for CLIPPER.LIB,
     EXTEND.LIB, DBFNTX.LIB, and TERMINAL.LIB are suppressed.  Multiple /R
     options can be specified in the same compiler session to embed more
     than one library request.


     Checks the syntax of the current (.prg) file and no object file is


     Specifies a different directory for temporary files generated during


     Identifies an alternate standard header file to preprocess in place of
     the supplied STD.CH which is used automatically.


     Forces the compiler to assume all references to undeclared or unaliased
     variable names are public or private variables.


     Generates warning messages for undeclared or unaliased (ambiguous)
     variable references.


     Suppresses shortcutting optimizations on the logical operators .AND. and
     .OR.  This option is provided as an aid to isolating code that depends
     on the behavior of older versions of CA-Clipper.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson