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 CA-Clipper Protected Mode Linker--EXOSPACE.EXE
 Combines objects files (.OBJ) with library files (.LIB) to form a protected-
 mode executable file (.EXE).

     EXOSPACE [@<lnkFile>] [<command list>]


     If you specify no arguments, CA-Clipper/Exospace displays a brief help

     <lnkFile> is the name of an ASCII text file called a script file
     from which the linker takes some or all of its input.  If you specify
     the file without an extension, .LNK is assumed.  You can optionally
     specify a drive designator and/or a path reference for the script file.

     You can use script files to automate linker sessions that you tend to
     repeat and sessions that are too long to enter from the command line--
     the DOS command line limit of 128 characters may be too restrictive for
     some linker sessions, necessitating the use of a script file.

     The only rule governing the format of a script file is that it contain
     valid linker commands.  You need not place the commands one to a line.
     The new line character, like a space or a Tab, is considered to be white
     space.  Therefore, if a command will not fit on one line, continue it on
     a new line by pressing Enter--no continuation character is necessary.

     The # character designates a comment.  When encountered, the rest of the
     line is ignored.

     You can nest script files using the @<lnkFile> syntax within a script
     file.  The named script file is read and executed by CA-Clipper/Exospace
     in its entirety.  When it terminates, control returns to the current
     script file.

     <command list> is a list of linker commands separated by spaces.
     Linker commands on the command line either override or augment the same
     commands in a script file.  For example, a FILE command on the command
     line adds to any FILE commands in the script file, while an OUTPUT
     command overrides any OUTPUT commands in the script file.  See Linker
     Commands below for details on the syntax and behavior of specific

     To invoke the linker, you must specify at least one FILE command to tell
     CA-Clipper/Exospace which object files you want to link.  You can
     specify this command either on the command line or in a script file.  If
     you attempt to invoke CA-Clipper/Exospace with command line arguments
     and do not specify a FILE command, the linker session will result in an

 Linker Commands

     This section provides a brief description of all the CA-Clipper/Exospace
     commands.  You can specify commands on the CA-Clipper/Exospace command
     line or in a script file.  The commands are not case-sensitive, and you
     can specify them in whatever order you want.  The only command that is
     required to link is the FILE command--all others are optional.


     Specifies that you are linking a CA-Clipper 5.01 or 5.01a application.


     Specifies the environment variable to use for application runtime


     Causes runtime configuration environment settings to override .EXE


     Hard-codes default runtime configuration settings in the .EXE.  See SET
     CLIPPER for details about available settings and syntax.  In addition to
     the settings listed there, the following additional settings are
     available for controlling the CA-Clipper/Exospace protected-mode VM

     LOWMEM:<nKBytes>--Sets the amount of low DOS memory to reserve for
     allocation by third-party libraries for interrupt routines.  The default
     is 0.  Ignore this unless your third-party library documentation
     specifically recommends that you set it.

     MAXMEM:<nKBytes>--Sets the maximum amount of physical memory to use
     before swapping to disk.  The default is 8096 KB, which is ample for
     most applications. In a task switching environment, you may want to
     lower this value.

     MINMEM:<nKBytes>--Sets the minimum amount of physical memory that must
     be available to run the program.  If there is not enough memory
     available, an error message is generated and the application returns to
     DOS.  The default is 1024 KB, which is the recommended minimum.

     VMSIZE:<nKBytes>--Sets the amount of virtual memory the VM system should
     provide.  The default is 8096 KB, which is ample for most applications.


     Creates an .EXE even if errors occur during linking.

     EXOSPACE PACKAGE <package list>

     Causes specified protected-mode support packages to be included in the
     .EXE.  The following packages are available--use one or more in a comma-
     separated list:

     8514--Specifies the IBM 8514 Display Adapter.  Allows direct calls from
     protected mode, with no mode switching.

     DOS25--Specifies the Absolute Disk Read/Write compatibility package.
     Services INT 25h and 26h.

     INT10--Specifies the Video BIOS compatibility package. Services INT 10h.

     IPX--Specifies the IPX/SPX compatibility package for Novell Networks.
     Services INT 7Ah.

     IPXCT--Specifies the compatibility package for CA-Clipper Tools.

     NET5C--Specifies the NETBIOS compatibility package.  Replaces
     NETBIOS?.OBJ.  Services INT 5Ch.

     NOVM--Disables the CA-Clipper/Exospace VM system.  The resulting
     application will run only on systems that have sufficient RAM to contain
     the application's entire .EXE and all its data.


     Sets the stack size of an application in terms of maximum procedure call

     FILE <objFile list>

     Specifies one or more object files to be linked in a comma-separated

     LIBRARY <libFile list>

     Specifies one or more library files to search during linking in a comma-
     separated list.

     MAP [=<mapFile>] [<mapOption list>]

     Causes a map to be generated.  By default, the map file will have the
     same name as the resulting .EXE file.  The available map options are as
     follows--use one or more in a comma-separated list:

     A--Public symbols sorted by address

     N--Public symbols sorted by name

     S--Segments with assigned addresses

     MODULE <moduleName> FROM <libName>

     Searches for named module in specified library only.


     Does not search default libraries.

     OUTPUT <exeFile>

     Specifies the name of the executable file to be generated.  If not
     specified, the first filename encountered on the CA-Clipper/Exospace
     command line (either object or script) is used, but with an .EXE

     STACK <sizeBytes>

     Sets the stack size of an application in decimal bytes.  The value you
     specify can be any positive number up to 65,535.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson