[About The Guide]
TopBarMenu -- Overview
Class Function
TopBar() Create a new TopBarMenu object
Exported Instance Variables
cargo User-definable variable
colorSpec Indicates colors used by the top bar menu's display() method
current Numeric value indicating which item is selected
itemCount Numeric value indicating total number of items in TopBarMenu
left Numeric value indicating the top bar menu's leftmost column
right Numeric value indicating the top bar menu's rightmost column
row Numeric value indicating row where the top bar menu appears
Exported Methods
addItem() Appends a new item to a top bar menu
delItem() Removes an item from a top bar menu
display() Shows a top bar menu and its items on the screen
getFirst() Determines position of the first selectable item in a menu
getItem() Accesses a MenuItem object after it has been added to a menu
getLast() Determines position of the last selectable item in a menu
getNext() Determines position of the next selectable item in a menu
getPrev() Determines position of previous selectable item in a menu
getAccel() Determines if a key press is interpreted as a user request
hitTest() Indicates position of mouse cursor relative to menu
insItem() Inserts a new item in a top bar menu
select() Changes the selected item
setItem() Replaces a MenuItem object after it has been added to a menu
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Written by Dave Pearson