[About The Guide]
Overview -- Protected Mode Linker
VMM Error Messages
Loader Errors
[5102] could not allocate transparent seg
[5105] no available VM memory
[5108] too many spawned programs
[5110] VM loader error
[5111] VM disk error
Startup and Runtime Messages
[5004] can't allocate special seg
[5005] can't allocate VM info
[5010] memory free
[5011] execute prog failure
[5251] insufficient memory
[5253] can't allocate VM tables
[5254] insufficient DOS memory
[5255] VM memory allocation error
[5257] can't create swap file: <filename>
[5258] not enough disk space for swapping required bytes: #bytes
[5302] swap out
[5303] incomplete swap out
[5305] swap in
[5306] incomplete swap in
[5310] codefile seek
[5311] codefile read
[5312] moveseg
[5313] moveseg 2
[5314] vmFree
[5315] user exit (swap out)
[5316] user exit (segment fault)
[5317] insufficient virtual memory
[5318] DOS memory error
[5319] not enough disk space
[5391] out of memory
DOS/16M Messages
Kernel Error Messages
0: "Involuntary switch to real mode"
1: "Insufficient memory (extended)"
2: "%s is not a DOS/16M executable" (filename)
3: "No DOS memory for transparent segment"
4: "Unable to make transparent segment"
5: Obsolete
6: "Insufficient memory to load program"
7: "Relocation tables required"
8: "Cannot open file %s" (filename)
9: Obsolete
10: Obsolete
11: Obsolete
12: Obsolete
13: Obsolete
14: "Premature EOF"
15: "Protected mode requires 80286 or superset"
16: "Unable to run under OS/2"
17: "System software is neither VCPI nor DPMI"
18: "Machine type requires ext memory range (SET DOS16M=)"
20: "Unsupported machine type %s (SET DOS16M= )" (machine_type)
21: "Requires DOS 3.0 or later"
22: Obsolete
23: Obsolete
24: Obsolete
25: "Unable to initialize VCPI"
26: "8042 timeout"
28: "Free memory list corrupt"
29: Obsolete
31: "Protected mode already in use in this DPMI virtual -machine"
35: Various exceptions
General protection fault in <module> at <address> Exception...
Page Fault <linear address>
Invalid Opcode Exception 06h occurred.
Unexpected Interrupt <interrupt number>
38: "HIMEM.SYS version < 2"
CA-Clipper/Exospace Linker Error Messages
4001: Command line syntax error on argument <arg number> <"text">...
4002: Invalid library directory format (Fatal)
4003: Unable to process Microsoft Link command stream (Fatal)
4004: Don't know Microsoft Link command <name> (Serious)
4005: Bad small block allocation (Internal)
4007: Can't find default library (Serious)
4008: Can't find indicated file (Serious)
4009: <Segment(text)>: Can't find named segment (Warning)
4010: Unable to load library object <obj_name> (Fatal)
4013: Can't open indicated file. (Serious)
4014: Unable to process file (Serious)
4025: Invalid record type <nn> at file offset <0xnnnn>. (Warning)
4028: Insufficient memory. Program aborted. Try GLUV. (Fatal)
4029: Multiple definition of <symbol> from file <name> (Symbol...
4030: Attempt to re-assign segment <segment_name> in group <group>...
4032: No specified files found to link. (Fatal)
4034: Not enough file handles to perform link (Fatal)
4036: Can't open output file (Fatal)
4037: No more space for library symbol tables (Fatal)
4038: File read error. Position: <where>, Size: <read_length> (Fatal)
4039: Segment <segment_name> is greater than 64KB in length (Serious)
4040: Stack size override less than computed stack length (Warning)
4041: Syntax error, command line argument <argument> (Fatal)
4042: Unknown file type (Fatal)
4045: Total: <number> unresolved symbols (Symbol definition)
4046: Unsupported fixup type found (Warning)
4047: Current and previous file versions inconsistent (Serious)
4049: Invalid seg record <segname> from module -<module_name>...
4050: Error reading command script file (Serious)
4052: Unable to read <library_name>, invalid library format -(Fatal)
4053: Object file contains too many <class> records (Fatal)
4054: Too many relocation selectors (Fatal)
4055: Insufficient disk space. Program aborted. (Fatal)
4056: Abort error level exceeded (Fatal)
4057: Premature end of file encountered, file ignored (Serious)
4058: Bad memory free operation (Internal)
4060: Multiple starting addresses found. Address from -<module>...
4061: No starting address found (Serious)
4063: Bad symbol table vector. (Fatal)
4067: Out of memory. Last module processed = <modulename>. -(Serious)
4080: Segment <name> already assigned to group <name> (Warning)
4081: Segment <name> definition inconsistent with group <name>...
4085: FILE: <file> Line <line> Incomplete symbol type list (Serious)
4087: Illegal index field in fixup (Serious)
4089: Can't read/write relocation temp file. (Possibly insufficient...
4090: Can't open relocation file
4091: Conflicting alias of <symbol> from <file> (Symbol -definition)
4092: Conflicting weak linkage of <symbol> from <file> (Symbol...
Not a DOS/16M Executable
Extended Memory Not Available
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Written by Dave Pearson