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     This section is a summary of error messages possible when using RMAKE,
     the CA-Clipper make utility.  The messages are divided into categories
     according to severity and the point in the make process where the error
     occurs.  Each category is described below, followed by a listing of all
     messages in each category.  For specific information on the syntax and
     operation of RMAKE, refer to the "Program Maintenance--RMAKE.EXE"
     chapter in the Programming and Utilities Guide.

 RMAKE Warnings

     RMAKE warnings indicate potential errors in the make file but do not
     prevent the make process from continuing.  The DOS return code is
     unaffected by warnings.

     The general format of an RMAKE warning message is as follows:

     <filename>(<line>) Warning RMAKE/R1xxx <message text>
        [: <symbol>]

     If the warning is not associated with a particular line of a make file,
     no filename or line number is displayed.  Unless the /W option is
     specified, RMAKE does not display any warning messages.

 RMAKE Execution Errors

     RMAKE results in an execution error if any program executed as an action
     in a make file results in a DOS return code other than zero.  RMAKE sets
     the DOS return code to 1 after an execution error and, unless the /I
     option was specified, terminates the make run.

     The general format of an RMAKE execution error message is as follows:

     <filename>(<line>) Error RMAKE/R2xxx Exit <n>:
        <command line text>

     The exit number indicates the DOS return code of the indicated command
     line in the make file.

 RMAKE Fatal Errors

     Fatal error messages identify serious make file problems from which
     RMAKE cannot recover.  Fatal errors may occur during either the parse or
     the make phase.  After a fatal error, RMAKE terminates the make run and
     sets the DOS return code to 1.

     The general format of a fatal error message is as follows:

     <filename>(<line>) Fatal RMAKE/R3xxx <message text>
        [: <symbol>]

     If the error is not associated with a particular line of a make file, no
     file name or line number is displayed.

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