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 Overview -- RMAKE Errors
 RMAKE Warning Messages

 R1001        Ignoring redefinition of command-line macro
 R1002        Target does not exist: '<file>'
 R1003        Ignoring text: '<text>'
 RMAKE Execution Error Messages

 R2001        Exit n: '<action line>'
 RMAKE Fatal Error Messages

 R3001        Too many make files
 R3002        Can't open: '<file>'
 R3003        Invalid option: '<option>'
 R3004        Out of memory
 R3005        Internal workspace exhausted
 R3006        Symbol table exhausted
 R3007        String too large
 R3008        String table exhausted
 R3009        File table exhausted
 R3010        Too many actions
 R3011        Too many dependencies
 R3012        Syntax error: '<token>'
 R3013        Unbalanced parentheses
 R3014        #else without if
 R3015        #endif without if
 R3016        Open conditionals
 R3017        Unrecognized directive: '<directive>'
 R3018        Dependency does not exist: '<file>'
 R3019        Circular dependency
 R3020        Environment overflows workspace
 R3021        Error in redirection
 R3022        Can't execute '<action line>'

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson