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DBFNTX/1210 Corruption detected
Explanation: The index and the database files are "out of sync"
with each other. This is usually due to the index key expression
evaluating to a variable length.
Action: Some suggestions to resolve the problem are:
1. Recreate the indices for the database. Ensure that all indices are
open when the database is updated. Check for other causes of
corruption as well (EMS memory, network problems, improper RDD,
2. Check that ALL index key expressions are a constant length. Usage of
LTRIM(), RTRIM(), TRIM(), ALLTRIM(), STR(), DTOC() can all produce
expressions that are not a constant length. The xTRIM() functions
should all be padded out to a constant width using PADR().
3. Use all 3 arguments to STR().
4. Use DTOS() instead of DTOC() in index key expressions. DTOC() is
dependent upon the SET DATE FORMAT.
5. Using a field or expression aliased into a different work area will
also cause this error--e.g., area2->field1 or area2->( str( fld1, 5,
0 ) ).
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Written by Dave Pearson