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 1106:   not enough real memory to link

     Explanation:  This message indicates that Blinker could not allocate
     enough real (DOS) memory to continue the link.  Blinker has a link-time
     virtual memory system that can use EMS (3.2 and higher), XMS (2.0 and
     higher) memory (or disk space) when conventional DOS memory is fully
     allocated.  However, Blinker still requires a certain amount of
     conventional DOS memory to complete the link cycle.

     Action:  To make more memory available, either remove one or more
     TSRs currently resident, run Blinker from outside a make utility, or
     reduce the number of buffers specified in the CONFIG.SYS.  Reducing the
     number of SECTION INTO and SEARCH commands will also reduce the memory
     needed at link time.

     See also:  The Linker Reference Commands section in the "CA-Clipper
     Real Mode Linker--BLINKER.EXE" chapter of the Programming and Utilities

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson