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 Picture Codes

 Say Picture Functions
 B  Display numbers left-justified    | X  Display DB after negative numbers
 C  Display CR after positive numbers | Z  Display zeros as blanks
 D  Display date in SET DATE format   | (  Enclose negative numbers in parens
 E  Display date in British format    | !  Convert alpha characters to upper
 R  Insert non-template characters    |

 Say Picture Template Symbols
 A  Display digits for any data type  | !  Convert alpha character to upper
 N   "                                | $  Display dollar sign instead of
 X   "                                |    leading space in a numeric
 9   "                                | *  Display asterisk instead of
 #   "                                |    leading space in a numeric
 L  Display logicals as "T" or "F"    | .  Specify a decimal point position
 Y  Display logicals as "Y" or "N"    | ,  Specify a comma position

 Get Picture Functions
 A     C     Allow only alpha characters
 B     N     Display numbers left-justified
 C     N     Display CR after positive numbers
 D     D,N   Display dates in SET DATE format
 E     D,N   Display dates with day and month inverted
             independent of the current DATE SETting,
             numerics with comma and period reverse
 K     All   Delete default text if first key is not a cursor key
 R     C     Insert non-template characters in the display but do not
             save in the Get variable
 S<n>  C     Allows horizontal scrolling within a Get.  <n> is an integer
             that specifies the width of the region
 X     N     Display DB after negative numbers
 Z     N     Display zero as blanks
 (     N     Display negative numbers in parentheses with leading spaces
 )     N     Display negative numbers in parentheses without leading spaces
 !     C     Convert alphabetic character to upper case

 Get Picture Template Symbols 
 A    Allow only alphabetic characters
 N    Allow only alphabetic and numeric characters
 X    Allow any character
 9    Allow digits for any data type including sign for numerics
 #    Allow digits, signs and spaces for any data type
 L    Allow only T, F, Y or N
 Y    Allow only Y or N
 !    Convert alphabetic character to upper case
 $    Display a dollar sign in place of a leading space in a numeric
 *    Display an asterisk in place of a leading space in a numeric
 .    Display a decimal point
 ,    Display a comma

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson