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 Post a NIL return value
 C Prototype

     #include "extend.api"
     void _ret(void)


     _ret() has no return value.


     _ret() posts a NIL value into CA-Clipper's return value area.  When your
     Extend routine returns control to the calling CA-Clipper program, the
     posted value becomes the CA-Clipper return value of your Extend routine.

     Note:  None of the following _ret functions return control to
     CA-Clipper.  The _ret functions only post a return value to be used by
     CA-Clipper as the Extend routines return value.  This does not happen
     until the Extend routine actually returns control in whatever manner is
     normal for that language (e.g., the return statement in C).


     .  From C:


     .  From Assembly language:

        EXTRN __ret:FAR
              call   __ret

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Extend.api.

See Also: _retc() _retds() _retl() _retnd() _retni() _retnl()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson