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 Obtain a long term lock on a VM segment
 C Prototype

     #include "vm.api"
     FARP _xvwire(
                   HANDLE hSegment


     hSegment is the VM segment handle returned by _xvalloc().


     _xvwire() returns a far pointer to the base of the locked VM segment, or
     a NULL pointer, if the segment pointer is not valid (i.e., does not
     represent an allocated segment).


     _xvwire() moves a segment to the low end of VM swap space and locks it,
     preventing the segment from being moved or swapped.  Locking a VM
     segment allows access to it through a standard far pointer.

     VM segments locked by _xvwire() must be unlocked by _xvunwire().

     Warning!  Segments that you lock with _xvlock() may be placed in the
     middle of the swap space.  Thus, if you hold the lock for a long period
     of time, the swap space can become fragmented, reducing the size of the
     largest contiguous memory block available.

     _xvwire(), on the other hand, moves the locked segment to the lowest
     possible position within the swap space.  Thus, if you use _xvwire() to
     lock a segment for a long period of time, you avoid fragmentation.

     Note:  You may lock VM segment more than once.  For each segment,
     the VMM system maintains a lock count (_xvlockcount()), which is
     incremented each time you lock the segment and decremented each time you
     unlock the segment.  A segment is not physically unlocked until its lock
     count is zero.


     .  _xvwire() vs. _xvlock():  The question of when to use _xvwire() and
        when to use _xvlock() is one of efficiency.  _xvlock() is faster at
        locking segments, but you must unlock the segments relatively quickly
        or they will inhibit the VMM system.

        _xvwire() is slower at locking segments, but you can maintain the
        segment locks for a long period of time.  This gives functions access
        to the wired segment without having to lock it.

        A good example of the need for _xvwire() is a serial communications
        buffer.  The initialization routine is not affected by the extra time
        it takes to wire a segment, but the ISR for the communications port
        needs instant access to memory and, thus, cannot afford to wait for a
        segment to be locked.

     .  Error conditions:  If the segment cannot be loaded into conventional
        memory because of insufficient VM swap space, the system raises an
        internal error and halts.


     .  This example allocates a segment with _xvalloc() and locks it
        with _xvwire().  After a string is copied into the segment, it is
        unlocked and freed.

        // CA-Clipper include files
        #include "extend.api"
        #include "vm.api"

        // Microsoft C include files
        #include "string.h"

        // Prototypes
        Boolean VMWireExSetup(char * spSrc);
        void VMWireExExit(void);

        static HANDLE hSegment;
        static char * spString = NULL;

        Boolean VMWireExSetup(char * spSrc)
           Boolean bResult = FALSE;

           if (hSegment = _xvalloc(strlen(spSrc) + 1, 0))
              spString = _xvwire(hSegment);
              if (spString != NULL)
                 strcpy(spString, spSrc);

                 bResult = TRUE;



           return (bResult);

        void VMWireExExit(void)
            // Clean up if anything was allocated
           if (spString)

              spString = NULL;



 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Vm.api.

See Also: _xvalloc() _xvfree() _xvlock() _xvlockcount() _xvunwire()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson