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 Free allocated memory
 C Prototype

     #include "fm.api"
     void _xfree(
                  void far * vlpMem


     vlpMem is a far pointer to memory allocated with _xalloc() or


     _xfree() has no return value.


     _xfree() releases memory allocated by _xalloc() or _xgrab().  Note that
     the pointer returned by _xalloc() or _xgrab() must be passed as the
     argument to _xfree().

     Note:  In Fm.api, _exmback() is defined (using #define) to _xfree()
     to maintain compatibility with Summer '87.


     .  From C:

        char *mem;
        mem = _xgrab(320);

     .  From Assembly language:

        EXTRN __xgrab:FAR
        EXTRN __xfree:FAR
              mov   ax, 320
              push  ax
              call  __xgrab            ; pointer in DX:AX
              add   sp, 2              ; reset stack pointer
              push  dx
              push  ax
              call  __xfree            ; give it right back
              add   sp, 4

 Files  Library is CLIPPER.LIB, header file is Fm.api.

See Also: _xalloc() _xgrab()
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