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 LLG_PALETTE structure
 Structure for palette information

     typedef struct
        WORD      wVersion;
        WORD      wNumEntries;
        LLG_RGB   dwPalEntry[1];
     typedef LLG_PALETTE far * LLG_LPPALETTE;


     wVersion is the version reserved for future use.

     wNumEntries is the number of entries in the palette.

     dwPalEntry is a pointer to an array of LLG_RGB structures--one
     element for each color in the palette.  The palette can consist of 16,
     256, 32 KB, 64 KB, or 16 MB colors, depending on the video mode
     specified using _gModeSet().

 Files   Header file is Llibg.api.

 Used By   _gPalGet(), _gPalSet()

See Also: _gPalGet() _gPalSet()
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