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 Set the color for a particular palette index
 C Prototype

     #include "llibg.api"
     ERRCODE _gRGBColorSet(
                            int iPalNum,
                            DWORD dwColorSet


     iPalNum is the palette index for color, beginning with one (1), that
     you want to define.

     dwColorSet is the color.  The range of valid values is limited to
     the number of colors available in the selected video mode.  For example,
     in 16-color modes, valid values are between zero and 15, and in 256-
     color modes, valid values are between zero and 255.


     SUCCESS if successful; otherwise, an error code.


     _gRGBColorSet() sets a single color for the specified palette.  This
     function is similar to _gPalSet() but instead of setting the entire
     palette, it sets only one color.

 Files   Library is LLIBG.LIB, header file is Llibg.api.

See Also: _gPalSet() _gRGBColorGet()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson