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 Set a specified screen region as an exclusion area
 C Prototype

     #include "llibg.api"
     ERRCODE _gExclSet(
                        LLG_LPRECT lpExclSet,
                        BOOL bIsGraphic


     lpExclSet is a pointer to an LLG_RECT structure that you must
     allocate and initialize prior to calling this function.  _gExclSet()
     uses the members of this structure to set an exclusion area.

     bIsGraphic is a flag that you specify as true (.T.) if the
     coordinates specified in lpExclSet are pixel-based and false (.F.) if
     they are text-based.


     SUCCESS if successful; otherwise, an error code.


     This function is used to prevent output from being displayed in a
     defined region of the screen, such as when you have multiple, cascading
     windows and do not want to write to an area that is currently covered by
     another window.

     Note:  To retrieve information about an existing exclusion area
     without changing it, call _gExclGet().

 Files   Library is LLIBG.LIB, header file is Llibg.api.

See Also: _gExclCountGet() _gExclErase() _gExclGet() LLG_RECT
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