[About The Guide]
_mClipErase() Erase the currently defined mouse clipping region
_mClipGet() Retrieve the mouse clipping region
_mClipSet() Set the mouse clipping region
_mCol() Retrieve the column position of the mouse pointer
_mHide() Hide the mouse pointer
_mPixPos() Set X and Y pixel-based coordinates of the mouse pointer
_mPixX() Retrieve the pixel-based X coordinate of the mouse pointer
_mPixY() Retrieve the pixel-based Y coordinate of the mouse pointer
_mRow() Retrieve the row position of the mouse pointer
_mShow() Display a new mouse pointer at a particular location
_mState() Retrieve the current mouse state
_gBmpDisp() Display bitmap or icon previously loaded with _gBmpLoad()
_gBmpLoad() Load a bitmap (.bmp) or icon (.ico) file into memory
_gClipGet() Retrieve the screen clipping region
_gClipSet() Set the screen clipping region
_gEllipse() Draw an ellipse
_gExclCountGet() Retrieve the number of exclusion areas currently in effect
_gExclErase() Delete all exclusion areas previously defined
_gExclGet() Retrieve an exclusion area
_gExclSet() Set a specified screen region as an exclusion area
_gFntClipGet() Get the clipping region for the active font
_gFntClipSet() Set the clipping region for the active font
_gFntErase() Erase font previously loaded with _gFntLoad() from memory
_gFntGet() Retrieve the active font handle
_gFntLoad() Load a font file into memory
_gFntSet() Set a font previously loaded with _gFntLoad() as active
_gFrame() Draw a frame with a 3-D look
_gLine() Draw a line
_gModeGet() Retrieve parameters for the current video mode
_gModeSet() Switch the video mode
_gPalGet() Retrieve the current color palette
_gPalSet() Set the current color palette
_gPixelGet() Retrieve the color of a specified pixel
_gPixelSet() Draw a pixel
_gPolygon() Draw a polygon
_gRect() Draw a rectangle
_gRGBColorGet() Retrieve the color for a particular palette index
_gRGBColorSet() Set the color for a particular palette index
_gScreenRest() Restore screen region previously saved with _gScreenSave()
_gScreenSave() Save a screen region
_gWriteAt() Draw graphic text without background
LLG_FNTCLIP Structure for font clipping information
LLG_MOUSESTATE Structure for mouse state information
LLG_PALETTE Structure for palette information
LLG_POINT Structure for specifying coordinates of a point
LLG_RECT Structure for screen region information
LLG_RGB Structure for color information
LLG_VIDEOMODE Structure for video mode information
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility.
Written by Dave Pearson