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 Raise a runtime error

     ERRCODE error(
                       AREAP wa,
                       ERRORP error


     wa is a pointer to self.

     error is a pointer to an Error object containing information about
      the runtime error to be generated.  (See the "Error System API
      Reference" chapter for more information.)


     error() raises a CA-Clipper runtime error.

 Default Behavior

     You can use this method to generate a CA-Clipper runtime error.  This
     method creates a CA-Clipper-level error object and passes it to the
     currently posted ERRORBLOCK().  The structure referred to by error
     contains members that are copied into the CA-Clipper error object.

     The return value of the CA-Clipper error system is mirrored in the
     return value of the error() method.  error() returns E_BREAK, E_RETRY,
     or E_DEFAULT, depending on the user's response to the available choices
     as defined in the Error object.  Note that substitution return values
     are not supported in this method.  (See the "Error System API Reference"
     chapter for more information.)

     If a subsystem name is not specified (by a call to _errPutSubSystem()),
     a value is retrieved from sysName().  If sysName() remains unimplemented
     or yields an empty value, "???DRIVER" is used for the subsystem name.

 Implementation Notes

     .  Subclassing or replacing this method is not recommended.

 Files  Header file is Rdd.api.

See Also: AREA sysName()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson