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 Create new order

     ERRCODE orderCreate(
                          AREAP wa,
                          LPDBORDERCREATEINFO lpdbCreateOrderInfo


     wa is a pointer to self.

     lpdbCreateOrderInfo is a pointer to a structure containing
     information for order creation.


     The orderCreate method creates a new order in wa.

 Default Behavior

     You must implement the default behavior of this method through a

 Implementation Notes

     .  Before you create and attach a new order to the work area,
        call goCold().

     .  orderCreate() provides the functionality of the CA-Clipper
        INDEX ON command.  In most implementations, orderCreate() should
        close any currently open orders before creating the new order.  After
        order creation, the closed orders may then be reopened or left
        closed, as dictated by the RDD implementation.

     .  The base ordering procedure requires key evaluation on an
        empty phantom row.  To reposition to a phantom row, perform a
        SELF_GOTO().  See go() for more information.

     Warning!  If you choose to allow orders to remain open during order
     creation, and your implementation provides for scoped or conditional
     orders, keep in mind that future order creations may be affected by such

 Files  Header file is Rdd.api.

See Also: AREA DBORDERCREATEINFO go() orderListRebuild()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson