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 Force relational seeks in the specified work area

     ERRCODE forceRel(
                          AREAP wa


     wa is a pointer to self.


     forceRel() causes any pending relational seeks in the work area
     referenced by wa to be performed immediately.

 Default Behavior

     You must implement the default behavior of this method through a

 Implementation Notes

     .  The ideal implementation for forceRel() would have a pending
        relation structure (DBRELINFO) defined as a part of the subclassed
        AREA structure.  Using this information, forceRel() should ensure
        that the work area buffer is not hot and call SELF_RELEVAL() to
        position the work area.

     .  This is one of the rare instances when wa->fFound should be
        set if the relational move is successful.  While this is not a
        seek(), part of the specification of the CA-Clipper implementation of
        FOUND() is to return TRUE if a relational seek is successful.

 Files  Header file is Rdd.api.

See Also: AREA DBRELINFO relEval()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson