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 Release all references to a work area

     ERRCODE release(
                          AREAP wa


     wa is a pointer to self.


     The release() method releases the work area referenced by wa.

 Default Behavior

     release() releases the work area referenced by wa, and performs the
     following tasks:

     .  Releases memory used by wa->lpFields

     .  Removes the referenced work area from the list of open
        work areas

     .  If the referenced work area is the current work area, the
        current work area symbol is set to NULL

     .  Releases the memory held by the current AREA structure

 Implementation Notes

     .  It is highly recommended that you do not break the inheritance
        chain of release() (i.e., any implementation of release() in your RDD
        should call SUPER_RELEASE()).

 Files  Header file is Rdd.api.

See Also: AREA close() new()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson