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 Reposition cursor relative to current position

     ERRCODE skip(
                       AREAP wa,
                       LONG count


     wa is a pointer to self.

     count is the number of rows to skip.


     skip() skips count number of rows (count may be negative, indicating
     reverse traversal), obeying filter and scope conditions.  This method is
     intended to provide the functionality of the CA-Clipper SKIP command.

 Default Behavior

     The default implementation of skip() calls skipFilter() and skipRaw() to
     successfully navigate the work area.  skip() also sets wa->fTop,
     wa->fBottom, wa->fBof, and wa->fEof, when appropriate.

     Note:  As implemented, skip() may pass a zero (0) value to skipRaw()
     indicating that a COMMIT (flush()) is to be performed.

 Implementation Notes

     .  If an order is attached to your implementation of work area,
        skip() should support this new ordering as well as any condition or
        filtering behavior.

     .  If your RDD supports relations, update them with a forceRel()
        prior to attempting relative movement.

 Files  Header file is Rdd.api.

See Also: AREA flush() forceRel() go() skipFilter() skipRaw()
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson